I've had this idea for a while, but I've been thinking about running the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, but... You know, not shit.

This i was planning on running using Star Wars Saga Edition rules, partly because they are similar enough to D&D so that anyone can easily learn it, but also because all of the rules are free and online, because the game is in rights hell and will never ever be printed officially again so it's pretty much gone into the public domain.

The story is based on a writing exercise I did with some friends based on the idea of "Fix the Sequel Trilogy while changing as little as possible" So, some events have been recontextualized and others have been swapped in chronological order of events to make it flow better. But as many of the key events have been kept with as little as possible "Just completely changed from the ground up."

Background story: After the destruction of the Second Death Star, The Galactic Civil War continued to rage across the galaxy with the Empire getting more and more fractured, whole the Rebellion became more united. By 6ABY, the Republic had set up its capitol on Hosnian Prime, officially re-organizing into the New Republic. By the end of the war in 9ABY, both sides had exhausted each other economically. Both sides quickly realized 1 singular truth: "If one side won the war, they would only do so by utterly bankrupting themselves and then collapsing." As such, both sides, The New Republic under Supreme Chancellor Mon Mothma and Imperial Regent Cassio Tagge met and their diplomatic enterages hammered out a treaty of cesession of hostilities between the two factions. The Republic's focus of freeing population centers seemed to gel well with the Empires focus on keeping resource producing worlds. The Empire Trading away 10 systems in return for Kuat, 15 systems for Kessel, ETC.

After all was settled, the Republic had become a massive population center with agricultural worlds that were more than sufficient to feed themselves, but war resources were few and far between. Whereas the Empire had grabbed a considerable amount of resources, but it turned out that they had neglected keep enough agricultural worlds (Specifically because most of the important ones had been pro-Rebellion). This entered a long period of Imperial-Republic cooperation. Tagge being a logistical genius has turned the once beaten and bloodied Empire into a new Economic Superpower and with the Republic also having grown to become powerful, if a little too large for its own good. That being said, the sheer numbers of Republic warships, even if a little out of date, make them more of a match for the Empire if push ever came to shove.

Now, there are stirrings within the Empire. Rumours of a faction calling themselves "The First Order" getting new ships, new Stormtrooper armours, new weapons development. Now, as our story begins, the New Republic agent Poe Dameron flies to the planet Jakku, a planet inside of Imperial territory where a secret meeting has been arranged with an unknown contact willing to give top secret information on a potential new war that, if gotten into Republic hands, could end the threat here and now.

The Factions of note:
Knights of Ren: the Empires Force Sensitive faction, based off of the Jedi Order, however, they do not use Lightsabers. Vibro-Weapons, Force Pikes, Blasters, almost anything else. It is led by the mysterious being called "Kylo Ren" who is the only one of them to use a Lightsaber. He wears a black mask and a voice filter.
The First Order: A special forces faction within the Empire led by the mysterious "Snoke" they have unique ships, weapons and Stormtrooper armour.
The Jedi Order: Gone. 10 years ago, there was a terrible accident at their new temple on Yavin 4. Grand Master Luke Skywalker and his students were supposedly killed.

Players needed:

Poe Dameron: Ace Pilot of indeterminate race (Player Choice) he is an agent working for the New Republic Intelligence service.
Finn: Human Stormtrooper currently attached to the First Order. He is an Imperial Patriot who is loyal to Tagge.
Rey: A human Imperial citizen living in the undercity of Coruscant. She has Force Powers but is deathly afraid of them due to the rumours of the Knights taking any and all Force Sensitive beings. She has been working on Starships all her life.
BB-8: An Astromech droid belonging to Poe.

To be honest, the only characters NEEDED to start this RP off are a Finn and a Poe. I have some base character sheets for the characters depending on whoever wants to play. Or, if you want to make your own character sheet, all of the rules for character creation are right here but right here and now, I'm looking to gauge interest in this idea.