Hi! Still kind of figuring out how this website works, but I'm looking for people willing to roleplay some Monster Hunter plots with me. I'm fine with a small group, or one-on-one. ^o^

Things to keep in mind about me:
- Age: I'm 19, and would prefer to roleplay with people my age or older.
- Writing: I tend to write at least two paragraphs at a time, and I try to match how much detail you're using. I try to respond as frequently as possible, but I do unfortunately have a life and can't be around all the time.
- I'm usually down for any plots that you have in mind. I can do slice of life plots, hunting plots, romance plots, or even all three at once! (That's all I can come up with for now in my peanut brain...)

I also tend to prefer private messages because my social anxiety is super bad, but I try my best.

I'm also willing to talk OOC ^^ nerding out and hanging out is fun!