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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Meth Quokka
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Meth Quokka This Was Nutter's Idea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Colonial Powers

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

People deal with the stress of revolting in different ways. Some people take pleasure in seeing the rebels hung, other take up painting, or learn Zen. The Emperor of the Democratic People's Republic of Konzia turned into a woman. No one was quite sure how he managed it, one day he was a man, spewing out his usual crap, and the next morning, he walked out onto the balcony a woman, complete with fine dress and long, shiny hair. It was quite the miraculous transformation as was the Emperor's thought pattern. He, now she, had put down several of the old Konzia policies, such as the disdain of foreigners and the Single Voice style of government. She offered that a new council should be opened up, and twelve people, picked by the average person to converse with the new Empress about the best course of action for the country. One man in the gathered crowd was stuck to his morals, and called out the Empress for being a woman, as all women where weak and unfit of ruling this 'great empire'. The Empress replied with an arrow to his knee from a before-unseen person standing on the rooftops. The Empress then declared that it was not a fatal shot, but anyone else who interrupted her would receive one. After she had this moment of darkness, she returned to her cheery smile, and gave out Amnesty to all the rebelling soldiers to return to their homes, and act as a Militia, and in return they would be considered a part of the Empire's army once more. In addition to this, she sent a good portion of the Town army to their homes, so they could guard them from foreign attacks. The troops that remained where subjected to a rigorous training program, designed to make them much more skilled than they where.

The best change that came of this, was the abundance of traders arriving in the towns. They came giving all sorts of items, from wool and silk, to firewood and many types of food. They also produced a great deal of raw materials to produce a finer quality of weapon for the remaining army.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Meth Quokka
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Meth Quokka This Was Nutter's Idea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Autumn Update
- In the north of Terheridon, 15,000 footmen march under the banner of their King in response to the reports of looting and pillaging from enemy forces. A peasant revolt, incited by the messages of the City-State of Bennipolis and armed by the Kingdom of Aznavor, spreads through the South of the land. A force of 1,000 Recruits and 20,000 Peasants further ravage the land and head towards the Alliance’s forces in the north after they burn down a rebel-aligned village
- In the United Imperium of Valm, activity both economic and military is undertaken as the recent economical investments in conjunction with the work of Hendry de Stonee records a short term return of $1,000,000,000 however $2,500,000,000 is spent training and ‘re-educating’ 5000 conscripts into recruits.
- The spy from the City-State of Bennipolis manages to infiltrate the dockyards of the Councilate of Arbasses in time to see the launch of their new battle fleet of 5 Ships-Of-the-Line, 3 Frigates, 7 Schooners and 2 Sloops. He has yet to make it inside the shipyards themselves but the obvious sign of further construction work is evident.
- Aznavor experiences a return of 1,000,000,000 from its investments as its trading networks further enhance their trading capability in both speed and capacity.
- In the colonies of the Councilate of Arbasses the war rages on; the attempted bombardment of the Khan’s fortifications by the horse artillery fails miserably as the light cannon balls fail to penetrate the defences and cause little more than surface damage to the wooden walls(dice roll 1). The naval bombardment of Wang Shen is a minor success for the councilate of Arbasses, the city’s port facilities are damaged and the Khan incurs the loss of 1 ballista ship (dice roll 4) as the inner sea fleet is rendered incapable of setting sail before clearing the damaged bay. The two ship squad sent to destroy the bridge across the great southern river is a resounding success (dice roll 6) as the frigate and schooner managed to destroy the bridge connecting the two lands severing the besieging forces from their supplies before the entire fleet pulls back to the two colonies. The final action, the tunnelling by the Khan (dice roll 5) is successful despite the sandy soil around the cities and the tunnels are nearing being able to breach the walls of New Stendmark. However the forces behind enemy lines refocus from vagrant killing of Khan soldiers to scouting and report the vast quantity of soil being moved from the encampments with the defenders beginning the dig ditches and moats in front of the walls of the cities; under armed guard and cannon. The army encamped out the front of Wardensfall pulls back into the city with the potential of being collapsed under too much of a threat.
- The siege of Bennipolis continues without disturbance as the cannon-light forces of Terheridon struggle to penetrate the modern defences of the city-state but they continue the siege despite the raids in their own land. However with winter coming a frenzy of work begins in order to take the city by assault before they have to withdraw under winter’s fury.
- With the colonial war absorbing too much of Arbasses' resources and focus, Marcus de Happself resigns as leader of the Commerce League but not before pleading for the nations of the League to pledge soldiers for an expeditionary force to relieve the sieges from the members of the Commerce league as per their pact. The Councilate will transport the soldiers over with their new fleet so the nations need only send their soldiers to Stendmark.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Dictator Lipeche II sat in his tent, studying the map laid in front of him while smoking some dirge. It was the first shipment from the explorers sent to the new world. Maybe not all in the new lands were as cursed and as vile as the alliance men initially thought. Of course not many of the alliance-borns traveled beyond their mountain homes. The new rush for traders of the sea however is changing the old ways however. But Lipeche II knew the faith of this new would-by merchants of the high waters. Most of them never had any experience at sea. Only a few of those fools would made it to the knew world to find any goods to buy and even less would make it back to sell the new found spices.

"Stick to the old ways...." Lipeche II's father told him once. "They are proven and true. Gambling away your chances on the new has never favored anybody but fools."

Lipeche II's thoughts were far from the seas however. His fullest attention was reserved for one of the alliance's neighbors and not the one it was currently at war with. His eyes were fixed on Dont and his thoughts were filled solely with plots on how he would dispose the current president and attain his revenge. The humiliation in Dont by him, his men and their loyalist allies fueled an inferno in his heart, a fire that would only be extinguished with the blood of the supreme commander's enemies.

Just then, a man came running into his tent carrying what seemed to be a letter. He was paced and out of breathe when he arrived and stopped in front of the dictator but he still bowed and handed the commander the message he was carrying. Lipeche II thanked him for his actions and sent him off. Lipeche II noticed that the letter was sealed with the seal of the house of the Handerssons. A message from the battalion. Lipeche II hurriedly opened the letter to see what manner of news his men brought from the front lines.

The messages reads;
To Supreme Commander Lipeche II, Lord of the Alliance's Defense

Herr Oberbefehlshaber, current events are going according to plan. We have made a small fortune for ourselves while pillaging and raiding and we have gained the enemy's attention. We have stayed true to your strategy. Every town we encounter, we would surprise the nobles loot their homes and take their riches. Then we would let one escape to warn the next the while leaving their families to the mercy of their towns-kin. On one occasion, we have even had the support of the towns folk as they rose up against the ruling nobles and celebrated our march into their town.

However we soon learned that an army numbering within 50,000 to 60,000 men are marching for us. He had to abandon the town. We soon learned from our scouts the the town was raised to the ground and none were left alive.

We are now marching with haste and should return very soon, perhaps before the last week of summer. We hope that all goes as planned. Good luck on behalf on your part Herr Kommandant."

The signature of Field Commander Handersson was at the bottom of the page.

The dictator quickly threw the letter asside and summoned his two most trusted commanders. The enemy outnumbered them more than they expected but they had the advantage of surprise. The plan was still in motion and soon Terherideon would fall to the might of the four united.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The City-State of Bennipolis


The 14th Eponymous Year of Athenakles With Lysander as Interrex

On the akropolis of Bennipolis, Ioannes examined the defenses of his fair city. The first defensive wall on their Northern flank had been breached during the past months of fighting. The majority of the defenders had crossed over the Ephydris because the second defensive wall not only was covered from soldiers behind that wall, but parts of it was also protected by the defenders on the main city walls that were perpendicular to it.

Since that wall was breached, Ioannes turned his attention toward Chelon. While the Long Wall provided safe passage from Chelon to Bennipolis from both sides, Ioannes was still anxious about the eastern side of the wall. Therefore, he sent out an order for a defensive wall to be built that would connect Bennipolis and Chelon near the Ephydris, just in case the Terheridonians would breach the Bennipolitans’ second defensive wall.

Suddenly, several messengers approached Ioannes, along with several Terheridonian nobles, who were shackled and unkempt.

“Greetings Ioannes. The counter-strike force has made progress in Terheridonian lands. While there, we stumbled across these Terheridonians nobles, who quickly surrendered when they saw that they were out-matched by our forces. What shall we do with them?”

“Excellent news, courier! What is a better bargaining chip than human hostages are! What a wonderful threat to the Terheridonians this is, as we could begin slitting their throats if the Terheridonians attempts to even step foot in this consecrated ground! Go, courier, take them away to the jail for safekeeping. Make sure that they are fairly treated and kept alive. Hostages are of no use if they are dead!”

The messengers did Ioannes’ command after they heard him speak. After they left his presence, Ioannes returned his attention to the battlefield. While the Terheridonians had received weapons for their infantry from foreign powers, they had neglected to purchase any modern siege craft, which definitely bogged down their attempts to assault the city. They were still using Medieval siege weapons, which were from a time where defensive fortifications held the upper hand against the besiegers. Since the Terheridonians had no way for starving the Bennipolitans out, as the Bennipolitans controlled the surrounding sea, the Terheridonians’ only option was to storm the city by force. However, if they did that, it would be at a heavy cost. Even if they would win this war, it would be a Pyrrhic victory.

“Commander,” Ioannes told one of his lesser officers, “make sure to post watches on the walls. We don’t want any sappers getting through to our walls.
Major Port in Terheridon

The Bennipolitan navy has been waiting outside the Terheridonians’ major port city for the last month, with no opposition in sight, although the enemy ships could still be seen in the port. With the license of zero opposition, the Bennipolitan naval force had begun to throw chains and barriers across the mouth of the bay so that ships cold neither get into the harbor nor leave it. Finally, the Bennipolitan navy had finished this task and set their eyes towards the city. Now the Terheridonians had no choice but to fight, as all seaward supplies would now be all but blocked from their possession.

The Bennipolitan admirals gathered on the nearby shore and made a libation to Poseidon so that he might favor them in battle. Once this had been completed, the admirals boarded their respective ships and they drove the ships against the trapped Terheridonian navy.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winston Smith

Winston Smith

Member Seen 5 mos ago

-... Finally I would like to emphasize Aznavor's commitment to it's policy of peace in Edoniras. As such official Anavori land forces will not engage themselves in this conflict. All land units will remain in their barracks throughout the winter and will take no part in the current Teherdion-Bennipolitan conflcit

King Philip Duloire

By writing this letter, addressed to the leaders of Edoniras, Aznavor had justified its' decision to have its' war fleet attack and plunder the 'pirate vessels' without officially going to war with Teheridon These pirates were supposedly those responsible for preventing the delivery of the pre-agreed cargo of weapons to Teheridon. In reality Teherdion had neglected to uphold its' end of the agreement and payment for the weapons had not been forthcoming since the country engaged itself in war therefore King Duloire was forcd to invent pirate threat to justify the reduced delivery of weapons to King Dearheart. This had the double advantage of also justifying the use of the fleet in Teheridonese waters or the most part these 'pirates' had been Teheridonese merchants who were trading between coastal towns The Teheridonese were the perfect target for this type of operation as they were, simultaneously very rich and very backward. How could a merchant vessel belonging to a country that stil lclad its men in steel hope to outrun copper-bottomed brigs and sloops with experienced crews. For the Aznavori navy; orders were simple Round shot was not to be used unless military escorts were sighted in which case heated shot would be employed against the medieval galleons. When it came to merchants vessels the orders were to make use of their modern cannons, military discipline and chain shot ammunition to dismast enemy ships effectively stranding them from a distance that was impossible for the enemy ships to respond from. Two ships would then sail to the bow and stern of the paralyses ship flaying its crew with deadly grapeshot. This ammunition would tear throughcrew members without really damaging the ships themselves . Only when the crew had surrendered or had been killed to the last man would third vessel sail alongside it and board it. The captain would then assess the damage of the ship. All ships would be plundered but a ship that could still sail would be doubly profitable as it could be-refitted for use my Aznavor in the future or used as a supply of timber for the rare instances when an Aznavori ship would take any damage at all. Those able to sail were refitted with makeshift masts and sails and were taken north to Oceansrock for repairs. This way Aznavor would re-coup its losses with tetrahedron's gold whilst simultaneously supplying it with fewer and fewer weapons which were instead largely being given to rebel forces. The Bennipolitan navy had blockaded one major port and Aznavors’ would constrict trade from all others by pillaging all ships coming from the remaining ones. It was time the Teheridonese navy was tamed. Once tamed her army, camped in a burnt-out land, would lose the only remaining means of re-supply available to her and the siege must fail.
At the same time another great mission was preparing in Aznavor Prince Alexander had succeeded in his mission to bring about popular rebellion in Teheridon. Twenty thousand peasants no longer worked the fields or brought their crops to market. Now the fate of the Teheridonese army was sealed not only were they cut off by land and sea but even if they had been able to receive supplies there would not be any to spare. In the North Alliance forces had looted and burned the stores and in the south peasants were up in arms against King Dearheart instead of tilling the summer crop. Prine Alexander’s job in the conflict was done. King Philip had a new job for his heir, although it was to be a much more pleasurable one; Prince Alexander was given charge of the royal galley and a small flotilla of other richly decorated ships and was sent across the Narrow sea to Aventia to meet his future wife. In the hulls of his ships were silks, tents, horses and gifts aplenty for his new family King Philip had decreed that Aznavor would spend lavishly on this ceremony to impress the Khan who had offered his very own sister a bride and who was sure to put forward a great dowry. The Alliance between the two peoples was about to be sealed in Holy Matrimony.
In the new world a small colony, several hundred kilometers south of the previous one was being set up. Few in number the settlers of Hope Bay had erected a wooden palisade to the arou ntheir new settlement. Three dozen wooden houses now lined the coast. A Man could live well off the rich uninhabited lands, fruit trees were abundance and in the rivers fish were plentiful. Rainfall was intense which would ensure healthy crops. The climate was almost unbearable to these northeners, however, hot humid jungles were all around and mosquitoes plagued the settlers along with poisonous snakes and spiders. Furthermore the dense jungle was home to what was rumoured to be evil spirits as every few weeks a settler would end up missing from his bed after having gone peacefully to sleep the night before. Trails of blood would lead into the jungle and into a deep cavern network which none dare explore. In the blood large clawed prints would always be visible attesting to the claim that the Hope Bay was home to Eastern gods or demons. The citizens of Hope Bay called for help from the King and the Church High Patriarch.
All was not well for King Duloire, however. His health was ailing as a result of too much rich food and the journey to the Empire of Khan for his son’s wedding would do help with his illness. The Kingdom was trusted to a loyal regent who had received clear instructions from the King but was trusted enough to exercise independent action if he deemed it necessary. It very well may become necessary. For to the North-West of the Kingdom trouble was brewing. Reports from Misthall announced that the clansmen of the western hills were uniting behind a new chief after the death of the former. The cClansmen were a fierce semi-barbaric people who abhorred firearms and swore oaths to blood-thirsty gods and respected only a man’s’ strength. Each man had to prove himself in their culture and to be the eldest son of a great man meant little. Philips father had fought a bloody war of attrition against these clansmen a generation ago who were vanquished with much-needed support from the High Church whose Patriarch despised the blood gods of the north-west seeing the mas demons. Philips father had insisted on a blood oath between himself and the previous Lord of the clans for peace but now both men were dead and the entire royal family was abroad. It would fall on Regent Charles to deal with the situation. Charles would write to Patriarch Karl asking him to return from Aventia and to support crown authority from the clansmen in the event of a new clansman war. And a war seemed likely. By all account the new Lord of the clans High-Chief Hadraga was not a man to be taken lightly the regent would need all the help he could get.

Teheridonese Shipping is massively looted as the Aznavori Navy captures all ships from Teheridon whether military or commercial. The Navy essentially engages in large-scale well-organized piracy.
New colony of Hope Bay is established to the south of the Aventian continent.
Royal Wedding is prepared as the family goes to the Empire of Khan.( Spend 500,000,000 on preperations and gifts etc)
The clansmen of the North brew trouble for the regent led by new chief Hadraga
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