Modern Characters

Name: Anastasia (Ana) Rozanova
Born: October 31st (Aged 26)
Height: 5'6
Build: Average
Occupation: Elementary teacher and Masters Student
Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Researching, gardening, and Coffee Making
Romantic experiences: 1 Relationship
Sexual experience: 0 Hookups
About: Ana is a teacher and student working on her masters in special education. Coming from a poor family, the value of hard work has been ingrained in her since before she could walk. Unfortunately, that also means having to work her way through school and taking only a few classes at a time, slowing down her graduation timeline but nonetheless, she still graduated. She had one relationship when she was in high school and undergrad, when the 2 broke up. due to long distance; she now has a busy schedule with work and school and very rarely has a moment to breathe. She's sweet, kind, and super sassy, especially when someone starts acting a fool. She also has a strong sense of justice and isn't afraid to stand up to anyone, even when the odds are NOT in her favor.
Fantasy Characters

Name: Akira Izumi
Born: August 15 (Aged 23)
Height: 5'3
Build: Slim and petite
Occupation: Assassin
Hobbies: Tinkering/Smithing (Does murder count?)
Romantic experiences: 0 Relationships
Sexual experience: 0 Hookups
About: Akira didn't know much about her past when she was a child, the earliest thing she can remember was running after . . . someone, crying for them to stay before her little legs gave out. She was then taken in by a woman known only as Madame. She became like a mother to Akira, feeding her, caring for her, and Akira became incredibly protective of her organization, the shadowfront. When she turned 14 or 15, she started to train as an assassin as Madame refused to let her be a comfort woman. She was resilient, smart and clever with much to prove for her. Fortunately, one of the Madame's friends and business partner was willing to teach her. His name? Creed. She looked up to him as an older brother.
She is referred to as the Wolf of Shadowfront due to how she tends to be a loner with a cold, stoic personality and does her job effectively. In the last year, she has earned the top spot, and is eligible to take on more dangerous jobs at a substantial pay rise. She is ready to set off for her next target.

Name: Calliope Leukos
Age: 20 (born March 25th)
Height: 5'3"
Build: Petite
Occupation: Mage and guild member
About: Calliope is a young mage in training. Coming from a elven prestigious home, she originally went to the best Magic Academy. She enrolled, expecting to learn a lot. However, the expectations did not meet reality. She hated it. It was all theoretical work, and very little practical applications. She got so bored, she started skipping class and failing out. She then decided to leave. During her travels, she met an odd fellow. He was quirky, but managed to get along well enough. He even managed to get in on Calliope's pranks with unsuspecting people. They finally made it to his hometown only to realize that he was the guild master of the [insert name] guild. He then extended a hand, offering her to join and he, along with the more experienced members would help guide her into learning more magic on the job. This is just what she dreamed of!
Calliope stands at a whopping 5 foot -3, and enjoys finding the fun everywhere. She enjoys practicing her magic even more, sometimes on unsuspecting volunteers, but it's never bad. She follows her heart and lets the wind take her to new adventures. She's confident and outgoing, but is practicing at being more humble with her weaknesses.