Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elendra


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

This RP is cancelled / rebooted with a much smaller cast.

12/12 Player Slots filled. Open and recruiting.

Link to the Collab GDoc
Link to Ragnarok Chatroom
Link to Ragnarok Character's Reference Guide

Welcome to Ragnarok, a story about demigods in the modern era trying desperately to avert the titular event from happening. The story will unfold through a series of quests of increasingly grave circumstances as Ragnarok gets closer and closer. Do not feel, though, that this means you need to rush through them. Ragnarok isn’t on a ticking clock, it’s based on events that will happen on their own time.

For each primary mission, you will be given a basic objective, and moved to an area where you will then be able to approach the quest how you wish. Rare will it be that there’s only one right way to approach an objective. Creativity will be rewarded, but stupidity under creativity’s guise will not.

Ragnarok is the doom of the gods, and so overconfidence or simply poor decisions can and will sometimes result in either PC or NPC death. Usually, it will be all your fault if something bad happens.
Character Sheet
Biographical Section

Name: What is your character’s name? If they go by a false name, PM me their real name.
Age: How old is your character?
Race: What ethnicity is your character?
Sex: What is your character’s physical sex?
Appearance: What does your character look like?
Homeland: What country is your character from, or live in?
History: Leading up to the visit from Hugin and Munin, what was your character’s life like? Keep in mind that they would likely have been adopted or have only one parent. One of their parents is a God or Goddess who would not have been present in their life. Also keep in mind that as a child of the Aesir, they should have already shown aptitude above average in some fields. Also, any particulars you want to note from their meeting of Hugin and Munin to their arrival at Runes and Things.
Parent Gender: If you have a clear preference to being the child of a Goddess or child of a God, please say here. This is the extent of your control of who your divine parent is, and you are free to waive it and just get whomever.
Mechanical Section
Behind the scenes, done solely by myself, will be rolls based on stuff you put in here, and on progression, and other such things. This will add a balancing and randomization aspect to the game. All in good fun, and you won't have to worry too much about the system yourself.
Heroic Role:
Priority 1 Attributes:
Priority 2 Attributes:
Priority 3 Attributes:
Primary Purview:
Secondary Purviews:
Tertiary Purviews:
Primary Trainings:
Secondary Trainings:
Tertiary Trainings:
Jotunblut: Yes or No? (( At this point, Jotunblut is now required. Sorry! ))
Personal Section

Romance: How do you personally feel about your character entering into romantic relationships with other players or non-player characters? Do you wish to allow the potential relationship to occur or deny any possibility? This is a personal comfort option: An opt-in or opt-out for romance.
Play style: Exactly as it says. Do you prefer action-oriented missions, or more dialogue heavy ones? Do you prefer a more linear progression or having choices? Complex missions, or straightforward ones?

Signature: Type your username here to agree to the rules and regulations, and to agree that the GM may kill off your characters without your consent.
Rules and Regulations

  • The characters have to ultimately work together. While they don't have to be friends (and likely their thoughts of each other are going to change after they interact and the divine feeling of kinship is replaced by their own feelings again), they do have to get along well enough that they don't spend all their time in-fighting.

  • If your character dies, you don't complain. Your character may die, you've already signed a thing acknowledging this. They won't die needlessly, or just for drama, but they aren't given plot armour.

  • If you want to stay in the game after you die, you can. Journeying to the underworld is going to be a thing you're going to do in the story (spoilers), and so it's not beyond the realm of possibility of dead characters being returned. Alternatively, you can make a new character to join the band, or convert a NPC that you like to your character if you wish. Death isn't the end. The Aesir have and need many soldiers for the coming war.

  • In character conflicts require out of character approval. I don't want people fighting in character AND out of character. If you have an out of character problem, bring it to me. If, however, you're both cool with it out of character, and it doesn't begin to infringe on earlier rules, then go for it and bicker, or fight.

  • No Godmodding. Goes without saying, I'd hope. You will acknowledge the results of the rolling based on the mechanics you only slightly see as legitimate, and I will try to make it so you guys are never lost without something to do due to failures. If nothing else, those with Intelligence may get PMs from me with suggestions.

How Divine Powers Work

Divine powers come in three types, Passive, Active, and Reactive. These types all function a little differently.

  • Passive: Passive powers are always working, always doing their thing. They do not make you tired, and have no cost to them. They are, however, not as strong as the other powers.

  • Active: Active powers can be used whenever, however proportionate to the cosmic power going into the power you used, there is a cost of a type of legendary tiredness. If you're too tired in this way, you can't use more powers other than Passive powers.

  • Reactive: Reactive powers are like Active powers in that they have a cost that drains you, but are only able to be used in specific situations.
Recovering from Legendary Tiredness

When you're hungry, you eat; thirsty, you drink; tired, you sleep; but how does one recover from Legendary Tiredness? Accomplish story points laid out by Fate. Fate, the ultimate arbiter of the story (in game) will replenish your ability to be epic, if you do things that it wants. You won't always know what it wants, but Prophecy is the easiest way to know. Again, as noted, do not make Fate angry. I mean, it's not like things can get much worse than they are (see: Ragnarok) but I'm sure that I could Fate could find a way.
Preview of Quest #2

Infamy looms over the heads of the survivors of the quest in Bodie, as another group of demigods finds their way to their aid. However, as all the children wander aimlessly with the gods being so quiet, a strangely informed and hounding journalist chases their coattails, permitting not even a moments rest, as the group tries to discover the location of the Heart of Winter

Primary Objective: Avoid drawing attention to yourselves while you wait for further instructions. Try not to kill more things unless necessary.

Secondary Objective: See if any evil forces are meddling with the towns on the outskirts of the county.
Secondary Objective: Meet and greet with Daniel Drakeman, the ambulance chasing lawyer.
Secondary Objective: Discover who has been following the group, what they already know, and what their goal is.
Completed Quest Log

Accepted Characters

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 3 days ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mischief


Member Offline since relaunch

Please let me know if I did this properly.
Thank you. (:
Name: Soraya Birch
Age: 23
Race: Cree/French
Sex: Female
Soraya looks like a classic Native woman, with long, thick dark hair, tanned skin, full lips, and heavy-lidded dark eyes. Her cheekbones are fairly prominent and sharp, giving her a stern appearance. Her body is long and slender, with very lean muscle and not much for "womanly curves." She is somewhat tall for a woman, standing at 5'7".
Homeland: Canada
History: Having been raised by a Cree father and a French mother, differing cultures had always been a part of Soraya's life. From her father she learned the importance of spirituality and instinct; from her mother she learned how to stand her ground and be independent. Both cultures played vital roles in the person she became - but somehow, she always felt as though she didn't belong. But Soraya would brush it off as being caught between two very different worlds. That had to be the reason. Even when she was moved out and on her own she felt completely out of place. With her family's help she did a lot of soul searching, but to no avail. She had been working for some time in an elementary school, teaching children woodland art, outdoor knowledge and survival, some of the Cree language, and acting as a counselor to some degree. Though she loved her job, it wasn't what her soul longed for.

The only place she felt at home was in the forest surrounding her parents' house. As a child, she spent hours there, sitting amid the trees and wild undergrowth, mostly just watching the wildlife. They did not fear her. They seemed to simply accept her as a part of the forest, as the plants seemed to slowly grow towards her. The forest felt like home. Once, a great grey wolf came and sat beside her. It didn't appear to be part of a pack, surprisingly enough. It was not sickly nor old, which is typically why lone wolves exist. The wolf let Soraya rest her hand on him, and even lay her head on his shoulder. They seemed bound together in those moments they sat with each other. And when they went their separate ways, Soraya felt more lonely than she'd ever been before. Her father explained the feeling as Soraya having found her Spirit Animal. It made sense to her. At night she would sit at her bedroom window gazing at the moon, knowing that somewhere out there the wolves were howling at the same moon. She would often open her window to listen to them, her brothers and sisters of the night. She felt so left out and alone.

But then she found the note. Although the events that followed frightened her, there was also something very exciting and fulfilling about the experiences. Something inside of her spirit just clicked. Perhaps that was why she was so willing to believe the strange ravens, and carried on in her journey that she knew she was destined for. Both of her parents knew that she had been searching for something her entire life, and they would understand. She would not disclose to them what her journey was to be, but left a note for them in their home that said simply: "Kisâkihitin nôhtâwiy. Je t'aime, Maman. Always, no matter where I go."

Heroic Role: Scout. (If we are allowed to choose outside of the examples given). She is stealthy and silent, able to scope out places and people without being detected. She can make thorough reports on what is to be watched for and guarded against for the rest of the group.

Priority 1 Attributes: Dexterity, stamina, and perception.
Priority 2 Attributes: Strength, charisma, intelligence, quickness.
Priority 3 Attributes: Appearance and manipulation.

Primary Purview: Animal. Wolf. Fast and stealthy, a great hunter. Quiet, and strongest in a pack. Special affinity for the nighttime and the moon.
Secondary Purviews: Moon and fertility.
Tertiary Purviews: Darkness and earth.

Primary Trainings: Wilds, art, research.
Secondary Trainings Endure, heal, investigate, drive.
Tertiary Trainings: Battle, conversation, politics.

Jotunblut: Yes.

Divine Abilities
You are the child of Vidar, the silent god of the forests, fated to be the one to kill Fenrir after he eats Odin.
You have heightened senses, allowing you to hunt and track well beyond normal
You are able to speak with wolves with ease, and simpler conversations with creatures very similar to wolves, but aren't them
You find that plants will move and shift slightly around you, bending to make way for you. If you walked upon a field of grass, not a single blade would be bent by your steps. Brush and such also no longer hampers you.
When the true moon is visible to you, you may see reflected in it, the world around you.
So long as the surface you are standing on can support your weight, you may balance near perfectly on even the most unstable of surfaces.

Romance: Opt-in, I suppose.
Play style: I prefer straightforward storylines and quests, am experienced in dialogue-heavy RPs, but would like more practice in action scenes.

Signature: Mischief.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elendra


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mischief said
Please let me know if I did this properly.Thank you. (:

You did, in fact, do it great. Only things I would like to note the following!

Scout's fine, you can go beyond what was suggested
You don't need the excess stuff on Wolf :3
It's not suggested to have both Charisma and Manipulation as bottom stats. Unless you plan on having other people do the important talking... all the time, it's suggested you have one not in Tertiary. If you're fine being a more silent type whose voice won't have much if any sway, then this won't be an issue.

OH, and one last thing. The wolf thing may have a bit of a stigma for you to deal with. Namely, some of the most dangerous monsters on the bad guy side of Ragnarok are giant wolves, so there will be some paranoia about you. Granted, having strong enough Wolf powers MAY mean you could turn those wolves from that side, who knows~?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mischief


Member Offline since relaunch

Yay thank you! (: And I guess I'll just leave the excessive stuff on Wolf because I'm sure it doesn't hurt, lol. I appreciate the feedback, though.

I considered giving her a little more influence charisma-wise, but I decided to build her personality somewhat after me and I'm a very "in the background" person. :P I'm not sure of what challenges they will be facing so I couldn't decide how important Charisma and Manipulation should be. If it will seriously inhibit her abilities and put her at risk, I would like to change it (I don't want her to immediately die).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elendra


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mischief said
Yay thank you! (: And I guess I'll just leave the excessive stuff on Wolf because I'm sure it doesn't hurt, lol. I appreciate the feedback, though.

I considered giving her a little more influence charisma-wise, but I decided to build her personality somewhat after me and I'm a very "in the background" person. :P I'm not sure of what challenges they will be facing so I couldn't decide how important Charisma and Manipulation should be. If it will seriously inhibit her abilities and put her at risk, I would like to change it (I don't want her to immediately die).

I plan on there being a variety of challenges. Norse myth is full of not just battle and such, there is also an importance put on wordsmithing and trickery, and laws and customs, that you guys will have to deal with alongside combat. So it's more of, you yourself can get by without good socials or brains, but the group will suffer a bit without at least one person good at each of those things. Plus Charisma would come in handy with ordering wolves around. :p
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mischief


Member Offline since relaunch

Elendra said
I plan on there being a variety of challenges. Norse myth is full of not just battle and such, there is also an importance put on wordsmithing and trickery, and laws and customs, that you guys will have to deal with alongside combat. So it's more of, you yourself can get by without good socials or brains, but the group will suffer a bit without at least one person good at each of those things. Plus Charisma would come in handy with ordering wolves around. :p

Lol okay, you have sold me. I'm going to go make an adjustment or two. It does make sense to make a more rounded character, anyway.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elendra


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mischief said
Lol okay, you have sold me. I'm going to go make an adjustment or two. It does make sense to make a more rounded character, anyway.

I'd definitely keep dexterity perception though. Perfect scout and also hunting stats. Plus, when you get powerful enough at sensing things, you won't have to look dumb like Thor, who was tricked into thinking he couldn't lift a housecat... which was actually a snake the size of the world disguised as a house cat. Thor's not very perceptive or bright. Strong though.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mischief


Member Offline since relaunch

I assume that Intelligence refers to innovativeness and the ability to formulate plans and strategies ... I know that's pretty much exactly what you described it as, I just want to clarify that I'm not saying my character is stupid, she just can't come up with creative strategies and plans on her own. xP She just executes them ... And has her little wolf army help. ;P

I keep wanting to play around with these stats, it's such a fun concept and definitely keeps a person from being overly bad ass right off the bat. But there are pros and cons to everything! GOSH DARN IT.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elendra


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mischief said
I assume that Intelligence refers to innovativeness and the ability to formulate plans and strategies ... I know that's pretty much exactly what you described it as, I just want to clarify that I'm not saying my character is stupid, she just can't come up with creative strategies and plans on her own. xP She just executes them ... And has her little wolf army help. ;PI keep wanting to play around with these stats, it's such a fun concept and definitely keeps a person from being overly bad ass right off the bat. But there are pros and cons to everything! GOSH DARN IT.

Well, Lowest Priority means you'll be... average human level for those at start. Which doesn't sound bad, until you compare those to super pumped up versions of the Gods, or just player characters who start with them at highest priority. Lowest Priority Charisma is just some guy. Highest Priority Charisma could convince people to get up in arms and lead a revolution or change the world with your words alone... and that's just at the starting level. So think of that gap from Strength at high to low, intelligence, etc.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mischief


Member Offline since relaunch

Elendra said
Well, Lowest Priority means you'll be... average human level for those at start. Which doesn't sound bad, until you compare those to super pumped up versions of the Gods, or just player characters who start with them at highest priority. Lowest Priority Charisma is just some guy. Highest Priority Charisma could convince people to get up in arms and lead a revolution or change the world with your words alone... and that's just at the starting level. So think of that gap from Strength at high to low, intelligence, etc.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elendra


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mischief said


Low Priority is just human average, highest is near human perfection :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 3 days ago

Name: Dann Warrick

Age: 27

Race: Caucasian

Sex: M


5’8” tall

Homeland: Denmark

History: Dann grew up in a small family. From his time as a boy, he always had a fascination of the firearms, showing aptitude in their use. Despite the attempt of both of his parents, he would always, somehow, manage to get his hands on trying one or getting a permission to go in a shooting range. His childhood involved pretty much the back and forth between him sneaking out and his parents trying to discipline him and try to stop his dangerous hobby or at least without using actual bullet. He finally conceded after being promised his own handgun as a birthday present once he was older.

In his adulthood, Dann enlisted the military, partly because of his love of guns, partly because of a sense of duty. He quickly moved to the spec-ops branch of the military called the Huntsmen, specializing in, particularly, intel and recon mission. Despite doing well in it, he couldn't help but feel that it was all preparation for something else.

He took the madness from finding the note as a hint to take a vacation. While he was initially skeptical at the ravens' rambling, the feeling of duty that he felt suggested otherwise. Reluctantly, Dann arranged and prepared himself to the Runes and Things, both nervous over the incoming world end and curious over the probability of meeting this so-called divine parent of his.

Parent Gender: M

Heroic Role: Sniper

Priority 1 Attributes: DEX, PER, MAN
Priority 2 Attributes: QUI, INT, STA, APP
Priority 3 Attributes: STR, CHA

Primary Purview: Illusion
Secondary Purviews: Psychopomp, Darkness
Tertiary Purviews: Death, Sky

Primary Trainings: Sniper, Larceny, Endure
Secondary Trainings: Battle, Investigate, Wilds, Conversation
Tertiary Trainings: Heal, Politics, Military

Jotunblut: Yes

Romance: Why not?
Play style:
1) Do you prefer action-oriented missions, or more dialogue heavy ones? Don’t mind either way
2) Do you prefer a more linear progression or having choices? Choices
3) Complex missions, or straightforward ones? Complex

Signature: Alphakoka
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elendra


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mischief said
Please let me know if I did this properly.Thank you. (:

OH you forgot the personal section. Thank you Koka for reminding me of it <3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mischief


Member Offline since relaunch

Elendra said
OH you forgot the personal section. Thank you Koka for reminding me of it <3

Yessss that is right, I shall go fix that right up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elendra


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Looks good, Mischief!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TentacleLord
Avatar of TentacleLord

TentacleLord Your Friendly Neighbourhood Eldritch Abomination

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hopefully this character is acceptable:

Name: Gavriil Vedenin
Age:Approaching twenty eight.
Race: A mix of several different races including, but not limited too: Russian, German, Irish, Italian, and Norwegian.
Sex: Male
Appearance: A decently tall male(6'3") of vaguely European heritage. Beautifully clear, nearly translucent skin, deep-set blue eyes and messily cut dark hair. Hard features, most noticeably his chin and his nose. He is adequately set about with muscle. Clean shaven.
Homeland: Russia.
History: Gavriil grew up in one of the many poor orphanages that are spread across Russia, never knowing who or what his parents were. His childhood was uneventful to a fault, never once being considered for adoption like much of his fellow orphans. Still, the experience hardened him to suffering, and he began to view the ones that didn't lead this sort of life to be weak. When he was released into his cold world, his delight was multiplied sevenfold when he discovered that the outside world was much like the dark home he had just left. The cold, hard Russian life was perfect for him, appealing to his innermost desires as he spotted the starving fighting for their lives and the homeless surviving in the dead chill. It provided a sense of belonging against the soft people who claimed the world outside of his homeland. It was good.

Something began to nag him as he settled down alone into the hard life, among the people who were always close to death. The books he could barely read all claimed that the life he so enjoyed was terrible. Gavriil, against his better judgment, was curious. This shouldn't be true. There shouldn't be a way of life that was better than this for the strong. He began to study, choosing to pick up the most commonly spoken of the hated soft-folk, English. It took him years of practice, years to master. All to see if this life he was so familiar was worth all the cursing it received. He had come to the climax of his research before he encountered an impasse. He simply did not have the funds required to go to this soft land filled with warmth and weakness.

It was then the note arrived. Gavriil knew it was his chance. He'd play along with this seeming end of days. While something inside him warned of underestimating what he had just been given, the rest of him leaped on the chance, and took a leap of faith toward the promised land of the oddly named "Runes and Things".

All that fancy stuff:
Heroic Role: Caster(Akin to a Sniper, long range support). Gavriil is a big man, but doesn't move around enough to be a tank, doesn't enjoy being up close and personal like a bruiser, and finds that he'd rather sit back and let the more eager do much of the distracting. His purviews mesh well with the role of sitting on the back line.
Priority 1 Attributes: Intelligence, Manipulation, Perception
Priority 2 Attributes: Strength, Quickness, Appearance, Stamina
Priority 3 Attributes: Dexterity, Charisma

Primary Purview: Death
Secondary Purviews: Frost and Darkness
Tertiary Purviews: Chaos and Health

Primary Trainings: Sniper, Research, Conversation
Secondary Trainings: Endure, Larceny, Wilds, Politics
Tertiary Trainings: Investigate, Heal, Drive

Jotunblut: Yes.

Edit:Oh Bugger the Personal Section
Romance: Sure.
Play style: No preference whatsoever in action or dialogue. Choices are always fun, and complex missions make that even funner.

Signature: Tentaclelord
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elendra


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

First glance, Personal Section is missing! Will give second glance and more detailed response shortly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elendra


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

TentacleLord said
Hopefully this character is acceptable

Oh lord, Manipulation + Intelligence + Perception. That's a good combination, actually, for an underhanded chessmaster type.
Looks good!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TentacleLord
Avatar of TentacleLord

TentacleLord Your Friendly Neighbourhood Eldritch Abomination

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Badabing added the personal section
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