You wake up one morning..
“Good morning, world?” You exclaim happily. “It’s a good day?” You stop- why am I asking questions? “Stop asking questions?” Huh, that’s.. weird, You thought.
What's the cause?
You go to school, thinking you must be delusional. But everyone speaks in question.
So.. OOC, this was based on a small story I began writing on my school device (the lines above are directly taken from there, however changed to be in second point of view. So.. it's a normal morning? But.. every time you speak, it comes out as a question.
Silly Forms
Short Bio:
Occupation[student, teacher, random townsfolk, police, etc.]:
Mention: @leopard wcue
“Good morning, world?” You exclaim happily. “It’s a good day?” You stop- why am I asking questions? “Stop asking questions?” Huh, that’s.. weird, You thought.
What's the cause?
You go to school, thinking you must be delusional. But everyone speaks in question.
So.. OOC, this was based on a small story I began writing on my school device (the lines above are directly taken from there, however changed to be in second point of view. So.. it's a normal morning? But.. every time you speak, it comes out as a question.
Silly Forms
Short Bio:
Occupation[student, teacher, random townsfolk, police, etc.]:
Mention: @leopard wcue