Greetings Friend

Come on in, sit down and rest your weary bones. My name is Enigmatik (also known as Irredeemable,) and I'm a mature, advanced writer seeking a partner for a few of my more specific plots and pairings. A few things about myself first, so you know what you're getting into, and then I'll get into what, exactly, I'm looking for.
I'm a UK based writer (UCT 0 or +1) and have been pressing funny buttons to make words happen for over a decade now. I consider myself an advanced writer, and expect my partners to be the same, or at least very close. You should also know that I will not be responding every day. I endevour to provide replies for partners consistently, but life is life, and I'll do my darndest to let you know if I'm struggling, busy or otherwise incapable of writing. Finally, although I do write mature content, including 18+ content, I'd rather avoid writing smut without story. In moderation, in a longer running piece, it can be a nice break from everything else, but when it's the sole focus I find my attention start to waver rather quickly.
As a brief note, please either private message me, or hit me up on Discord using the name Engimatik. Odds are that I won't respond to anyone who posts in this thread.
With all that said, let's head onto the ideas:
Heroes and Villains
I've been wanting to play a specific superhero character for quite some time now - a young speedster by the name of Traverse, and I'm hoping to form a sort of 'chronicle' alongside a supporting cast that takes us across a longer period of time involving several timeskips. This would allow us to not only play around with character development, but also do some fun worldbuilding in the setting as well!
The Sunrise Kingdom
Blue Eye Samurai has got me going on another Jidaigeki kick, and I've got a few different but mostly closely related plots based on Sengoku and Edo perod Japan. Wandering swordsmen, western merchants and conniving yokai all included.
Fire and Steel
I have a wide array of plots and ideas for different low-fantasy pairings and settings. Anything ranging from late antiquity with crude hill forts and proto-medieval social structures to early modern escapades amidst gunsmoke and the churn of a printing press. If the idea of a small mercenary band caught up in a war much larger than themselves appeals to you, I even have a mostly fleshed out setting!
Space Truckin'
Sci-fi comes in many flavours. Hard, soft, chocolate-coated with a nougaty centre, you know the drill. Recently, I've been leaning more towards the 'nougaty centre' type, with a lack of typical soft scifi tropes while still maintaining a harder scifi feeling, minus the deep dives into physics that make my brain start to leak out of my ears. As the name suggests, space freighting or salvage is a current interest of mine, but I'm more than happy to work out different plots too!
At the moment there are really only three fandoms I'm interested in doing, and two are cheating because they're from the same franchise: Warhammer Fantasy (not AoS, I know too little,) Warhammer 40,000, and Titanfall. If any of these interest you, hit me up and let's work something out!
I hope to write with you soon!