Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Loki sighed sitting and staring at the whole of Asgard. He still didn't feel like things were ok. Thor had made sure his name was cleared after he was freed from prison. He didn't really feel like he had friends.The god was still angry deep down a few things. Though he was sure he had gotten over his anger towards Thor, though he was still very much angry towards Odin. Loki did not think he could ever forgive Odin.
He knew that he wasn't that angry with Frigga anymore and still considered her a mother. He always felt like she cared more than Odin ever did.
"Why is this so hard,?" he muttered to himself. He was silent.

Loki gets up from where he was sitting, he wondered where his brother was. He didn't think Thor had been fully himself lately. He wasn't that sure why. The god seemed very worried. Though he wondered if Thor would even tell him.
"Thor?" He called. He looked around hoping that his brother would answer. He knew that he needed his brother more than he admitted sometimes as well. So he hoped that nothing was wrong with Thor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dairypie


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It was a nice day in Asgard. Everything was at peace for once. Thor sat quietly out in the garden, breathing in the fresh air. He closed his eyes quietly. It was good to be able to relax, instead of worry about what he had been told a few weeks ago. After clearing his brother's name, he didn't remember much of the next few days. He only remembered waking to all of Asgard's best doctors looking over him. No one was talking, everyone was quiet. He knew then something was terribly wrong. What was still unsure, but all they could tell was that it was slowly taking his life away day by day. He was growing weaker by the day but tried to not show it.

He needed to be strong. His eyes opened hearing his voice. Thor groaned and pulled himself up. He forced a smile onto his face, wiping away the pain. He walked in quickly, trying to appear he had been training. "My dear brother!" he called. "Glad to see you are finally out of your room! Feeling better?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Loki looked around, he looked at his brother, "I am well brother, just still have a few worries." he replied. The god was looking at him. His eyes seemed to be focused on him, he was trying to work out what was wrong.
He wished he knew, Thor was important to him.

"Brother are you well," LOki knew that he needed his brothers support to help him move forward. Without Thor he was sure he couldn't move on so easily. The god of mischief narrowed his eyes.
"You haven't been yourself. you always seem tired."
LOki seemed to be good at noticing things.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dairypie


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Thor felt his gaze working over him tirelessly. He continued smiling, keeping his energy up. "You need not worry. Everything is going so well" he replied. He shifted a bit as he moved closer. "I am fine Loki" he replied quickly. Thor shifted a bit to stand up straighter. "It has been a long few months. But you are one to talk, You have been locked away without seeing the sun or feeling the breeze"

Thor bumped him on the arm. "Come along, lets get some good Asgardian food in you now that you are moving about again" Thor began to walk ahead of him/
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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"Brother you know I don't believe that." Loki knew Thor wasn't a good liar unlike him. He kept his gaze on his brother. He was unsure. The god knew that he could only keep an eye on him.

Thor was hiding something, Loki could tell that. "Mmm well it is easier to hide than have people stare at me or say things about me behind my back, make me feel even less about myself."
He muttered. Loki walked by him, "Food would be good."
The god was quiet as he walked by him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dairypie


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Thor looked at Loki as they walked. "They would do that." he said slowly. "I would not let them" He shook his head and they continued towards the kitchen. "Have you been adjusting well Brother? i havent had time to check much on you, I have been busy" Thor waited for his reply as the reached the kitchen where a few dishes were out and waiting for them as always.

Thor smiled and picked up one of the plates. "Just like when we were boys huh Loki?" he said grinning.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Loki walked by him. "I don't know, I don't really feel like I belong" He knew that Thor would always have the right words to comfort him. He thought still didn't think Thor was ok. He narrowed his eyes as they walked by him.
The god sits down with his brother after getting food.
"I suppose, though that was a long time ago." he sighed. The god felt like some things were long gone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dairypie


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Thor looked at him and sighed. "I am sorry Loki. Perhaps somewhere else would help you feel more at ease?" he offered, He looked at him across the table. "It was not that long ago my brother. We once were small and having the best adventures, don't you remember?" he asked smiling.

He ate slowly, in small measured bites. His jaw clenched as he tried to chew and swallow without any issues. Keeping the pain deep down inside his chest. "How is your food?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Loki looked at Thor "I don't know... , I am so alone and you are my only company alot of the time, you are my brother and only friend." He said slowly. He sighed and pushed it aside.
"Never mind anyway."
He watched his brother for awhile. He had never known his brother to be so slow to eat.

"Ah it is good," Loki said, He smirked and then turned Thor's drink into snakes. He sniggered a bit. That trick was so amusing to him. The god was looking at him "Are you sure you are well.?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dairypie


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"Then we should make you friends." He said smiling at him. "It would better, people would hate you less" Thor looked at him for a long moment. "I just want you to be happy." Thor shifted in his seat. That was when he was overwhelmed with a coughing fit. His chest shaking. Thor winced a little bit, closing his eyes gently.

He took a deep breath and looked at him. "Sorry, swallowed the wrong way."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Loki was looking at him as he ate. He wasn't convinced he was ok. He also didnt see how he would ever have friends.
"That's a nice thought Thor... But nobody wants to be my friends," he was looking at him.
He noticed that he had started coughing.

" Oh Thor you are an awful liar," Loki sighed. He was trying to not mad with him. He put a hand on his brothers back. He was looking worried. The god wondered why his brother was trying to hide that he was not ok. He shook his head.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dairypie


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Thor looked at him. "I do not lie" he replied slowly, shaking his head. "I am very honest with you and trust me we will find you more friends and companionship" Thor watched him for a long time. He carefully sipped from his glass. "We really need to get you friends" he repeated again. "I promise I will help you do that." Thor paused a moment looking for the time. He frowned.

"I have to go brother. I have a meeting to go to. Don't get into too much trouble. Go out" he stood and began to head down the hallway, turning away from the meeting room and towards the doctor's area. He took a deep breath, ready for the next batch of treatments and tests.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Loki sighed, he was sharp and knew when something was up. He looked at Thor "Mpph" was his response. He though sighed "Thank you brother,"
He still did not think that he would ever have friends. The god merely smiled.

"MMM ok fine," He wondered whether he should follow his brother. He was sneaky and didn't quite believe what his brother was saying. He sighed and looked at him.
"Me stay out of trouble? Thats like asking me to not be LOki." he smirked and decided he might as well go take a bath. The god was still wondering what his brother wasn't saying.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dairypie


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Thor was glad he doesn't remember much of the tests. They hurt and so far nothing has been working. He didn't want to admit it but he was also beginning to worry about what was going on and if they could fix it. He always awoke a few hours later, in his own bed looking out over Asgard, a sheet of results beside him for him to read over. Never good news. It was times like these he missed earth so much. He just wanted to be back there, with her.But Loki needed him here, he made a promise to his brother and Asgard to rehabilitate him and make sure he doesn't try to take over the worlds again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Loki was looking around , he didn't seem to know what was up with his brother, but he had been sure there was no meetings today. He narrowed his eyes. He had gotten dry and dressed after his bath.
He then decided to leave his brother to come find him while he played a few pranks on the servants. He really couldn't help himself. The god was bored and he knew Odin barely trusted him to leave Asgard.
He wanted the hell out sometimes, but while he wasn't sure if Thor was ok, he knew he would stay.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dairypie


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Thor eventually got out of bed and carefully moved back around the large building. He knew he would cause problems, but it wouldn't be home if he didn't. He walked along and found him at last. "Loki?" he asked slowly. "No one has gotten injured have they?" he asked slowly. He walked to his brother and sat beside him. "What is something you have always wanted to do but could not?" His eyes looked to him for a long moment. "I want you to be happy instead of angry"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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"Honestly... I want the hell out of here Thor,Odin won't let me leave I know it, Even if a day... I just can't stand it, I still feel like a prisoner and I am so bored." Loki admitted. He was looking at Thor. He was still too bitter and angry about everything and refused to call Odin father.
He didn't even know if Thor could take him anywhere.
"I mean not that tormenting the servants with my magic isn't fun, like turning wine into snakes." Loki had a slight grin seeming amused. "But no I didn't hurt anybody... I want to stay out of prison,"
He sighed "But seriously if there is nothing to do, I might as well hide in my room."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dairypie


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Thor looked at him and sighed. He reached over and patted his brother on the shoulder. "Then lets find something to do! I could train you! Or we could go to earth!" he said happily. "Perhaps you just need to find a new realm to call home my dear brother. Someplace where you can easily entertain yourself and have fun." he smiled at him. "PErhaps a wife Loki" he said nodding to himself. "That would work as well."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Loki knew no realm would be pleased with his presence. "I don't know brother, I have you and mother here, But I am so confused and unhappy and don;t know what home is anymore."
He shook his head at the mention of a wife. "Nice thought. But I doubt such things would happen."
Sometimes Thor's positiveness and caring was too much. He forces a faint smile. "Lets go to earth though, I don't feel like training."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dairypie


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Thor was beaming. "Now you have to promise to behave." he said slowly. He stood. "I will go get everything in order for our trip. Pack a few things, but you will need human clothing" He couldn't stop from smiling. He needed this trip, to show Loki there was more to life and to hopefully have a few last moments with his own love.
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