XD Lol looks like Marilyn Manson cosplaying as Pitch Black. And okie dokes. Sorry, I was about to pass out again last night, so I decided to log off. Btw unless you haven't, you should check out Rise of the Guardians. I loved it, and for a children's movie, it had quite an amazing story. ^_^
It is Pitch Black lol, and I've seen part of that movie because of my niece. x] That's how I knew to find a different style drawing of Lord Vaross/Pitch.
On the first page of the OOC I added Crystal's cs, I've also made her shorter... not that it makes a difference but since you describe her as petite I think it would be more fitting. :D
XD Well I did sorta picture her as maybe a bit shorter than Irina lol, but really when I was describing Crystal as petite, I was thinking more along the lines of body shape than height, but okie dokies ^_^