In Tenebris is a sci-fi horror game set in the far future. The themes of the game include exploration, resource management, cooperation, betrayal - and the horrors of deep space.
New players must post a CS in the Character Tab containing the sheet below. Leave it as it is until instructed to fill in the blanks in the IC.
Each post, your character may attempt one Action. You must describe How your character attempts to complete the action. Apart from the Action, your character may Move (walking a short distance in a room or down a hallway, dropping prone or rising from a prone position, climbing a ladder, etc) and Speak (asking or answering a question, stating a fact, shouting a threat or warning, etc). You must wait for feedback on your Actions, Movements, and Speech before posting again. When interacting with the environment or with NPCs, I will provide that feedback. When interacting with other players, they will provide the feedback. If two players perform contradictory Actions (racing to grab an object, attacking or defending) I will provide an outcome based on the descriptions and any relevant information in their CSs.
Possible Actions
- Examine- Your character attempts to identify what a thing is, or how it operates, or if it has qualities beyond what is immediately apparent.
- Use- Your character attempts to manipulate or operate an object.
- Take - Your character attempts to add an object to their Equipment.
- Attack - Your character attempts to use physical force on an object, NPC, or character in order to damage or destroy it.
- Defend - Your character attempts to deflect or evade an attack from the environment, NPC, or character.
- Skill (name of skill) - Your character attempts to use a skill. This Action is often an add-on to another Action (for example Use: Skill (electronics), Move: Skill (stealth), Speak: Skill (deception). You may only use Skills that you have been instructed to add to your CS.
- Equipment (name of Equipment) - Your character attempts to use an item they possess. This Action is often an add-on to another Action (for example Use: Equipment (blue keycard), Attack: Equipment (ray gun), Move: Equipment (jet pack). You may only use Equipment that you have been instructed to add to your CS.
Other Actions may be added if the need arises.
When posting for the first time, you respond to the initial IC post. Mark that post with the header "ACTIVATING" and tag me at the end.
Feel free to ask questions and discuss the game in the OOC. Keep the discussion coordial, and try to keep the game fun and interesting for everyone involved.
Looking forward to playing with you!