I’m Abby, or tootin! I’m a 22 yr old nursing college student who’s about to graduate in July. So, that said, I have a life outside of rping as well.
I am OBSESSED with James Cameron’s Avatar and have been since the first movie came out. I have seen BOTH movies I don’t know how many times, and I have over 100 hours and completely the storyline SEVERAL times on A:FOP. I also played the first game that came out in 2009.

As for rping, here’s my style.
- I’ve been rping since 12. So I consider myself very literate-advanced. I write a MINIMUM of 4 paragraphs.
- I PREFER to use Discord, but I'm willing to write on here. Just please know that my response times might be slower.
- I really like romance, and with that, I highly prefer to double-up to feed both of our romance interests. I can do CCxOC, OCxOC, or CCxCC with your interest. Although I do prefer CCxOC or OCxOC with mine.
- I only write third person
- I love getting to know my partners, I’m very social but I understand some people aren’t like that. So, I at least would like some OOC planning for plots
- I love adding background OC’s. I can/will write multiple characters. Just because I believe it adds more to the story and also length in posts.
- I use a word doc for my OC character sheets

What I would like for my partner
- No one liners please. I’m a very lengthy and descriptive writer. While you don’t have to match my length, I at least would like a minimum of 3-4 paragraphs so I have something to write off of.
- Please be 18+
- Double-up in romance
- Can write 2 or more characters at a time
- At LEAST be acknowledgeable with the first movie and concept. I can fill you in on the second and even the game!
- At least use OOC for planning plots. I’m a pretty social person and I understand some people aren’t that way. But planning for future plots is a must for me so I’m not blindly trying to think of something last minute

As for my interest in starting, I'm not truly picky!! We can start in ATWOW & AFOP time, before or after! I do like the idea of fusing the game and movie characters, just so we have more background characters to choose from :)

If you’re interested, plz feel free to shoot me a PM!
Thank you<3