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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Lothric Manor

This abandoned castle was perched high above the surrounding wetlands. A scenic location that wasn’t easy to travel to. Further isolated in-between a sprawling forest with only a single road traveling through it, and the mountainous terrain that serves as its backyard. Though neither had been thoroughly explored for years. Since the selected few scouts who tried to search the areas for lost treasures—hadn’t returned in good health. Thus cartographers, soldiers, merchants and bandits alike, all treated this region like it was a no man’s land.

However, this swamp was far from being considered uninhabitable. For its flora contained many fruit-bearing trees, and its spring water was miraculously clean. Making them perfect territories for wild animals and other savage monsters to thrive in, and presumably lurk around every corner. At least that would explain all the clamorous noise the forest made at night. But this place was already infamous due to the rumors of its previous owners, and their dead family tree all perishing within the premises. Never knowing what caused every individual death; for the Lothric family kept to themselves and never accepted anyone’s help. Seemingly willfully dying for some unknown cause, until there was nobody left to resume its tainted legacy. That is—until today. For someone had decided to purchase the unwanted land and call it their home.

Unknown to the alliance of noble families, what lord would ever be foolish enough to willingly put themselves in such a dangerous place. Especially when taking an unnecessary risk was completely unheard of in ‘The Heaven's Gate Era’. A time where relative peace and profitable trade was established; through building massive walls that surrounded nearly all of the neighboring kingdoms. With well-guarded outposts on every trade route keeping traveling secure, and watchtowers always on lookout to keep those inside informed of potential invaders.

Uniting people against a common universal threat. Being the various monsters greedily harvesting, hoarding and stealing the resources they’ve used to flourish inside their impenetrable stone barriers. The only drawback was the inability to leave these walls whenever someone wanted. For it was heavily regulated who was allowed to enter and leave most kingdoms—and at what times. Reminding the peasants that even the simple act of foraging for berries outside was putting themselves and everyone else in danger.

Yet Lothric Manor was a loophole in the kingdoms’ rules. Being under nobody's direct jurisdiction, nor best interest to barge in and find out who had moved in. So while curiosity among those who learned of this had sparked hot—the cinders didn't spread far and had quickly burned out. All choosing to keep it secret and remain blissfully unaware of who decided to live without such protections. Including the very peasant who was only recently told to travel toward this lavish place. Beginning her new life with quite a miraculous birth…
* * *

That fateful encounter was only several nights ago. Yet one repeating dream wouldn't let that moment escape her mind...

First escaping from the booming thunder of a raging storm, and then finding herself walking across a cavern floor filled with piles and piles of gold that rivaled any kingdom's treasury. Soon hearing someone's deep and authoritative voice, pleading with her to come deeper into his lair. Managing to approach and stand in the presence of this massive lizard creature. Surely stunned by its beautiful scales that shined like diamonds, just as she couldn't miss seeing the bastard sword pierced into the middle of his four-horned skull. With other visible damage done that showed he must’ve fought off numerous attackers. As he offered her every last bit of his wealth—even his own broken body—in exchange for looking after these two giant orbs that he clutched protectively in his front claws. Learning the two eggs were the last of his offspring left intact. So the woman promised to care for them, as if she was their mother. Spending another hour comforting the dying creature in its final moments; and learning that the fear of death was not only a human emotion…

The dragon’s last words were cut short.
“Treat them with love, and they’ll follow you to the heavens above-”

* * *

Her eyes opened to the morning sunrise. But it wasn’t a day where she should’ve awakened with her stomach greatly swollen and expanded. With her chest feeling very warm and sensitive to the touch—as if something was kicking inside her. Like a very sudden pregnancy that had seemed to skip a whole nine months. With the audible sound of two heartbeats simultaneously throbbing inside her belly. Where two curled-up lifeforms slumbered and listened to the cadence of her voice. Awaiting her beck and call...
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Autumn Moon
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Autumn Moon

Member Seen 4 mos ago

When the first light of a new day brought an invasion of brightness into the bedchambers, Cassandra stirred in bed, awake but unwilling to open her eyes. She was not yet ready to leave the comfort of her large bed with its goose feather pillows and the most comfortable mattress she had ever slept upon. Swathed in the covers, she gently shifted from her back to her side to turn away from the window from which the light had entered her sanctuary. As she shifted, she felt the heaviness and the immensity of her swollen belly. She gently pressed a hand to the roundness and could feel the gentle movements of the two lives within. She imagined they were also sleeping, warm and comfortable as she was, and safe within her.

Although Cassandra had only been pregnant for a handful of days, there was something telling her that it wouldn't be much longer before it was time for her to give birth. And although she was still young and this was all happening so fast, she was not afraid. Even when she first awoke to find her stomach greatly swollen, she didn't feel afraid. She felt like she had something that she had always been missing in the past. A purpose. She had been given a great gift by the dragon, but there had also been a great responsibility laid on her shoulders. He had entrusted her with his only remaining offspring. And she was determined not to let him down.

Listening to the heartbeats of the two tiny lives she carried, Cassandra remained in bed for a few minutes longer before a knock on her door caused her eyes to flutter open at last. She lifted her head and silently stared at the door for a moment before she asked in a groggy voice, "Who's there?"

"It's Lyla, M'lady. I have brought you your breakfast."

With a soft groan of exertion, Cassandra rolled back over onto her back and then sat up in bed. She brushed her long, black hair back behind her shoulders and cleared her throat before she spoke up again in a voice more fitting for a noblewoman as she addressed her maid again. "You may enter."

Lyla opened the door and brought the tray of fresh food from the kitchen over to the bed. Cassandra had hired dozens of people to staff Lothric Manor. Cooks, chambermaids, groundskeepers, guards, a stablemaster, and more. She paid them substantially more than they were likely to make elsewhere doing the same work, but that was of no concern to her since she could afford to pay them more due to her vast wealth.

Excusing Lyla, Cassandra began to eat her breakfast as she looked out her window to watch the sun rise over the mountains in the distance. The sky was clear, the birds were singing, and Cassandra was filled with warmth as she nourished herself and the dragon's offspring. She soon felt a fluttering kick in her stomach, which teased her pert lips into a warm smile. "Good morning, you two."
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Cassandra was able to access her fortune from the Manor at any time. Using the same method that she used to get here from the dragon’s lair in the first place; by navigating through an underground tunnel network that connected them both together. Keeping her inherited wealth safe and hidden behind a secret passage that was deep within the castle’s basement. Unlikely for anyone else to find it, without her explicit approval and knowledge. Since someone needed a key shaped like one of the elder dragon’s scales to unlock the basement’s sealed door. Just to end up going downstairs and finding themselves overwhelmed inside of the Lothric’s personal storage space. Hopelessly cluttered with bizarre collections and dusty tchotchkes, that made it nightmarishly difficult to blindly search for her riches.

But it was a treasury worth protecting. Being far more valuable than the massive amount of gold that the old dragon had collected in his lifetime. For she'd be able to find numerous rare objects that he buried underneath the golden piles within his lair. Some being priceless artifacts that rich collectors would’ve traded nearly anything for. So her eventual discovery would prove rewarding, but also comforting, after not seeing a single human bone anywhere inside the cave. Confirming his story about how she was the first human in a while to come across his homestead. Aside from the Lothric family—which remained a complete mystery to her.

As it seemed like her new home was full of potential mysteries. Ones especially confusing for her hired staff. That surely had reservations to work there—even with such lucrative pay being offered. That is—before they decided to travel there themselves. Wondering if the many rumors of what lurked in the landscape were over-exaggerated tales. When Cassandra—nor a single one of them—would've come across a monster or predator anywhere near the premises. However, unbeknownst to them, there was a critical reason that the dangers were no longer present. Two of them to be precise. As every single creature had sensed the impending arrival of the dragons in her womb and immediately fled en masse. Until songbirds and smaller critters were all that was left of the swamp’s inhabitants.
* * *

Making each of her mornings peaceful and serene. As the two hatchlings developed fast and kept her body temperature perfectly warm. Regardless of what clothes she wore, or lack thereof, once her stomach grew large enough to make anything but personally-tailored outfits impossible to put on. Yet the ongoing swelling never caused her an ounce of pain or discomfort. In fact, any weakness or illnesses that she might’ve had before, would've been cured over the progressing days. Still able to freely move herself around with relative ease, despite being advised to rest in her bed. Meaning her pregnancy had only really changed how frequently she desired to eat and drink. Acquiring a more ferocious appetite to match those she was nurturing. Fortunately satiated by the cooks that seemed to be preparing food almost nonstop to meet their gluttonous demands.

So it had certainly been quite a unique experience for Cassandra and those who she trusted to employ. Though the mother would receive an extra surprise when she greeted the two slumbering inside; an answer back. For both of their eyes would open simultaneously upon hearing what ended up being a wake up call. Hearing these two unique voices telepathically enter her head, that were unmistakably her offspring. Her sons speaking to her for the first time; one sounding giddy and other shyly sincere. Making Cassandra suddenly sense that the birth was fast approaching...

“Mornie mama!”
“Ma-morning mama…”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Autumn Moon
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Autumn Moon

Member Seen 4 mos ago

A gasp escaped Cassandra's lips when she heard the voices of her unborn sons in her head. Even though there was a tiny rational part of her brain that told her that she couldn't possibly have heard what she thought she heard and it was only hormones from the pregnancy causing her mind to play tricks on her, those doubts were silenced almost instantly. She couldn't explain how she knew, but she just knew in her heart that her sons were speaking to her telepathically.

Setting her tray of food aside after devouring almost every last morsel on her plate, Cassandra gently pulled up her nightgown so that she could look down on her immense bare belly. She ran her fingers alone the sides of her belly and smiled warmly. She hummed a lullaby that her grandmother used to sing to her when she was a little girl while continuing to rub her stomach lovingly until suddenly her voice caught in her throat as she felt a tightening sensation. It was sudden and sharp, but it also didn't last long. She was about to resume her gentle humming when she felt the same sensation a second time, and it was sharper than before. The sensation was soon followed by Cassandra feeling the bed underneath her become soaked.

"It's time," Cassandra uttered as she realized that her water just broke.

Throwing the covers off herself, Cassandra scooted to the edge of the bed and then stood and walked across the chamber to pull open the door. She called out to one of the guards near her door and ordered him to fetch the midwife. The guard obeyed without hesitation. Cassandra then looked down and pressed her hand to her swollen stomach. "Looks like today is the day that I'll finally be able to hold you two in my arms."

* * *

Shortly after her labor began, Cassandra went to one of the other bedrooms that had been prepared just for this moment. With pillows propped up behind her and her legs splayed, Cassandra grasped Lyla's hand while pushing as she was instructed by the midwife. Much like her pregnancy, the labor had gone much faster than she anticipated, and it wasn't nearly as painful as she expected it to be either. Within minutes of going into labor, it was already time to push. She bore down, clutched Lyla's hand tightly, and clenched her toes as she pushed until she felt something emerge from her body and the midwife announced the arrival of her first son. Panting, Cassandra looked up to try and see over the sheet covering her lower half to get her first glimpse of the baby dragon she had just birthed.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

With the shared knowledge that catching a single glimpse of any monster was enough to make most of the isolated masses’ blood run cold. Unless you were a trained soldier that was paid to make them bleed instead—and that was usually dealing with goblins or wolves that were a quarter of their size. It was a choice that the elder dragon would’ve considered to be ill-advised and completely absurd for her to do. The mother willfully allowing others to be a part of their birth?! When the very idea of ‘massive flying beasts that were living amongst men’ would likely breed nothing but paranoia and disbelief among those ignorant of their existence.

Not that informing those of your intentions had saved him from the militia group that found him forging for food…

Yet his last mistake in death was neglecting to emphasize how critical their earliest moments would be for forming their bond. Only instructing her to be equal parts affectionate and scrupulous during the hatchlings’ development. For her sons listened and absorbed every word that she had said in the days leading up to this—and felt everything that their mother did. Meaning Cassandra’s gentle stomach rubbing was akin to a sculptor of life. Molding the very personalities of her unborn—into something that closely resembled her own feelings and desires.

Creating a growing urge to be closer to their mother each time that they had received her loving touch. Until the mere thought of being held in her arms was starting to make the first son restless in her womb. At least before the mother had started humming a lullaby that seemed to possess a power of its own. Briefly captivating her audience of two with the song. But also sparking an intense curiosity in the second son that was wondering how she was doing that. Further motivating a yearning to be seen by their mother and unleash themselves out into the world. Provoking the same urgent sensation that brought their mother to the edge of the bed.
* * *

Quickly breaking the illusion that the birth was of a human child; when his long bright-red tail unfurled, along with the lower half of the hatchling’s scaly body that began squirming free. Kicking his stubby little legs around in mid-air until his folded wings slid out. As one final push helped him unceremoniously drop onto the bedroom floor, rear first, with an audible thud. Assuming no one was there to catch his descent and immediately feel the heat emanating from the horned lizard. Regardless, his dull spiky body would pose no harm, as the baby dragon would look up at his mother with great big eyes and a wide toothless smile.

The reaction of which, prompted the second larger hatchling’s head to emerge, as he’d scooted himself out faster than his brother. Visibly not-so comfortable with being in a stranger’s grasp, and quick to land down on all fours onto the bedroom floor. With his light gray body and sharper features looking closer to their father’s. The second hatchling began to tear up and let out a soft cry.
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