K A S S A R O C K ' S 1 X 1 I N T E R E S T C H E C K
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Yo, I'm Kass. Been here forever, been roleplaying forever. I got the hankering to write some stuff with some new people, you know the drill, I know the drill.
Below is some general information about me for you to browse to see if our vibes match.
PM me or post in this thread if you have any questions or if there's additional information that you would like from me, either about myself and my preferences, or about the plots below.
- I'm a late twenties male roleplayer from the UK. So GMT/GMT+1 timezone.
- I would generally consider myself to be a high-casual/advanced roleplayer and am looking for a partner of about the same level. Quality over quantity is better when it comes to writing in my opinion, but generally 5+ paragraphs, definitely no one liners. If you don't have a post history I can peruse, I'd like a writing sample to make sure we're a good fit.
- My posting schedule is on the slower side. I try for once a week at the minimum, but I work fulltime in a fairly demanding position so this sometimes does get in the way.
- Happy both writing on the public forum or conducting roleplays through PMs.
- Most of my roleplays will feature mature themes that I am only really feel comfortable exploring with partners over the age of 18. Some plots will have adult and erotic content in them, although I've always been a plot over porn kinda guy when it comes to the smuttier side of the hobby. Any overtly erotic roleplaying will of course have to take place via PMs.
- When it comes to romantic pairings, I generally prefer MxM and MxF, with myself playing the male role. I do occasionally write female characters, but it generally isn't in my wheelhouse.
- Genre wise, fantasy/historical is my usual go to, although there are some plots in here that specifically cater to some modern/contemporary settings. As always all my plots are heavily spiced with drama and angst.
- Looking for someone who wants to collaborate heavily for worldbuilding etc.
From deep within the shadowed depths you felt it calling you. Though your companions all lay slain, fallen to the myriad of dangers that you had faced upon your descent in the ancient ruin you had attempted to plunder, you did not turn back. Something drew you ever onwards, ever downwards, into the darkness.
You found it in the furthest reaches of the dungeon A tomb from ages untold, its black marble sarcophagus cracked open, exposing the skeletal remains of some long dead king. And worn upon its bony finger, a ring of blackest crystal.
It screamed to you. Put me on. Put me on! PUT ME ON!
The basic premise is that YC is some form of an adventurer, who delves into an ancient ruin from a previous age and discovers an artefact of great power. That artefact just so happens to contain MC, said demon in the dark glass, a powerful spirit bound to the object in question who recognises YC as the inheritor of some ancient royal bloodline. It promises to serve you, aid you, and help you obtain your deepest desires.
The spirit seems to be sincere in its offer, should YC take them up upon it, though you can't help shake the feeling it isn't being entirely honest with you either...
You found it in the furthest reaches of the dungeon A tomb from ages untold, its black marble sarcophagus cracked open, exposing the skeletal remains of some long dead king. And worn upon its bony finger, a ring of blackest crystal.
It screamed to you. Put me on. Put me on! PUT ME ON!
The basic premise is that YC is some form of an adventurer, who delves into an ancient ruin from a previous age and discovers an artefact of great power. That artefact just so happens to contain MC, said demon in the dark glass, a powerful spirit bound to the object in question who recognises YC as the inheritor of some ancient royal bloodline. It promises to serve you, aid you, and help you obtain your deepest desires.
The spirit seems to be sincere in its offer, should YC take them up upon it, though you can't help shake the feeling it isn't being entirely honest with you either...
Recognition slid through his mind like a cold blade. It had been years since he had last since that face. Time had changed it, as it no doubt changed him, but there was no denying the person under the marks of the passing years. How could be possibly not recognise them, after all they had been through together?
For years they had fought together, side by side, held together my a common goal... by something. It had ended badly, angry words had been exchanged when they had last parted. In truth, he had never thought to see them again, least of all like this. Standing across from them after all these years... what the hell had happened to the both of them? How had it come to this?
"You. It's... been a long time."
The basic premise of these plot is about two characters with a lot of h i s t o r y having a reunion after years apart. They used to be close, comrades in arms, friends, perhaps even lovers? But something happened to break and shatter their bond and they went their separate ways. Now, many years later they meet again in very different circumstances, perhaps as opponents, perhaps one of them has suffered some kind of terrible shame or disgrace. The specifics are for us to decide.
This plot can works as MxAny, or could be a purely platonic pairing. In terms of genre, I had planned to write this as a fantasy/historical set piece, but I could potentially be pursued to set it in a more contemporary or futuristic setting should you make a good case for it. There's a couple of characters I have who I think could be quite suitable for this listed below, Eskel Rindarium and Velyn Virith (a TES fandom character).
For years they had fought together, side by side, held together my a common goal... by something. It had ended badly, angry words had been exchanged when they had last parted. In truth, he had never thought to see them again, least of all like this. Standing across from them after all these years... what the hell had happened to the both of them? How had it come to this?
"You. It's... been a long time."
The basic premise of these plot is about two characters with a lot of h i s t o r y having a reunion after years apart. They used to be close, comrades in arms, friends, perhaps even lovers? But something happened to break and shatter their bond and they went their separate ways. Now, many years later they meet again in very different circumstances, perhaps as opponents, perhaps one of them has suffered some kind of terrible shame or disgrace. The specifics are for us to decide.
This plot can works as MxAny, or could be a purely platonic pairing. In terms of genre, I had planned to write this as a fantasy/historical set piece, but I could potentially be pursued to set it in a more contemporary or futuristic setting should you make a good case for it. There's a couple of characters I have who I think could be quite suitable for this listed below, Eskel Rindarium and Velyn Virith (a TES fandom character).
He sat on the back of his bike in the darkness beyond the white picket fence, cigarette smoke lazily curling up into the cool night air. Summer would be over soon, and the nights were growing longer. He ran a hand through his hair, flicked the cigarette to the ground and crushed it under the heel of his boot.
A light flicked on in one of the windows above him, followed by the sound of the sash sliding open. He couldn't help but supress a smirk as he watched them lithely climb down the trellis. It wouldn't do if daddy caught them sneaking out, especially not for meeting someone like him.
As they approached, he leaned in for a kiss.
"I've missed you, babe. Ready for some fun tonight?"
For this plot, I really want to explore an odd-couple late teen/young adult relationship between someone who's a bit of an outcast 'bad boy' and someone who's not that, they're more preppy, popular, normal etc... or at least they are on the surface. A chance encounter leads to a connection between these two, which later deepens into an intimate relationship that's probably not quite healthy for either of them. A relationship that both of them take pains to keep secret from the people around them.
Happy to play this as either MxM or MxF (sorry non binary folks you're just too alternative and cool to be foil to this particular boy for what I had in mind), although if playing it as MxF I would have strong preference for the role of the 'bad boy' character in this.
A light flicked on in one of the windows above him, followed by the sound of the sash sliding open. He couldn't help but supress a smirk as he watched them lithely climb down the trellis. It wouldn't do if daddy caught them sneaking out, especially not for meeting someone like him.
As they approached, he leaned in for a kiss.
"I've missed you, babe. Ready for some fun tonight?"
For this plot, I really want to explore an odd-couple late teen/young adult relationship between someone who's a bit of an outcast 'bad boy' and someone who's not that, they're more preppy, popular, normal etc... or at least they are on the surface. A chance encounter leads to a connection between these two, which later deepens into an intimate relationship that's probably not quite healthy for either of them. A relationship that both of them take pains to keep secret from the people around them.
Happy to play this as either MxM or MxF (sorry non binary folks you're just too alternative and cool to be foil to this particular boy for what I had in mind), although if playing it as MxF I would have strong preference for the role of the 'bad boy' character in this.
You had not meant for it to happen like this.
When you had gone out that night looking for someone to feed on, you had meant to be careful. Either pick one of the drunks who inebriated to remember or wait until your chosen victim had fallen asleep, but you had not been able to restrain yourself.
As soon as you had been invited back to their apartment, you fell on them. Ripping their shirt open and pinning them to the bed, fangs out, bloodlust in your eyes. You bit down on their neck, sucking from the wound until your unholy vampiric lust was sated.
But when you pulled away, you didn't see the fear and loathing you expected in their eyes... all you saw was fascination and arousal.
So this about the closest we will come to full on smut in this plot list. Simple prompt, one character is a vampire, the other is kinky weirdo who finds exsanguination hot. Don't really have much more than that for this one. Can explore some seedy slice of life stuff with it, or perhaps focus more on the supernatural elements for an overarching plot.
Happy to play either role in this one, although I have a slight preference for the human character in this pairing, and since its probably going to lean to the smuttier side, I would prefer it to be an MxM pairing as well.
When you had gone out that night looking for someone to feed on, you had meant to be careful. Either pick one of the drunks who inebriated to remember or wait until your chosen victim had fallen asleep, but you had not been able to restrain yourself.
As soon as you had been invited back to their apartment, you fell on them. Ripping their shirt open and pinning them to the bed, fangs out, bloodlust in your eyes. You bit down on their neck, sucking from the wound until your unholy vampiric lust was sated.
But when you pulled away, you didn't see the fear and loathing you expected in their eyes... all you saw was fascination and arousal.
So this about the closest we will come to full on smut in this plot list. Simple prompt, one character is a vampire, the other is kinky weirdo who finds exsanguination hot. Don't really have much more than that for this one. Can explore some seedy slice of life stuff with it, or perhaps focus more on the supernatural elements for an overarching plot.
Happy to play either role in this one, although I have a slight preference for the human character in this pairing, and since its probably going to lean to the smuttier side, I would prefer it to be an MxM pairing as well.
The fire was already burning low as you prepared to turn in for the night. The animals had all been stabled for the night, and you had closed the shutters at dusk. Outside the wind was howling and the rain lashed against the walls of your cottage. All that was left to do was put out the fire and take a candle up to your modest bed on the floor above.
That was when you heard the knocking.
You had not expected any visitors, let alone at this hour and in the middle of the storm. You called out to see who it was, but they did not answer.
Quietly, you lifted the poker from its accustomed place beside the fire and approached the door. As you pulled back the bolt, a figure tumbled across your threshold.
They had been sat leaning against the door, soaked in the bone from the storm outside, when you reached down to help them up your hands came away sticky with blood.
"Please." They whispered to you. "Help me."
A mysterious stranger appears on the doorstep of a simple country farm in troubling circumstances. As they rest and recuperate, their past begins to catch up with them, bringing danger for all involved. This pairing is heavily inspired by a short story by my favourite author, Ursula K. LeGuin, called On The High Marsh, if you haven't read any of her work I'd strongly encourage you to do so. In that story a powerful mage outrunning his past ends up in a rural backwater, same idea here.
I really like the idea of juxtaposing someone with great 'power' against a very humble setting and the daily rhythms of a low-tech traditional rural life. Themes would include the stranger finally discovering some form of inner peace, explorations of the difference between 'power' and 'strength', finding meaning and joy in the slow and simple things of life.
Happy to play either side of this pairing, the stranger or the farmer. Some characters I have listed below (Eskel and Velyn) could well be suited to the role of the stranger.
That was when you heard the knocking.
You had not expected any visitors, let alone at this hour and in the middle of the storm. You called out to see who it was, but they did not answer.
Quietly, you lifted the poker from its accustomed place beside the fire and approached the door. As you pulled back the bolt, a figure tumbled across your threshold.
They had been sat leaning against the door, soaked in the bone from the storm outside, when you reached down to help them up your hands came away sticky with blood.
"Please." They whispered to you. "Help me."
A mysterious stranger appears on the doorstep of a simple country farm in troubling circumstances. As they rest and recuperate, their past begins to catch up with them, bringing danger for all involved. This pairing is heavily inspired by a short story by my favourite author, Ursula K. LeGuin, called On The High Marsh, if you haven't read any of her work I'd strongly encourage you to do so. In that story a powerful mage outrunning his past ends up in a rural backwater, same idea here.
I really like the idea of juxtaposing someone with great 'power' against a very humble setting and the daily rhythms of a low-tech traditional rural life. Themes would include the stranger finally discovering some form of inner peace, explorations of the difference between 'power' and 'strength', finding meaning and joy in the slow and simple things of life.
Happy to play either side of this pairing, the stranger or the farmer. Some characters I have listed below (Eskel and Velyn) could well be suited to the role of the stranger.
For three nights now, he had been meaning to put an end this charade and kill him.
Every time he climbed the stairs of the tower to his bed chamber he brought his sword with him. When he entered, he never looked at the dark corner from which chains clinked softly and wary eyes followed his progress across the room. Instead of marching over there and putting them out of their misery, he instead would sit down heavily on the furs and quilts and repeated the same question he had done for the last three nights.
"Do you have another song for me little bird?"
In this prompt, one character is being held captive against their will by the other. At first the captor was just planning of disposing of their hostage, but somehow they ended up hearing their singing voice, and became enraptured. Every night now they demand a song in exchange for another stay of execution.
This was an idea I came up with specifically in relation to my character Xiaolong below, who although written for a pseudo-historical chinese setting can be adapted for others. He's a bloodthirsty tyrant with a sensitive soul buried deep down there somewhere. This would definitely be a quite dark and dramatic enemies to lovers style romance if roleplayed through. I would also have a preference towards the captor as opposed to the captive in this particular prompt.
Every time he climbed the stairs of the tower to his bed chamber he brought his sword with him. When he entered, he never looked at the dark corner from which chains clinked softly and wary eyes followed his progress across the room. Instead of marching over there and putting them out of their misery, he instead would sit down heavily on the furs and quilts and repeated the same question he had done for the last three nights.
"Do you have another song for me little bird?"
In this prompt, one character is being held captive against their will by the other. At first the captor was just planning of disposing of their hostage, but somehow they ended up hearing their singing voice, and became enraptured. Every night now they demand a song in exchange for another stay of execution.
This was an idea I came up with specifically in relation to my character Xiaolong below, who although written for a pseudo-historical chinese setting can be adapted for others. He's a bloodthirsty tyrant with a sensitive soul buried deep down there somewhere. This would definitely be a quite dark and dramatic enemies to lovers style romance if roleplayed through. I would also have a preference towards the captor as opposed to the captive in this particular prompt.

A flash of light exploded in the portal hall of the Mage Guild Association of Bradena. The clerks and assistants at the table looked up from their paperwork, the coming and going of mages was not an unusual occurrence, but there had been no scheduled arrivals for that day.
From out of the violet light and smoke strode a figure dressed head to toe in black robes, strands of dark hair shot through with grey hung over his gaunt face. A pale scar running down through one blinded eye. He briskly made his way out of the portal hall without evening pausing to give the clerks a look.
As he made his way through the corridors of Guildhall, a ripple of whispers followed him in his wake. Eventually they made their way to the chief secretary of the Guild Association, who frantically scurried their way down to the entry hall to catch him just he was about to leave.
"Arch-Mage Rindarium!" The chief secretary cried out, panting from the effort of their hurried journey to catch up with the Mage of Ilmar.
"Ah, good to see someone still recognises me around here." Eskel replied with a stony face. They were wasting his time. He had more important things to do than deal with Guild bureaucrats.
"Arch-Mage Rindarium! The council requested your presence months ago, we have been receiving concerning reports about the nature of your research at Ilmar and will be conducting a formal investigation should you not immediat-" Eskel stopped them with a wave of his hand.
"Yes, yes, yes, I am aware of the posturing your council of so-called 'Arch-Mages' are attempting to make. But I don't have time for this. I need to see Naivara Amakiir at once, the fate of the world is at stake."
Eskell Rindarium, commonly known as the mad mage of Ilmar, is a brilliant yet troubled practitioner of the magical arts. His turbulent youth began in an orphanage, where his natural predilection to spell casting first made itself known. He was swiftly taken as a ward of the venerable mages of ancient and powerful magic school... which he was expelled from before his eighteenth birthday.
As with many mages of little means and no patronage, he turned to adventuring to earn his keep, and rose from being a penniless no one, to the saviour of an entire continent. Along with his party of intrepid heroes, he banished a terrible and ancient evil from the world. This victory however, did not come without its cost. In that fight, Eskel lost the most important person in the world to him... and he has been trying to get them back ever since.
Since that day he has delved into the darkest and most unsavoury of magicks in order to return his beloved to the world of the living... Necromancy. This, along with his famous temper, acerbic wit, and general haughtiness, has quickly tarnished whatever good reputation he once had.
Eskel is a character I would to explore at various points of his life. In his youth at the college, in his days as an adventurer, as the mad, depressed, desperately lonely necromancer he later becomes. He is very intelligent and witty, but filled with hidden feelings of inadequacy and self-loathing. Obvious pairings would be with his lost love (which could be requited or unrequited) or perhaps a mutual friend witnessing his descent.
Character could be played as either MxM or MxF, or with an non-binary partner.

The doors to the throne room crashed open with a resounding bang as the invaders forced their way inside.
Outside the air stank of smoke and blood, and echoed with the cries of war and the screams of the dying. They had breached the city walls this morning and had fought through the streets to make their way to the Palace of the Xian Kings. The sacking had proven to not be particularly difficult. Once the city's defenders had seen their leader fall beneath a hail of Zhou arrows their morale had all but collapsed, and they had fled in droves. But that had not stopped the Zhou soldiers from massacring them as they had swept through the city like a crimson tide.
Heavily armoured men rushed forward to secure the entrances to the chambers, while one, taller and but no more richly dressed than the others, wiped the blood from his drawn blade and removed his helm. A wild mane of jet black hair tumbled down as he removed the pins which had held it secured in place. He was handsome, but not in fashion of a groomed noble courtier. His skin was pale without the use of paints or powders, but was marked by scars. One crept up across the left side of his high cheek bones to slash his dark brow in two, whilst another tucked under the right side of his sharp jaw, running down onto his exposed neck.
"Find someone who still has the authority to surrender to me. It would be a shame to burn this city to the ground."
When he spoke his voice was low, surprisingly commanding and authoritative for one so young. The man could scarcely be out of his early twenties. With a careless flick of his wrist he dispatched a group of soldiers to begin searching the near deserted palace.
The young commander allowed himself to smile one savage smile to himself, as he fixed his eyes upon the vacant throne that sat at the other end of the hall. He strode towards it, unbuckling his sword as he did so. He climbed the three steps of the raised dais the throne sat upon, and placed himself upon it. He lounged in it, as if he had always owned it, blade laid across his knees.
There was only one person who this man could be.
Zhou Xiaolong, the Dragon Emperor of the Zhou Empire. Known by his supporters as the Young Dragon, reviled by his enemies as the Bastard Tyrant. He who rose against his elder brothers and slew him in a bloody civil war, before turning his sword on the rest of the world, conquering kingdom after kingdom with only the slightest provocation.
Xiaolong is one of my characters with probably the most overtly villainous exteriors. He's a tyrant, a murderer, utterly ruthless and callous to those around him. He rules through fear and might, and is not even loved by his own people, let alone those he conquers. Underneath it all however, is a scared and traumatised young man.
Xiaolong lives in fear. His mother was killed by a rival concubine when he was young, his elder brother tried to kill him when he ascended to the throne, Xiaolong rebelled to protect his life. When he slew his brother and took the throne the realm revolted against him, raising his younger brother up as a pretender. Every person he has ever been close to has been killed, many of them by his own hand. And so he does not get close to anyone, because he's terrified to having to do something like that again, to kill someone you love.
That's where Your Character comes in! Xiaolong works best in plots involving arranged marriages or being held hostage, situations where our two characters are forced together, and feelings are allowed to grow in a slow burn enemies-to-lovers style relationship.
He was originally designed for use in pseudo-historical Chinese setting, but I don't mind adapting the character to fit other periods or settings, so long as the underlying themes and motivations remain the same. Other versions that already exist are Viking-esque one, and a really strange modern one where he's like some super ruthless venture capitalist.

He had been on his way to pray when the youth had accosted him.
It had become Velyn's habit to pray every evening at the makeshift temple that some of his people had erected on the edge of the refugee camps at Cheydinhal. The shrine was at the top of the sloping road that left the eastern gate and led to the ruins of Fort Farragut, before then winding its way onwards through the Velothi Mountains, to the star wounded East, to Morrowind, to home.
To reach the shrine from the city proper you had to walk through the entirety of the camp, something the good law abiding imperial folk who lived inside of the walls were increasingly fearful to do. When the Dunmer had first arrived to squat outside their city, many thought it would not be for long, the ashes of the Red Year would pass and the camps would empty when stability returned to their own lands. They had not counted on the war, of course, no one had. As the years dragged on more and more had arrived, and those that stayed built more permanent shelters, until a great slum sprawled east of the city, like some kind of cancerous tumour, clinging to its host.
That's how they see us now. Parasites. Tumours. Filth. When once we walked in the company of Gods.
But even Velyn realised that was a long time ago now.
He was not dressed in his armour. He had the coin still for a room in the city, one with a stout door and lock, so Velyn had left the majority of his equipment there. Only the curved short sword, his Wakizashi, did he wear in the colourful waist sash that held his robes in place against the breeze. That same breeze played through his dark hair, spiky and uneven, so recently shorn. The evening sun caught one side of his fine featured face, warming the dun coloured skin, light glinting off of the golden studs and rings pierced in his pointed ears. The other side of his face however, was cast in deep shadow, obscured in darkness. That must of be why he called to Velyn, he had not seen the Armiger Tattoos.
Velyn Virith is a character of mine specifically for roleplaying The Elder Scrolls Fandom. He's a Dunmer Buoyant Armiger, a sort of holy-warrior of Vivec, born around the end of the Third Era and who has a lot of first hand experience of the tumultuous events of that time. He fought in the Oblivion Crisis, survived the Red Year when Baar Dau fell and the subsequent eruption of Red Mountain, as well as battling against the Argonian Invasion.
This life time of war and desperation, coupled with the spiritual devastation he feels at the loss of his God following the disapearance of Vivec and his renouncement by the New Dunmer Temple, leads him to depths of despair. He becomes addicted to skooma as an impoverished exile, selling his blade to find his fix, not caring if he lives or dies anymore.
Velyn has a longer history than that, and is another character I've explorer over his entire lifespan. However, the area I am most interesting in exploring is this troubled period during/after the Argonian invasion, where he finally breaks under the horror of the now godless world he finds himself in.
Velyn is canonically pan/poly, so he's suited to any potential pairings. A couple of plot ideas I had with him is maybe this broken version of him being recognised by a former comrade or acquaintance, or YC being someone that he meets on the road either through his mercenary work, or as another refugee fleeing the death and destruction that has come to Morrowind.
So there's a couple of pairings of canonical characters from the Silmarillion I would be really interested in writing, both of them MxM plots.
The first is Sauron/Annatar X Celembrimbor, set in the Second Age at the time of Sauron's deception of Celebrimbor in Eregion and the forging of the rings of power. This would work for me as either following the canon, or diverging at some point down the line. Happy to play either role in this (they're both just so goddamn juicy), although I would say that lean slightly more towards Sauron/Annatar.
Knowledge of the source material and wider Silmarillion lore is a must have for this, knowledge of the EXTENSIVE fanon around this two is also greatly preferred. My interest in this pairing was greatly inspired by this fic in particular, if you're a fan of fantastical gay tragedy like myself I would highly recommend.
The second pairing from the Silmarillion that I am interesting in writing is Maedhros X Fingon, everyone's favourite 'just really good friends' of the First Age. The time period I'm most interesting in exploring the immediate aftermath of Fingon's rescue of Maedhros from the peaks of Thangorodrim, and Maedhros's recovery of the suffering inflicted on him in Angband. For this particular pairing I am much more interested in the role of Maedhros than I am in that of Fingon.
The first is Sauron/Annatar X Celembrimbor, set in the Second Age at the time of Sauron's deception of Celebrimbor in Eregion and the forging of the rings of power. This would work for me as either following the canon, or diverging at some point down the line. Happy to play either role in this (they're both just so goddamn juicy), although I would say that lean slightly more towards Sauron/Annatar.
Knowledge of the source material and wider Silmarillion lore is a must have for this, knowledge of the EXTENSIVE fanon around this two is also greatly preferred. My interest in this pairing was greatly inspired by this fic in particular, if you're a fan of fantastical gay tragedy like myself I would highly recommend.
The second pairing from the Silmarillion that I am interesting in writing is Maedhros X Fingon, everyone's favourite 'just really good friends' of the First Age. The time period I'm most interesting in exploring the immediate aftermath of Fingon's rescue of Maedhros from the peaks of Thangorodrim, and Maedhros's recovery of the suffering inflicted on him in Angband. For this particular pairing I am much more interested in the role of Maedhros than I am in that of Fingon.
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