Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago
Zeroth Post
Character Sheet Template:

Basic Information

Species: (Werewolf, Lycan, Human)
Pack/Group: (if applicable)
Role: (Alpha, Luna, Gamma, Healer/Medic, Omega)


Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Distinctive Features:
Clothing Style:


Overall Personality:


Significant Relationships:
Role in Society:

Abilities and Skills

Abilities: (Supernatural or combat skills)

Equipment and Possessions

Personal Items:

Open Roles

Silverclaw Pack

Alpha: (Pack Leader) TAKEN/ Hector Ekane
Luna: (Alpha’s mate, co-leader)
Beta: (Second-in-command)
Gamma: (Head Warrior)
Delta: (Scout Leader)
Healer: (Head Medic)-
Warriors: (General combatants)
Omegas: (General Pack Members)

Moonshadow Pack

Alpha: (Pack Leader)
Luna: (Alpha’s mate, co-leader)
Beta: (Second-in-command)
Gamma: (Head Warrior)
Delta: (Scout Leader)
Healer: (Medic)
Warriors: (General combatants)
Omegas: (General Pack Members)

Stormfang Pack

Alpha: (Pack Leader)
Luna: (Alpha’s mate, co-leader)
Beta: (Second-in-command)
Gamma: (Head Warrior)
Delta: (Scout Leader)
Healer: (Medic)
Warriors: (General combatants)
Omegas: (General Pack Members)

Human Villages (Raven's Hollow, Ironridge, Greenfield)

Elder: (Village Leader)
Healer: (Medic)
Blacksmith: (Craftsman)
Trader: (Resource Supplier)
Militia Leader: (Village Defense)
Key Women: (Potential resistance allies
Open Roles for the Bloodmoon Pack (LYCANS)

Alpha: Lycan King (Sole Alpha and supreme leader of all lycans)

Beta Families: High-ranking lycans, advisors, and leaders within the pack

Gamma: Warriors and enforcers

Omega: General pack members

As roles are filled I’ll add your characters to this list.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by PlotExplorer


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Basic Information

Name: Hector Ekane
Alias/Nickname: The Iron Fist
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf
Pack/Group: Silverclaw Pack


Height: 6'5"
Build: Muscular and imposing
Hair Color: Jet black
Eye Color: Steel gray
Distinctive Features: A prominent scar running from his left eyebrow to his cheek, a tattoo of a silver claw on his right shoulder
Clothing Style: Prefers practical, durable clothing suited for both combat and leadership, often seen wearing a leather vest with the pack's emblem


Overall Personality: Hector is a stern and disciplined leader, known for his unwavering resolve and tactical brilliance. He is fiercely protective of his pack and demands the highest standards from his members. Despite his tough exterior, he has a deep sense of loyalty and justice.
Strengths: Leadership, strategic planning, combat skills
Weaknesses: Can be overly strict, struggles to show vulnerability
Likes: Training, discipline, loyalty
Dislikes: Betrayal, laziness, lycans
Fears: Failing his pack, losing control
Motivations: Protecting his pack and ensuring their freedom from lycan oppression


History: Hector rose to the position of Alpha after leading a successful rebellion against a corrupt predecessor. His strategic mind and combat prowess earned him the respect and loyalty of the Silverclaw Pack. He witnessed many of his loved ones perish in lycan attacks, fueling his relentless drive to protect his pack and secure their independence.
Family: Lost both parents to a lycan raid, no known siblings
Significant Relationships: Has a close bond with his Beta and a deep respect for Selene
Role in Society: Alpha of the Silverclaw Pack, a respected leader among the allied packs

Abilities and Skills

Werewolf Abilities: Enhanced strength, speed, heightened senses, full control over transformations
Combat Skills: Master in hand-to-hand combat and proficient with various weapons, particularly adept with a silver-plated sword
Other Skills: Tactical planning, survival skills, leadership
Strengths: Physical prowess, tactical acumen, unwavering resolve
Weaknesses: Can be overly strict, emotionally guarded

Equipment and Possessions

Weapons: A large silver-plated sword named "Silverslash" and a set of throwing knives
Armor: Leather armor reinforced with metal plates
Personal Items: A pendant from his mother and a journal containing strategic plans and notes
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