I recently started an occult horror game here. Currently it's myself and three other players, but we could use one more person in the mix. My first advertisement was a bit overwhelming, so I'm just going to keep things simple here.

The setting for the game is 1901 France, in a town called Loudon. Loudon is famed for a series of high profile possessions that took place in the 1600s, leading to a series of witch trials which would see a bishop named Urbain Grandier burned at the stake. But our characters have been invited to town due to an unexpected inheritance dispute. Things are not as they seem in Loudon, however, and they will have to struggle to keep their lives - not to mention their souls - intact.

I've adapted the story from an old french adventure book that I translated. According to the book's directions, I do a tarot drawing for each character than can affect his stats. We also will use an occasional die roll to resolve tricky situations, but roleplaying is the primary focus.

This is a strongly occult game. It makes use of traditional ideas about witchcraft for its magic system, and draws heavily from Christian and sometimes pagan folklore. You can expect demons, witches, ghosts, etc alongside the radical new technologies and social transformations of the fin de siecle.

Check out what we have so far here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/194931-the…