Alway open.

The world is full of supernatural beings. These beings do their best to fit in with humanity. They hide what they truly are by acting human. They have job and pay bills. The question is how long can these different species hide among humanity and what will happen when they are discovered.

1. This is my RP. What I say goes. If you disagree with something we can discuss it.
2. Do not attack other characters without approval
3. Do not attack NPC without clearing it with me. I don't want random destruction.
4. If you are unsure about something ask I will answer to the best of my ability.
5. If you are going to be gone more then a day let me know. If you don't you might lose your character. I don't mind waiting but I need to know who to wait for.
7. If you have a suggestion let me know I welcome suggestions
8. No fighting. I don't mind discussions and disagreements.
Name: Liz James
Age: 22
Species: witch
Personality: Kind
Abilities: healing
Job: nurse
Bio: Liz love helping people. She knew the best way to hide her healing abilities was to go into medicine.
Name: Angelique
Age: 24
Species: Angel
Angel Form [+]
Human Form [+]
Abilities: She has the ability to fly, she can also communicate with the dead and animals.
Job: N/A
Bio: TBR
Name: Stephanie Norman
Age: 27
Species: Bogeyman
Appearance human and bogeyman form [+]
Personality: The human and bogeyman form are almost like two different personalities, though she does live in peaceful co-operation among the two. In her human form, while calculative and somewhat overly determined at times, she is the type of a person who would open doors to elderly. She is non violent, respective and humble towards others and overall kind. She always seem to be smiling and having 'fun', no matter the situation. Even has a bit of laziness in her.
The bogeyman personality is loud, foul mouthed, cocky and overall nasty person. She has a sick sense of humor and likes to tease or taunt others. Doesn't like when being talked down on, or even looked at funny way, and has aggressive, even sadistic way to approach things or people she doesn't like. Has no morals, nor is the kind of girl that is easily co-operating with anyone. Overall the type of a girl you wouldn't like in your life.
Abilities: Able to unlock and lock doors, hatches, windows and so on. Can manipulate lightsources (i.e. breaking lights, forming dark aura around her). Her bogeyman form is quite strong and capable to do a lot from climbing building walls with her claws to brawl down adult men (and chomp them with her teeth), though how strong she is is purely restrained the amount of fear she have been feeding on. She can devour peoples fear from the air, and it is like fuel to her to keep strong and without it, she is utterly powerless. Is also extremely weak to direct and strong light at her presence. Human form has nothing special going with it and even if it's not weak to light, is far better 'time' to get rid of her.
Transforming from human the bogeyman is only made if spent too much time in dark place, roughly from ten to twenty minutes depending on how hungry for fear she is. Transforming back to human is made if the bogeyman is willing to turn back herself, is in calm mindstate and has been satisfied from fear. Long terms lack of feeding on fear can lead to severe brain damage and ultimately death.
Job: Stock broker
Bio: Stephanie hadn't much going to her life from the very start. Given the fact she practically can never sleep in darkened room without turning into a beastly being, she hasn't dared to move on any form of relationships, being much of a loner most of her life. Career as a stock broker gave her possibility to somewhat determine her own working hours, and was a good choice to remain hidden with such unstable transformation. It's also a lot easier to gain customers, if the competition would seemingly 'disappear' or 'give up' into mental institutions. Stephanie has been interrogated by police forces once about the disappearances, but as she is lacking any form of criminal past or contacts to anything like that, she was let go rather quickly. After all, in all human sense she couldn't in any way be possible to deliver single handedly such gruesome outcomes to some of these victims.
Age 24
Appearance (let me check I forget what he looks like)
Personality: Julius was once a quite and unsocial able boy but he found good friends in a orphanage he was sent to. He is now a charming boy but will outright refuse to talk about his family or his occupation as he has fallen into a bad crowd.
Power since his time at the orphanage, he has mastered his power and ca. Predict the future at a whim, even though it is still rather foggy
Name: zombian
Age: unknown
Species: zombie
Appearance: black torn clothing, spiky hair, horribly scarred body, empty eye socket
Personality: serious, moody, slightly homicidal.
Abilities: shadow manipulation
Job: he owns a small shop which prides itself in selling amulets.
Bio: unknown