April 23rd, 2019
[REDACTED] Maplewood Avenue
Dear Parent or Guardian of [REDACTED]
Hello! If you receive this letter, your child (or children) has been selected for the Sparrowdale Academy for the Genetically Superior. It has come to our attention that your child(ren) has a unique gift that makes them superior to the common man. Our records indicate that your child may have a superhuman ability. Do not be alarmed; as a school, we are based around these unearthly powers and creating an environment where their skills can fit in among others like them. Below is a student form in which you must fill in all information from the boxes and any additional information required.
We strongly advise you to talk to your children about this matter because they may not want to partake in this intuition. Enhancing your child's curriculum and exceptional talent would be a golden opportunity. Bear in mind we aren't forcing you to do anything. This is merely a request, and we will handle your precious child with the utmost care. The safest place for your child is with us, given the hysteria building up against them.
You must also understand that you may not see your child(ren) for months as we believe that secrecy is security. We are sending from an anonymous address and request that you only send letters to this address. We will confiscate any unauthorized forms of communication with the outside world. We specifically handle these letters and ask that you eradicate this letter upon reading to keep our anonymity.
Yours Sincerely,
The year is 2019; these letters were sent to thousands of parents merely a few years after the mysterious Delta-Storm... an incident where glowing crystals (Known as Delta-Crystals) fell from the sky, and gave individuals superpowers (Creating Deltahumans) if they were in the vicinity of one. The letters started going out to the parents of these child Deltahumans, an invitation to a mysterious academy, and whoever replied had their child whisked away to this "Sparrowdale." Children were going by the boatload, but eventually, all contact stopped. Leaving it a mystery just what happened to them... however, the last group sent to the Sparrowdale Academy woke up in a desolate little town on an island with a giant, technological dome on top of it that blocks powers from being used. The entire academy is littered with bullets, dead bodies, and other such chaos that suggests the Academy was attacked... however, they quickly find out that they aren't the only people there as the island is also infested with monsters as they desperately attempt to escape the Academy.