Chapter I
Spartans at Thermopylae

“It appears Sparta must rush to save the Athenians' asses,” King Leonidas exclaimed to the assembled Hoplites…“Again!” Leonidas scanned the crowd in front of him. They had all assembled to celebrate the recent festival, which prevented Spartans from fighting. “Given the current situation, we must send someone to deal with the host threatening our Eastern border! Athens sent 10,000 hoplites to secure the valley of Tempe near Mt. Olympos just to have them retreat into the interior of Greece.” The assembled hoplites roared in laughter. “Even the Oracle at Delphi warned the Athenians to flee to the ends of the earth due to the enormity of the enemy at our Eastern border.”
“They have a million men, my liege!” A voice from the crowd yelled.
“Yea, well that still isn’t enough to stop Sparta!”
“Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!” the collective body of Spartan warriors yelled out in unison.
King Leonidas continued his speech. “So now we must send a contingent. Every other city-state in the Greek Islands is sending someone. We must follow suit. It would be inappropriate for Sparta to send no one. I will take only volunteers who have a male heir. I do not want any young men joining me on this quest. Only seasoned veterans who can carry on their bloodline through their sons if they should perish!”
The mantle had been laid down. The call to arms was made clear by the Spartan King. The volunteers would begin their march at first light.
In the Stavratos home, a simple horse farm in Southern Laconia, Philippos said his good-byes to his family. “Acacia, take care of our sons and daughters,” the Spartan warrior addressed his wife. “If I should fail to return, I name Loukas, my eldest son to be head of household. Support him and prepare him for his responsibilities. He already knows everything he needs to know about horses and the farm.” Philippos looked deeply into his wife’s sad brown eyes. “Do not weep for me, my love I will do everything in my power to return to you and the warmth of your bosom. My vision of you is what will drive me forward. Knowing you are here caring for my children, for hearth and home will drive me to return. You know you have my heart. If I should fall, I will seek you out in the next life.” Philippos leaned forward and kissed Acacia firmly on the lips.