Hidden 29 days ago Post by KilluaRollz
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KilluaRollz Astronomically Awkward

Member Seen 27 days ago

I’m terrible at introductions but then again, that seems to be something that a lot of us have in common, lol.

Soooo it’s been ages since I’ve done forum-based role playing but I have missed it oh so dearly, which is why I have returned! All I can remember is that I participated in a good bit of group and 1x1 RPs here, years ago. I can’t quite remember my previous username on here though… but cheers to new beginnings >.<

Hmm, so as far my writing style goes, I will usually match the requirements of the group RP that I am participating in or that my partners prefers if it’s a 1x1. I can keep things short and sweet with just a few sentences per post, or go all in and dish out some meaty essays per post. I kid, I kid, but I can write a good amount of detailed paragraphs per post as well, if it’s preferred.

As far as genres that I like, I literally like it all. My favorites are anything with fantasy, horror, and mystery. I have a soft spot for anything based in medieval times. From time to time, I do like to indulge in slice of life RPs as well (those are my weakness…shame, shame, I know).

Hobbies, erm, I like to sketch, read, and play video games. I also love watching anime as well. I think that about sums it up honestly. I look forward to RPing with some of you in the future ^.^
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Hidden 28 days ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I run a Modern Fantasy RP, just in case that's something you'd like...

In other news, welcome, @KilluaRollz!
Hidden 28 days ago Post by KilluaRollz
Avatar of KilluaRollz

KilluaRollz Astronomically Awkward

Member Seen 27 days ago

@Letter Bee

Thank you for the welcome! And yes, I would love to hear more about your RP. It sounds right up my alley, lol.
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Hidden 28 days ago Post by Letter Bee
Avatar of Letter Bee

Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Letter Bee

Thank you for the welcome! And yes, I would love to hear more about your RP. It sounds right up my alley, lol.

Well, you've read the lore in the OOC Opening Post, right?
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