I had just realized I hadn't sent you a thing about my characters. I am so sorry about that. Before I start posting I wanted you to see my characters and if you want me to make some edits I will be happy to no problem. I will not post in the IC until you give me a green light.
Name: Martin Wallace
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Orientation: Strait
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Marital Status: Single
Personality: Martin lives his life by a moral code of there are no gray areas. Something is either right or wrong there is no middle ground for compromise. He is disciplined in his thoughts and actions there are no is nothing wasted. Martin believes firmly in the law and those in authority, but lately he is starting to have questions about what sees and feels
Occupation: Police officer
Biography: Martin was born into a middle class family. His father was a police officer and his father before him, so it was pre-ordained that Martin follow in their footsteps. He graduated from the academy at the top of his class. Martin quickly obtained a reputation as one of the best officers on the force, and the fact that some of his arrests could be deemed as “highly questionable” in terms of their methods didn’t matter Martin got results.
Then one day began to change all that. He was leading a raid on a suspected revolutionary leader’s home. The suspect proclaimed his innocence, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. As they hauling him away from his family Martin saw the suspect’s little girl give him a look. A look that struck Martin in the soul. A look that made Martin begin to question and want to dig for answers concerning those he was sworn to serve.
Name: Ellen Westlake
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Orientation: Strait
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Propaganda Officer
Personality: Ellen was all about her work once. It was the thing that drives her and made her feel most alive. She viewed her work as a service to those who are in power that are deserving of praise and adulation. Now Ellen not only is questioning the ruling class that she once helped prop up, but there is a new drive inside of her…the destruction of the ruling class.
Biography: Ellen was born into a world of wealth and privilege. Her parents were one of the ruling classes and it was the only life that Ellen has ever known. To ensure that their daughter would not only meet “the right kind of person”, but to ensure that they and their friends would stay in power Ellen’s parents used their connections to get her a job at the information command center.
It was discovered that Ellen had a way with words and convincing others to her point of view very easily, and she was given a position as a propaganda officer. Ellen saw nothing wrong with what she was doing and she did her job brilliantly, but that began to change when she saw some of the work that her co-workers doing was being changed to fit a certain narrative. This not only has made Elle start questioning her own occupation, but worse question her own family.