Exeter, Priestess of Spacetime

Name: Exeter, formerly Ecluy Dawylwa Vlandjany
Age: 1754
Gender: Female
Species: Lumanar

Physical Description

They say no two Lumanaru look quite like they come from the same species. Exeter is lithe and beastly, like a cat, with clawed hands to boot, though her long, lupine legs stand against this idea. Really, she's a hodgepodge of mammalian traits; Her head is dubiously feline or goat-like, for instance, with lop-ears; Her tail is slender until it flares out into a large curved blade, a natural scimitar, blood-red and black. The only binding physical traits of Lumanaru are their blue crystalline skin, silver hair -- she cuts hers to chin-length -- and, most lucratively, their composition.

  • Height: 6'3"
  • Weight: 600 lbs
  • Arm Span: Equal to height
  • Tail Length: 52 inches total (Tail blade: 24 inches)

Natural Abilities

  • Lifting Strength: 2500 lbs
  • Running Speed: 95 mph
  • Reaction Time: Instantaneous (see below)
  • Regeneration: Occurs while bathed in blue or ultraviolet light (see below)
  • Lightning in a Bottle: Lumanaru are an ancient creation. Whether forged in stars or in fits of passion, their blood is the light of galactic origins. Their bones are an exotic alloy of various types of stone and metal. Rather than eating, Lumanaru soak up light. Soaking up blue or ultraviolet light quickly regenerates; Absorbing green light is akin to stocking up on carbs; Red and purple can be calming. Red and infrared can have various effects, but actively channeling those effects while absorbing those wavelengths is taboo among the Lumanaru...

Learned or Innate Skills

  • Martial Arts: Exeter knows many martial arts styles, and has learned how to switch between them to blend together the right martial mix for the job.
  • Swordsmanship: The latter half of her long life was spent learning how to wield Disconception. Even with that nearly 900 years of experience, she still isn't a true master -- but then, can anyone be? Not unless they themselves are negative-mass beings, she figures.
  • Hunting: Who better to send to defeat a strange animal than a hunter?

Supernatural Powers

  • Cosmic Awareness: Upon becoming a priestess, Exeter was bestowed with cosmic awareness; She is immaterially connected to all matter in the universe. Within a 2000m vicinity, she effectively has instant reaction times. Outside of this range, the clarity of her awareness diminishes. Awareness of events and phenomena of colossal scale -- galactic rotation, gravity wells, supernovae, and planetary-level genocide -- is not inhibited or delayed by the speed of causality.
  • Telekinesis: Her connection to matter is a two-way street. She's input-output: Just as she gets sensory information from the universe, she can manipulate it as if it were an extension of her body.
  • Red Geyser: Unbeknownst to most whom she works with -- and she likes to keep it that way -- the effects of channeling absorbed red and infrared light are far stronger for her than others and can lead to disastrous results... mostly for everyone besides herself. The Star Council itself has thus publicly explicitly forbidden her from doing so, under pain of banishment to the Everblack. This is assuming she can take control of herself once she succumbs to the Red Geyser...


  • Disconception: A negative-mass sword, weighing about -17 lbs on Earth. It somewhat resembles some East-Asian swords, though mostly for its curved blade and lack of a crossguard. Measurements: 48 inches length, 1.75 inches width, 1.25 inches thickness with an ovoid cross-section matching the grip.
  • Nova Grenades: These grenades recreate the same intensity light, heat, and plasmatic power of a nuclear explosion, minus the fallout.
  • Enchanted Anklets: Iridium jewelry is her thing, but these anklets are for more than decoration. She uses these to skate across the very fabric of reality. Turns out, skating is also her thing. She can surge them with power to increase their grip on that fabric. However, she can only skate along the orthogonal directions that run parallel to the three-dimensional warps and wefts of the universe. So much for relativity...
  • Flash Freeze Nets: Cryogenic blanket with like-seeking weights that, upon impacting one another, meld into a single powerful clasp that prevents escape. The fabric then neutralizes the vibrations of everything inside via contra-vibrations, nullifying and freezing matter to a toasty 0 degrees Kelvin. The weights look and feel like balls of gray sludge; In reality, they're collections of nanobots.