Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Good morning to you all. I'm sure that my son has filled you all in? Hmm?" A single mask placed on a jagged and springy form of black stood in front of seven men and women. His son, the young man in the center of the group, nodded to the shadowy figure that seemed to be his father. "Yes. I informed them all of the current situation." He looked back to his friends and gave them all quick glances before turning back to his father.

Death the Kid, or simply Kid, wasn't all that sure about the situation at hand. It just didn't seem possible, even for the God of Death himself. This person was collecting souls and forcefully feeding them to humans, causing them to form Kishin Eggs and mutate into monstrous forms. That's what they've been told, anyways. The truth was that they weren't just random people. All of the recent Kishin Eggs appeared to have taken the forms of ones that the DWMA have already taken down. The reappearance of one of these kishin souls happens only a few times every month, but it seems to happen more frequent as time passes.

Lord Death simply stood there, trying to come up with a good plan. As of right now, he ordered that the younger DWMA students not be allowed to take Kishin souls for the time being, seeing as the ones that reappear are stronger than before, and younger students would only get hurt. He was only going to allow the Advanced Class Students to hunt the Kishin Souls until further notice, and he was glad that them men and women in front of him were all in that class, and even if they weren't he knew that they would be the best ones for this job.

"Well everyone!" The Death God spoke up in his usual happy and somewhat calm tone. "Until we get this little problem solved, I'm only going to allow for the older and advanced students to take on Soul requests. I'd hate for the younger ones to go out there and lose their partners..." He personally knew of a few that had lost their partners, and some of them refused to go on as a Weapon or Miester because of the loss. "Anyways. Maka, I'll be moving you down to teach the Younger students while Professor Stein takes your place teaching the advanced classes. Sound good?"

The young girl nodded with a smile, her green eyes closed as she did so. Over the years, her outfit hadn't changed all that much, and had only been changed to fit the growing woman. She still wore the uniform jacket and top, but the had changed the skirt out for a pair of pants that didn't hinder her movement all that much. If it weren't for her partner Soul, she would have still been in the same outfit, and would have gotten looks from other men, which he didn't take a liking to. "Got it, Lord Death. Professor Stein should have been teaching the advanced classes from the start. He probably could do it a lot better than I did. Good thing that it's a new school year, My students wont be questioning why they have a new teacher or anything, and neither will Steins.

As the talking continued between the group, the courtyard had been filled with younger and older students, all trying to kill time until the doors would open for the first class of the school year.
A young man stood a distance away from all of the other students. He was simply watching all of them as he filled around with the 'WEAPON' tag on his tan jacket. Unlike the younger students, the advanced weapon and miester tags had a different and more dynamic font, and the border of the tag had a shadow-like design, similar to the jagged design that Lord Death had. After a few messages from the DWMA persuading him to rejoin the academy, he had finally accepted and went to the Miester and Weapon school. When it came to the advanced class, many of them still had their partner or partners in some cases. He wasn't one of those that still had a partner, and thus why he had his tag.

His eyes scanned the area to find any Miesters with a tag similar to his own. He hardly ever moved from his spot, and his jade green eyes studied all of the candidates.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by bowtiesrcool86

bowtiesrcool86 Self-Proclaimed Dragon Master

Member Seen 11 days ago

A girl walked up to the gathering people. She wore an outfit similar to Maka's. She does not wear the vest, and has a black dress shirt as opposed to a white one. Her brown hair came to her shoulders and helped to frame her face, adorned with sapphire eyes. She was followed by two boys. They all looked to be the same age. The two boys looked exactly alike, except for their hair color and their manner of dress. One boy, dressed in black wore a choker that was a black band with a charm. The Charm, which rested on top his Adam's Apple was a yellow circle with a red "-" across the middle. He walked behind the girl on her left. The boy on the girl's left wore an unzipped red and white track jacket with a yellow shirt underneath. He wore a necklace with a pendent similar to his brother's, however his had a green "+" instead.
"So, today is the first day for advanced classes, you guys ready?" The girl asked.
"You beat Lilly." The boy on the right said.
"This going to be great." the boy on the right replied. "I don't know why but something about Prof. Stein just gives me the creeps, and from what I heard last year Stein does not teach advanced classes. the boy on the right continued.
"You better not let Prof. Stein hear you say that bro." The boy on the left said.
"Sam is right Alex." Lilly said. "Stein is one teacher here you do not want to upset." Lilly saw the people who needed to form new teams and felt relived she was not one of them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Booker hardly moved from his spot as he stood from a distance and watched all of the people around him. He didn't bother to take notice of the three that had just entered the courtyard, as it seemed that they were all a part of the same team. He knew about some siblings, mainly twins, that both had demon weapon forms, so it wasn't an odd sight for him to see a miester wielding more than one weapon at a time. His search was still unconclusive, and he had yet to find a Miester who could wield him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by bowtiesrcool86

bowtiesrcool86 Self-Proclaimed Dragon Master

Member Seen 11 days ago

Lilly and the Magnus Bros walked into the crowd of weaponless Meisters and Meisterless weapons. The noticed a boy standing apart from the crowd. They decided to go see if something was wrong. It was important to foster friendships with other students, even if they were not on your team. After all, you never know when you may need back up. When they approached the boy Lilly noted the tag reading "WEAPON" on him. "Hello." She said with a smile.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nikkinono
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nikkinono Shiny Make-Up!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jaada ran up the many stairs of the DWMA. The sound of the heel of her boot meeting the cement floor clacked in rhythm as she took the steps two at a time. With a final push she made it to the top and took a moment to breath. She RAN all the way from her home across town to the academy. Looking at the time on her watch she gave another huff of breath before hungrily taking in more oxygen to control her beating heart. She was on time so she could relax and breath before going into the swarm of people. Before she forgot, she took out the piece of paper that announced her title as Meister.
A few years ago Jaada realized that she had a real talent as a meister and while her parents werent too fond of her decision to join the DWMA they were still supportive of her final decision. Now here she was, searching for her partner. She began to mingle with others. Looking at tags and moving about.
After a while though she was getting a bit frustrated. How was she supposed to find her weapon? 'Oh hello there I am Jaada Minx, I would like to touch you and see if we have a connection.'?
Pushing through the crowd she looked around. Maybe it would be a BAM factor. You look at the weapon (or meister) and BAM! You automatically realize who youre going to be spending pretty much all of your life with. Looking at her tag she pouted and searched until finally, from a distance, she caught the same swirling shadow bordering the word Weapon.
With a brisk and powerful walk (more like a strut) she pushed her way though the crowd and came up beside him.
"Hi, I'm Jaada Minx. A Meister. And can I touch you to see if we have a connection?"
Worth a shot right?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Although he didn't bother to take complete notice of the trio as they came to the courtyard, it would seem that he was now forced to fully notice them and study them. Simon smiled back at the only woman of the trio and studied her quickly, taking in her appearance and then looking at the other two in their uniforms. "Hello there." He spoke in a calm and even tone as he had finished up his studies on them. Without another thought, one more person walked beside him and asked to touch him. Even his analytical mind had thought of more than one way to perceive that.

A look of surprise came to his face as she spoke up, but quickly washed away as he cleared his mind. He quickly took in her appearance in the same fashion that he did to the trio, and took note of the tag that she wore. He nodded wordlessly and turned his body towards her, taking a step back and holding his hand out to her. It seemed that she didn't have the ability of soul perception, but not many people had it in the first place. If she did, she probably would have had a feeling that would draw her towards compatible souls, or she could enter the perceptive world and pick out souls. Her decision to pick him seemed random, so having the rare ability seemed unlikely.

If she were to grab his hand and allow for him to become a weapon, then he would only have to wait a few seconds to see if they were compatible or not. The results of incompatible souls always varied, but the effect would always be negative.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by bowtiesrcool86

bowtiesrcool86 Self-Proclaimed Dragon Master

Member Seen 11 days ago

Lilly and the Magnus Bros decided to step back and allow this duo to see if they were compatible They did want to get in the way of them testing, and certainly did not want to be in an explosion caused by a bad match. It was more important this guy find a compatible Meister. Besides, it would be interesting to see a good match made as they never saw one being made in front of them. If they are going to be a team, it would make one more person to talk to and establish a friendship
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nikkinono
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nikkinono Shiny Make-Up!

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Jaada certainty didn't have a sense of any soul perception. She couldn't see the different colored souls in each person, thus not knowing which weapon to go up to. But her journey of weapon to weapon was tiring her and he hoped that their was someone out there. Looking at the boy Jaada noticed how he was surprised and realized how fishy her comment could have been perceived. She was about to explain herself when the male lifted his hand to her to take. Now she was also aware of the very bad conclusions to a pair of souls not right for one another. Luckily she was never badly hurt from one. Sometimes a zap here or there, the weapon being to heavy for her to carry, those sort of things. Taking in a breath in a slow, deep breath she raised her arm and grasped his forearm, imagining her soul connecting with hers. It was then that she felt this overwhelming feeling and through her closed eyes could see the faintest of color of a ball of wisps. It was a soul. But not her soul. Her soul was a hot pink color, this one though was different from her own. After a while the other's soul got bigger and bigger before finally the connection was made. It made her heart pound and her grip tighten around the male's arm and before she even realized it herself she had made the connection and instead of feeling skin and flesh, she felt metal bars, her fist tightly gripping the black, wrapped, handles in each hand. Her eyes opened and a huge smile curved her lips as she took in the curved blades that were almost a bluish-silver color.
"Whoa! Yes! Finally, god! Hah!" She laughed in jumped in excitement, raising the weapon up in the air as she exclaimed her victory loud and clear.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As the woman before him gripped his forearm, Simon did the same and held hers tightly. He could feel that her grip on him was tightening, but he didn't know why. Suddenly, everything around him became black, and he could see a pink glow in front of him. From the looks of it, it was the soul of the woman that he had just locked arms with. His own soul was of a pale green, and definitely not pink. As this happened, he had realized that he was in his weapon form, as it was just him in the black abyss. He could see the world around him, but the image of the world wasn't like a screen, but he could just see it through his eyes. By the way that the image of the world wasn't split into two pieces, Simon could tell that he was in the base form, with both halves of his weapon form being one. This was how he usually entered weapon form, but with some effort, he could go right to the dual-mode instead of having for his partner to do it for him. With a smile on his face, Simon pushed his glasses up higher on the bridge of his nose and called out to his partner. "If you would like, the handle can split into halves, so that you have one blade for each hand. I'm Simon, by the way."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by bowtiesrcool86

bowtiesrcool86 Self-Proclaimed Dragon Master

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Good to see you found a partner Simon." Lilly said. "I'm Lilly, and these are my weapons, Sam and Alex Magnus." She turned top the Meister and said "I'm sorry ,I did not catch your name."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nikkinono
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nikkinono Shiny Make-Up!

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Jaada was so entranced by the weapon in her hand. Her movements were fluid as she sliced through the air, watching how the blades shined. She would have to practice alot with this weapon, she was unfamiliar with such a device. Placing both her hands on the handle Jaada smiled. "Later we will definitely continue this." She commented. "I want to see how well I can handle you in this weapon form. It's an odd thing but I like it." She exclaimed and looked up at the female and the two other males beside her. "Hey, I'm Jaada, Minx, nice to meet you guys." She stuck out one of her hands and first gave it to the meister Lily to shake before greeting the other men who had a plus symbol and the other with the negative symbol. She took a moment to examine them and kind of chuckled to herself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by bowtiesrcool86

bowtiesrcool86 Self-Proclaimed Dragon Master

Member Seen 11 days ago

Lilly and her weapons wanted to get to know these two a little better and since there was still a little bit of time until the classes would start, this seemed like a good time. The Magnus Bros. showed their new friends what power they had, one that could be used out of weapon form. Alex pointed to Lilly while Sam put his hand on his chest. In unison they called: "Soul Magnet!" with a 'plunk'-like sound a positive mark appeared on Lilly while a negative one appeared on Sam. The magnetic forces pushed the two together and left them unable to move away from one another.
"You see, the Magnus family has produced weapons for generations with this power, however since we were identical twins, the power was split between us. I can only apply positive charges, while Sam can only apply negative ones." Alex explained as he winked at Jaada. "These charges typically will hold for up to an hour, or if enough distance is put between us." Alex continued on about how he theorizes that if he or his brother become Death Scythe the increase in power might give them both the full power. This was the theory anyway. Sam undid the charge and separated from Lilly, allowing both of them free movement again..
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

In the middle of the explanation, Simon had left his weapon form and now stood next to Jaada. He listened to the rest of the explanation as well as the Theory about if they were to become death scythes. Simon had also noticed that wink that Alex gave to Jaada, but he didn't really care about it, and only saw it as a part of the explanation. He saw that it was completely possible, but he had yet to see if it were to actually happen or not, so he couldn't say anything just yet. "If you were to use your Miester as a... relay, of sorts, do you think that both of you would be able to connect to her, allowing for the positive and negative charges to flow evenly through all three of you? If that would work, then the ability that your family has could act like a whole once again." He continued the rest of his thoughts in his head, and wondered about the possibility of something like that. He had heard of demon weapon family lines that had different abilities than the regular weapon, like multiple forms, or other soul resonance forms, but he had stated to himself that he didn't have any of those.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by bowtiesrcool86

bowtiesrcool86 Self-Proclaimed Dragon Master

Member Seen 11 days ago

Alex explained that they are like two halves of the same whole. As it stands now, they are useless if they are not together. The key difference between Simon's theory and Alex's is that Simon's theory could work as long as they are a team, but Alex's would mean they could split up if it was ever needed. It was known that Lord Death had Death Scythes running the DWMAs in other parts of the world. Would he allow them to go together or would that split them up? Lord Death seems like a nice guy, so Alex is sure that he would allow them to work together as long as it was needed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nikkinono
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nikkinono Shiny Make-Up!

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"I'm sure you guys will have enough time to practice that theory when classes start. But it's amazing that you have two weapons." She said, mostly to Lily. "As a meister I thought that taking in one weapon would be hard, you have two, good luck on that." She looked to the twins and leaned closer to Lily so it was only she who heard. "Their cute, that's for sure a plus." She whispered followed by a teasing smirk and slight nudge.
She laughed and looked to her new weapon. "You know what Simon, I think we're are going to be great partners, if I do say so myself." She allowed one of her arms to lean against his shoulder. "I mean, you're obviously observant and smart. And I'm...well I'm a bit of a 'Leap into action and think later' type of gal." She smiled.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nikkinono
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nikkinono Shiny Make-Up!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I'm sure you guys will have enough time to practice that theory when classes start. But it's amazing that you have two weapons." She said, mostly to Lily. "As a meister I thought that taking in one weapon would be hard, you have two, good luck on that." She looked to the twins and leaned closer to Lily so it was only she who heard. "Their cute, that's for sure a plus." She whispered followed by a teasing smirk and slight nudge.
She laughed and looked to her new weapon. "You know what Simon, I think we're are going to be great partners, if I do say so myself." She allowed one of her arms to lean against his shoulder. "I mean, you're obviously observant and smart. And I'm...well I'm a bit of a 'Leap into action and think later' type of gal." She smiled.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Simon nodded briefly at his new partner and brought his focus back to the twins."She's right. We can continue talking about it during or after class. Maybe Professor Stein will have a say in the theories?" He didn't know Stein all that well, since he hadn't attended the academy when he was younger, and he never had a need to talk to the man other than the few times that they encountered each other by chance. There were a few times that he had encountered the man while with his previous partner, but Simon had seen more and more of Stein after surviving a failed attempt at a witch attack. Stein seemed like an older version of himself in many ways, and Stein had taken note of some of the similarities on the few times they crossed paths. Before he could continue with his thoughts, a loud, ringing sound made it's way out to the courtyard. Simon assumed that it was now time to start moving to the classes.

A young Woman with sandy-blond hair walked along side her partner to the courtyard. Since she was dealing with younger students this year, instead of ones around her own age, she felt like she should see them before class. As the two stepped out onto said courtyard, Maka's jade green eyes looked around at all of the students just before the bell rang. Many of the younger students took note of her, as well as some of the older ones. She was going to direct all of the students to the ends of the school that they would be in. "Alright everyone!" She called out. "All of you younger students will stay with me, and I'll get you all sorted out to which class you'll be in, while all of the advanced students will go straight to Professor Stein's class." Soul helped Maka in bringing all of the younger students into the academy, while some of the advanced students began to walk in as well. Many of them had attended the academy before, so they had an idea of where the Professor's class would be.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Simon nodded briefly at his new partner and brought his focus back to the twins."She's right. We can continue talking about it during or after class. Maybe Professor Stein will have a say in the theories?" He didn't know Stein all that well, since he hadn't attended the academy when he was younger, and he never had a need to talk to the man other than the few times that they encountered each other by chance. There were a few times that he had encountered the man while with his previous partner, but Simon had seen more and more of Stein after surviving a failed attempt at a witch attack. Stein seemed like an older version of himself in many ways, and Stein had taken note of some of the similarities on the few times they crossed paths. Before he could continue with his thoughts, a loud, ringing sound made it's way out to the courtyard. Simon assumed that it was now time to start moving to the classes.

A young Woman with sandy-blond hair walked along side her partner to the courtyard. Since she was dealing with younger students this year, instead of ones around her own age, she felt like she should see them before class. As the two stepped out onto said courtyard, Maka's jade green eyes looked around at all of the students just before the bell rang. Many of the younger students took note of her, as well as some of the older ones. She was going to direct all of the students to the ends of the school that they would be in. "Alright everyone!" She called out. "All of you younger students will stay with me, and I'll get you all sorted out to which class you'll be in, while all of the advanced students will go straight to Professor Stein's class." Soul helped Maka in bringing all of the younger students into the academy, while some of the advanced students began to walk in as well. Many of them had attended the academy before, so they had an idea of where the Professor's class would be.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Simon nodded briefly at his new partner and brought his focus back to the twins."She's right. We can continue talking about it during or after class. Maybe Professor Stein will have a say in the theories?" He didn't know Stein all that well, since he hadn't attended the academy when he was younger, and he never had a need to talk to the man other than the few times that they encountered each other by chance. There were a few times that he had encountered the man while with his previous partner, but Simon had seen more and more of Stein after surviving a failed attempt at a witch attack. Stein seemed like an older version of himself in many ways, and Stein had taken note of some of the similarities on the few times they crossed paths. Before he could continue with his thoughts, a loud, ringing sound made it's way out to the courtyard. Simon assumed that it was now time to start moving to the classes.

A young Woman with sandy-blond hair walked along side her partner to the courtyard. Since she was dealing with younger students this year, instead of ones around her own age, she felt like she should see them before class. As the two stepped out onto said courtyard, Maka's jade green eyes looked around at all of the students just before the bell rang. Many of the younger students took note of her, as well as some of the older ones. She was going to direct all of the students to the ends of the school that they would be in. "Alright everyone!" She called out. "All of you younger students will stay with me, and I'll get you all sorted out to which class you'll be in, while all of the advanced students will go straight to Professor Stein's class." Soul helped Maka in bringing all of the younger students into the academy, while some of the advanced students began to walk in as well. Many of them had attended the academy before, so they had an idea of where the Professor's class would be.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Simon nodded briefly at his new partner and brought his focus back to the twins."She's right. We can continue talking about it during or after class. Maybe Professor Stein will have a say in the theories?" He didn't know Stein all that well, since he hadn't attended the academy when he was younger, and he never had a need to talk to the man other than the few times that they encountered each other by chance. There were a few times that he had encountered the man while with his previous partner, but Simon had seen more and more of Stein after surviving a failed attempt at a witch attack. Stein seemed like an older version of himself in many ways, and Stein had taken note of some of the similarities on the few times they crossed paths. Before he could continue with his thoughts, a loud, ringing sound made it's way out to the courtyard. Simon assumed that it was now time to start moving to the classes.

A young Woman with sandy-blond hair walked along side her partner to the courtyard. Since she was dealing with younger students this year, instead of ones around her own age, she felt like she should see them before class. As the two stepped out onto said courtyard, Maka's jade green eyes looked around at all of the students just before the bell rang. Many of the younger students took note of her, as well as some of the older ones. She was going to direct all of the students to the ends of the school that they would be in. "Alright everyone!" She called out. "All of you younger students will stay with me, and I'll get you all sorted out to which class you'll be in, while all of the advanced students will go straight to Professor Stein's class." Soul helped Maka in bringing all of the younger students into the academy, while some of the advanced students began to walk in as well. Many of them had attended the academy before, so they had an idea of where the Professor's class would be.
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