*Cough Cough* lets try this again

“Hey there, welcome to Tryliin! Oh, you didn't bring a gun? Well, you probably shouldn't be here then...” -Author Unknown
Tryliin: One of the most inhospitable planets in the galaxy, it is largely desert, with a single small ocean on its surface, and well on its way to becoming a dead world. Combined with being on the very edge of known space, it is hard to see what value could be found here, and most of the governments that run the galaxy would agree, abandoning their colonization projects when the settlers quickly realized that they were in fact very low on the food chain. And so, for the next forty years, the planet became a safe haven for wanted criminals, psychopaths and the occasional eccentric scientist, looking to escape the strict regulations of the various civilizations that maintain an uneasy truce with each other.
Then, the impossible happened: A large energy plume erupted from Tryliin, and a maze of structures was discovered under the surface, honeycombing the entire planet. Orbital analysis confirmed that the structures were very ancient, artificial and more advanced than anything the galaxy had ever seen. Further seismic activity revealed the wrecks of many ancient cities, ships and machines, the purpose of which is still unknown.
With new found interest, the various races reestablished their colonies, who now rage war against the marauders and wildlife. The pioneers spearheading the initiative are lone explorers, mercenaries, soldiers and scientists, who sometimes band together to surmount the seemingly endless wastes of Tryliin, in search of wealth, fortune and adventure.
Tryliin Blues

“Hey there, welcome to Tryliin! Oh, you didn't bring a gun? Well, you probably shouldn't be here then...” -Author Unknown
Tryliin: One of the most inhospitable planets in the galaxy, it is largely desert, with a single small ocean on its surface, and well on its way to becoming a dead world. Combined with being on the very edge of known space, it is hard to see what value could be found here, and most of the governments that run the galaxy would agree, abandoning their colonization projects when the settlers quickly realized that they were in fact very low on the food chain. And so, for the next forty years, the planet became a safe haven for wanted criminals, psychopaths and the occasional eccentric scientist, looking to escape the strict regulations of the various civilizations that maintain an uneasy truce with each other.
Then, the impossible happened: A large energy plume erupted from Tryliin, and a maze of structures was discovered under the surface, honeycombing the entire planet. Orbital analysis confirmed that the structures were very ancient, artificial and more advanced than anything the galaxy had ever seen. Further seismic activity revealed the wrecks of many ancient cities, ships and machines, the purpose of which is still unknown.
With new found interest, the various races reestablished their colonies, who now rage war against the marauders and wildlife. The pioneers spearheading the initiative are lone explorers, mercenaries, soldiers and scientists, who sometimes band together to surmount the seemingly endless wastes of Tryliin, in search of wealth, fortune and adventure.
-All Site rules Apply!
-Your typical no Mary Sues, no god modding, and no harassment of other players rules apply, whether you're in the RP or just checking this out.
-This is adult content, Cussing, Blood, Gore, ect is allowed as long as you stay within the Sites rules.
-Romance is allowed between characters but leave anything X rated in Pm's
-If you have a surprise twist for your character, let me know if you want to keep it a secret for the others. Otherwise, it isn't going to happen. As long as you tell me what you have planned, I'll generally be cool with it (you will probably have a better idea than I did XD )
-I'm pretty easy going and I'd like the others to feel the same. This is all about having fun, so smile and get to know your fellow RPers. Also, I am eager to hear suggestions for story twists and what direction we should be heading.
-One character sheet per player, for the time being. I want to keep this fairly manageable to start with, but that may change with time. Characters can be any alien race you want, or even androids, robots and the like. If you do make a character that isn't human, explain a little bit about their race or manufacturer.
-This is a casual RP. So acceptable grammar, reasonable length of posts and regular posting expectations apply. If you're going to be gone a while, just let me know, you don't even have to tell me why if you don't want to. I know that the real world often gets in the way
-Your typical no Mary Sues, no god modding, and no harassment of other players rules apply, whether you're in the RP or just checking this out.
-This is adult content, Cussing, Blood, Gore, ect is allowed as long as you stay within the Sites rules.
-Romance is allowed between characters but leave anything X rated in Pm's
-If you have a surprise twist for your character, let me know if you want to keep it a secret for the others. Otherwise, it isn't going to happen. As long as you tell me what you have planned, I'll generally be cool with it (you will probably have a better idea than I did XD )
-I'm pretty easy going and I'd like the others to feel the same. This is all about having fun, so smile and get to know your fellow RPers. Also, I am eager to hear suggestions for story twists and what direction we should be heading.
-One character sheet per player, for the time being. I want to keep this fairly manageable to start with, but that may change with time. Characters can be any alien race you want, or even androids, robots and the like. If you do make a character that isn't human, explain a little bit about their race or manufacturer.
-This is a casual RP. So acceptable grammar, reasonable length of posts and regular posting expectations apply. If you're going to be gone a while, just let me know, you don't even have to tell me why if you don't want to. I know that the real world often gets in the way
All character will be members of the newly founded Mercenary Company, (TBD by player vote). That being said we won't all be strangers we will probably have worked on jobs together as freelances and will at least know of each other as we start out. Try to pick one or two player characters to have a bond of some sort with.
-Race (If not human briefly describe your race here):
-Appearance: (Preferred picture with a description)
-Equipment: (What you normally keep with you, can be split into two sets "Around Town" and "On Mission" in case you don't want to be walking around town in full armor all the time. (Although that might be safer sometimes)
-Abilities: (Nothing too crazy, such things like mild telekinesis, mild telepathy and such are fine, but no crazy magical abilities. Other abilities may be piloting, mechanics and other such things too):
-Bio: (What was their life like before Tryliin, or have they always lived there?)
-Goal: (Everyone comes to Trylin for a reason. Even more so becoming a merc. What is it you are working for?)
-Race (If not human briefly describe your race here):
-Appearance: (Preferred picture with a description)
-Equipment: (What you normally keep with you, can be split into two sets "Around Town" and "On Mission" in case you don't want to be walking around town in full armor all the time. (Although that might be safer sometimes)
-Abilities: (Nothing too crazy, such things like mild telekinesis, mild telepathy and such are fine, but no crazy magical abilities. Other abilities may be piloting, mechanics and other such things too):
-Bio: (What was their life like before Tryliin, or have they always lived there?)
-Goal: (Everyone comes to Trylin for a reason. Even more so becoming a merc. What is it you are working for?)
Tryliin is a Class 3 Biosphere (very hostile, barely appropriate for life), orbiting the star 33982-PDOOT (P'doot for short). Discovered by the humans during the initial days of the S-GAF founding, it was ignored for a long time due to having little value. In all actuality, Tryliin is technically a moon, orbiting the methane/iodine gas giant Poi, with three other smaller bodies, Xerxes, Einstein and Coo'li'chen. It has a 38 hour day and night cycle, except when Tryliin enters the dark side of Poi, where the planet freezes over. This happens once every 4.3 Tryliin years (21 months), where the planet is in total darkness for 8 months (most people call this time the 'Cold Season', even though Tryliin does not have seasons).
Largely desert, the most interesting and lively place on the planet is the city of Oasis, situated near the small ocean of Green Sea, with many train lines visiting the various settlements that dot the globe. The North Pole is rumored to have a forest, though it has never been seen or documented. Another interesting Tryliin feature is the maze of artificial tunnels underneath the surface, which house all sorts of inactive machines and facilities, their purpose unknown.
Largely desert, the most interesting and lively place on the planet is the city of Oasis, situated near the small ocean of Green Sea, with many train lines visiting the various settlements that dot the globe. The North Pole is rumored to have a forest, though it has never been seen or documented. Another interesting Tryliin feature is the maze of artificial tunnels underneath the surface, which house all sorts of inactive machines and facilities, their purpose unknown.

Surprisingly one of the first races to take to the stars, they have built a considerable empire in the 170 years they have explored space. Making contact with several other alien races over that time, it was the humans who suggested the formation of a multi-species government, and successfully formed the Southern Galactic Arm Federation (S-GAF). Humans are considered to be an industrious species, but also a wasteful one, considering their home world Earth is very polluted and cluttered with debris. Still, humans have an admirable spirit, and have led the galaxy in times of peril justly and honorably.

Surprisingly one of the first races to take to the stars, they have built a considerable empire in the 170 years they have explored space. Making contact with several other alien races over that time, it was the humans who suggested the formation of a multi-species government, and successfully formed the Southern Galactic Arm Federation (S-GAF). Humans are considered to be an industrious species, but also a wasteful one, considering their home world Earth is very polluted and cluttered with debris. Still, humans have an admirable spirit, and have led the galaxy in times of peril justly and honorably.
Technology: Most technology used by the races on Tryliin are essentially equal, though some species have discovered a different solution to the same problem. Tryliin is very isolated though, so ships are rarely seen by many, and most technology must be scavenged or bought from the few merchants that regularly visit the planet.
Weapons: Being the backwater that Tryliin is, most of the populus uses gunpowder based ranged weapons and basic melee weapons due to the tech being relatively inexpensive. But other options do exist for those with the proper cash and connections. For Melee there is a nice selection of vibration based weaponry as well as plasma edged blades, and ranged options include laser, plasma, and rail. But the more expensive weaponry is hard to maintain on Tryliin and might draw the eyes of greedy Mercs or paint a target for bandits.
Vehicles: Most vehicles on Tryliin are land based, as aerial vehicles have a tendency to be shot down or torn to pieces by sky hooks. Many types of vehicles cover Tryliin’s surface ranging from personal hover transports, military units such as Exo-Suits and Mechs, to transportation such as the Mag Rail Trains and Crust Busters, massive wheeled/walking platforms that are powered by mini fusion reactors and can be the size of battleships or even towns, and heavily armed with massive particle cannons or missile arrays to deter raiders.

Combat Mech unit

Combat Exo-Suit

A typical Crust Buster, manufactured by humans.
Weapons: Being the backwater that Tryliin is, most of the populus uses gunpowder based ranged weapons and basic melee weapons due to the tech being relatively inexpensive. But other options do exist for those with the proper cash and connections. For Melee there is a nice selection of vibration based weaponry as well as plasma edged blades, and ranged options include laser, plasma, and rail. But the more expensive weaponry is hard to maintain on Tryliin and might draw the eyes of greedy Mercs or paint a target for bandits.
Vehicles: Most vehicles on Tryliin are land based, as aerial vehicles have a tendency to be shot down or torn to pieces by sky hooks. Many types of vehicles cover Tryliin’s surface ranging from personal hover transports, military units such as Exo-Suits and Mechs, to transportation such as the Mag Rail Trains and Crust Busters, massive wheeled/walking platforms that are powered by mini fusion reactors and can be the size of battleships or even towns, and heavily armed with massive particle cannons or missile arrays to deter raiders.

Combat Mech unit

Combat Exo-Suit

A typical Crust Buster, manufactured by humans.
Oasis – The largest city on the planet settled near the Green Sea. With the recent discoveries various corporations have moved back into Oasis setting it up as a base of operations breathing a new breath of life into the city, but this also is a cause of issue as the local residences don’t really take kindly to the expansion and being pushed out of their homes
The Pit - The only spaceport on the planet, it is now nestled in the ruins of what appears to be some kind of mining machine built by the previous inhabitants of Tryliin, after the massive energy plume destroyed the previous city. It was rebuilt by various criminal organizations and shady corporations into a huge slum town, ruled by crime and corruption.
Settlements – Most people who aren't bandits or marauders live in various settlements that dot the globe around naturally occurring spring wells, or along the many train lines that circle Tryliin. They may be home to a single race or many, and are usually friendly to travelers.
The Pit - The only spaceport on the planet, it is now nestled in the ruins of what appears to be some kind of mining machine built by the previous inhabitants of Tryliin, after the massive energy plume destroyed the previous city. It was rebuilt by various criminal organizations and shady corporations into a huge slum town, ruled by crime and corruption.
Settlements – Most people who aren't bandits or marauders live in various settlements that dot the globe around naturally occurring spring wells, or along the many train lines that circle Tryliin. They may be home to a single race or many, and are usually friendly to travelers.
Since researchers and scientists are not known for their combat prowess, these people were the first to wind up on the menu to the creatures of Tryliin during the first failed attempt at colonization and, as such, little is known about the ecosystem. A couple of well-known creatures are known, such as;
Siren Gourd

Seemingly harmless plants, these shrubs produce a deliciously scented berry-like fruit, irresistible to the hungry traveler, that also contains a powerful tranquilizer. Once the victim is unconscious (and if they're lucky enough), they'll never wake up again. Otherwise, they'll come to screaming in agony, as they discover hundreds of the plant's tendrils digging into their flesh, digesting them from the inside out.
Sky Hooks

These massive birds are actually more closely related to Earth's crustaceans, have a wingspan of twenty feet and are extremely territorial, treating both other sky hooks and aircraft as hostile, as well as plucking unfortunate travelers from the ground. They can reach high speeds due to organic turbofans on each wing, suggesting they may have been genetically modified by the same creators of the artifacts we find on Tryliin today.

Flea like creatures about the size of a dog, they are intelligent pack hunters that can cover a distance of up to three meters in a single bound. They are capable of clearing out an entire bandit camp, overwhelming them with sheer ferocity and numbers. They are afraid of large vibrations though, and many settlements utilize thumping devices to scare them off and keep them at bay.
Sand Hydra

Possibly the largest land organism in the galaxy, it is a colonial organism, with each member having the appearance of a large snake, and all living in a large, carapace body. They are normally ambush predators, waiting decades underground for prey to wander above them, with a head erupting from beneath the victim and swallowing it whole. If angered, it has been known to crawl out of the ground and move around on the surface, and has even been seen wrestling Crust Busters. tearing it to pieces.
Many other species are believed to exist, and more are (unfortunately) discovered all the time.
Siren Gourd

Seemingly harmless plants, these shrubs produce a deliciously scented berry-like fruit, irresistible to the hungry traveler, that also contains a powerful tranquilizer. Once the victim is unconscious (and if they're lucky enough), they'll never wake up again. Otherwise, they'll come to screaming in agony, as they discover hundreds of the plant's tendrils digging into their flesh, digesting them from the inside out.
Sky Hooks

These massive birds are actually more closely related to Earth's crustaceans, have a wingspan of twenty feet and are extremely territorial, treating both other sky hooks and aircraft as hostile, as well as plucking unfortunate travelers from the ground. They can reach high speeds due to organic turbofans on each wing, suggesting they may have been genetically modified by the same creators of the artifacts we find on Tryliin today.

Flea like creatures about the size of a dog, they are intelligent pack hunters that can cover a distance of up to three meters in a single bound. They are capable of clearing out an entire bandit camp, overwhelming them with sheer ferocity and numbers. They are afraid of large vibrations though, and many settlements utilize thumping devices to scare them off and keep them at bay.
Sand Hydra

Possibly the largest land organism in the galaxy, it is a colonial organism, with each member having the appearance of a large snake, and all living in a large, carapace body. They are normally ambush predators, waiting decades underground for prey to wander above them, with a head erupting from beneath the victim and swallowing it whole. If angered, it has been known to crawl out of the ground and move around on the surface, and has even been seen wrestling Crust Busters. tearing it to pieces.
Many other species are believed to exist, and more are (unfortunately) discovered all the time.
Markindine Co:
A super conglomerate of various mining and weapon production corporations, Markindine Co is believed to be the largest corporate body in S-GAF controlled space. They have various political figures in their pay books, and even entire planets working for them, with an egocentric view of humanity as being the dominant power (many aliens are hired for their expertise still). They are led by the illusive Yanda Markindine, who has taken a great interest in Tryliin since The Eruption. Markindine deploys small fire teams for missions, who are well trained, technologically advanced and determined to serve the interests of Yanda himself.
Silverstone Foundation:
Silverstone on the outside is a "non-profit" dedicated to the development and application of genetic and cybernetic modifications for the needy. Or at least that is how it started. Now as any major corporation they only care about their bottom line and how many credits the higher ups can make. It is well known that the Foundation has a private army used for "pacifying" the areas around their assets and as a testbed for their modifications and implants. As of now they are the leading providers of Human Genetic and Cybernetic Modifications, and researching modifications into many other S-GAF races
Skull Jackers:
The largest bandit clan on Tryliin at present, they are feared for their ruthlessness and total disregard for the sanctity of life. Murdering, pillaging and slave trading are all popular pastimes of the Skull Jackers, who show off their kills by wearing belts and chains of their enemy's skulls (hence the name). They are the greatest foe of the Rail Riders, as the supply and mineral train transports are their biggest targets and source of income. They are also very fond of cannibalism.
Rail Riders:
Formed just after the the abandonment of Tryliin's first colonists, the Rail Riders are the closest thing on the planet to a centralized, global peace keeping force. It was the Rail Riders who defended and saved the few colonists remaining, protecting the trains that ferried much needed supplies around the planet. Though technically considered bandits, they only rob from the various corrupt corporations and the government, stealing their supply depots and distributing the spoils among the colonies on Tryliin today, who they believe were cheated by the very people they trusted with their lives.
A super conglomerate of various mining and weapon production corporations, Markindine Co is believed to be the largest corporate body in S-GAF controlled space. They have various political figures in their pay books, and even entire planets working for them, with an egocentric view of humanity as being the dominant power (many aliens are hired for their expertise still). They are led by the illusive Yanda Markindine, who has taken a great interest in Tryliin since The Eruption. Markindine deploys small fire teams for missions, who are well trained, technologically advanced and determined to serve the interests of Yanda himself.
Silverstone Foundation:
Silverstone on the outside is a "non-profit" dedicated to the development and application of genetic and cybernetic modifications for the needy. Or at least that is how it started. Now as any major corporation they only care about their bottom line and how many credits the higher ups can make. It is well known that the Foundation has a private army used for "pacifying" the areas around their assets and as a testbed for their modifications and implants. As of now they are the leading providers of Human Genetic and Cybernetic Modifications, and researching modifications into many other S-GAF races
Skull Jackers:
The largest bandit clan on Tryliin at present, they are feared for their ruthlessness and total disregard for the sanctity of life. Murdering, pillaging and slave trading are all popular pastimes of the Skull Jackers, who show off their kills by wearing belts and chains of their enemy's skulls (hence the name). They are the greatest foe of the Rail Riders, as the supply and mineral train transports are their biggest targets and source of income. They are also very fond of cannibalism.
Rail Riders:
Formed just after the the abandonment of Tryliin's first colonists, the Rail Riders are the closest thing on the planet to a centralized, global peace keeping force. It was the Rail Riders who defended and saved the few colonists remaining, protecting the trains that ferried much needed supplies around the planet. Though technically considered bandits, they only rob from the various corrupt corporations and the government, stealing their supply depots and distributing the spoils among the colonies on Tryliin today, who they believe were cheated by the very people they trusted with their lives.