The African Savanna Roleplay is Currently Accepting Characters! Use the provided template below, fill it in, throw it here in ooc, and wait for GM approval!
the template is based on one by @/Carlyle, so before I put it in here I'm asking them for perms, so just chill for now ig <3
In the savanna, herds, packs, prides or other groups rule their territories. From a traveling zebra herd to a pack of hyenas, the savanna is not for the faint of heart. It is survival. You may have to bond with others to insure said survival. So stalk the savanna with us, dear, for the savanna is where we belong.
Who Roams The Savanna?
Many tussle for survival in this savanna. Here are those animals that you are allowed to roleplay.
Now, as for the herds/packs/prides/etc that thrive here..
young cheetahs travel with their mother and eventually depart from her once they have learned to fend for themselves. cheetah brothers band together in groups, and females travel solitary, only mating occasionally when they come across males. young traveling with their mother are called families. male cheetah groups are called brotherhoods. males in a brotherhood have a close-knit bond and always try to stick together.
Solitary Females:
Pepper - female cheetah with warm-colored fur and amber eyes. [@/leopard]
A lion pride functions as a family unit where a group of closely related female lions (often sisters, mothers, and daughters) form the core, raising their cubs together while being protected by a coalition of unrelated adult males who defend the pride's territory; the females primarily hunt, while the males focus on guarding the territory and mating with the females within the pride.
Wildebeest herds are made up of females, their young, and one or more males. The size of the herd can vary from a few hectares to over a million animals.
Zebra herds are large groups of social animals that live, graze, and groom together. They can number in the thousands and are made up of family groups that stay close together.
African painted dog packs are complex social groups that typically include 5–20 dogs. The pack is led by a dominant male and female pair, known as the alpha pair.
Elephant herds are family groups of closely related females and their young. The herds are led by the matriarch, the oldest and largest female.
Giraffes live in groups called towers, herds, or journeys. These groups can include bachelor groups, nursery groups, and creche groups.
Hyenas live in social groups called clans, which are made up of 10 to 80 hyenas. Clans are territorial and are often divided into smaller hunting packs.
Other Stuff
I watched a cheetah documentary and got a fascination with the savanna, I suppose. So I made it a roleplay! Wether your a cheetah speeding after your target or a giraffe reaching for the highest-up leaves, you belong in the savanna now.
This will be based off real life aspects of the African savanna. From dry to wet season, your characters will learn to thrive here.
basically a roleplay based in the African savanna.