New Bark Town, Morning
It was a cool spring morning just like many others in the normally sleepy town of New Bark. The bird Pokémon sang in the nearby trees, the morning sun sending soft beams of light of the buildings, and the gentle rustling of leaves echoed throughout the streets. The people walked up and down the streets, talking of local gossip or of the peaceful weather that the town had been blessed with. Though the talk of the town was of course that the champion was visiting, and would be starting his second run-through of the gym challenge.
Despite the peaceful and serene feeling of the town, there was one small exception to this. Near the exit to Route 29 a single gloomy blonde-haired man in dark colored clothes sat hunched over on a nearby bench, his mere presence draining the positive energy surrounding him. Yet in stark contrast, a bright red Blaziken sat next to him, his foot tapping along on the ground to a beat only he could hear, looking this way and that, as if waiting for someone. These were, of course, Champion Isaac, and his companion, Kick. Despite their openness, few dared approach, lest they draw the ire of the known prodigal trainer. Even those who did approach were met by silence and an irritated glare.
At last Isaac let out a gruff sigh as he slumped backwards against the bench. "Damn, I'm really doing this aren't I?" He groaned disdainfully at the nearby Blaziken. "Look, you entertain the kids, and I'll make sure we don't get lost and die or whatever. Capiche?" The Blaziken next to him gave a nod and a small squawk as if to confirm. Looking up towards the blue sky he began to mentally prepare himself for the day, and enjoy the few brief moments of silence and solitude he had left.
The trek from here to Cherrygrove wouldn't be that long, maybe half a day at most if there weren't any bumps along the road. He knew there wasn't anything dangerous there except for a couple of ledges, which he had hoped the trainers he'd be guiding would know better than to fling themselves off of. Either that or try to eat whatever weird berries they find. But it's not like they were literal children or anything right? And there were only going to be like, what, two or three of them? He exhaled one final time as he sat up straight. With any luck they'd be here soon, and could finally get this show on the road.
Interacting with/Mentioning: None