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Hidden 11 mos ago 10 mos ago
Zeroth Post
Please post your character sheets in THIS tab, NOT the ooc tab. I'll be taking the information you provide in your character sheets and inputting it in the template on THIS WEBSITE...examples will be up soon!

For now, prisoners and targets will be NPCs controlled by myself.

Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by JewelSerket
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Member Seen 30 days ago

Volatile || "Wormhole" || Extremely High



Last Name: Gate
First Name: Stella
Middle Name: Titor
Apparent Age: 24
Actual Age: 32
​DoB: 10/09/1980
Sex: Female
Caste: Transmute - HuMU


Preferred Name(s): Dr. Gate, Dr. Stella Gate, The Doctor
Gender: Feminine
Pronouns: She/Her, It/Its, They/Them
Nouns:* Masculine/Feminine/Neutral/Any
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Romantic Orientation: DemiRomantic
Status: N/D


Dr. Gate is a deceptive woman. When kept under close observation, she behaves willingly. However, she is erratic when looked away from. Her humor is sarcastic and they present a bitter spite towards the people in control. The doctor can be sedated with brain teasers, wine, and cigarettes. Her hobbies include partner dancing, puzzles, reading (non-fiction), and writing scientific papers. Dr. Gate comes from the northern parts of the country. She spent most of her adult life in labs, though, and very little of it interacting with the people in her area. They are fond of wine, music without words, record players, and black coffee. Amendment: DO NOT GIVE DR.GATE CAFFINE. She does not like loud noises, being interrupted, or life being too slow and boring.


Dr. Gate, while in containment, requires constant observation over two different cameras to ensure that she follows the current time and space flow. Physical confines include arms and legs chained to the ground, though these should only be employed under dire circumstances. The less allowed movement, the better. It should not be allowed to perceive the door to its room at any point whilst unobserved. Its room must be featureless, save for a single, non-electronic light source and a bed.
While outside of containment, Dr. Gate’s pocket watch must be outfitted with a device to observe the time stated. This forces Dr. Gate to remain in this time while observed. Additionally, she must be fitted with a location tracker. This tracker should remain unobserved unless Dr. Gate must be reeled in. Other ways of grounding Dr. Gate within this reality for the purposes of control are being studied. She has stated that, if a permanent solution is found, she will cease her destructive tendencies. This is likely not true. Dr. Gate is known to be particularly deceptive. Everything she says should be taken with a grain of salt.

Physical Description

Dr. Gate is scrawny due to regularly forgetting to take care of her body properly. Her hair is a mess of long, curly silver locks. Her eyes are similarly silver, though depending on how grounded she is, they turn more blue. This weak body is covered by an oversized lab coat and gloves which make her appear much larger. Goggles hold her hair out of her face. Dr. Gate always carries a pocket watch that bears similarities to nixie-tube clocks. This watch cannot be removed from Dr. Gate, even by herself. Bags lay heavy on the doctor’s face. It rarely sleeps for longer than two or three hours a night.


Hair: White
Eyes: Grayish-blue
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 92lbs
Skin: Pale
  • Tattoo just below the shoulder: Ring of thorny roses.
  • Large, thick-lensed glasses
  • Birthmark just under lip


  • Spatial Displacement ─ Dr. Gate’s body and mind drift in and out of this reality in both random and controllable ways. It creates an isolated wormhole effect which allows Dr. Gate to manipulate herself in space. Using something to ground herself and a manipulation of logic, Dr. Gate is capable of ‘teleportation’ through space. An example is doors. Dr. Gate, using doors as a source of ‘logic’, is capable of walking through one door and exiting out in another, even if those doors are not connected. All spatial movement must be centered around theirself. For instance: Teleporting a plate of food from one table to another will not work. However, through thinking of herself as having a meal, she is capable of bringing herself to either plate in the blink of an eye. However, this logic works both ways. If she is perceived while performing these skills, it can often cause difficulty. If the perceiving person does not believe that she can simply teleport, then she cannot. It is, in large part, why she is a purposefully deceptive villain. It allows greater flexibility for her powers.
  • Temporal Displacement ─ Dr. Gate’s body ages at a slowed rate, though use of Spatial Displacement can speed up this rate or slow it further. This means she is capable of living for a far extended period of time. Unfortunately, it means it takes her body longer to recover from wounds and illness. They have reason to believe their Temporal Displacement could allow for more power, but as most people perceive time at a steady rate, the logic manipulation is nearly, if not entirely, impossible with any amount of people within an unknown but miles long radius.
  • Universal Drift – Both an ability and a detriment: Universal Drift allows Dr. Gate to occupy two universal places and/or times at once. What this means for her as a positive is that it allows her to have the increased intelligence of both versions of herself. Additionally, if she has drifted far enough, it is very difficult for something that isn’t a meta-ability to hit her. She shares the mental capabilities and, depending on how far she has drifted, the memories of this other universe. Unfortunately, the longer she spends drifting without being grounded, the more likely she is to slip into that other universe. That universe is decidedly worse than this one from the memories she has received and, sometimes, the parts of that universe that she can see. Often, these memories can confuse her and it can be difficult to tell what is this reality and the other. It becomes more difficult for her to hold and interact with this reality the further she drifts. Dr. Gate does everything she can to avoid drifting very far.


STR - -2
DEX - 1
SPD - 3
CON - -2
INT - 5
WIS - 2
CHA - 2
PWR - 5


Dr. Gate was a recently graduated student who was immediately accepted into a lab she had interned at due to her great intelligence. That lab was studying time travel, especially in terms of meta-humanity. It was Dr. Gate who came up with the design of the TDAM Device (Time Dilation and Manipulation Device). Many had told her that it was dangerous. That her inexperience would be her downfall. She ignored their warnings… and sure enough, the device exploded during testing.

This device created a sort of mini-black hole that lasted only seconds. Seconds was all it took to rip the lab to shreds. It was only because Dr. Gate managed to hold onto the device that she was partially protected. However, it wrenched her body from this reality’s hold. Think of it like this: Living things are balloons. Most balloons are tied to the rock of their reality. During that explosion, the balloon that is Dr. Gate did not pop. However, the string that held her to any reality was cut short.
The development of her abilities happened immediately and she buried her grief at killing her coworkers was buried under this new scientific development. It did not take her long to realize that her abilities were affected by perception, as with any other thing within this reality. However, it took her a year to realize she was drifting.
It started as horrifying visions. Then it turned to memories. Then she realized what she thought were nightmares were simply her perception of the other reality. Desperate to stop this drift, Dr. Gate began experimentation on itself. She found that she needed to ground herself in reality. With few people in her life to rely on and even fewer connections to this timeline due to her research into how to dodge it, it took something else to stay grounded. Drastic action.
It had not started with murder. Dr. Gate does not and never has liked hurting others. Originally, it was cruel actions against her coworkers. Then it evolved to destruction of property. The first murder was accidental… but unlike the cruel actions and property destruction, she managed to stay connected to this reality for several months due to it. To her credit, she tried to go back to the other actions. But they were never enough compared to the relief that murder gave her.
Unfortunately, the more she murdered, the less effective she became. It was not long before she realized greater acts of destruction being observed by a higher number of people was what worked the best. Destroyed banks funded its desperate research to save herself. Exploded government buildings funded her continuing life. That same research was also a great threat to reality, as her avenue of saving herself was to disconnect reality from time and space. Essentially, she wanted to snip the string that held the balloon of reality down so that it would drift at the same speed as her own balloon.

The Doctor started a lab of her own about a year into her realization that she was drifting. The lab had twenty workers including her, all dedicated to the purpose of finding a way to rend this reality from what holds it down. After all, if the Doctor is drifting at the same proverbial time and space as reality, then she won’t drift away from it. Dr. Gate was captured by the DNCC when her lab was located and raided. This event was a year ago.

Criminal Record

  • Crime ─ Domestic Terrorism Dr. Gate has blown up two governmental buildings, several housing units, and two skyscrapers. She has been the cause of multiple bomb threats that were stopped by heroes. Multiple banks were obliterated in her raids
  • Crime ─ Title 18, Section 2113 Dr. Gate has robbed fifteen total banks, thirteen of which were successful. This money was used to fund her research.

Agent Allen Delian
Clearance Level - 4


12 April

Recent events have revealed that, when caffeinated, Dr. Gate’s mental facilities skyrocket. Dr. Gate entered a hyper, panicked state. To the point that she could not communicate, started to hyperventilate, and started tearing out her hair. She was able to ‘logic’ herself out of being observed and nearly escaped confinement. She murdered sixteen staff members before being apprehended. This was only possible through the observation of twelve people and a lucky tranquilizer. This CANNOT be allowed to happen again.
─ Agent Delian

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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by rexgn
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rexgn Your Homicidal Lawyer

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Safe|| "Holy Daughter" || Potentially Dangerous



Last Name: Nonius
First Name: Anastasia
Middle Name: Nyx
Apparent Age: 18
Actual Age: 24
​DoB: 23/12/1987
Sex: Female
Caste: Proxy


Preferred Name(s): Ana, Anastasia, Prophet
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Nouns:* Feminine
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Romantic Orientation: N/D
Status: N/D


Anastasia was born at an unknown location, the cult's whereabouts at the time unknown. She speaks barely above a whisper, only speaking loudly when necessary. She loves reading and drawing, often sketching out ideas for constructs. She dislikes most people, and being alone most of her life, and it takes a lot of bonding to get her to open up. She is a wild zealot for her god and prays at random intervals even when speaking. She speaks with an Austrialian accent. When she's not wearing her traditional black robes with her veil (when she needs to go out in public) she loves wearing emo, grunge y2k aesthetic clothing, with sunglasses. She's secretly found a huge liking to Hello Kitty, but keeps it a profound secret. She also loves listening to music, her favorite artist being Zillakami.


Anastasia should be kept away from any dead animals or humans, and far away from any grave sites. Every 24 hours, she must consume a pill, which restricts her from manipulating the bones in her own body. She can be kept in normal handcuffs and leg binders. In the event, she can summon a construct or manipulate her skeleton, she should be quickly knocked out, by sedatives, tranquilizers, etc. She is allowed at least 5 hours of 'prayer' daily and can be given more on reasonable request. She should have some sacramental paint with her at ALL times, if none can be given, her face should be hidden.

Physical Description

Anastasia Nonius has light brownish-greyish skin, almost a cool shade of beige. She has short, unruly ash-colored hair, which she always tries to find a way to cut before it goes down farther than her shoulders. She has muted copper-colored eyes, that look like pennies. She always seems to have a tired or sickly expression on her face. She usually wears face paint in different styles that all resemble a skull, she hates her face being shown to others, no matter the circumstance, and will do almost anything to cover it. The only outfit she seems truly comfortable in are her old black robes, which include a hood, that she almost always has on when let. She has to wear a veil or something to cover her eyes in bright daylight, her eyes not accustomed to the sun after many years in relatively no light.


Hair: Ash Black
Eyes: Copper
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 107 lbs
Skin: Light Greyish-Brown
  • Nails painted white.
  • Instead of her veil wears sunglasses in public.


  • "Spirit Talker" - Ana possesses a unique gift of communicating with the spirits and ghosts in a specific radius. These entities provide her with valuable knowledge and information. They can also serve as probes that allow her to map out the area.
  • "Bone Manipulation" - Ana can control the bones in her body, make them grow and retract, and create new ones at will. With enough energy, she can control the bones of any other creature with bones, though this requires more control.
  • "Bone Adept" - Ana can raise skeletons of fully rotted, or mostly rotted dead creatures, able to combine them to make stronger constructs, that are harder to keep together
  • "Risen Deity" ─ If enough dead souls are in a specified area, Ana can summon specialized constructs, based on "Saints" from her cult, these summons are far more intelligent and strong, compared to their lower counterparts. They usually have a special ability, which puts them a bar above their counterparts.


STR - -1
DEX - 3
SPD - 1
CON - 0
INT - 3
WIS - 3
CHA - -2
PWR - 4


Anastasia was born into the Hand of the First, a cult that has been mastering the arts of the human body for years. Anastasias' mother, a powerful leader of the cult, wanted to make sure her daughter was a cumulation of her sect's power and knowledge on the skeleton. From a young age, she was subjected to the tedious and long process of becoming a necromancer. Necromancy, however, drains the user, making them sickly and weak, which is why it's usually reserved for older and stronger children, putting a heavy toll on the young Ana. Anastasias' mother though, thought Ana was different, forgetting she is still a flesh and blood human. Even though she was suffering she was an excellent student, a prodigy, her people said. Her reverence, continuing to this day, for the deity her cult served increased tenfold. She said he spoke to her, daily, that she could see him, to outsiders she seemed and still seems crazy. She often said, "He told me I need to learn everything."

After a long, grueling 17 years of learning, Ana could be called the epitome of everything learned and discovered in the sect. But in return, this sent Ana in a downward spiral of utter reverence for her god, calling him the only being she could ever love, she would do anything he said, no matter the cost. On one occasion, when she was praying, she heard a voice. The same familiar voice that had been with her her whole life, informing her, that everyone who wasn't in the cult were heretics, and they hated him. Him, the being she adored, her one and only love. She could not handle the fact of others blaspheming against him.

Two days after her 18th birthday, on Christmas Day, she snapped, raising the skeletons of not only, everyone in the cults' morgue, but almost everything dead with a skeleton in that section of the city, causing a mass hysteria, as the dead gave unjust retribution in every one in their path. Ana laughed and screamed in joy, all the while, that this was the proud day, that her god had been asking for, the proud day, where all the sinners would know pain. Her reign of terror continued for three days before she was stopped by authorities and heroes. When asked the question why, she simply said, because he asked her to, and she would do anything for him. She prays every day for that day to return, still in deep reverence for him.

Criminal Record

  • Property Damage ─ In her rampage, Ana destoryed most of the area she was operating in
  • Mass Murder ─ In her rampage, Ana killed around an estimate of 1,400 people, but the number could be more.

Agent Harrow Tridentarius
Assistant Supervisor
Clearance Level - 3


2 March

Ana has been given permission for 5 hours of prayer, due to her wild and restless actions during times, where she stated "I need to talk him now." Some of that behaviour being, slamming her head into walls, screaming loudly, clawing at her own face, inflicting self-harm, etc. Because of this she has been very docile, not causing much problems. We still continue to make sure, that anything that dies in the vicinity is quickly removed, before she realizes.
─ Agent Tridentarius
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Mintz
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Safe || "Spite" || Potential Risk



Last Name: Donovan
First Name: Jack
Middle Name: Rudolph
Apparent Age: 20
Actual Age: 24
​DoB: 15/3/1987
Sex: Male
Caste: Transmute/Hu-MU


Preferred Name(s): Donovan, Donny
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Nouns:* Masculine
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Romantic Orientation: Heterosexual
Status: N/D


Donovan was born and raised (though 'raise' might be giving too much credit to his family) in Brooklyn, New York. Despite his somewhat imposing figure, he is surprisingly mild and soft-spoken in most conversations, though he can become extremely loud when angered, which is far from an uncommon occurrence. He seems to enjoy reading, especially when it comes to comic books and graphic novels. While not quite completely antisocial, Jack seems to struggle when dealing with larger groups of people, and in particular, he reacts poorly to authority figures when they attempt to exert said authority, usually turning fearful or wrathful, depending on his current temperament. While he does possess a Brooklynite accent, he usually keeps it under wraps, though it effortlessly spills through when his temper gets the better of him. When it comes to clothing, he seems to have little preference for anything, unless he is dealing with cold weather, which he despises; in that case, he bundles up severely.


Due to his immune system becoming chemically imbalanced by the infusion of performance-enhancing serums and injections that granted him his abilities, Jack is notably vulnerable to forms of chemical assault. Namely, a tranquilizer delivery system was inserted into his back, which can send its payload at a moment's notice and knock him out for upwards of 4 hours in only a matter of seconds, giving staff plenty of time to refill the system and situate him into a secure location after any incidents. It is also required that he maintain a relatively low-activity schedule, so as not to build up excessive energy through exercise or other motion that could result in an incident with his powers. As such, he is only allowed 30 minutes of exercise each day, and must be closely monitored to ensure he performs no extraneous activity beyond this timeframe.

Physical Description

Donovan is exceptionally built, mostly due to the alterations to his biology through the chemical compounds he has taken, namely NME-001, 'Hercules'. In spite of his excellent physique, Jack is also quite pallid and his eyes seem unfocused and exhausted. This is presumed to be part of the withdrawal symptoms of not using those compounds for an extended period of time, though he also takes common medical check-ups to ensure his condition isn't worsening. Beyond this, he has a head of messy brown hair that is rather poorly kept, and harsh grey eyes that, as mentioned before, seem to be in a permanent state of some level of sleep deprivation or intense stress. His clothing is simple; realistically, he'll wear whatever the DNCC will give him, but he's usually granted clothing similar to what he came in with, that being a black tank-top, plain brown pants, and a deep blue hoodie.


Hair: Brown
Eyes: Grey
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 215 lbs
Skin: Pale
  • Jack is meant to avoid any potentially addicting substances due to his compromised system, including things like high amounts of sugar or caffeine.


  • "Superhuman Physique" - While not nearly as impressive as when he used to be consistently taking the Numan drug known as 'Hercules', Spite possesses a notable level of superhuman features. He's strong enough to lift roughly a ton, light-caliber weaponry and most martial weapons cannot break through his skin, and he can sprint up to 80 MPH at top speeds. He also notably produces much less fatigue toxins than a normal human, allowing him to function at peak condition for hours on end.
  • "Regeneration" - Similarly to his other abilities, his regeneration is not to the standards it was when taking the Numan drug 'Asclepius'; he is able to recover from most cuts, bruises, and minor fractures in minutes, and repair some more severe damage, such as broken bones or damaged musculature given some hours to recuperate. It cannot, however, restore lost limbs or repair severely life-threatening organ damage.
  • "Energy Absorption/Unnatural Flames" - Yet again, notably weakened in comparison to his time taking 'Helios', but Spite is able to absorb a minor amount of energy directed at him, whether it be kinetic, friction, thermal, energy, or even more esoteric forms of it, even generated by other powers, and use it to create a form of Pyrokinesis, which takes the form of purplish flames, though the fire does not function as a natural one would. They do not need oxygen or raw materials to burn up and survive, instead simply fading away after some time has passed; usually dependent on the level of energy put into them. Interestingly, it seems he has developed a new use for this ability after his incarceration, that being funneling the absorbed energy into empowering his other abilities, albeit temporarily.
  • "Psychokinesis" - While originally spanning a much broader range of psychic abilities when taking the substance known as 'Nyx', it has devolved into simple psychokinesis, and only possesses about half the lift force his raw muscles afford him, though it still has a fairly impressive effective range of 20 meters, or about 65 feet.


STR - 2
DEX - 2
SPD - 2
CON - 3
INT - 0
WIS - 0
CHA - -1
PWR - 3


Jack Donovan was a college dropout who was handed an exciting opportunity by some less than scrupulous individuals; in exchange for being a willing participant in human test trials, he could have the chance to become something greater than himself. Something greater than a mere man. They offered to make him a Superhero. As a young man desperate for anything after failing to graduate, and, admittedly, a bit of a connoisseur of all things Numan, he couldn't help but take them up on the offer, and after signing more waivers than he'd care to admit, it was time.

For a while, things went exactly as he could've hoped. The doctors would bring him in, give him some strange new formula to test, and after giving it some time to settle, would run him through tests with his new, completely superhuman abilities. It was exhilarating! Before this, he was just some slouch, but after the first test, he'd put most professional bodybuilders to shame with his physique! Of course, they usually kept him in the labs until the effects started waning to send him back home, but regardless, it was a whole new world to him. And as he - and the researchers handling him - soon found out, these experimental serums and such were slowly growing more permanent effects on him. It was an unexpected, but not unpleasant, surprise, for both him and his handlers. However, one issue still remained; despite several successful tests and his eagerness to really flex his abilities and put himself out there, he was constantly told to not do anything with his powers, even as they slowly became more permanent. It upset him, but, well...They were the bosses here. He'd do it, if it meant there'd still be a chance.

However, things changed one day when Donovan was walking back home from a test, still feeling like a million bucks. Well, speaking of bucks, he had to stop by the bank; he was low on cash. It was there that he happened to land himself straight in a bank robbery, much to his surprise. The only thing really on his mind then, though, was just how scared everyone else was around him as this went down. He couldn't feel a thing; why would he be scared of these mooks? Back in the labs, they had way crazier things than guys with handguns thrown at him. But...These people, they weren't like that. They were like he used to be, helpless and alone...It was then that, in spite of what his benefactors had wished, Jack acted. Single-handedly, before any other heroes or authorities could reach the scene, he subdued all the armed assailants with ease. For that brief moment, as the people began to herald him for his heroics, that he felt truly alive...

Only to fall, fall, fall....

News like that didn't take long to spread; an unexpected new Numan takes to the scene and effortlessly stopped a crime-in-progress, after all. The folks who set this all up didn't appreciate that potential attention, so they deigned to take a nuclear option. They'd gotten all they needed out of this one, anyhow. The next time Donovan came to the lab, they gently sedated him, telling him that this would be his last test until he could become a real hero...Of course, this was also when they injected him with everything, and with a little something extra. Their most vile concoction yet...Tartarus. Its effects were simple, yet extremely pronounced; it was a performance enhancer for Numan powers, and on top of the fresh cocktail of super-drugs he had just received, the results were vile and violent. Donovan himself claims to have very little memory of the incident thereafter, but he still remembers the looks everyone had looking at him once he was behind bars. Disgusted, as if he was subhuman trash that deserved nothing less than execution.

It didn't take him long to learn why.

Turned out, he went on a drug-fueled rampage across several city-blocks, leveling everything in his path, and killing anything in it all the same; heroes and civilians alike. It was unfair, is what he decided; to both himself, and to everyone who fell victim to his blind rage. But...What else could he do but accept it? His word meant nothing. It never had meant anything to anyone, all his life, and this was just the final nail in his coffin. So all he could do is carry the guilt of his foolish actions like a lead ball dropped in his stomach, and bare the pain of his incarceration.

Criminal Record

  • Property Damage ─ In his rampage, Jack decimated much of the entire borough of Brooklyn, with the costs for repairs being well in the millions.
  • Manslaughter ─ Since he was not considered 'of sound mind', this charge got pushed from murder to manslaughter, but still was more than enough to land him permanent incarceration, with a body count that is still uncertain to this day, but reaching well into the thousands, if not hundreds of thousands.
  • Illicit Substance Abuse ─ While not aware of it, Jack had been partaking in many highly illegal and extremely volatile drugs and chemicals, and was tried as such.

Agent Lorelei Fischer
Head Researcher
Clearance Level - 4


20 January

Testing of blood samples from subject "Spite" have begun. We have isolated the primary mutagenic compound that started the initial rampage in New York City, which we are tentatively coding as NME(Numan Meta-Enhancer)-000, 'Tartarus'. While the sample is extremely diluted, that allowed us to discern one of the notable flaws with this mutagen, that being its limited time frame; while initially, this compound would enhance a Numan's abilities by about ten times their normal facets, this quality is roughly halved with each passing hour. This tracks with the timeline of the subject's capture, as it was roughly three hours of non-stop combat with a large number of heroes before it was able to be put down. By that point, his ability improvement from 'Tartarus' had decayed to roughly a 1.3 times increase in power. The last note to make is while this compound seems to grant excessive power, if temporary, it also causes the power(s) in question to go, for lack of better term, berserk. From footage recovered from the incident, the subject clearly had little control over how its abilities, or even its own body, was acting, showing off wild and violent displays of its enhanced powers with reckless abandon. If it were not for its extraordinarily heighted regenerative abilities, these side effects would have likely terminated the subject long before capture.
─ Agent Fischer
16 February

We have managed to discern a new mutagenic compound within the blood samples of the subject, currently listed as NME-001, 'Hercules'. Simply put, the drug induces an impressive level of superhuman physicality. When used regularly, we surmise the individual in question would possess unbelievably compacted musculature, typical of most superhumanly strong Numans, serving as both a source of incredible strength, likely able to lift upwards of 20 tonnes, and nearly unmatched durability. It is likely their skin alone would deflect or break most conventional forms of weaponry, including high-yield explosives. It is likely only extreme measures or other Numans would be able to properly wound the individual, and even then, due to their muscle structure, it serves as a highly-condensed layer of tissue that would absorb almost any impact, preventing it from reaching bone, which regardless would possess an even greater durability than the skin layer. Additionally, while not quite possessing superhuman speeds in the extreme sense, their agility and dexterity would be highly improved as well. It is likely they could go from standing still to breaking into a 60 MPH sprint in an instant, and at top speeds, would be able to outrun most terrestrial vehicles by going roughly over 200 MPH. On top of this, their reaction speed would be even faster, able to react to things moving at upwards of Mach 1. Like the previous substance, however, 'Hercules' also has a notable flaw (though it was also potentially an intentional side effect) of inducing heightened testosterone, and by proxy, a greater chance for aggressive behavior or general moodiness. It also causes the user to become more instinctual in their movements, occasionally reacting before they think.
─ Agent Fischer
15 March

A new breakthrough was made with the subject's blood samples, revealing yet another mutagenic compound, this one being christened as NME-002, 'Asclepius'. It offers a highly advanced form of cellular regeneration, able to restore minor injures within mere seconds and even severe, life-threatening damage, such as lost limbs or damaged/destroyed organs within mere minutes. It also would have fought off foreign toxins and other biological attacks, though was specifically designed so as to avoid interacting with specific chemical compounds; we likely have this to attribute to the subject's new vulnerability to general chemical attacks. Most startling is the fact that, from the data we can inform from our research, the subject could have survived having their heart, and even brain, partially or completely destroyed with this mutagenic compound being used. However, we surmise that any brain damage received and therefore regenerated would have inflicted either short-term or permanent memory loss and amnesia. This may explain the subject's inability to recall most of its inciting incident. Similarly to the other substances, 'Asclepius' possessed an error in its design (though yet again, could have been an intentional design choice); a subject's sensibilities while under the influence of this drug would have been slowed and somewhat warped, comparable to being under light anesthetics. This could have been a way to help the user ignore the pain of any injuries they incurred, or potentially meant to be directly used alongside NME-001 'Hercules' to curb its aggressive side effects.
─ Agent Fischer
4 April

Our latest breakthrough is, dare I say, the greatest yet, as it shows us the secret behind our subject's most unusual and potent ability; energy absorption. This compound has been dubbed NME-003, 'Helios'. In the height of its power, the compound made its user capable of absorbing upwards of 25% of any form of energy they made contact with, which, when considered alongside NME-001 'Hercules' and NME-002 'Asclepius', would have made the subject extremely hard to terminate even before the addtion of NME-000 'Tartarus'. Additionally, the user could wield this energy in the form of scientifically-baffling Pyrokinetics. These flames deny all explanation, as they burn without regards to any of the natural rules of fire. Not only could it burn under the ocean, but it may even function in space, as well, which is frankly an upsetting notion for myself. We sadly have little explanation to offer on how exactly it functions like this beyond Numan intricacies that go beyond scientific standings. Most interestingly for thos compound, however, is both a lack of a negative trait, unlike the others listed thus far, and even moreso, is how the subject has developed an entirely new usage for the ability beyond its intended functions. The subject's ability to utilize the stored energy through their other abilities is not an intended function of 'Helios', but rather seemingly an ability the subject has developed on their own, possibly intuitively after it reached a new height of power during his rampage in New York.
─ Agent Fischer
30 May

I was sorely mistaken. Even the effects of 'Helios' pale in comparison to the potential full functionality of the latest and, as far as we are aware of now, final mutagenic compound present in his bloodstream; NME-004, 'Nyx'. It has a deceptively simple function; it heightens the psychic capabilities of the user to an exceptional degree. However, it notably does not have an intended psychic ability it grants, and thus, has theoretically endless flexibility. We presume the reason it developed as a form of Telekinesis for the subject is due to a lack of greater thinking and a focus towards material things, and the need to impose their will upon such things. It is likely that, back at the height of its power, the subject would have been capable of far more than this. This hypothesis seems to be supported by the array of, admittedly horrific psychic abilities the subject showcased when it was under the effects of 'Tartarus'.
─ Agent Fischer

1 September

This last file has proven exceptionally challenging; after all the compounds had been successfully analyzed and listed, we were tasked with trying to grasp the exact powerset of the subject during its time under the full effects of NME-000, 'Tartarus'. This was no small feat, but with my colleagues, we have compiled what we expect to be the extents of what it was capable of in that first-hour frame. Firstly, while 'Hercules' was certainly improved, it is of minor note in comparison to the rest of the drastic evolutions it underwent. Namely, 'Asclepius' advanced from a rather advanced, yet mechanically simplistic regenerative ability to a full-blown control over their body's composition and functions, theoretically even down to their very DNA. They showed this ability in many jarring and gruesome ways, such as generating multiple limbs, forming entirely new and inhuman appendages (such as a tail, wings, and more), and creating explosive growths of an entanglement of musculature and bone to strike out at others to brutal effect. It could still regenerate as well, obvious, and it was to a point where damage that somehow got through their nigh-impenetrable defenses would barely stay for a few seconds before being mended, no matter how severe.

When it comes to their energy absorption, a safe estimate was that during this period, it was capable of absorbing roughly 75% of any form of energy directed at it, which, in tandem with the enhanced 'Hercules' and 'Asclepius', had turned the subject functionally indestructible. On top of that, it began to form a passive aura around the subject that sapped energy from everything other than itself in a roughly 30 foot radius. This caused materials around it to lose stability and eventually crumble into dust, and living creatures to lose their vitality and slowly become desiccated and husk-like. Lastly, 'Helios' evolved to the point that it eschewed simple flames and converted into launching beams of 'pure' energy, akin to something like plasma. From groundwork forensics, anything these attacks made contact with were destroyed utterly, leaving nothing perceivable to the naked eye or even scientific instruments to be found in its wake.

Lastly, the subject's psychic abilities from 'Nyx' were drastically awakened by the effects of 'Tartarus'. From surviving eyewitnesses and video accounts, the subject could supposedly perform telepathy, and with it, mind-reading, clairvoyance (allowing him to perceive other locations beyond his naked eyes), mind control (though due to its mental state, it threw targets into a wild frenzy moreso than proper control over them), psychic blasts, and some form of psychically-charged teleportation, using sheer mental power to shunt itself through space. It also, at least once, was reported to use its psychic abilities to...Pop the heads of several individuals within a small radius of itself. Autopsies report that it must have been an internal explosion of psychic force focused at the center of each target's brain, to gruesome effect. These are, as far as we are aware of at this time, all the capabilities the subject possessed at the time of its attack on Brooklyn.
─ Agent Fischer
Hidden 10 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by JewelSerket
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Member Seen 30 days ago

General Doctor/Surgeon || Clearance Level - 2



Last Name: Velasco
First Name: Girasol
Middle Name: N/A
Apparent Age: 38
Actual Age: 33
​DoB: 03/12/1979
Sex: Female


Preferred Name(s): Firn, Dr. Girasol
Gender: Nonbinary
Pronouns: They/Them
Nouns: Masculine/Neutral
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual
Romantic Orientation: Panromantic
Status: N/D


Firn, also known as Dr. Girasol, is a laid back person known for their relaxation whilst in stressful situations. This plus their numan capabilities allows for Dr. Girasol to be a calm and level head when handling drastic surgery. They playfully take on the monacure of Hippie and often prefer herbal remedies when possible. Dr. Girasol plays the role of on-site doctor and surgeon, as the hounds rarely make it through a week without some form of harm. They take the role well, and have even befriended a few of the hounds that regularly enter their office. Their relaxed nature makes them appear lazy, but they are far from it. They often take on the role of five people, literally and metaphorically. They are rather physically frail, but make up for it in intelligence and kindness. They are known for playing games with other staff members, especially favoring Dungeons and Dragons. While they are not overly talkative, they tend to like to tell stories. They have taken on the Hippocratic oath and refuse to do harm to any living being, including insects and, if able to avoid it, plants. The only exception is food, though they do their best to eat all-natural and cruelty-free. They are a vegetarian.


Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 152 lbs
Skin: Mocha
  • Scarred spots along arms and legs from injection sites.
  • Numerous small scars from blades along arms, legs, and torso

Skill Set

  • Blood Bond - Firn possesses the capability to share telepathic messages with their siblings.
  • Fractured Soul - Firn is capable of using soul energy to create up to four duplicates of themself (totaling five bodies). Each fragment of their soul, including the original body, take on an aspect of their personality. While separated, all pieces maintain their own level of energy and damage. Once combined, the main body takes on whatever the ‘lowest common denominator’ is. This applies to physical harm, emotional harm, and illness, but does not apply to exhaustion. The main body receives all exhaustion from the clones together. These clones are incapable of healing injury or exhaustion. When working in surgery, Firn refuses to work with any nurses other than their clones in almost every circumstance.
  • Body Bond - Firn is capable of passing exhaustion, illness, damage, and the like to their siblings. Additionally, Firn is capable of absorbing exhaustion, illness, damage, and the like from other people. This is in great part due to their overly large, fractured soul allowing for the manipulation of energy into and out of itself. This passing and absorbing must be done through bodily contact. Any damage they receive applies to their own body. This is, in large part, why they no longer absorb damage on a whim.
  • Doctorate in General Surgery - Firn has spent many years studying in the medical field and is capable of performing General Surgery.
  • Cool Head - Firn is extremely calm in the most dire situations, to the point that he has been accused of being intoxicated on the job.


Firn’s youth was plagued with strife. Their siblings and them were put in foster care during their early teenage years. They and Sic, their sister, became notorious trouble makers, due to Firn passing damage onto Sic for nefarious purposes. While much of their trouble making was done to force themselves into the same foster home, it evolved quickly for young Firn.

Drugs meant Firn was able to take on more damage and, in their eyes, keep their siblings safer from harm. It was a rabbit hole that Firn fell into hard, though they kept it as good of a secret as they could. They absorbed their eldest sibling’s exhaustion (as Trip often took on a major workload to support the family), Sic’s harm from getting into fights, as well as whatever sorts of harm they could take trade for more drugs. These mostly consisted of painkillers, but also drifted into anything that would allow Firn to escape reality for a while.
It all came to a head when Firn had taken on more than they could heal in any reasonable amount of time. They went to go purchase speed in order to make up for the exhaustion they were handling, and had to heal their dealer in exchange. They had thought they could have taken the wounds but they and the effects of those drugs proved to be too much. Firn overdosed when attempting to walk home and collapsed on the street. It was lucky that Trip had found them, or they would have died that day.

After several weeks of hospital recovery, Firn was sent to the Saint’s Haven Rehabilitation Center. This was chosen due to it being free, though it resulted in some significant religious trauma that Firn has not expounded upon. Firn was there for ninety days but entered an education program whilst inside. They have stated that this program was the only good thing to come out of the Rehabilitation Center. It allowed them to enter a two-year degree path for a bachelor's, which led to the realization that they were naturally skilled in the medical field. It was that skill that led them to become a surgeon, where they then were chosen to join the DNCC.

When they heard about the Hounds program, Firn jumped to join. They compared their journey of recovery to the Hounds and have gone on record to state that they think anyone is capable of getting better.

Agent Ella Nostrus
Head of Surgery
Clearance Level - 7
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Hidden 10 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

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Hidden 10 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by CorviDoggo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

BEFORE ANYTHING, IMPORTANT NOTES!! Audley I left a few parts blank because I didn’t know if you wanted to add an agent for the case of redacting or if you wanted Rhys to have higher clearance and I also. don’t know dates! Thank u in advance and enjoy this smelly bird

Volatile || "The Angel" || Extreme Risk



Last Name: N/A, unknown
First Name: ꌃꍟꁴꍏ꒒ꀤꍟ꒒
Middle Name: N/A, unknown
Apparent Age: 18-19
Actual Age: “first-flight” stage of life, approx. 512 years?
​DoB: not calculable to Earth dates
Sex: capable of morphing— presents without discernible biological sex, has hermaphroditic biology


Preferred Name(s): Bezaliel, Bez, Bezzy, Bee, Feathers, Bird
Gender: Unknown— presents as vaguely masculine?
Pronouns: he/him, it/its, they/them
Nouns: Masculine, Neutral
Sexual Orientation: seemingly primarily homosexual?
Romantic Orientation: seemingly primarily homoromantic?
Status: Unknown


Bezaliel is an Outlander species referred to by humans as “angels” and by themselves as “People of Light,” translated from the term “ꀤ꒒꒒ꀎꂵꀤꈤꍏ” in the Kaleidos language. It was born in a dimension notably close or possibly even attached to our universe: the Astral Plane. Along with that, Bezaliel hails from a specific angelic race, the “seraphim” as humans call it, a multi-winged Angel race that primarily hails from the highlands and mountains of the astral plane— I believe Bezaliel said this race was called “highlanders,” translated from “ꍏ꒒꓄ꀤꂦꋪꍏ” in Kaleidos. While Bezaliel can speak fluent English, albeit with some sort of accent, it seems to prefer its first language of Kaleidos— a light-based language with sounds similar to birdsongs and calls. The Angel is very blunt but still kindhearted, playful in demeanor and energetic. While quite smart, it still struggles grasping Earthen customs and rules. It often shows its displeasure over something by being physical and wing-slapping, hissing, or kicking— while this is met by the institute as a behavior of aggression, I infer that it is communicating as it normally would and not intending to be explicitly harmful. It enjoys poetry, music, and particularly seems to be interested in learning American Sign Language. Along with those hobbies, it also enjoys various puzzles and simple games, including foraging-based puzzles meant for parrots. Bezaliel is a young writer of stories and poetry in its culture, being able to use intricate light shows for poetry as well as making beautiful artworks resembling stained glass it claims to be “poems” in Kaleidos. It also plays an instrument seemingly equivalent to a handpan.
It seems the creature has some mental issues— upon discussion with one of my peers, it seems the Angel has major abandonment trauma leading to a form of post-traumatic stress disorder, along with depressive disorder symptoms akin to those of parrots such as plucking and sudden aggression. It is extremely curious, as well as extremely scared, frightened of many new things it has experienced and continues to experience. I find its intelligence is most obvious in the complex thought processes it shows, and the way it quickly learns and recognizes patterns. In the end, we have removed an extremely intelligent and social being from its habitat, even if it arrived on accident— it makes sense it lashes out, gets confused, and needs to learn more.
Bezaliel knows how to speak in fairly fluent English, albeit with a… “bird-like” accent, similar to the mimicry of parrots such as African Grays. I can also confidently say that it mimics with the same accuracy as parrots, though prefers to speak its own sentences.


Two trackers are implanted into Bezaliel’s body, one at the back of its neck, above the primary pair of wings, and another at the base of its tail, under the secondary pair of wings. Two trackers are necessary both to pinpoint the Angel’s location and to detect if it shifted, as the distance between the trackers will most likely change with major body morphs. There is a GPS connected to these two trackers in order for a handler to monitor it both inside and outside of the compound. Unlike most other Hounds, Bezaliel needs a nearby handler or trusted person at all times for multiple reasons; number one, it is most likely to get violent when lonely; number two, it responds to most triggers physically through attacks; number three, it often searches for ways to escape. Along with the trackers, Bezaliel must have some form enchanted, of conductive wire (most effectively silver) tightly wrapped around its halo in order to prevent it from creating a light hot or intense enough to harm others. Despite the wire, it is still allowed to create softer, harmless light, due to the fact light is an important part of its communication.
Bezaliel, apparently like all other Angels, is an obligate carnivore. It must be supplied with a live animal for food. Alternatively, if the person giving Bezaliel food is someone Bezaliel trusts, it will also accept raw, prepared food. Offering cooked food will only get it upset and ask why said food tastes strange, and offering prepared raw food while it sees you as a stranger causes it to deny it on the basis of “it’s weird to share hunts if you don’t know each other.” It should also be allowed to freely hunt at least once a week, or else it gets upset and is more likely to attack others.
Bezaliel needs multiple forms of basic enrichment. It needs “shreddable” toys akin to parrot toys lest it start trying to destroy the base. It should readily be supplied with nesting materials such as blankets, pillows, plushies, and “pretty looking things” and be allowed a nest in of its making in its room. Beyond that, it should be allowed regular access to the high-ceiling gym in order to fly freely. It also must be taken aside for experimentation and testing purposes as needed, but should not be told— instead lured, as to not stress it.
Bezaliel, while not inherently an aggressive or cruel individual, does have triggers causing it to become aggressive by our standards. Triggers include prayers and chanting, loud and sudden noises, and flashing lights. While these attacks aren’t meant to be lethal and more of a way it tells others to stop, they are powerful and should be avoided; it also responds extremely poorly to sedation and discipline, possibly due to its angelic culture. Handlers are highly encouraged to put away highly shiny objects like mirrors or jewelry, and they must speak softly to Bezaliel as to not rouse it.

Physical Description

Bezaliel has quite the distinct look— so I will start on what we have found so far regarding the systems of its body. Bezaliel’s blood, while containing hemoglobin like humans, also has a strange, blue pigment to it, making the blood appear a shimmering indigo-purple shade. The blue pigment seems to be some part of its complex immune system, as it seems to possess strong antibacterial properties. Its skeleton is not anywhere close to a skeleton on earth, the primary material of the bones being some strange composition of an organic carbon-fiber-like substance and a titanium alloy instead of calcium and magnesium. Said bones are hollow with a hexagonal lattice structure, the longer limb bones possessing a kind of resemblance to cactus wood. It possesses many earthen characteristics similar to birds, particularly parrots and owls, including an extremely efficient respiratory system that uses constantly cycling air to receive oxygen. It also seems to have a powerful heart in its chest. Because of the fact I do not want to kill the Angel for the sake of a potential dissection, however, x-rays and physical exams is all the information I can offer on its internal anatomy.
On appearances— the Angel is extremely hard to miss. While a good portion of its body is covered in white and light-blue iridescent plumage, its chest, belly, and face show a dark, purple-blue skin. Upon the exposed skin, little cream-colored freckles and light-blue cloud marks glow faintly. It has a fairly flat face akin to an owl’s, with a thick beak covered in pale skin poking out taking the silhouette of both the mouth and nose and hiding sharp teeth behind the lips. In total, the Angel has nine orange eyes: four trailing down its bare chest and five positioned evenly on its face. It has longer feathers on is head and on its tail, thin and acting similarly to hair. The Angel has five sets of wings— one acting as ears, two on its long tail, and two on its back, one significantly larger than the other. The larger wings on its back, “primary” wings, as I will call them, have a cream, blue, and grey barring pattern like the rest of the sets of wings, but it distinctly has two eyespots. The backside of the wings on the angel’s back, unlike the tail wings and ear wings, have a mottled blue-grey blanket pattern instead of the barring on the front. On its head are a crown of horns— two smaller ones at the front, two larger and more curved ones facing towards the back, and a horn (horns..?) that forms a hoop, or a “halo.” On both arms and legs there are these… talons, I will call them— zygodactyl in position, with two thumbs and two middle fingers. Both sets are equally dexterous, and the tail is also prehensile. Those cloud and freckle markings that I’ve mentioned earlier intensify at the central line of the chest where the eyes are and on the horns, and I’ve noticed those are the primary markings that light up when the Angel speaks in Kaleidos.
Of course, I must add— the Angel may conceal its additional eyes, its wings, and even its tail in its basic shapeshifting. It can also, as we’ve seen many times, entirely don the appearance of something different, and it does on a regular basis. Of its standard forms, I noticed it dons one very “humanoid” form that is 5’4” in height, with mocha-colored skin, white hair, and two yellow-orange eyes with white sclera but no discernible pupils. It seems quite comfortable in its base form while in the compound, either way.


Hair: creamy white
Eyes: yellow-orange, solid
Height: 9’6”
Weight: 159 lbs
Skin: Darker purple-blue skin with light freckles, lighter cream feathers
  • Once again, I will iterate that this description is exclusively of its base form. Bezaliel is capable of shapeshifting and readily does so.
  • if you cannot identify the Angel by sight while it is in base form, as it literally is the only being that looks anything close to an Angel, you are a moron and should look for a new job and an eye doctor.


  • Shapeshifting ─ While an angel’s shapeshifting is not absolute or perfect, they can morph their natural body drastically. In Bezaliel’s case, it is able to appear near-perfectly human through shapeshifting and roughly mimic different people’s bodies and faces. Through shapeshifting, it can also mask its extra eyes and extra wings, or entirely shift to more “feral” forms entirely. According to Bezaliel, its shifting will get better when he “ages to the next stage,” which is seemingly in… a few thousand Earth years.
  • Light Manipulation ─ As the rest of its species, Bezaliel is capable of emitting, manipulating, and shooting light in beams. Naturally, it gives a faint glow off its skin and feathers, with its eyes, horns, and markings glowing slightly brighter. It can either glow brightly if needed or dim itself entirely, and it can shoot controlled bursts of light from its “halo,” a pair of horns on its head that form an arch. It can also bend beams of light, both its own emitted light and light from other sources like lamps, creating rainbows or reflections. It seems Bezaliel holds a talent for this specific power, as it likes to create little “light shows” when it is bored— an impressive feat of meticulous and exact light control that usually only older members of its species can do after living through most “stages.”
  • Blink ─ An angel is capable of moving short distances faster than humans can register with their own eyes, making this fast movement seem like teleportation. It is not teleportation, just a form of “sprinting” that this species can do.
  • Expert Hunting ─ Bezaliel is an avid and energetic hunter— being able to use its sharp teeth and talons to take down prey easily. It has extremely keen tracking senses, and it rarely loses track of prey. Angels, as far as we understand, are obligate hypercarnivores, and will hunt in packs. This explains why Bezaliel strongly prefers hunting with people it has deemed its friend. Bezaliel in particular will “share” its catches with others, as well.


STR - 2
DEX - 3
SPD - 4
CON - -2
INT - 1
WIS - 1
CHA - -3
PWR - 5


From what I understand, this Angel has come to Earth unintentionally. It grew up in an entirely different plane of existence— the “astral plane,” for lack of a better word, which by nature is closely attached to earth as well as prone to inter-dimensional tears. This angel named Bezaliel and its pack all belonged to an angelic clan, Seraphim, that inhabited the higher strata of the realm and took up some sort of nautical, traveling niche. The Angel spent its whole life with its pack, and engaged in an angelic tradition known as “first-flight” once it grew its adult plumage— hence the reason why it keeps calling it’s “stage of life” the “first-flight” stage. It seems an accident happened during Bezaliel’s first-flight tradition, as it states it fell through a “time-storm,” what I infer is an inter-dimensional tear that lead to Earth. The Angel ultimately landed in the United States, in a rural plot in New York used for farming Maple-Syrup, and then flew approximately two miles and decimated a dairy cattle farm. Shortly after, the Angel traveled south to a rural Hamlet named Yarlford, where it again decimated the entire small settlement and attempted to build a “Seam-Ripper,” an Angelic portal-opening invention it seems to be familiar with, from the scraps of many homes. Thirteen people were killed (but not eaten) in that altercation, notably all men with guns. Bezaliel was unsuccessful in making this specific Seam-Ripper work, and it proceeded to wander off for more resources.
The Angel continued to move south until it unfortunately reached New York City. Bezaliel began to hunt the people of downtown New York City, as well as destroy much of the surrounding infrastructure for various reasons. Records show it tried to make some sort of “nest” atop a skyscraper, as well as trying to build another statue to get to its home planet. For a total of 268 days, the angel entirely destroyed and “restructured” twenty square miles of the city in the form of an almost-perfect circle and killed and ate a total of 197 people, including but not limited to: two priests who attempted to speak with the Angel, police officers, soldiers from the army and coast guard, five fighter jet pilots, and the general, indiscriminate murder of humankind which included men, women, and children of all races and all walks of life. There are an additional 15 people the Angel had murdered but not eaten, all of which being part of the military operations sent to subdue and/or kill the creature. From the metal scraps and materials the angel destroyed buildings to obtain, it built a far larger Seam-Ripper than the one seen at Yarlford and was almost complete by the time the Angel was contained.
After an agent attempted to speak to Bezaliel in Kaleidos and learned it also attempted to “copy” rudimentary English sounds, we learned Bezaliel was doing all of this to try getting home. The DNCC thus sent another agent to convince the Angel to stop, explaining to the Angel that the DNCC could help the Angel home if it stopped its destruction.
Since the incident, Bezaliel learned that humans are sentient despite the fact we do not create light the way it can, and has expressed deep regret over what it has done, even if it didn’t know at the time that people were intelligent beings.

Criminal Record

  • 225 counts of manslaughter ─ The Angel murdered a total of 225 people. Because it did not know at the time that humans are sentient and its intentions were not malicious but instead exclusively for self defense and sustenance, the initial charges of murder have been dropped for manslaughter.
  • Mishandling of 196 corpses ─ The Angel ate a total of 197 people. As eating a corpse if not requested by the corpse recipient in their will is considered mishandling, all but one of Bezaliel’s “hunts” are charged as mishandling.
  • Destruction of public and private property ─ Bezaliel destroyed 20 square miles of downtown New York City, including but not limited to government buildings, apartments, offices, restaurants, stores, and literally anything made of metal.
  • Obstruction of justice ─ Due to the Angel attacking and retaliating against police and military forces, it has been charged with obstruction of justice.
  • terroristm ─ this doesn’t need an explanation, just look at its history and the previous charges.

Agent First Last
Position in Program
Clearance Level - 1 to 5


The Angel has refused to eat for multiple weeks. I’ve discovered it not only prefers meat, it MUST eat meat and cannot digest plant matter. In an attempt to feed it sedative herbs, it became extremely sick and refused food from me entirely. On the other hand, it is most happy when given live fish. It also seems to enjoy the way fish flops around. Perhaps as a form of enrichment.
─ Dr. Rhys O’Ceallach, Outlander Biologist and Researcher

Based on personal observation, in addition to the observations of general handlers, as well as direct communication with young Bezaliel themself, it has become apparent that nesting materials and the like need to be of specific textures and fibers. As it stands, Bezaliel has expressed disgust when given items of a feathery or downy nature, and has actively discarded absorbent microfiber, polyester, and Sherpa blankets and fabrics, showing the same level of disgust with these fibers as they have with feathers and down. On the contrary, they have been found to enjoy soft, minky or plush fabrics, as well as memory-foam-based pillows. In this vein, young Bezaliel also seems particularly fond of “Squishmallows”, as was found when a handler–requesting to remain anonymous–brought one of the plush toys into the compound and presented the item to the angel. Upon interview with young Bezaliel about the gift, it was confirmed that they enjoy the toy to quite the degree–as to be quoted, “both in shape and texture”– For this, I would like to note “mochi minky” as a fabric to consider.
Additionally, I’ve noticed they build their nest out of perfectly square and circular blankets. Handlers have confirmed this behavior, even noting observations of young Bezaliel tearing up other blankets to fit that general “even” shape.
As a final note, young Bezaliel has show express interest in the string lights and night-light globe that another, anonymous, handler managed to sneak onto the unit. Unless these materials prove hazardous, I have ruled that these, and other similar materials will be allowed, though I advise handlers to ensure that h-002, codename “Hyperware”, otherwise known as Harper, is not permitted in or near Bezaliel’s room.
─ Agent Roy Vega, Project Supervisor

It has recently come to note that young Bezaliel’s anxious and irritable behavior–often presented when left alone–is curbed when there are gentle, moving lights in their room. It is for this reason that, despite h-002’s interest in the electrical items in young Bezaliel’s room, I stress the importance of keeping these objects available to the angel as not only does it keep them manageable, but their calmer state allows for some slack on part of Bezaliel’s handler, even going so far as allowing breaks for food and rest through the night.
Amusingly, upon first interaction, it is noted that young Bezaliel attempted to communicate with that globe light mentioned previously. They have since learned the night-light is not sentient, but still enjoys its presence.
─ Agent Roy Vega, Project Supervisor

In the angel’s latest exams, I’ve noticed it has begun to over-preen its feathers. I’ve consulted with an ornithologist close to the institute and have concluded the angel’s needs may be comparable to a large parrot’s. Thus, it may be important for the health of this specimen to allow it some extra-large-size and destructible “parrot toys.” My colleague has told me she recommends Planet Pleasures for bird toys, though we may be able to make our own toys for the creature as well if we have the resources. I recommend keeping track of the textures it prefers.
─ Dr. Rhys O’Ceallach, Outlander Biologist and Researcher

In a shocking turn of events, it would seem that young Bezaliel is not entirely genderless as previously assumed. Unlike h-003, it would appear that young Bezaliel possesses some level of internal biology that has allowed them to lay an egg. Naturally, I am concerned about the implications of this revelation, as it poses the same risk we are already facing in having a co-ed holding unit. Nevertheless, as per the facility’s guidelines on health and safety, the egg has been removed and disposed of, given there is little chance of it being fertile. Any future eggs should be handled accordingly.
─ Agent Roy Vega, Project Supervisor

The angel has been laying eggs roughly every other month, and some recent testing shows me its bone density has lowered a significant amount. Along with that, it seems more easily tired and more irritable. After consulting with my ornithologist colleague, I’ve come to the conclusion that angels may get bodily strain from laying eggs so often. It is suggested to use “dud eggs” instead to let the Angel naturally get bored of the egg while still being able to safely remove it.
─ Dr. Rhys O’Ceallach, Outlander Biologist and Researcher

Any handler found to be ignoring this step in the removal of an egg will not only be removed from the program, but charged with negligence and even abuse, as failure to replace the egg poses extreme risks to Bezaliel’s physical and psychological health.
Additionally, due to mishap in the lab resulting in [REDACTED], all eggs retrieved from the unit are to be candled both on collection and upon arrival in the lab.
─ Agent Roy Vega, Project Supervisor

Along with the weekly hunt, young Bezaliel should be allowed daily flight time in the atrium. Allowing such has been proven to help in stabilizing the angel’s mood, as it seems that the more young Bezaliel spends their energy while spreading their wings, the less likely they are to lash out.
─ Agent Roy Vega, Project Supervisor

Amusingly, young Bezaliel responds very well to cat toys! Perhaps this will serve as a way for which he and his teammates may bond. I hope it may also serve as a proof of record that young Bezaliel no longer poses a danger to the people of this world and perhaps aid in the appeal of their sentencing and even lead to an eventual return to their home realm.
─ Agent Roy Vega, Project Supervisor

Young Bezaliel's English vocabulary has grown tremendously since their integration into the program. They are learning new words and phrases every day and have even begun learning more advanced vocabulary words through audio learning tracks. There is, however, a bit of concern in regards to certain vocabulary they have started to pick up on from the other Hounds. Namely, that which they have been copying from h-001, codenamed "Revenant", otherwise known as Sabriel. As it stands, young Bezaliel has learned quite the "colorful" vocabulary from the other Hound.
─ Agent Roy Vega, Project Supervisor
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