Fighter's Guild
“Good, I'm glad to have you on board. The clients have wanted to launch this for weeks, so you only have until tomorrow to prepare,” she explains, relaxing slightly at the easy acceptance on everyone's faces, “Don't forget to prepare for the desert, if this is your first time. Being caught out in full armour is a fast route to heatstroke, and you aren't going to be able to do your job if we have to drag you.”
“The guild has some supplies you can take, but we'd generally recommend not going in full armour in the first place, so if you do, that's your problem,” she adds, finally introducing herself as Tannida and taking the papers off of the hovering young man. Some she hands over – contract stipulations, the bare details of the job – and others she simply looks through. As brusque as it is, the interview is clearly over; more and more of the normal guild members are coming through to ask other questions.
“For people so interested in their own magic swords, they never seem to take me up on the offer of conjured weapons,” another half-shrug, “The conjuration is just something on the side. Trying to put a permanent conjuration into a scroll…”
The Argonian seems amused by the desire to look at his finished work, but pulls out a few nonetheless. Not conjuration, but alteration, mostly – protection against fire, or wind, or a particularly elaborate and specific barrier to deal with sand of all things. Surprisingly thorough, for a wizard working from a market stall, and a much better indication of his speciality. The lone evidence of destruction magic is more in line with the half-finished work on the table; the quality is standard and without any fanfare, but not riddled with functional mistakes.
And the occasional half-finished work that clearly wouldn't function speaks to the dabbling he spoke of.