Okay, so I'm going to try to keep this as straight forward as possible to avoid any confusion. If there is any confusion about the story or characters, please feel free to message me and I can do my best to explain it further.

For a little background; I have been writing and thinking about this story for a bit and have fleshed out what I believe to be some pretty good characters. So, I thought that it might be a cool idea to put the characters up on here and see if anyone is willing to take up (adopt lol) these characters to play in a roleplay with me. This story is based on How to Train Your Dragon. There is mention of characters from the movie, such as Hiccup, Astrid, Drago Bludvist etc, but they are not the main characters of the rp, merely supporting characters.

Now I have been writing this story for a bit, so there is actually two generations of characters I have lol. Please don't let that scare you. I definitely won't be controlling about the characters and the second generation of characters won't come in until the character arc for the first generation is complete (or close to being complete). So we'll have time to focus on the first generation of characters and get through their stories before this second generation comes in. It just allows us to continue the story and take it even further, since in the second generation is when the dragon lore of the story REALLY picks up.

Now onto some background information and then the characters. The first background information is a snippet of a tribe of people I've created for this How to Train Your Dragon rp, who are able to actually transform into dragons. A few of the characters will be apart of this tribe of people and their lore is something that will influence and build the plot. I will put the species information and lore below. The Lore (aka how the Arceaus species came to be) is something I'm willing to work with my partner and change up a bit if needed. But I would like to keep the people and culture information the same.

Now that the information about the Arceaus is put forward, I want to share the characters I have for myself and the characters that I would like my partner to take up. Now, obviously we would each be playing a few characters. I love having a full cast of characters to bring a story to life, and just know that we wouldn't be playing all of them at once. We can focus on different scenes and different couples at different times to help the flow of the story and to not overwhelm us. I will also pretty much always main female characters, while my partner takes on the males. I may have a few minor side characters that are male, but I don't play them as mains or in romantic instances.

I'll share the first generation couples first, and will save the second generation of characters to share over PM so that I don't overwhelm anyone here by reading ALL this haha. Most of the second generation characters will consist of full Arceaus or people who are only half Arceaus.
Theres three main couples for the first generation, though one of the couples doesn't come in until a little later.

The Story and Characters

The story of the first generation will start after the events of the Hidden World, in which the children of Berk have come to believe that Dragons truely are just the stories their parents have made up. Even Hiccup's eldest, his son, believes them to just be fairytales his father made up to put them to bed as kids.

Hiccup's daughter however believes otherwise. Despite all the other children out growing the stories of dragons and became seeded in in their doubts as they aged, Hiccup's daughter in her young adulthood still believes that somewhere out there there are dragons. After coming face to face with a grumpy Lightfury, she soon finds out just how true her father's stories are. From accidental falls into the Hidden World, meeting a strange boy with the ability to transform into a dragon, and facing off with the icy daughter of Drago Bludvist himself, the Haddock siblings are in for a wild adventure.

Note: These next two will come later in the rp, but will be important to plot going forward

Okay! So those are the six main characters for the first generation. I will be taking on Ava, Eira, and Leta, while my partner would be taking up Mavric, Callyn, and Arnold. The couples are, in case its not quite clear:
Ava Haddock and Callyn
Mavric Haddock and Eira Bludvist
Arnold Irving and Leta
(Again, Arnold and Leta comes in a little later. For a good bit the rp would mainly focus on the other two couples)

If you are interested in this story and these characters, feel free to shoot me a PM! I hope to hear from you soon!