Accepted Characters:
1) Cal Freesch | S: Bulbasaur
2) Niko Watanabe | S: Clefairy
3) Amy Cooper | S: Charmander
4) --- | S: ---
5) --- | S: ---
6) --- | S: ---
2) Niko Watanabe | S: Clefairy
3) Amy Cooper | S: Charmander
4) --- | S: ---
5) --- | S: ---
6) --- | S: ---
Example CS:
Trainer Card:

Species: Rattata
Nickname: Remy
Gender: Male
Level: 10
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Run Away
Move Set: Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Focus Energy, Bite, Swagger

Species: Pikachu
Nickname: Jolee
Gender: Female
Level: 5
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Static
Move Set: Sweet Kiss, Charm, Play Nice, Thunder Shock, Quick Attack, Thunder Wave
Name: Joey Chestnut
Age: 9 (keep in mind, your options are 11 or 12!)
Pronouns: He/Him
Hometown: Cherrygrove City
Starter: Rattata Pikachu
Key Item: First Aid Kit.
Wishlist: Marill, Alolan Rattata
Age: 9 (keep in mind, your options are 11 or 12!)
Pronouns: He/Him
Hometown: Cherrygrove City
Champion of the snapback cap and cargo shorts, Joey has tawny skin, brown eyes, unkempt brown hair and a permanent shit-eating grin. He constantly sports cuts and scrapes, particularly at the level of his face and knees due to his proclivity to wander into "the tall grass." Joey is relatively short for his age, but not outside of the scope of his fellow classmates; truth be told he was taller than many of his now taller classmates just last year and will likely pass them once he hits a growth spurt, but for now, that is a sore subject for him.
Perennially sweaty, dirty or scraped up, Joey is a snot-nosed kid who loves to spend time "playing with" (ie. terrorizing) the wild Pokémon that live in the outskirts of Cherrygrove City. Joey doesn't do well in school, and in spite of his boisterous attitude, he doesn't mesh well with his classmates, who bully him and call him "Stinky"; a nickname that has stood the test of time following an incident where Joey was marked by a foreign trainer's Stunky, in spite of Joey's efforts to always smell nice ever since. Joey's father works long hours, and his mother worries for him, but she's busy taking care of his baby sister, so Joey tends to spend his afternoons out in the wild, extracting toll from unwitting and unprepared trainers who look down upon his trusty Rattata. Little do they know, he's in the top percentage of Rattata, after all!
Starter: Rattata Pikachu
Key Item: First Aid Kit.
Wishlist: Marill, Alolan Rattata

Species: Rattata
Nickname: Remy
Gender: Male
Level: 10
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Run Away
Move Set: Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Focus Energy, Bite, Swagger

Species: Pikachu
Nickname: Jolee
Gender: Female
Level: 5
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Static
Move Set: Sweet Kiss, Charm, Play Nice, Thunder Shock, Quick Attack, Thunder Wave