Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Crawkid
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Crawkid The excitable one

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Thunderstorms and lightning crack the dark night with both sound and light.

While the rest of the country slept soundly, the entire royal family has been killed. The capital city was on fire, and its streets covered in blood. Its ominous glow penetrated the night, acting as a massive bonfire, heralding the end of an age.

It's with this light that one individual used to luminate his way out of danger, and its darkest shadows would also cloak him from any pursuers. A once proud figure, he had discarded anything that would once proclaim his honor, valor, and oath to what was now a forgone master. He kept only the barest of armor, and even that was somewhat cumbersome, as he trudged and slid through the building layer of mud.

Finally, a nearby flash of lightning gave him pause, and a particularly powerful gust of wind made him slip. This sorry figure, who was once the strongest and most trusted knight of a kingdom, was flung off his path of escape, and laid low in a muddy ditch - his body covered with broken branches as he fell into an unconscious state.

His dreams were no more merciful than the storm had been.

He could hear the rumble of distant thunder, as he found himself in a dark void. Beneath his feet, he stood on a tiny island of just bare earth, soaked in blood. The smell was overwelming, but there was nothing for him to do there. Nowhere for him to go. All he could do was wallow in his failure, as another storm brewed. This one's winds would sound more and more like screams as it came closer. Surely, it would eventually drag him off the island, and back into the void.
Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by 4323O2
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Kaiyora Min

Kaiyora Min had never been one for things like this. The small red fox; well, she wasn't red anymore. She looked more like a drowned rat than anything else; made her way pickily through the shadows. She'd only been awake and outside since most inns didn't trust her kind- foxes having been known as tricksters in the olden days. Her three tails swayed and flicked, each in different directions. She was more than a little nervous. She had only been visiting the capital city to gain some resources for herself, but now she had been caught up in a mess she was never going to have been prepared for. She shuddered. Why is this what happens, all the bloody time. Stupid storm. She could care less about the- she froze as lightning struck maybe feet from where she was at the moment. She let out a startled yelp and scampered away as the fire from the strike started to spread.

She ran until she found a ditch she could safely hide in. She just wanted to hide right now, completely and totally done with this night. Maybe hiding was stupid, but right now she didn't care. She was cold, wet, and dirtier than she would have liked. She ducked under some branches, curling her tails close to herself, opting to avoid using magic at the moment since it would only tire her out more. She shook herself a bit then scanned the ditch, trying to get her bearings. Oh the times I wish I had a map in this form! She cursed herself mentally. She had a map in her backpack, but changing out of her fox form now... probably not the best idea.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Crawkid
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Crawkid The excitable one

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The storm continues to rage, though the ditch and its branches protect from all but the chill and some of the rain. And it isnt the only danger. Having conquered the capital, footsteps from both man and beast can be heard, searching the immediate area for stragglers and survivors - would-be refugees who could get the message out and grow a resistance to the new regime.

After an hour, however, the storm took its toll even on soldiers full of adrenaline and bloodlust. Drenched and cold, they slowly return to the city limits to celebrate their victory in comfort. The storm has been merciful in one regard tonight: its winds have provided shelter, its thundering provided a muffle affect, and its chaos has shielded at least two survivors.

It too passes, going on its own way and eventually dissipating. Silence soon shrouds the night, broken by drops of water from the treetops...and a very shallow, weak breathing.

A man was still unconcious under the brush, now discoverable by the little fox girl. And though details would still be difficult to see for the rest of the night, his state of health had clearly declined from that of a normal man. His breathing was slow and shallow, perhaps so quiet as to be inaudible to a regular human, and his skin was cold and clammy from the rain. As it was, his chances of survival would be slim.
Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by 4323O2
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Kaiyora Min

She noticed the unconscious man, but didn't dare yet move. She could pick up the soldiers and their creatures. Gods help me, she thought desperately, shivering from the cold. She could only pray right now. Let's not let me die, yeah, Zaris? Zaris was the goddess of magic which Kaiyora chose to pray to. Once the silence had drawn on for a good few minutes, she slunk forwards, staying as close to the shelter of branches as she could.

She lowered her muzzle to the man's chest, sniffing him warily. She growled softly. Weak. So weak. Whatever he is... too weak right now, she poked her head above the edge of the ditch, her tails wagging when the road proved to be, for now, empty. She decided helping the man would be her best bet. She moved out of the cover of the branches then shifted to her human form, her magic providing her mercifully with a dry jacket and pants, though it decided to punish her by leaving her shirt soaked. "Really, Zaris? Honestly, I can't complain though. Thanks I guess," she grumbled, pulling the jacket off and wrapping it around the man. Maybe that would help his condition, even a little?
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Crawkid
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Crawkid The excitable one

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

After a torment of eternity, the winds finally left, taking its screams with it. The void, and the island within it began to change. Away from the bloody earth of what was his only 'sanctuary', a new dirt path arose from the void. The earth here was free of that taint, smelling instead of damp earth and clean air. And after a while, the path gave way to a path of wooden boards. Clearly made recently, it still smelt of the forest, and the void around him changed even further. Now, there were two densities- one like water, and one like air.

Slowly, the wooden path swayed, and he felt an imprint of warmth against his skin, like tiny little hands...

Shortly after the mans broad shoulders were wrapped in a jacket, the movement seemed to wake him - at least a little. His eyes cracked open to darkness, beholden to nothing except the faintest outline of another body beside him. He became aware of two things, how the void still had a tight clutch on him...and how utterly...cold...he was.

Taking a breath to speak, he coughed at first. And then he could finally force out the whisper of a spell, before the void would again take him.


As his consciousness sunk low into the darkness, a warmth rose from his core, radiating from his body, and projecting a small area of effect - one conveniently big enough to envelop him, and whoever it was that had to come up next to him.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by 4323O2
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Kaiyora Min

Kai smiled a little when the man woke, but chose not to speak until he was out again. "So that's what you are," she whispered, not wanting to risk waking him. She gave a little shudder as the spell was cast, but decided not to leave its range. It was better than nothing considering she no longer had her jacket. She was still cold though. After a moment of not so deep thought, she shifted back to her fox form, letting out a yawn. Ight. Kai, pick a form, she scolded herself. She crawled over to the man and lay down beside him, her tails curling around her small form. She let out an almost content sigh. This was as warm as she was going to be getting for a while.

Her head stayed lifted, her ears scanning the area for any threats. She was already exhausted but determined not to fall asleep. If that happened, she had no idea what bad luck might fall upon her and this man. She would wait until he woke again, then- if he were strong enough- question him. If he wasn't, this was going to be a long few hours until day broke properly and she could purchase a proper new outfit. She shifted and sniffed at his pockets, checking to see if he had any currency on him. It's not stealing if you probably just saved his life. She wasn't sure she was convincing herself.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Crawkid
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Crawkid The excitable one

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The man kept nothing on him, obviously unprepared for being out in the storm earlier. In his pockets is just two silver coins, and a dagger.

With a spell of steady warmth, things slowly dry out, and the man begins to stabilize. His breathing and heartbeat climb back up to regular strength, as one could imagine, were they able to see, that his skin color would also return to a healthy hue.

At some point, he subconciously felt her presence next to him...and he rolls over, gently moving to take her canine form into his arms to be hugged close. Though, as he was simply a sleeping person, moving slowly, escape was a simple matter.

And he was aware of hugging something, for just a brief moment, but otherwise returned to the land of dreams. The void disipated...popped like a bubble, once he returned. now, he was standing on an isolated wooden platform in a large field of flowers. He was confused, and disoriented, but not panicked. Instead, with some curiousity, he wandered the area, traveling from flower field to flower field, and occassional patches of forest. It went on endlessly...until he stopped and felt a ray of sunshine directed on him, and he looked up into what he thought was the sun.

A couple hours after waking the first time, the man opens his eyes again. "What....where....am I...?"
Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by 4323O2
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Kaiyora Min

She took coins into mind, knowing she could take them from him later if she wanted to. She wiggled free from his grip but stayed near him, keeping guard for the hours he was asleep. She didn't want to leave him alone due to the possible dangers of the future.

When he woke, she turned her gaze to study him before shifting to her human form. And now you're done shapeshifting. You're going to knock yourself out, Kai, she scolded herself, huffing quietly before answering the man's question. "The best I can offer you is in a ditch on the side of a road." She forced a gentle look onto her face despite being exhausted and irritable. Her tone was kind though, something she did have little trouble controlling for the time being. She hadn't been in the city long enough to provide helpful information. She wasn't as cold now, still occasionally shivering but that was due to a multitude of factors.

If one was able to get a look at her, one might notice how small she was compared to the average adult human. She was maybe 4 feet tall, and seemed almost to be a child. Foxes did age differently so for her this was normal. For humans? She was either just short, or a small child. Her russet hair hung loose over her shoulders, barely missing hitting the ground. Her skin was pale, but not exactly a shade of apricot. Her eyes a striking ruby color, though dull from lack of sleep. Currently slung over her back, looped around her neck by a thin string, was a silver mask that she usually used but had chosen to void usage of in this situation. The mask itself was hidden from view though.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Crawkid
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Crawkid The excitable one

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The man blankly stared at her as his mental faculties slowly returned to him. "Ah...a ditch..." he finally murmurs, slowly sitting up to peek outside. The sky was barely lightening from the darkness of a clear night. "it's clear. We should get moving." He continues, still in that soft murmuring tone. Looking back at the little girl, he appears thoughtful, before thinking to ask, "Can you move...?"

But then, right afterward, he shakes his head with a sigh. With a brief point towards her, he activates another spell, "Rejuvenate" ANd then, on himself, he cast the same spell.

Taking another look outside, he finally pushes the branches off and stands, slowly stretching out his limbs and...realizing something was sliding off of him, he grabs the jacket and stares dumbly at it in his hands for a while. Then suddenly, he blushes slighly, holding out to her to return it, "...You helped me. Thank you."
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by 4323O2
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Kaiyora Min

Kaiyora gave a small smile at his kindness but rose to her feet carefully, pushing the jacket back to him. "You need it more than I do," she responded, pausing before addressing his thanks. "Of course. I couldn't just sit by and let you die, even if you are a stranger." She shook herself, brushing some sticks off her pants. You could offer to take him to your little hole in the ground... he's not a fox. He can't come with you. He has money. Not much but you could take it. You need it. He does too though, A brief look of distress crossed her face before it was replaced with a gentle but tired smile. She wasn't faring too well in the internal war raging inside of her.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Crawkid
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Crawkid The excitable one

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

He chuckles as she re-offers the jacket to him, and shakes his head. "I dont think this jacket will fit me very well. We are too different"

He motions to the entirety of his body, clearly referencing the fact that he was nearly two feet taller than she was. A tower in comparison, but relatively normal for a human male. In fact, he follows that up but kneeling down, to be more at her level, continuing the conversation in a gentle hushed tone, "...but if you insist, I will keep hold of it, for now. Until you're ready to take it back."

He pauses to observe her again, "...even with rejuvenate, you seem to be quite tired. But we still must leave. Can you walk to the next town or...I can carry you."
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by 4323O2
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Kaiyora Min

She looked more than a little bit like he had wounded her verbally. "I'm not that small!" She paused to glare at him, looking more like an angry child than anything. "What makes you think I'd want to travel with you anyways!?" Her hostility was only half genuine. She did want a companion, but she was not about to be treated like a child! The injustice of it! I'm most likely older than him by at least thirty years! She continued to glare at him, awaiting any sort of response. She could care less about the jacket. She just didn't want to carry it.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Crawkid
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Crawkid The excitable one

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The man raises an eyebrow at her responce, but doesnt seem too bothered by her apparent hostility, neither too apologetic about it. Instead, he seemed to skip over feelings entirely, as he scans the area again. Slowly he stood, looking up and down the beaten dirt road. And for that time, he looked much sterner and ready to act. One hand even drifted down to where his dagger was kept, to feel that it was still there.

But finally, he turned his attention back to her. His expression softened to match his soft tones he spoke with, "..because, it's dangerous out here. The kingdom is gone. The family is dead."

He looked down and frowned a moment, before finally deciding to fold the jacket and tuck it under his arm, "...I was not able to do much, but I don't want to leave you helpless either. I am at least good enough to guard someone as they travel."

This time, he does not fully kneel, but does bend down a little, offering her his hand, to shake or to hold. "...you can call me Ray...n....Rain." He tries to only look awkward, but inwardly grimaces at the obviously fake name.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by 4323O2
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Kaiyora Min

She gave him a look. "You're almost as transparent as glass, but I'll pretend I can't see through you for your own sake." She huffed, ignoring his hand. "I'm Kate." The lie slipped off her tongue easily, Kate being an alias she used regularly when she wasn't sure if somebody knew what species she was or not. Even if he knew, it wasn't her problem until it became her problem. So he was a guard, connected to the royals... I don't need him... he could be helpful? I don't need him! He would be helpful. Sell him out in a bind... She tried to keep her expression neutral but her thoughts were somewhat readable.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Crawkid
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Crawkid The excitable one

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Seeing his offered hand ignored, it drops back to his side, the awkward smile becoming closer to actually being awkward, "Sorry about that."

There is a long moment between them. Her, having a battle within. And him, quietly observing the strange, short girl infront of him. His breaths come even as he waits, each one marking the passage of time. Finally, his eyes flit back up to the sky. "...its gotten lighter."

Following his statement, he seems to keeping looking, looking beyond- to the constellations. With a frown, he looks back down. His gaze falls squarely on hers. " You lie well, but it doesn't seem to me as though you can hide anything else. Whatever it is, its not worth risking our lives while you contemplate. Let's just agree to trust each other, for now. If we move now, we can still make it...around when the sun comes up. Im sure, at that time, messengers will be sent out to let the people know what's happened." a brief pause and a more obvious grimace, "and who their new rulers are."

Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by 4323O2
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Kaiyora Min

She growled slightly. Not at all happy about this. "Fine. I will go with you. But I'm not protecting you if there's trouble." She probably would protect him, but she was going to say that anyway.

Damnit, Kaiyora. You're trusting it too easily. Stop being pathetic! She snapped internally. She didn't want to trust him but he was pretty nice, and her life was probably on the line by now. She still couldn't be sure if he knew what she was or not, and that concerned her. Stop. Stop trusting this man! You don’t even know if he knows! Or if he does, what does he think! Or what he thinks you are if he doesn’t! She gave an involuntary growl at her thoughts. She was going to have to trust “Rain” if she wanted to live.

She paused for a moment, hating herself for what she said next. "I know a place we can go. If... if it's still there, that is. It's an old place." She scanned the area, checking for any signs of danger. Nothing- nothing she could see, that is. "It's pretty secluded but not a day's walk from a few different cities."
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Crawkid
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Crawkid The excitable one

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ray considered himself a patient man, an empathetic man. and clearly, this girl was struggling with something. Maybe the stranger that she saved, who was immediately hiding secrets from her. He sighs internally at himself, and the situation driving him into this point. But it is what he deserves....no more than he deserves. He shouldn't even be alive right now.

Finally seeming to get her to understand their need to move, and moving the discussion closer to their survival, he is relieved. It shows on his face, though the rest of him is still tense and anxious. "I don't think they sent anyone out yet, but they will soon. They will want to send their messengers out early. To assert their authority as soon as possible..." he explains, watching her be on the looks out. He cant help a faint smile of approval. This is the only way they can survive.

Again, he levels his gaze with her, "You can guide me to it right? I hope you don't mind me saying, but my legs might be the best way to get us there faster. Please trust me to carry you."
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by 4323O2
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Kaiyora Min

Kaiyora growled at the very concept of being carried. "I'm faster than you'd think!" She sounded utterly offended. "Come on. I'd rather not get killed dilly dallying," she turned and easily scrambled up to the road, using the branches that had come down into the ditch as a step stool. She waited for him on the road, her eyes darting every which way. She had every intention to question him once they started on their way. Better than walking in silence or her making a mistake that cost her. And find out if he knows what I am. Priorities. She told herself.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Crawkid
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Crawkid The excitable one

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Irritation on his part began to rise.

Even the most patient man in the world had a limit, right? With a long sigh, just short of turning into a huff, he cleared the ditch with only the need of a single foothold. And it was at this point that he felt the need to speak a bit more bruskly.

"Listen" he started, " You may have saved my life. But your hostily, and whatever else you may be thinking, has already lessened our chances of getting out of this. I don't know where your place is, but it does not sound like town. Do you understand that it does not matter how proud you are, this is not the time for it?"

He sighs again, looking up the road, "...Im agreeing to head to your place because it seems that is where you want to go. But it will mean possibly not going to town, and not getting supplies before they arrive."
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by 4323O2
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Kaiyora Min

Anger flickered across the girl's face. "I have every right to be wary of you, boy. You used to be a royal, for Letos' sake!" She didn't tend to use the names of gods lightly, but she invoked the name of the goddess of trickery's name willingly. She didn't seem to realize which goddess' name she had used, glaring at him. "Did I not just say the place I know is less than a day's walk from multiple cities, including this one? Resources won't be hard to acquire."

The girl's form flickered briefly from human to what could have been a cross between a human and a three-tailed fox. It reverted quickly to the form of a human but it was unmistakable. She was trying her best to control her magic but hiding as a human had exhausted her and all the shapeshifting she had done earlier was not helping her case one bit. She was terrified that if he found out what she was, he would do worse than just insult her, specifically with that dagger lurking in his pocket.
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