Location: Caden's House – Chicago, IL
”Mmm, I can play you some Händel.” Once I have the violin tuned appropriately, I lift the violin to my shoulder and rest my chin on the rest. I shift my stance once and take a deep breath before I begin to play. The song I chose from Händel is fast and enchanting. It’s in a minor chord, so it evokes a certain sense of chaos. I pick the song, though, for how it ends. It slows and becomes mournful, making it an easy transition into a much more haunted song. As I start to play the second song, I close my eyes and sway as I play. Each stroke of the bow is drawn out and tight like there will be no release until the song ends. I pull the bow slowly across the last note and take a second to reset before I begin a third song, moving back into Händel to finish.
The third song almost feels like the completion of a journey or a task. There is still a sense of something unresolved, but a moving forward that can’t be stopped as well. My favourite part of the song comes near the end with the last few bars, where there are some fun little flourishes that change the feel of the song to signal the end.
I pull the violin away and look at Nero. I feel confident in my ability to play, and even though I hadn’t played in a while, I didn’t miss any notes. Still, music shows a vulnerable side, and I am unsure how Nero will respond to my mini-composition.
Cassiopeia Claire Alistair
Location: Cassi’s Home – Chicago, IL
I’m just settling in for the night, ya. Part of me is glad Wayland is with me. He’s helping me to relax and settle, to feel and be comfortable feeling. But that is making me sad. I don’t want to stop talking to Nic now, even if we are talking about nothing, but I also can’t keep talking to Nic. He has someone important in his life. All I am is the person who helped save his dad. It’s my job, really, nothing more.