Pretty much what expect it to be - trough I want a democracy in which representatives are elected professionals, each voted independently from his political party, meant to create possible solutions for state problems and then present them to the nation, with information about each solution being presented by Non-Government Organizations, media and so on, and then voted on. For a solution to be accepted it would need 2/3 of the whole elective body to vote in favor of it. Voting might even be made obligatory and would probably needed to be handled by a secure and country-only electronic network - nothing impossible with the current tech in developed countries.
Why I want this? Because I am sick of hearing about someone wining the elections just because many voters did not show to vote or laws being made trough no one asked the people if they want such a law. I want a Democracy in which the people will be able to decide if they like a law (and its realistic effects on the state) or not and clearly say yes or no to it. Because I don't want a party to be elected which will have next to absolute power in the next x years of its mandate and sometimes make outrageously stupid laws. AKA I want a fairer Democracy, not this bulls**t in which one party just must make sure then more of its supporters show up to vote for it and then it has so much power in the next x years.