Kasimir was also stuck with someone who he could do without, though rather than being mired in self pity, he was wading through the bog of self righteousness that was Reynald of Montfort, a veritable Grail Knight in the making if he was to be believed. As he prattled on about his miraculous slaying of various beastmen and greenskins, and one particularly smelly ogre, Kasimir kept his ears closed and his eyes open. Soon, he found himself in a wood he recognized all too well. The trees were gnarled and bloated at their bases, but not from some evil. It was the near constant rain and the strange soil from the waters that flowed down from Nordland, no doubt festooned with rotted wood and poisoned norscan flesh.
"We need to dismount soon, hide our horses in the brush. There are no beastmen this close to the manor, and we cannot ride up to the archway lest we get molested." Kasimir remarked, already readying himself to step off his horse.
"Deesmunt!? Do yeu tink vwe zshall zsneak in like some...some...zsneakthief!?" Reynald warbled, aghast at the very notion of not charging at anything with his lance coached. As much as Kasimir would have liked to have seen that, it would get them nowhere. He also did not want to see the knight charge as a distraction. He might not think the man too bright, but he did not want his death on his conscience, even if it would be a grand display.
"Monsiuer, our goal is to rescue the damsel, no? When we have her, we shall embark upon a grand sortee and sally forth through the masses of enemies, I assure you."
The Brettonian chewed his mustache as he considered the proposition, and for a moment Kasimir believed he was going to deny him. But eventually he acquiesced with a nod and a grunt, muttering in his native language under his breath. He almost wished he had Emmaline to deal with. At least she was fine to look at, with a better voice than this one. But he supposed he could be going it alone, so he should thank Ulric for the assistance of another warrior.
As the two swordsmen tethered their horses to the trees, there was a commotion up the road. Hooves and flapping cloaks reached Kasimirs ears, and he kept his mouth shut, clinging to his horse a dozen meters away from the road to keep the beast from nickering. To his amazement and relief, Reynald kept quiet as well. Unfortunately, the swordsman only got a glimpse of the small troupe of three that galloped past, but Ulric watched over them, as no one looked their way, too intent on the road.
He realized they were heading toward Kasimir's and Reynald's destination. But why?
"We need to dismount soon, hide our horses in the brush. There are no beastmen this close to the manor, and we cannot ride up to the archway lest we get molested." Kasimir remarked, already readying himself to step off his horse.
"Deesmunt!? Do yeu tink vwe zshall zsneak in like some...some...zsneakthief!?" Reynald warbled, aghast at the very notion of not charging at anything with his lance coached. As much as Kasimir would have liked to have seen that, it would get them nowhere. He also did not want to see the knight charge as a distraction. He might not think the man too bright, but he did not want his death on his conscience, even if it would be a grand display.
"Monsiuer, our goal is to rescue the damsel, no? When we have her, we shall embark upon a grand sortee and sally forth through the masses of enemies, I assure you."
The Brettonian chewed his mustache as he considered the proposition, and for a moment Kasimir believed he was going to deny him. But eventually he acquiesced with a nod and a grunt, muttering in his native language under his breath. He almost wished he had Emmaline to deal with. At least she was fine to look at, with a better voice than this one. But he supposed he could be going it alone, so he should thank Ulric for the assistance of another warrior.
As the two swordsmen tethered their horses to the trees, there was a commotion up the road. Hooves and flapping cloaks reached Kasimirs ears, and he kept his mouth shut, clinging to his horse a dozen meters away from the road to keep the beast from nickering. To his amazement and relief, Reynald kept quiet as well. Unfortunately, the swordsman only got a glimpse of the small troupe of three that galloped past, but Ulric watched over them, as no one looked their way, too intent on the road.
He realized they were heading toward Kasimir's and Reynald's destination. But why?