Charlisa Janet Fox / Charlie / 21 / Meta Purple Ranger / #a187be / Kiana Lede A P P E A R A N C E The first thing that someone would notice about Charlie is just how short she is. Standing at about 5'2", she not as "vertically blessed" as most people, but that doesn't bother her in the slightest. What does bother her is when people like to point out this physical detail about her. In that case, her slightly intimidating hazel-eyed glare is a bit more accentuated by the annoyance stirring up within her internally. She's a natural beauty that doesn't often need the effects of makeup, but will occasionally prepare her face if she is going out for a night on the town. Her lips are full and often have a smirk or scowl on it depending on what mood she's in.
Body wise, Charlie finds herself to be average weight with slight curves. She isn't necessarily a video vixen, but Charlie is aware that she has a decent physical build considering. Her hairstyle depends on her mood for the day or the week. It's not uncommon for Charlie to find comfort in getting her hair braided, especially when she knows that she will spend extensive time away from home. In other instances, she wears her hair in its natural curly state. The only time where she will consider pressing it flat is if she wants to look to cute. Otherwise, braids or curls is Charlie's selection as it relates to her hair.
S T Y L E Charlie prefers comfort over style. For the life of her, she cannot understand why some women prefer to wear heels on a daily basis when they can opt for something more comforting and simple. She's a t-shirt, jeans and tennis shoes kind of woman more times than not with a jacket or a hoodie if necessary. She's not void of fashion sense when it comes to making herself "dolled up." Charlie has a few dresses in her closet that she is willing to bring out on special occasions along with heels, just expect her to be barefoot by the end of evening.
Her Ranger color is purple and part of the running theme of the other Rangers is to always wear something that had their designated color. No, Charlie won't always wear her favorite lavender hoodie; she will often elect for a bracelet with purple charms on it or the matching pair of earrings as a means of showcasing the purple through her accessories. Speaking of which, she does have nose piercings and a few tattoos along her arms to round out her style. Very much so a tomboy that is capable of turning a few heads.
P E R S O N A L I T Y - Audacious - There's a level of boldness that comes with being a Ranger, right? Even without the suit, prior to her experience in going to battle with bad guys, Charlie was a fearless woman that didn't back down from a challenge. Her audacity can often rub people the wrong way or serve as a motivation to help them fight alongside her.
- Insecure - Charlie is a brilliant woman, but is not without her insecurities. Despite her obvious intelligence and aptitude for succeeding with her business, there are times where she feels incompetent and fearful of failure. When she doubts herself, other people can certainly notice it in her demeanor.
- Witty - At her core, Charlie is somewhat of a jokester. More times than not, it arrives in the form of dry humor or small digs, but she's truly a source for laughs at the most random times. In her opinion, you have to have a sense of humor when it comes to something as serious as being a Ranger. Often, her wittiness can come off as sophomoric or inappropriate, but she normally means well when shooting the dozens.
F A C T S - Before she was a Ranger, Charlie was a high performing student that was two grades ahead of where her age aligned her to be. One could say that she's a bit of a "genius." Charlie isn't completely sure about that but her intellect about most things are definitely above average. It doesn't take her long to figure out how things work and if it does, she's willing to put in the effort to understand it.
- Charlie spent most of her childhood hopping from one house to the next since her father wasn't around her mother died at an early age. She's lived with a few of her aunts and her grandparents but never truly got the "family vibe" until she got older and formed friendships. Part of her is excited about the potential of genuinely connecting with people, but she's also terrified.
- Currently, Charlie does freelance work in hardware and software repair (cell phones, computers, tablets, devices, etc.) and makes a pretty decent living. She started her business back when she was in high school and those skills have translated into her adult life. Her goal is to maximize and expand her business for the benefit of the modern world with future focused initiaitives.
R A N G E R Why is Charlie a good fit with the Rangers? Charlie has an innate ability to pick up on things quickly as it relates to all things Ranger Tech. Along with the fact that she has a bold spirit and a sense of justice, there is no doubt that she will do what is necessary to ensure that the world is protected from imminent danger. Now that she has a core group of people that she can, in theory, trust, she feels even more empowered and supported. She wants to make sure that she takes care of her friends as well.