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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Somewhere in India
A limousine was guarded by two APCs. Inside the limousine was Brent Bradsworth, the Minister of Foreign Relations for The Canadian Empire, heading to yet another meeting with the British to discuss who owns India. Sand was kicked up behind the small caravan as they traveled in the hot desert heat, hoping to reach the meeting site soon. Inside the limousine Brent was sweating a bit as he was wearing a full on suit, however he though to himself that those brutish British would not respect such fine clothing. The caravans stopped at what looked like a Governmental building, various vehicles already parked showing that the British were awaiting the Canadians inside. Brent and a few other diplomats stepped out and went inside. Brent spoke to the assembled British Diplomats
"There is only one way this will go down, and that is India is recognized as under Canadian Control" Brent said this with a strict authoritative accent.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 19 days ago

The room was not extravagant, and it was clear much of the expensive items had been sold to contribute to the 'Rebuilding' policy. There were few guards around the building, despite the territorial dispute. While there was a relatively large amount of forces stationed in India, Britain didn't expect the Canadians to act. The British Policy had brought them favour among the people, and democracy verses dictatorship wasn't really a hard option. Whatever the case, the British clearly felt it would be foolish for the Canadians to make any kind of move on the territory. The two Diplomats glanced to each other and shook their heads slowly. The First, a White British Man with blonde hair, spoke "This isn't open for debate" He said in a somewhat tired tone. He had heard more than enough of this in the past, and he did not feel like it was ever going to be resolved. Then the second, a rather short Indian man with dark black hair, spoke up
"India is a British Territory, Minister, it does not belong to Canada and it never will." He said, and the first one sighed, approaching a small map in the center of the room
"Why don't you go expand else where, Minister?" He said as he examined the map "Alternatively, we can reach some form of agreement. Simply commanding us to leave will never work." The Indian diplomat glanced to him in disbelief, but the British one turned back to him, giving him a reassuring look and approaching him, whispering something
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

"Well then... David did bring up something that we though you might take for India. In exchange for giving The Canadian Empire complete control of India, we would be willing to help you in a war to claim territories of the US. I am sure there are some you are interested in." David again said this with a more of a know you want to tone. He adjusted his suit and tie, knowing that the British would take the deal.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 19 days ago

The British Diplomat took a few steps forwards, making a 'hm' noise as he considered. He approached the map and looked at it
"What about the Indian People that wish to be part of the British Empire?" He asked, and the Indian suddenly looked shocked and glared at him
"You cannot seriously be thinking about abandoning my people!" He said quickly, and the British born diplomat turned back to him
"I'm working on it. We won't abandon the Indian people who wish to be part of the British Empire, but there are people who wish to belong to Canada as well... Besides, the US is being aggressive towards us. There has been threats in the past over the borders... luckily they appear too disorganized to attack the Thirteen Colonies but this would end them for good..." The indian shook his head quickly
"Then I demand the states of Tripura, Mizoram, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Assam and Nagaland." He said, ignoring the British born diplomat as he sighed heavily
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

"So, will you be able to bring our deal before your government?" said Brent, completely ignoring the Indian Diplomat. There was excitement in the air as a few of the Canadian diplomats were having a quite celebration. Soon the Canadians would expand again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 19 days ago

The British diplomat considered for a moment "I shall take it before the government, though there are matters for it that would have to be settled first, such as the division of territory in the US and addressing my Colleagues request. I do not think it is of an extreme nature that the Pro-British Indian Population should have that small portion of the territory set aside for them"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Brent sighed as he went to talk with the other Canadian Diplomats, after some quick calls and checks Brent spoke up again.
"The territories that the Indian Diplomat has mentioned will be turned into a Independent Republic, with it being a British Protectorate. The rest of India would be under Canadian Control. Is that acceptable?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 19 days ago

The Indian diplomat sighed in resignation, and the two British diplomats exited the room, having a quiet conversation, after which the Indian Diplomat entered the room sighing as he looked at the map and slapped a marker on the new 'United Territories of India' which was sandwiched between Canadian India and Other British territories. The British diplomat entered and placed his PDA away again
"The Queen agrees to this provided Canada promises that the United Territories of India will not be attacked. The United Territories of India are to receive full British Protection provided they accept her as the Monarch, remain within British Common Law, respect human rights and follow various other policies that may be set by Her Majesty the Queen at later dates." He said and the Indian diplomat glanced to him, before glancing back to the Canadian Diplomat
"A constitution is being written up for my new country now. For the next two years open borders will be maintained so that any Indian people who are Pro-British may move to the new nation, after which the borders shall return to normal." He said, sighing
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sauron The Dark Lord

Sauron The Dark Lord

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It was a day at the top of the season, mild weather and mild warmth, not too hot and not too cold, it was basically: A beautiful day. Inside the confines of a towering palace reaching far beyond the skies, it's architecture much similar to that of a cathedral however made on a towering scale beyond just that. It stood like a titan amongst ants and ontop of this grand structure sit's an eagle, an iron eagle twice the size of a double decker bus. It's wings spread, it observed the city of Thrones Keep, the Holy Scandinavian Empire's crown jewel, the capital. Made in an old roman fashion however mixed with the modern capabilities, it is also the home of the Emperor, Sigis Keep, the Imperial Palace, the seat of the Emperor.

Inside the behemoth of a structure, in the most inner halls below the ground is a beautifully constructed hall, in the very center is the Eagles Throne, the seat of the Emperor. The hall could encompass a million people at the same time, if not more and it was nearly barren, the only people in here were the Emperor himself and the Royal Guard, the best equiped and the most prestigious position in the entire empire. Six hundred and sixty six royal guardsmen would be present around this hall at any times, the reason is unknown and the Emperor himself is quite secretive, much like his own empire. On the ground, around the throne is a pentagram like symbol, it's center is the very throne. Suddenly a priest marched in, rather awkwardly and in obvious notice of the Emperor himself. ''My lord...'' He spoke, walking with small, quick steps towards the edge of the throne. ''The ceremony is about to begin..'' The priest continued, and with the priest's voice acting like a reminder Sigismund rose out of his throne, clad in the greatest robes and clothes that one could imagine, he looked godly, divine in the attire of which he was clad in. ''And so it shall begin...'' Emperor Sigismund spoke, his voice echoing the halls, and now, fully standing his lenght showed more then ever, towering above the little priest, it must've been quite the sight.

Sigismund walked casually through the endless halls of Sigis Keep, he walked as if he knew the imperial behemoth from in and out. Within ten minutes of wandering hall after hall, endless corridor after endless corridor he'd arrived at a large gate which in turn would lead to the balcony before the Parade street. When the gates opened and Sigismund walked into the sight of the millions before him endless cheers arose from the people. He reached out his arms as if he held the world within his embrace, they continued without end, to cheer and to scream of joy.

''Citizen of this glorious empire! People all over the realms of man! I greet you now!'' Sigismund spoke, his voice was picked up by the microphone next to him, the sound was played all around Thrones Keep, no one could possibly miss it. The cheering intensified and on the road itself the 1st Legion took it's notice, standing tall, 10000 warriors clad in Preatorian Armor, the newest upgrade from the Crusader armor pattern. Behind these legionaries were the 1st armor collum of the 1st legion and infront of them all was Executioner Uldrid. ''My time on this earth has now come to it's 27th year and as young I am, I have still brought you much to gain and live with, our times as an Empire are ten times greater then the days during our independence, United we shall grab glory and honor and feast upon them, bathing us in our feast!''

The speech went on for hours, the Emperor's voice ever youthful and un-touched by fatigue or tiredness. With the ending of his speech he declared. ''Together we stand tall, United we fall. The Empire shall span a thousand centuries and a hundred more, we are capable, we will survive!'' With that he waved to the public and quickly walked into the confines of his personal fortress, not to be seen again except for special occations. Recruiters for the 2nd to 20th legions now made their way to the front of the gathering. Uldrid yelled out. ''Anyone willing to serve the Emperor even in combat, gather before the legion recruiters before you! Form a line, don't disrupt order nor break the rules or law!'' He then, together with his legion marched to the First Legion's military fortress at the edge of Thrones Keep. As if on command hundreds gathered before every recruiter, and so it remained untill late at night, even.

In the middle of a snow storm a gathering of white coated, yet lightly armored individuals stood, luckily within the confines of a wind shelter safe from the snow and wind, they lit their smokes and smoked together, all whilst discussing complex robotronics and railgun technologies and theories. When they were completely finished they all went in, using a finger scanning lock the iron door opened and revealed an entire science complex, royal guard units were scattered around the complex keeping order and remaining a controlling pressence, it was made sure that this was an important and secrete scientifical location. ''Stand still.'' A royal guard spoke to one of the scientists whom came right in from his smoke break. ''What is it now, Sigvar?'' The scientist spoke, the royal guard in turn raised his weapon to the torso of the scientist, the lightly armored chest piece would not protect against this state of the art rifle which the Royal Guardsman held with his hands.

The face of the scientist brightened up. ''I don't remember your face in this complex, you're not on the arrival list, WHO. Are you?'' The soldier said, not a single stutter in his voice, he ment buisness and the scientist was apparently unable to present it. ''I... You must've rea-'' He royal guardsman interrupted him, and the two scientists next to the man had long since walked along, not willing, nor wishing to act in defence or against the scientist. ''I know the list inside out.. You will come with me.'' He royal guard said, grabbing a destructive grip around the mans arm. The scientist tried to struggle against the soldiers brute grip of both iron and muscle.

The royal guard dragged the man through the entire complex, people gave foul looks to the scientist and once at the destination, the prison wing of the science complex the soldier threw the man into one of the cells. A few minutes passed and suddenly the soldier came out, small blood stains on the foot print from his armored boots. ''He was a rebel..'' The man told the Prison wing guard who nodded in return, they then parted ways and everything went on as if normal.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Palacio ng Pilipinas, Manila, Philippines

The war had ended and to the victors go the spoil. It had been a year since the signing of the Bangkok treaty which ended the Pacific war. Millions of lives lost around the ring of fire and most of their names would be forgotten by history. The world after the war was far off worst then when it had began. Now two empire fought for influence over those nations still free and one of those empires was under a dictatorship hell bent on controlling the world.

In the Philippine capital city of Manila, the Filipinos were showing the new superpowers that the country would not go down without a fight. The proud people of the Philippines were showing off their military might through a military parade. When it came down to the technicalities, the Philippines was severely outgunned and outnumbered but that hasn't stopped them before. With the United States but a shadow of it's former self, the Filipino people have claimed the title of being the center of the free world. The republic may have changed but it was still a democracy, albeit a very fragile one. Of course everything after the war was and still very much is fragile. The Philippine economy, was no such exemption. It had almost collapsed during the war. Cities, industries, farm lands and other sources of income to the nation went up in smoke during the liberation wars. The Filipino consuls were going to work hard to get it up started again.

From a high marble tower on the Palacio ng Pilipinas (Philippine Palace), the newly elected members of the Philippine senate watched as the Philippine legions marched on the newly paved roads of the country's capital. They carried the standard issue AR-15 rifle, an oudated gun used 2 centuries back. It may not have been as fancy as some of the newer weaponry, but it did the job. The M1 Abrams came next. They too were outdated but they looked marvelous in the jungle-camo paint that they used. The army followed by the air force followed by the navy and the marines. The constabulary kept a keen and strict eye on the event, to prevent any would-be saboteurs on ruining the event. The Filipinos of Manila, foreign dignitaries and spies were treated to a show of force by the country's best.

After the event was concluded and the nation's enemies got a sight of what they would go up against, the consuls, John Mark Soriano and Dylan Dela Cruz called a meeting of all the senators. It involved the future of the South-East Asian region and the future of the Pacific region in general. Their meeting place was the senator's forum, deep underneath the palace itself in an underground bunker able to withstand a nuclear blast.

"Mga senador ng makabagong republika, lahat tayo ay mag sitayo para sa pambangsang awit." Said John Mark Soriano, one of the consuls, asking for the senators to stand up for the national anthem.

The senators stood up in unison and sang the national anthem, the anthem of the old republic and still it's anthem today, the "Lupang Hinirang". A band was brought in to play the tune of the anthem and it reverberated throughout the halls outside. After the national anthem was sung, the formalities and opening ceremonies followed. Then, they discussed the issues troubling the new republic.

"Isang taon na ang nakaraan mula ng katapusan ng huling pandaigdigan gera. Naging mahirap ito para sa ating munting bansa pero nagwagi parin ang mga Filipino kahit na lumaban tayo sa hindi patas na logro. Naging mahirap ang mga nakaraan na araw para sa atin. Hindi madali para sa mga anak ng Pilipinas na mabawi and dating lakas, determinasyon at sigasig na nawala noong pakikipaglaban natyin sa mga Tsino. At dahil ayaw kung maulit ang masakim na kapalaran na natanggap natin sa ating mga naging kalaban, may ipapanukala ako sa inyo para makamit natin ang kapayaan na matagalan. Kailagan natin palakasin ang ating relasyon sa ating mga bansang kapitbahay."

There were some whispers and senators began talking secretively to one another. One of the senators decided to speak.

"Bansang kapitbahay? Ang Indonesia at Malaysia? At papaano kung dinimanda nila ang Borneo?"

"Hahatiin natin ang Borneo parasa ating tatlong bansa." Consul Dela Cruz stated. There was then an uproar from the senators. They shouted and they protested that Borneo belonged to the Philippines and to nobody else. Arguing between senators erupted into heated debates and the two consuls screamed from the top of their lungs for law and order in the forum. The Praetor, General John Phillip Ignacio, fired a round at the ceiling with his Colt magnum. The forum went deaf silent. Consul Soriano thanked the man by nodding his head.

"Aking mga kapwang senador, kung maari sana'y makinig kayo sa boses ko." Consul Dela Cruz noted. "Kung hindi tayo magkaisa, ang ating mga kaaway ay kukunin itong oportunidad para muling lusubin tayo. Kailagan nating tumayo ng isa para hindi tayo mapataob ng mga kalaban."

The senators soon calmed down and decided to listen to reason. The consuls explained their proposed plan to the senators. After it was explained, a vote was held whether to withhold or deny the plan. Out of the 200 senators that voted, 197 voted yes to the plan. A telegram was then sent to the leaders of Taiwan, Singapore and the rest of the South-East Asian countries.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by shadowkiller912


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Sacramento – Core California

It seemed so long ago that California was broken after the war of secession. Though now in the future, California war was not in vain. The state became a country and formed a mighty Republic stretching just at beginning of the Midwest.

In the Sacramento Palace, President Cale Chiu a Chinese/Filipino president is the 3rd Asian president of the Californian states. Ever since California independence, California has had many presidents from different ethnicities. Black, White, Hispanic, and etc. Showing off its multicultural society.

“The Canadians and British are at their throats” said Cale.

“Ironic as it may seem, they have the mentality of imperialist. Such a shame that they wish create new empires in a sea of troubles” said Secretary Bart Wilson.
“Indeed. And yet I fear for those nations within the American Continent of being conquered under the Canadian, British or any other damned imperialist power from another continent” Cale said with disgust and fervor.

“We could combine with the United States. They have been offering it to us after WW3 and it would make us stronger.”

“Though that would directly put us at odd with the British Empire. After all, the USA has continued to claim the states taken by the Brits and may go to war with them. Focusing on that would take off a big chunk on the space program” said Secretary of Defense Bronson.

“True Bronson. Our country would be forced to raise a larger military. And I don’t want to divert from focusing on space. In any case, the plan to merge with the United States is a no-go.”

“That’s going to cause an uproar in those that support the merger.”

“Don’t worry about it. They can continue holding rallies of remerging with the United States. It’s not happening.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 19 days ago

Message to the Canadians
"Your plans have been deemed acceptable. The Queen initially blocked them, but a majority was gained in parliament. India shall be partitioned as you said, if you assist us in taking territories in the US, borders set as partitioned in previous negotiations.
Southern India shall be turned over, with the rest of India turned over upon the territories in the US being secured. We await your word, our forces are readied."

As per the orders of the Queen, the British request that the Indonesian Government allow them to construct an embassy. The British hope this will be the first step on a road to a possible peaceful annexation. A gift of £500,000 has been offered to the Indonesians
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Offer to China
David stands up to the Microphone and speaks, transmitting his message to the Chinese Government
"We have heard about the troubles that plague and wish to help. We know we seem imperialist but when we do conquer we have higher ideals behind it. We wish to send you money, resources, and engineers to help rebuild your industry and cities, and bring back China to its former glory. We also understand your bandit problems and wish to send some military forces to assist. Please respond to this offer.
Offer to the Philippines
"We have no desire to conquer you, we only seek you as allies. We would wish to make several investments into your industry, to assist with helping rebuild what was lost during WW3 and help you grow stronger then before."
Last of the USA
Canadian Forces have moved and are preparing. They also wish to claim some of the territory, and what is being split has been decided. They are awaiting the British declaration of war to begin.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

Member Seen 2 mos ago

To Honorable Sir David Wilson and the Canadian office of Foreign Affairs said
From: The Neo-Republic of the Philippines Outter Aedile Office of Forest Affairs
Subject: Trade Negotiations

Good day sir and a pleasant greeting from the humble country of the Neo-Republic of the Philippines.

We have received your letter of good will and we are excited of the possibility of a trade partnership that would strengthen not only the economy but the friendship between our countries and our people. Although we are pleased with your reassurance that you would not wish harm on our people and our country, we would still want to discuss the terms of the trade partnership you are offering to us. This is not a sign that we mistrust you and your offer but rather to clarify the terms of our trade agreement. If you so wish it, the conference can be held at our country's capital city of Manila but we would be happy to discuss it elsewhere if you wish so.

May you, your people and your nation prosper and may the peace and prosperity enjoyed by our two countries last into the foreseeable future.

Respectfully yours,
Honorable Consuls John Mark Soraino and Dylan Dela Cruz
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 19 days ago

British Declaration of war

At 6:32 this morning, a message was dispatched to the remnant of the USA, informally known as the New US, officially declaring war. They justified this by stating that the high tensions between the New US and the British Thirteen Colonies gave reason for concern, as well as citing national security from "New US terrorist groups". British forces entered the eastern line of States from the Thirteen Colonies just five minutes later in a blitzkrieg manner, and a naval invasion was enacted at 6:39 from British controlled Caribbean territories, smaller boats moving up the Mississippi, which is where the territory shall be divided between Canada and Britain


The British begin construction upon the embassy in Indonesia, the first step on a long road... a very long road indeed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OldManWong
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OldManWong Senile Scholar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Response to Canadian offers
Intended Recipient: Canadian Office of Foreign Affairs
In regards to your offers of aid and resources, you have China's gratuitous thanks. Yet as a nation, we are aware that nothing comes to us without a price, so we ask you, as a nation, what would you require in return for these offers. Alone we would gladly accept your intervention, yet the price to pay may supersede the benefits.
We wish for a straightforward response in what you would like in return, you must understand we are weary in our current state, so please forgive our hesitation to take such a generous offer

WeiShi Guo
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Response to the Chinese
We only have two requests in regards to making this deal.

One, that good traded to us be cheaper then normal. We also do the same, and while we do not trade the most advanced of our Air Craft and ships I think you will find your military becoming much more competitive with some of our army surplus.

Two, that we receive a 10% cut of the profits of any factories or resource production centers built with money and resources donated to you. I think you will find this deal much more then fair.

David Wilson, Leader of The Canadian Empire
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