Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DarkDissolver


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Cracking the Looking Glass

Bastards... Those gluttonous fools do not known of the evil deed they have committed. It is the dastardly people in this world that make it what it is. At the expense of another being they receive something temporary and easily replaceable; Of course they are unaware of the wicked endeavor perpetrated. Death is the only desire they should seek now.

A shady figure was standing on a think tree branch looking down upon a small village. Pondering and contemplating multiple things at once in his mind. Slightly quivering. The figure was a man. Cloaked in black. He continued to stare down from the high branch. The shadow had kept trembling slightly, as if standing in one spot was putting him in pain and the only thing close to a remedy was to slightly twitch occasionally. The stillness and lack of anything was deteriorating some parts of his mind and his patience. He kept thinking about the humans that lay in his field of sight.
The village was actually quite simpler then it should have been. Structures have been created by black wood that filed the forest. They were not complex buildings. Simple. A few sticks and twigs placed to create a cone shaped home. Many of the houses were made like this. Many of the humans living here were randomly taken here, A river flowed close to the group of huts. Woods surrounding the river and small village of simple ignorant humans. The resemblance to earth still unnerved him. A small case of pondering what is reality and not.
The small planet had been filled with mainly humans for many reasons. One of which, it was close to earth in appearance. Other then all the trees being a slightly darker shade and the strange creatures that attempted to kill them occasionally. The animals were similar also. It was habitable being the big reason.
This is also one of the many reasons that they enjoy venturing and pillaging this land. Plenty of humans.
The woods were thick and had been home to many lost children. A final resting place for the vagabonds like the man also.
The mans name was Alex.
Alex was sporting a black trench coat and matching fedora. Contradicting with his pale skin. His dark eyes kept observing his surroundings.

... This world mocks me. It attempts to intoxicate and overwhelm my mind. Poison and fill it with some kind of terrible form of madness.

Alex began to tap his foot on the tree. Looking down on the humans here. They were stupid. They would kill other living beings for some kind of short nirvana of a sort. Alex was disgusted by those that would kill an animal. He was vegetarian. After adjusting his fedora he continued to observe.

Uncertainty. Humans and I have something in common. We both fear and tremble at uncertainty.

Alex did not consider himself on low as a level of humans. He was of course himself human but wished he was not. Again he kept having his eyes peek at everything. Especially the sky. Sometime he doubted this world existed. It was just part of his mind. Perhaps he was imagining he was still sane and worrying about more usual things like perception of reality. Best to no dwell on such things... Alex prepared to leave the tree looking around one last time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silvermane


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'Gaia, they aren't going to make this easy for me are they?' A girl turned sharply, raising a hot blade out of the fire she was working on, and pointed it at the man in question, "That is the final price, any lower and I will not have food on my table tonight, please you must listen to reason." The man backed up a little, the heat radiating off the metal scared him a bit.

He rebutted, "Thieves and scoundrels plague my street, break into our homes, steal our wealth if I had more to pay you I would. But it's gone. I must protect my family, my wife and kids." His words dripped of sorrow, plagued by the misfortunes that left his family dry as the sand beneath their feet. The girl lowered the weapon, which was cooling as it stayed off the fire. Placing it gently back over the flames, she then rummaged through a pile of damaged, bent, chipped and scratched swords she had bought to repair and resell. She pulled out a sword, it's blade was slightly chipped down the side, and the pommel was rusted. Her foot started pumping up and down on a contraption that spun a sharpening stone faster than her hands could drive it. The blade was nowhere near the quality of her other swords, but still if swung upon an enemy will make him bleed.

"Take this," She extended the blade out for the man to grab. He took the sword and gave it a few practice swings, "This will do," He said with a small smile. He reached into the small of his jacket and pulled out his coin purse, but the girl refused immediately. "I charge for my work. This blade is not mine. I merely gave it a new breath of life." She smiled, "Go now, this will protect your family." The man thanked her for her charity, "Gaia bless you, sister."

She went back to the flame and continued to forge her art, her warm tan skin dripped of sweat and dirt. "Amber!" A voice boomed from the back of the store, "You can't just give our wares away to every sad sob story that walks through the door!" It was Basco, her boss, mentor... and father figure.

'Now I'm gunna get it...' Amber leaned away from the forge and sat down removing her hair from her bun, allowing it to fall down her back, "You know his position, Bas."
The old man rubbed his eyes and grunted, "Yes, we've all been there at one point or another, the crime here is unimaginable." He straightened his back, "But simply because you believe him does not mean he is truthful." It is true we must all be cautious of those who would take advantage of a kind heart, but Amber was not so closed about it. She didn't seem to care, so long as she thought in her heart she helped him.

After being lectured for about half an hour, Amber needed some fresh air. Or as fresh as an industrial metal city would allow. She saddled up her holster with two blades, one longsword and the other a short sword, both made by her hammer. She escaped to the streets, they were oddly barren for the time of day. A few people here and there but it was usually booming with noise.

'Weird... where is everyone?'
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

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Deep in the forest, deeper than what the humans would dare venture into unless looking for food, lost, or searching for the person that had made the forests her home. The village depended on the Hunts woman to provide them food for the winter months. If it weren't for her, they probably would have all starved to death during the long cold days and nights. Footfalls covered by doeskin boots stalked across the ground, not making a single sound. Elsa stopped, as she found the deer she was looking for, pulling the string to the bow that she had bought many years ago thanks to the humans who taught her. Not having parents, she liked to think they fit the category nicely.

A soft whoosh....shrunk as the arrow flew and sank into the prey, Elsa finally allowed herself to make full strides as she walks to the slightly older male deer. "Thank you forest brother, for providing a meal so I may continue to live. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten." She said softly to the dead deer as she took the arrow from the carcus and lifted it across her shoulder looking around seeing the tiger who followed her every step sitting and waiting patiently in the shadows. She pet his head.
"Shall we go into town then?" She asked the tiger, although it would mostly sound like soft growls or snarls. He butts his head against her thigh in agreement. She rolls her blue/green eyes a small smile on her lips.

She made her way to the village wondering if the butcher would cut up the meat she would need, picking up herbs and seasoning that the forest had in abundance stopping here and there to overhear nature to make sure all was well but noticed a patch that was more quiet than usual. She placed the deer onto the tiger her bow and a ready arrow against the string instantly alert. She began to once more stalk along looking all around for the source of the incorrect spot or what was causing such a hush. She even looked up into the trees knowing that an attack could come from up there if one was caught unaware. She stopped when she saw something black in the distance up in a tree. She drew the arrow completely, aiming at something other than the body. A piece of cloth or something. After all, can't question a dead body, and with that thought released the arrow and got another from her sling and against the string in .04 seconds prepared to shoot whatever was up there should it proove to be a threat.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DarkDissolver


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alex had a tendency to be capable of seeing where somebody was at a certain time. Their emotions would intoxicate the air and someones presence would be impossible to hide. He was not expecting any person here though. Even if someone did go so deep into the forest, how would they know where to look? Alex had thought he was safe and would not be interrupted here. His mistake. He would be caught by surprise. An arrow had struck one of his coattails and created a hole. Alex turned instantly now knowing someone was aware of where he was while he was ignorant to their location. He removed the arrow from his coat and held it in his hand. Either the archer had purposely tried to scare him or tried to go for a fatal blow and missed.

I will be denied peace and tranquility as long as I live....
If Alex could sigh in his mind he did.

Alex put on his black gloves. No ordinary gloves. His tree climbing skills did not come from plain experience. Tekko Kagi. The retractable metal hooks had made an appearance and then proceeded to jump downward from the high tree. Alex landed on his feet with a soft thud. He was armed with some of his favorite weapons in case of the person that shot at him was hostile. He has used the gloves usually used to climb to overpower many foes. Alex tilted his head while adjusting his footing observing his surroundings still slightly twitching. Prepared for an attack. Well this stinks, he didnt get a full observation of his surroundings. While falling he remembers mountains... and an ocean. Either way it doesnt matter. Alex's mind wandered too much. Either way he kept rotating and looking around.

... I am not familiar with this land. I am already put at a disadvantage. I am using a close range weapon.... And my coat has a hole in it... Whatever Bastard did this will surely have to pay the consequences.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

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Elsa watched as the black thing in the trees came down and stood up releasing the stress of the sting still prepared to draw and shoot though whenever necessary, using her full gait as she still walked noiselessly through the forest, missing any twigs or leaves that might sound her arrival taking a study of the stranger, never seeing the like before a curious tilt to her head as she did so. She debated for a moment if she should show herself or not when her protector, stubborn male that he could be crouched low growling softly preparing to strike. She shook her head, well so long anonymity, she walked into the light still studying the stranger noticing the hole in the coat he was wearing. Strange, it was the third week of the warm season. Was he constantly cold?
"You are very strange looking. I apologize for the hole. Can't question a dead body, and you are certainly worth questioning." She said softly with a small click of her tongue. The tiger bound out of the darkness and landed right next to her carrying the dear.
"Well at least this time you didn't drop our meal on the ground. That's improvement." She said softly to her companion who only seemed to shrug in indifference.
"Between saving your life or our food, I will always choose saving you." He replied watching the stranger to make sure he wouldn't make any sudden movements. She came closer to the stranger noticing the hat and looked at it curiously. "Why is there a hat on your head? Are you hiding some sort of calamity? And your coat, do you suffer from being cold all the time or are you trying to be mysterious?" She asked putting the arrow back still holding onto the bow though. It wouldn't do to let go of all her weapons...although she could fight bare if necessary. She was in front of the man's face trying to get a better look into his eyes, her own showing how curious she found this creature who she never saw before. But then again, she hardly left the forest unless need be, too used to the wild life to be 'civil'. She found it to be distasteful and distrustful. She quite liked the savagery of the wild, than the subtle dance of society.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silvermane


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A guard patrolled the street, his hand steadily on his sword ready for any danger on the barren road. Amber ran up to the man, her strides moved with purpose. The warm air of the city kissed her cheek, and she even got a rare smell of the forest on the outskirts of the city. The pine was refreshing. Focus, Amber, don't get lost in the world.

"Excuse me, Sir!" Amber called to him. The man turned around, and nodded his head back wondering what she wanted with him, "Where is everyone? Why is no one out today?" The guard stared almost puzzled by her question, "Haven't you heard? The whole city is under red alert, everyone is urged to stay indoors. Monsters in the forest have become especially active lately." Amber nodded and thanked him for the information.

City is under some kind of lockout..? I wonder how long this could go on for. I bet if I could slay or scare the monsters causing this away, it'd be safe for people to be on the streets again.

Amber made her way to the edge of the city, she could see the trees that met the city gates. The men standing guard raised the gate for her. "Be warned, Amber, once we let you out, we may not be able to let you come back until the monster threat has been eliminated." She nodded, understanding the consequences, and told them to send word to Basco about her leaving. She had confidence he'd be fine without her. Her steps kicked the dirt in the forest and she turned around one last time, the gate crashed down locking her out. Even now she could not return, so with sword in one hand and a flaming fist in the other she walked into the forest. She continued until she heard a rustling in the distance, she was unsure if it were men or monsters before her, so she drew up her blade and super-heated it cautiously moving forward.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DarkDissolver


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alex jumped slightly when Elsa appeared with a tiger by her side. She appeared human. Alex lowered his hands and adjusted his fingers making the small blades in his gloves disappear. Strange looking? Perhaps.
"..." He was silent for a few seconds. "...What do you mean?" His voice was a bit rough. He hadnt talked for a few days and began to forget what it was like. Being in the presence of a stranger was somewhat uncomfortable. She asked him a few questions. He exited his fighting position.
"....No." Alex's mind could be considered a calamity to some people.

".... Unless you consider the human mind a tribulation." Alex said with the same rough voice at first slowly becoming more melodious. He smirked after he made said statement. He thought so. His mind's tendency to wander currently led him to think about his more misanthropic side. He lightly shook his head to come back to what was probably very sadly reality. He took of his hat for a few seconds to show her he had no kind of calamity under his hat. Or rabbits. Just his shaggy onyx black hair. He placed it back onto is head. As for the coat...

"....No... It's just...." He paused. "Why do you want to know and why should i be answering these questions?" He asked before slightly moving his eyes to peek at the tall trees and around himself. He was a bit paranoid of being attacked. Especially when on such accessible ground. He again had to return his mind to the current situation.

Alex didnt like majority of people. He hated majority of what people created also. Would have been best to dash for it huh? Oh well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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"You're strange, that's why. I never saw someone strange before. So, you must be new from port or somewhere I never been." Elsa theorized and noticed the misuse of his vocal chords. She didn't see that he was sick or something. "You sound weird. Either you're not used to speaking or you have a cold and should go somewhere to rest." She said and taps her chin and shrugs. "I suppose you didn't have to, but I probably would have saw it as volatile and attacked." She answered truthfully and turns suddenly, an arrow at the ready and flying into space as she heard a rustling in the forest, the arrow zooming by her easy posture instantly turning battle ready her head tilting this way and that as she caught the sounds of animal life as they scattered away from fire and the monsters that were drawn to them. Those ones liked flames and were out during the morning as normal. "Who would be so stupid as to have open flames this early in the morning? That attracts some monsters in these woods. They certainly have a death wish whoever the person is." She said and tsked muttering about the stupidity of some people. She then took the deer and placed it in the stranger's arms. "Would you take this to the butcher? Say the Hunts Woman needs the best cuts and he won't ask too many questions. I would highly appreciate it stranger." She said with a small smile as she rushed into the forest, the wind blowing back her hair uncovering the elfish ears, running to possibly save or scold whoever was responsible for this mess.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DarkDissolver


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"..." Perhaps he was a bit strange. But he had no knowledge on anything here. Just a ripped note found flying around in the air that he kept in his pocket. Alex just got here basically. Living in the forest for a few days. He was from somewhere she never saw. How he would love to go back.
"...I havent really talked to anyone for awhile." He mumbled. Sounding somewhat lonely. Even though it was only a few nights Alex could easily recall the nights where he would just think to himself. Peaceful but boring. She offered some kind of relief from the amount of solitude he drowns himself in.
... Fire attracts them? Lucky he could endure great amounts of cold and did not require a fire.
When handed the deer he took it into his arms. She must have either found it or killed it herself. Probably the latter. Either way a lucky or skilled person would be a useful companion. She could give him some answers that he wanted. When she rushed away Alex put the deer on his back and carried it with one hand easily then tried to follow. The butcher could wait. Especially since he did not know what direction to go in to find the village. The deer would be rather heavy for an average human weighing around 200 pounds. Alex carried it with ease while dashing and following the stranger. He still did not know her name. Anyways, being powered by his own emotions and hers he continued to easily carry the deer and run. His mind slightly shifting to the topic of what kind of people lived here. He had seen a few of them eat, hunt, and die in the forest. It is then he realized he was carrying a dead animal, assisting someone to consume the animal. He would scold her for it but it was too late. No amount of complaining and lecturing will bring it back to life. He was still saddened though. A small amount of blood feel onto his coat. He didnt care and continued to run.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silvermane


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Rustling sounds grew closer and her flaming hand grew brighter. Amber tilted her blade upwards like a scorpion tail ready to strike. Yes... come to me, beasts. Show yourselves. The forest made many noises. That of birds whistling their morning songs, animals rustling about. Other noises far more concerning, soft growls and the tromping footsteps that felt far in the distance. And... something else. A feeling as if being watched. Not by a monster, but another humanoid. A person. Shit. Amber continued, her sword still ready to strike. The flames that engulfed her hand started to make her arm sweat, the drops moistened the foliage below her. A girl came into her vision, bow in hand. Phew.

Amber lowered her weapon, and the flames around her first simmered down to a mere ember. The girl did not appear hostile, if anything rather agitated. "Hold there!" Amber called out to her, "Amber Wreav," she extended a cautious hand still warm from the flames, "Free woman of Krave, city a few miles west of here." A man came up short behind her, carrying a deer. From the way things appeared these people were not her enemies. Her stance became a bit more relaxed. The man was pale, and looked a bit odd in his attire. Clothes of that kind haven't been worn anywhere she's seen. Most people dressed practically, this man was somewhat mysterious. The girl had a somewhat friendly aura around her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

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Elsa saw the person that was responsible for the flames. "You stupid? Flames attract especially this early in the morning." She then looked to the side impressed that someone could keep up with her running. Not that many people could. It was fascinating, but they had problems. "Do not sheath your weapons just yet, they're coming."
Who brought their attention?
Who knows, who cares lets run!
The voices of the forest rang in her head the tiger beside her snarling and pouncing on one of the monsters that were attracted to flames. Caitlyn wasn't too sure what humans called it, she just liked to call these Infernos, because they enjoyed fire and wondering about in the morning hours, near forests or even better by something that was burning. Like a volcano that she heard about. And where one was, others were to follow. They were medium sized beings of unknown species, at least in Elsa's mind they weren't known, she just knew that without water to frighten them off, they would have to fight them all. She drew the arrow and shot one into the heart, and got another arrow ready. "Unless one of you has water up their sleeve, fight or run." She advised doing the former her expression that of calculation on how many there were of them and this ragtag team she seemed to have gathered out of no where. "Elsa. Elsa Voss. It's not very nice meeting you since you brought these things here." She introduced herself as the Amber had done so. After all, she was taught it was polite to do so when one introduced another. "Nothing but sharp objects and water hurts or kills them." She said seeing the blunt swords that Amber carried glad she had few of those.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silvermane


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"I was counting on it attracting them." Amber drew her sword, "But if what you say is true I have no means of fighting these abominations." Her hand burst back into flames and backed up from the creature. The flames crawled up her arm, making some sort of flame shield. "Unless you two have any other suggestions, start running, I can hold them for a few seconds, there's a river to the south I believe, if you can make it there, you'll have plenty water to keep safe." Amber was a bit slow when it came to insults, although she hardly ever noticed them anyways. She could not help her blazing arm, it was one of her best defenses. Her attention was drawn to the cat now that it had pounced on the flame elemental. It was beautiful. Not many animals other than rats, and ally cats were found in her city.

Why are these people out here anyways if this Elsa deems it so dangerous at this hour? I came out here looking for the beasts. My quest is going fine so far. Objective 1 down, find them. Only one more to go: Kill them. All.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DarkDissolver


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alex just listened quietly. Somewhat amused when Amber was insulted...
... They? Who is they?
When the medium-sized creatures came in. Alex has never seen them before. A small very bearable amount of heat was emitted by them.
Alex would much rather fight then run. His pride and honor wouldnt let him. A few moments later he had hear the woman's name. Elsa.
He still had not introduced himself. Mainly because he did not like many things crated by humans including names. Animals live their whole entire lives without such labels.
Sharp objects or water? Alex could provide both if he wasn't in such a weak state. Not having eaten much. Living purely off of his own emotions majority of the time and a few berries. He already had sharp objects with him though. No need to create anything, doing so absorbs much of his energy.
The retractable hooks on his gloves became came out again.

Counting on attracting them?

"... We wont need the river." Alex says, Somewhat arrogantly. He waited in his fighting position when a few more of the creatures had entered his field of sight. "...More of them." Alex said this very dully while counting approximately 3 of the fire-loving creatures.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

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Caitlyn threw one of the things after stabbing it in the heart with a dagger she carried looking at Amber curiously. "Yeah, but they aren't the only ones drawn to it. They're less annoying and I can only thank whatever or whoever's up there that those things didn't come along. They would have taken so much more than what we have currently." She said and swung around much like a dancer would avoiding an attack by the Inferno closest to her. "Be sure after they're dead to drop them into some sort of water or something within a few hours. Otherwise, they'll come back alive. I learned that the hard way many years ago." She said remembering the small burn she got from carrying a part of their fingers in a pocket. Thankfully it hadn't been anything too serious.
"Brother, on your side, lash out with your back paws!" Caitlyn said to the tiger who instantly did so and leaping away from one prey to the next each swipe of its nasty sharp claws ending the life of its prey. She had nary a time to be thankful he listened to her as her attention was brought to obtaining the fallen pieces as she and the rest of this small gang attacked.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silvermane


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Sword in hand, Amber lunged forward with the others. She charged the closest Inferno, bashing it with her flame shield, and stabbing it's disoriented body. It screeched and howled as it stumbled back, an orange fluid pooling on the forest floor. Blood...? No. Not quite. But close. These creatures didn't bleed ordinary blood like the humans, apparently. Amber pressed the attack, the heat that came off the Inferno's had no effect on her red hot skin, she need only worry about their sharp teeth and claws.

"So we drag them to the river when this is taken care of?" Amber asked Elsa for approval, it was apparent she was far more knowledgable on the nature of these creatures.

Amber took notice of the man's weapon, the hooked gloves. He had only said a few words, none being an introduction. His refusal to retreat however, was noted. The man's ego seemed to precede him, with no caution to the fight. I wonder will he learn... play with fire... get burned?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DarkDissolver


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alex tilted his head and saw Elsa stab one of the creatures. Perhaps someone that could be a good ally. Either way he would have to pick someone to inform him of this world. Alex Alex thought while swinging his arm at incredible speed coming from his right arm. His hand open with his fingers slightly inward at one of the Infernos. The metal sharp hooks of his gloves impaling its body. With his second hand he forcefully uses his other hand to impale its eyes while still having the deer over his shoulder. Alex felt no shame or sadness when killing these creatures. They were clearly not like earth's animals. They were impure demons.... The sensation of eliminating the beast had probably effected Alex in a better way then most. Wait... something about water? Could just urinate on them. Alex slightly chuckled at the thought. Smirking and chuckling somewhat noticeably even more at the thought of the creature waking up during the process. Alex tilted his head and saw as Elsa's tiger killed one of them. Alex impaled more of them majority of the time with a smirk. Ignoring the heat being emitted from them.
..... Savages. Brutes seeking to bask and sprawl in any amount of conflagration. Beasts that have committed acts of brutality against those weaker then them self. Beings like these. They are the ones that deserve to die.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

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Elsa threw the pieces of Inferno across the forest each one falling into a small puddle of water. "A river works. Or you could throw them into puddles that any sort of forest accumulates." She said with a slice of the dagger and a stab with an arrow in both hands used to the heat they produced and the orange liquid they poured as they were finished off but not dead. She noticed how the deer never fell from the stranger's back and tilts her head curiously. "That is some trick there mysterious one. Must come in handy." She said as she sank the two sharp points into the shoulder of an inferno and threw it hard across the forest it landing where she disposed of the pieces it crying out, a horrible screeching sound as it died. "Four more and then we run to the closest river. There we will wait a few moments. I doubt the Fire Giants will come, but still, better safe than sorry. They usually sleep for years." She said knowing there were many more infernos out there in this forest, but they were way out there, even further than she would dare venture unless sent by the people to kill a creature there.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Silvermane


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With a fierce swipe Amber took another Inferno out, and her fire shield dissipated into the air. She tackled another and climbed on top of it, slicing it's neck in the process. Amber threw the two bodies over her shoulder, she knew the others could take care of the remaining forces. She started trotting down south, toward the river. It was only a ways off, but her breath was heavily panting from the fight and running with the two heavy bodies. Amber lifted them off her shoulders and threw them into the river. Steam sizzled and rose from their bodies, creating a soft mist in the hair much like a sauna. The water boiled around their bodies, and their corpse turned to wet ash and floated downstream. Her arms also let off a cooling mist, an alarming feature to most humans. Don't test your luck, Amber, solid ground has always treated you well. She refused to let the water pass her knees, a fear that has come with living in a city her whole life. She could not swim. But she'll take that secret to her grave. A potentially watery, grave. Elsa said something about fire giants, Sounds like a crowd I could reason with. It gave her some hope maybe not all these creatures were so deadly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DarkDissolver


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

He just watched as she killed and disposed of a few of the creatures."...Yeah." Alex then wrapped his full arm around the deer. It feeling slightly heavier then before. "...What do you call them." He asked. May as well find out what they are called. Despite names being somewhat hated by him, they still made communicating easier. Alex currently thought of a name. Helldweller
Despite the point.... "...Whats a fire giant?" Alex asks. Tapping his foot the whole time he was standing still with the deer over his shoulder. He did not care much when Amber walked off. Much was wandering his mind as usual. He kept the deer on his shoulder impaling its corpse with the hooks on his gloves so as to make sure it would never fall o the ground.... Wait.... why was he carrying this load for her? Alex pondered the question and decided to just not question or make her carry her kill.
Alex proceeded to use one hand to claw at them with the weapons on his palms. Taking out a few.
"...Also... My appellation is Alex...Mavros." He felt the need to tell her at least. Not sure why.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"A tall being that likes to eat lava. Not easy on the eyes, but they can be reasoned with, as long as you don't wake them up. I call these things Infernos. Probably a better name out there." Elsa said taking his hand and shook it some and looking as he still carried the deer glad that the infernos were at least dealt with before Amber went off on her own. "I appreciate your carrying that for me, not sure what I would do if you hadn't. That is a strange thing to do a nice act for a stranger. I want to repay you somehow by your kindness. Tell me how." She demanded looking at the tiger and lifting a paw in her hands concentrating as her healing surrounded the wound on his arm and heals it.
"Be more careful next time. You could have been hurt. She told her companion who only licks her fingers in reply.
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