An RP between myself and @Shoopuf




Supposedly the oldest, strongest and wisest race in the Occitente. The humans who occupy the Six Realms today state that their ancestry back to ancient Malakim who mated and bonded with Lutin and Fin alike. Other races speak of a time when they remember men armed with bone spears and adorned in woodmail rose out of the caverns and razed the lands to salt and ash. The splinters of once great human kingdoms make up most of civilisation today with the exception of Calesvolant.


These creatures, thought to reside only in children bedside tales and the ballads of bonesingers, still live in warrens and refuges lost to both man and monster alike. Many Lutin in Skalesvol mourn of long gone friendships between Lutin and men to the disbelief of many. Instead of wishes and solstice gifts, they leave horrors and depravity for men to discover. The knowledge of the Lutin have been reappropriated by mankind such as herblore, the arts of reagentry, churgery and other scientific arts.


The aurochs raised in the wheat fields of Durandelle or the dromaderies roaming the deserts of Shirsham are not true Fin. Lowborn peasants have tried to claim that their crow was a Fin, only to realise that they could barely string a sentence together. A true Fin does not reveal itself but there are some clues. Fin live longer than most animals. They are capable of the same intelligent thought as most human beings. Most of all, they can communicate with each other through the wind without a single noise, their most dangerous attribute..


Gods amongst men, the Malakim are the centre of many a roving cults pagan religion, with a thousand names for each of the Thousand-Eye Wonders. Those who see a Malakim or hear its cry are almost destined to die a death later. Whether this is out of pure circumstance or through a force of Enochian magic yet unseen, no one dares to test otherwise.

The Six Realms of the Occitente


Swooning princesses, dashing knights adorned in steel plate and monstrous wyrms terrorising hapless lowborn are what happened in the yore days of Durandelle past. Now, it is anything but that. Two centuries since the theft of Durandal and the departure of Roi Perriere, the remnants of his court have fractured and split the land in an attempt to consolidate power themselves. Men who once called themselves viziers and advisors have now taken the role of barons, dukes and rogue warlords as minor courts have sprouted across the land like weeds. The Enduring Land cries out for peace, yet, whether it is crafted in blood or treaty, time will tell………

Their blade is the Durandal, the Enduring Scythe. It typically takes the shape of a half-foot curved bastard sword. It is said to imbue its wielders with an endless reservoir of steely will to draw from.


Money moves like the desert rivers in Chamchir, never pausing, never moving, always shifting. The shaded tent-cities of Chamchir are seemingly primitive on the outside but underneath its colorful facade lies a proud history of conquerors and emperors buried under the dunes of pearl sand. Chamchir is ruled by a council of merchant guilds who have an iron fist over trade and the flow of goods in the region. Their most impressive achievement are the creation of the dowse houses, a network of deep water wells dug using reagentry and bone-smithing, to sustain civilization in the merciless heat of the Burning Sea.

Their blade is the Shamshir, the Gibbous Scimitar, pulled by Eulker the Wanderer. Those who wield the blade are said to be able to be burdened with the eye of the moon.

In the first north, Kamoshak is embroiled in a furious dynastic war that has been ongoing for ten years between those who claim to have ancestry from the God-King of Winter. Merchants give differing accounts of the political situation in Kamoshak, although everyone is confident of two things. That the trees there are the height of mountains and that the winters there are so cold that even sunlight freezes in this merciless land.

Their blade is Kamoshak, the Miracle Sword, said to possess a mind of its own and others if they aren’t careful enough….


Located to the far east past the Fog Wall, Calesvolant is rumoured to the birthplace of the Lutin Lords. Colonies of men were said to have arrived there in the Old Aeon during the First Shaping. Durandelle receives little news other than hearsay from fishermen that courts of Lutin and Fin live harmoniously amongst those first colonies.


Their blade, Calesvol, is more myth than truth but historical texts state that the blade was originally a gift from the Men of Durandelle to the Fin Lords before they stole it for themselves during a treatise at the capital of Durandelle.


The people of Skof dwell in the high crags of the peripheries and edges of the Known World. Much of Skof's fragmented society owes it to the tumultous nature of the weather as the hot winds of Chamchir and the cold gales of Kamoshak meet here. It is a never-ceasing storm of hurricanes, rains, hot droughts and burning summers. One day is always different from the next.

Their blade, Skofnung, is known as the Cerine Cleaver and is said to imbue its user with the blood-thirst of a dozen wolf packs.


Nandoka is not a place but its people. Once occupying a jungle east of Chamchir, the realm of Nandoka fell apart after a calamitous earthquake that shook the roots out from the soil and scoured the green from its bountiful hills. Now, its people roam across the rest of the Five Realms, each seeking to reclaim a part of their own history.

Their blade, Nandok, the Joyous Kris, serves as a historical repository of all the minds of their society and is said to give their user the ability to break past the barriers of their own mind and ascend past mortal eyes, seeing as the Malakim once saw.


Bone-Smithing - TO BE ADDED

Reagentry - TO BE ADDED

Thaumathurgy - TO BE ADDED

Enochian Magic - TO BE ADDED