From deep within the shadowed depths you felt it calling you. Though your companions all lay slain, fallen to the myriad of dangers that you had faced upon your descent in the ancient ruin you had attempted to plunder, you did not turn back. Something drew you ever onwards, ever downwards, into the darkness.

You found it in the furthest reaches of the dungeon. A tomb from ages untold, its black marble sarcophagus cracked open, exposing the skeletal remains of some long dead king. And worn upon its bony finger, a ring of blackest crystal.

It screams to you. Put me on. Put me on! PUT ME ON!


Greetings everyone! This is a little roleplay idea I've had burning a hole in the back of brain for far too long, so I decided to write up an interest check to see if there was anyone who wanted to write it with me.

The basic premise is that YC is some form of an adventurer, who delves into an ancient ruin from a previous age and discovers an artefact of great power. That artefact just so happens to contain MC, the daemon in the dark glass, a powerful spirit bound to the object in question who recognises YC as the inheritor of some ancient royal bloodline. It promises to serve you, to make you powerful, and help you obtain your deepest desires.

The spirit seems to be sincere in its offer, should YC take them up upon it, though you can't help shake the feeling it isn't being entirely honest with you...


A little bit more about me and what I'm looking for:

  • I'm a late twenties male roleplayer from the UK. So GMT/GMT+1 timezone.
  • I would generally consider myself to be a high-casual/advanced roleplayer and am looking for a partner of about the same level. Quality over quantity is better when it comes to writing in my opinion, but generally 5+ paragraphs, definitely no one liners.
  • My posting schedule is on the slower side. I try for once a week at the minimum, but I work fulltime in a fairly demanding position so this sometimes does get in the way. While I may not be the fastest roleplayer, I am consistent and persistent, been active on this site for well over ten years now.
  • Open for this to be on the forum or conducted through PMs.
  • This roleplay, whilst most likely featuring some mature themes, is not centred around erotic roleplay. If you're looking for smut, this is not the thread for you.
  • Looking for someone who wants to collaborate heavily with matters of worldbuilding and the overall direction of the plot etc.

PM me or post in this thread if you have any questions or if there's additional information that you would like from me.