Luner walked through the city streets genlty her glowing blue and red armor shines around her but she rarely needed it. She smiles as she walking froma pub and her fellow guards where staying out and having a good time. She would want them back more more then three and not drunk and the guards understood and they didnt disobey her commands and for good reasons. Luner growled as a theive grabbed her hair and put a dagger to her neck. her snake was slithering around in the shadows near her. Five more thieves came forth darkly weapons drawn at her. she grinned slightly,
"mind letting me go?" She asked in an innocent tone of voice. The thives laughed and shook their heads the leader just grinned and singled them to attack. the girl with remarkable speed and flexabily dodged most of the attack getting cut on her shoulder was a pain but she had felt much , much worse. she slashed out with her blade cutting deeply into the man's sides and hit the leader in the head with the butt of her blade. two thieves snarled and attacked but she whistled. the thieves screamed as a large snake lunged from the shadows catching them by the throats. They fell down shaking in agony but snakes started coming to comsume some of the meal that their dear mistress had given them to eat.
Luner walked to the large castle and walked through the halls her knights armor glowing in the dim lights of the torches, she grinned gently coming to the throneroom bowing her head to the king and queen. her snake did the same as well. No one really knew where she got the snake but it was said she found it in the land of darkness but even then the king and queen welcomed the critter into the palace for it killed the mice in the kingdom. The snake slithered to the king and queen wrapping around their thrones slowly happy to be with them. the girl smiles and sat down in a chair. being the head general and head guard of the kingdom was never easy but smiles anyway.
"the thieves are out of the picture three ran off some snakes attacked some others" she said as she reads through some pappers from the war front of a war they where having with the kingdom of darkness, the kingdom of Demons.