Age: 23 | Country: Londe | Sexuality: Gay
Abilities: Barely controlled magic due to having a bracelet from an old mage that created it for him years ago. The bracelet is constantly giving off a dull glow of a pale green. Though he understands that magic has been outlawed, he has little care for that law. Despite his uncaring nature toward the law, he also doesn’t actively flaunt his power if he can help it. When using magic, he tends to use a mix of earth and fire elements.
He prefers to utilize a wicked looking blade instead. An artifact that he stole from Jade Gardé a couple years ago.

Personality: Chaotic. It's the best term to describe Kanon. Almost like he’s struggling with two personalities inside of him. One moment he’s kind and smiling, the next he’s pissed off and barely keeping his blade in check. He cares for the people he’s found solace with, but even they can sometimes irk him. He holds absolutely no love for the guild and it takes a bit to talk him out of a fight against any member of Jade Gardé.
This personality is due to his childhood accident when golems attacked. It is a burden and sometimes a gift depending on what he needs. He would rather be rid of it though, hence why he needs the ley-lines reopened. They are the only thing to hold back this poison running through him.
He struggles to keep his temperament under control, but there are definitely certain things that trigger him. If those he considers his friends are in danger or harmed, he has a hard time controlling himself. But at the same time, he can also get angry at his friends.
In the face of his childhood friend it’s like everything has melted away from him. His chaotic nature is even worse. Between wanting to reignite that friendship and simply stealing the man away from it all… it’s a wild ride for Kanon.
History: Born in the midst of war, Kanon would be what one would consider a child of war. Living in a small town in the countryside of Londe, his parents, Aimee and Hallen, did what they could to keep their lives free of the conflict. And for a time, it worked.
Kanon met another young boy, whom he grew rather close to. Enjoying their time playing in the fields, terrorizing parents with bringing home all manner of insects to “show off”. Only to be scolded warmly not to do it again. Kanon particularly enjoyed showing his mother, Aimee, little crickets and beetles. Delighting in her shouts of fright. She would then huff at him, shoo away his new little pet, and tell him to go play again.
Days spent under a summer sun seemed to never end. Winters came and went and the war that brewed in a distant land felt like a tall tale rather than something actually happening.
Until it did. The night was suffocated by black smoke and the ground rumbled like an earthquake. A glow of deep red filled the hills. It wasn’t long till the flames began to encroach on the small town and the screams of fear began to resound in the air. Kanon’s parent’s quickly gathered what they could, and took to the street in a rush to leave. All the while, Kanon tried to find his friend, but in the chaos of the fleeing townspeople, it was nearly impossible.
As they fled, Kanon’s mother got separated from them. Kanon’s father, Hallen, struggled with the choice of continuing to flee as he had his young son, or trying to find Aimee. Eventually, he opted to try to find her, returning to the streets, but keeping to the alleys as best he could. By the time he caught sight of her, the giant golem that ambled into the town was upon them.
He sprinted from the alleyway, leaving Kanon behind as he attempted to get to Aimee. Kanon tried to follow, running after his father as best he could. He wasn’t fast enough to catch up and neither was Hallen in trying to reach Aimee. The creature swept at Aimee and tore through her like butter. Just as it did, an eruption of attacks flooded the golem from all directions. The guild, Jade Gardé, had arrived and wasted no time in barreling into the creature. One well aimed shot caught golem in it’s chest. An explosion rocked the small town and instantly the area was flooded.
Swept up in the wash of mixed arcane magics, Kanon tried to swim out of it, but found that as it swirled around him, it felt as if it was tearing through him too. In fear and shock, he ingested far too much of the liquid even as it burned at his exposed body. All of his senses were on fire and he fought hard to be free of it.
Hallen finally fished Kanon out of the mess and fled the town. At first, Hallen tries the guild for help. He explains to them that Kanon had been caught in a golem’s broken core and that the liquid inside had begun to kill his son; but instead of offering assistance, the guild simply told Hallen that there was nothing they could do.
In anger and desperation, Hallen sought the help of mages. Despite them being outlawed, they were his only hope in helping Kanon. It took some time, and Kanon’s struggle to fight for his life seemed to be coming to an end. Finally, Hallen found a mage who could do what was needed. The mage, who called himself Barron, put several seals on Kanon’s body. Twelve in total. They help shut off the infecting magic from the golem’s core, and Kanon’s life was effectively saved.
For years, Kanon and his father moved from town to town, trying to stay out of the path of the war, yet it seemed to find them at every turn. At about twelve years of age, when the ley-lines were shut off, the seals on Kanon’s body broke. The overwhelming rush of the golems core that had infected him tore through Kanon like wildfire. In an instant, his body was wracked with unbearable pain and his mind broken.
In his fit of delirium and craze, Kanon accidentally kills his father. It isn’t until the pain settles and his mind begins to work again that he notices what he’s done. In a fit of anguish and shock, Kanon falls apart and flees the small town he and his father had been staying in.
In the years that followed, Kanon kept out of Jade Gardé’s radar. He researched the ley-lines and where they were located. He poured over all manner of magics and old tomes that he could get his hands on. Eventually he met others who were like-minded and formed a bond with them.
Long term goal: The release of the ley-lines and the reinstatement of True Magic. To lift the ban on mages and right the wrongs that Jade Gardé had done.
Short term goal: Find his childhood friend and reignite that relationship. Convince his childhood friend of his goals and bring him into the fold.
Likes: Sweets. Particularly chocolate. Flowers and open fields- it helps him to feel free, rather than encroached upon, which he feels like almost all the time. Sunshine. The warmth of the sun helps to remind him of the summer days he spent with his family and his best friend.
Dislikes: Clouds and rain - it reminds him too much of the night he lost his mother and then when he lost his father. Sour things and vegetables. Enclosed spaces frighten him - reminding him far too much of how he’d almost drowned and died in the golem’s liquid core.