Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Through the portal from the Nexus itself spouted two people of very different appearance, one frosty and one way too hot to handle. However, this pair was met with a rather sticky situation. Keezi actually faceplants a quarter inch into something kinda sticky, with a few aggressive tugs and a bit of a rise in her body temperature she pulled away from whatever it was. After opening her eyes she realized that it was a combination of dirt and spider webs. "Gross." Letting go of the cold guy's hand she pushed herself up to her feet, doing a couple of arm stretches. "Hey, you. Kholodny was it? We're friends now, right?" Without skipping a beat or waiting for answers she smiled down at him. "We landed in sticky white stuff and it's really gross."

She snickered and tugged at the ground a bit with one finger, pulling up a bit of thread from the ground like a chord. "I think it's spider web." The girl heated up the tip of her finger to light the string of nasty on fire. "Yeah, this is totally spider web, no doubt. It burns real easy. I should probably be careful or something. The place is covered in this junk. Also you should not sit down in it." She whistled and looked upwards, realizing that they were at the precipice of an enormous cavern of rock and web. "Big spiders dude, big ones. Gonna get real gross." Keezi wasn't afraid of spiders, no, not at all. In fact, she has little to no fear of anything. Still, even though she's not afraid of them. They are still gross, and if one touches her, all hell might break loose.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheBiddz


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Oh man, that was a trip." Kholodny mumbles into the spider webbing that his face is down in. Spider webbing? Kholodny bolts upright immediately. "Oooooh that's nasty." He sighs heavily and stands up, the spider webbing sliding off of a thin sheen of ice he covered himself in. Did it have to be spiders? The irony of the world is not lost upon him. As it so happens to turn out, spiders are one of the few things he isn't really scared of.

He chuckles a bit and looks over at Keezi. "Yeah, we're friends now. Two friends, fire and ice, stuck on a planet made entirely out of spider webs and other bullshit. The trope here is incredibly powerful." He shakes his head and walks around a little bit. "So look, I hate this. Being flung into a strange world where anything and everything could potentially kill me. So lets get this out of the way right now. I'm a coward. When it comes to danger, I really don't like it. I hate it, and have a tendency to run away. If you ever see me shaking in fear, I'm sorry, but I'll need some help." He keeps walking, the spider webs continuing to not stick because of the ice. A handy power, that.

"But I think we should be able to get along just fine, and maybe not even get killed in the process." He sighs and takes a big trembling breath before saying, as bravely as he can "So let's get going, and if there's ass that needs to be kicked, I'll do my best to help you kick it." He smiles, his teeth chattering a little bit, not at the spiders, but at the prospect of having to face things way bigger and tougher down the rode, something he just doesn't feel prepared for. He goes back over to Keezi and cuts the cold powers except for at the bottoms of his feet so he can walk. He doesn't want to make her really uncomfortable, after all. "So, should we wait here for something to find us, or should we do some exploring?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The rising red sun was peeking slowly over the eastern horizon, casting long shadows off a few standing rocky spires over the uneven landscape. As the day began to claim the surroundings of the bleak surface of the Daemon webs a few critters, most of them spiders of size comparable to those on earth, had begun to skitter about. Skittering from under rocks or the folds of petrified webbing. One of the insects that crept out from a large rock formation was an arthropod as large as a man's arm, its jointed body shiny and a shade of green so dark as to almost be black. Minute hairs coated its legs and torso, evolved to trap moisture from the dry atmosphere of the bleak daemon webs. They also served as sensory addenda to the large palps that moved about its head. Long, multiple-jointed legs slid carefully over the side of a silky batch of webs, the body of the creature slung between them. The insect sampled the morning air, and felt the perturbations of it for signs of other life. It was a predator, feeding on smaller varieties of its own phylum, flying mites, and the occasional spider.

It hesitated on a patch of rocks, considering as best the cluster of nerves that were its brain would let it. It sensed a level of warmth several feet ahead, and the scent of creatures it had never before encountered. It's mandibles danced as it considered if these were prey. Suddenly it froze again as it sensed another presence. What served as fear in the simple creatures brain came forth. It skittered across the uneven grand as it ran several feet past the pair of planar travelers; Kholodny and Keezi.

It was not the only one to do so as dozens upon dozens of smaller critters skittered past the two polar-opposites seemingly oblivious to their presence as they seemed to flee from some unseen creature. In moments the hordes dwindled until only silence remained. Whatever was approaching the two travelers still had precocious time to run or hide. Those sensitive to minute vibrations might detect the approach of something very large indeed.

A great pit some 50 feet away from the pair something emerged, first one great leg-its segment as long as two men standing atop each other-appeared.Then another, then three, until four great spidery legs were edging from out of the great spider hole. Something rose out form the hole with slow terrifying grace as it shook slumber from it's limbs. Four great pairs of eyes as solid black as onyx cast about studying it's surroundings. If the two had not hidden by now the great lumbering beast would roar a challenge and charge in their direction seeking a quick morning snack. Slivering saliva mixed with venom pooled from it's segmented mouth, mandibles twitched with hunger, great claws reflecting in the dim light of dawn on it's crude black three fingered arms. It resembled some horrifying mix of troll, ogre and spider all in one, and seemed to possess all their fearsome qualities at once.

A deep cave to their immediate north seemed the best place to run into for shelter did they choose to take it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Pfft, you're really a coward? Dude, you're ice cold. Too cool for school. Cold enough to actually be cold to the touch for me. What do you have to be scared of Kholodny?" Before she answered his question, or he answered hers. A noise started to come from nearby, the cave that they were standing in started to sound like movement. "I think something's already found us, dude." Dozens of spiders skittered out from the web and Keezi's eyes widened, not like she was afraid, but these things were huge. And that's mad nasty. One of them was larger than the rest of them, and Keezi's suspicions were soon confirmed.

It ran past the pair, she watched it intently and then her eyes snapped up to the cave. "What could spook a bug that big?" Then she saw it, something that she could have gone her whole life without seeing and would have been wholely content without knowing of its existence. Like something pulled straight out of a delusional DM's book of creepy monsters it was some kind of big black spider dude. No, not spider man. More like if Venom had a bad day and fused with the Incredible Hulk and a giant enemy crab.

With a slow and slightly hesitant movement she plucked the bat from her back and started exuding heat. The ground around her started to crackle and burn with the intensity of her heat, but she kept it from wholly igniting, that would cause a catastrophic fire. She kept the heat to a minimum around her feet but at its maximum everywhere else. "Kholodny, just answer me something. This thing's like a spider thing. Don't spiders hibernate when it's cold?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheBiddz


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Uh yeah, I think they do. I've never actually been afraid of spiders." He chuckles slightly, his breath crystallizing the air in front of him, snowflakes falling down about a foot out. His eyes begin to glow a bright blue. "That's irony for you. Of all the things we could have been sent to, it's spider world. The one thing I'm not super scared of. Never really got many spiders in Russia." He rolls the sleeves of his thick coat up, his already pale skin beginning to turn a light blue, the hairs on his arm icing over as a sheen of ice began to cover both arms. "Especially no spiders like this. Spiders always hated me." The ice on his arms take form, shaping into a thick chain made out of the most blue crystal ice you've ever seen. "Yeah, whenever spiders got near me, they'd always do two things, curl up and freeze to death, or turn around and high tail it out of there." The chains begin to ravel around each of his arms entirely, covering them in a thick wrapping of chain, probably adding up to at least 40 feet of chain around each arm. On the end of each chain is a three pronged trident made out of ice, which he is currently holding in his hands. The prongs on the harpoon are one foot long and razor sharp, more than enough to really stick in the flesh of something. And at negative four hundred twenty degrees, which is how cold Kholodny makes his weapons, getting a harpoon stuck in you is pretty much game-over.

"I'd be careful if I were you Keezi, there's a winter storm warning in effect for everything around me right now." He laughs heartily, shaking his head at his own terrible joke. Man, this is rather unlike him, being all courageous and whatnot. Well, truth be told, as soon as he saw that monster, he let Stribog meld with him, at 50 percent capacity. That's why his eyes started glowing. He was being serious when he said he's not afraid of spiders, but that thing is more than just a spider. That thing is way more than a spider. He's not about fighting something like that, but let's look at the options. Option One: Kholodny runs, so he is now alone and just as likely to run into something like that, but now by himself. Hmm, not so great. Option Two: He grabs Keezi and pulls her into the cave to run. Yeah no, not gonna happen. Option Three: Kill it. Welp, looks like that's pretty much the only option available to him right now. And with Stribog's help and courage, it actually feels pretty plausible. Plus this way, if he dies, at least he'll have a death buddy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Soon the drider ogre spotted the single human figure, unleashing a mighty joyful roar at the thought of an easy prey. It skittered forward with surprising speed until it was only several yards away, roughly ten yards in all. Even from this distance it seemed to tower over Kholodny, as it stood almost 12 feet tall on all four of it's legs. Then it reared back on its hindlegs loosing another guttural sounding roar that sounded vaguely insect like before landing on all four again. Then showing surprising flexibility, the beast's large spider abdomen flexed until it bent around between it's two rear legs.

It began to quickly spin strands of spider silk with it's spinnerets and lower two scythe like arms netting the strands to gather with astonishing practiced speed as it produced ever more webbing from the silk glands in it's scythe like arms. Then without any warning, it's large abdomen twitched then rocked forward. The bundle of webbing sprung forth by powerful muscular contractions spreading out into a cone like net obviously meant to ensnare and entrap Kholodny in a netting of steel strong spider silks. The creature obviously hoping to capture it's prey before enjoying a meal.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheBiddz


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Alright, lets check our opponent here. Size advantage goes to spoder bro. It's about twice his height, with bent legs, so it's probably about 15 to 18 ft tall in total. That's okay. Kholodny doesn't have experience with bigger things, but Stribog does, and that'll go a long way towards not dying. Speed advantage? The odrider crossed about 20 feet in about 3 seconds, so it's pretty darn fast for something that big. However, Kholodny's top running speed is 80 mph, and that's not accounting for his ability of frictionless motion. With that, he can slide along the ground at about 90 miles an hour, completely frictionless, which also allows for instantaneous turning and rotation. So maneuverability and speed definitely goes over to Kholodny. Attack power? Can't say for sure on that one. The ice, should the odrider touch it, will absolutely mess him up. Getting some harpoons stuck to him would be a horribly cold fate. But Khold doesn't really know what the monster can do, so it's better to be safe than sorry.

And whats the safest measure against things like this? Circle strafing! Khold kicks on the afterburners (Flash freezers?) on the bottoms of his feet and shoes, freezing them over in a frictionless ice, and also freezing the ground directly under him, slowly spreading out. Then, using Stribog's control over wind, he propels himself backward and to the side in a diagonal position, to get away from the webbing and get him in a good motion to begin the circle, using his feet and wind as a pair of 80 mph effortless rollerskates. The sudden burst of movement carries him out of the path of the netting, and Kholodny puts Stribog on strictly wind duty, so he can focus on attacking while the god directs his movement and direction. Kholodny swings his arm out and bolts the harpoon attached to his left arm at the beast, the point continuing in one direction while his body, and by extension, the harpoon's chain, around the massive ogre. This all took about 10 seconds to happen, mind you. It was a very quick and fluid process.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The dark sky above the Daemon webs exploded in a cacophonous roar of thunder and light. Out from the void came a fleet of ships miles above the sea of towering spires all interconnected by huge oversized spider threads. As the large capital Angar-Rylla ship settled into the later gravity, activity from the fleet began in full swing. Launch pads opened up as men entered drop-ships and organized into search teams. The display of naval force was only a mere 4 miles from where Kholodny was currently.

Within the large inner hanger Khazna watched as Ryllian soldiers prepped themselves for the mission ahead. A pair of OS2K “Hopper” Drop ships stood stand by with two regiments of men stood at the ready as they lined up. They had all been briefed on their objective, whatever they found they would bring back intact at all cost.

The bay doors opened and Khazna flexed the finger of one hand idly as the men boarded their respective drop-ships. Khazna turned to regard Fury before departing himself. "The anomaly- according to our readings- is only a few miles north of here. Perhaps a being sensitive to energy as you are might pin-point it as easily as I see it? Hmm?"

He gave a slight chuckle then quickly boarded on of the drop-ships. Khazna surely hoped this was not some wild goose chase the general had sent him on, but he had a good feeling about this. Then again he had felt the same way before that misshapen that caused him and his fleet to end up in that rainbow world. He shivered at the memory.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by bushidoxisamu2

bushidoxisamu2 Underdog Shido

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The gate of this world soon start to crack open. The doors opened more and ore as energy starts slipping out in a monsterous black haze. Finally, the doors swing wide open as a ball of black energy was shot out and dragged along against the ground. The gates slam shut as the black ball of energy soon fade away, only to appear a mysterious an to come out of it. The man staggering up as he begins cleaning himself off fro the sticky disgusting webs. His aura rediating to form a black robe over his body to form clothing on his human like flesh.

Looking around to get a good layout of the area. Webs, spider webs that looked to cover good amount of land to only assume they run this planet. He wraps a little bit of web on his finger to bring closely to his eyes. Liting it on fire with is devilish power. Figuring out it was easily flamable. A small chuckle escapes his lips as his aura soon thickens while his hands went up in a blakish blaze. "Lets see if I can call some unwanted attention..." He said as he starts throwing black underworldly fire in his general area. Causing the fire to spread out across this forest like plane. Clouds of smoke would rise uo to the air to signal all who can see in hopes of finding Alex....son of hades.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheBiddz


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The harpoon hurtles through the air towards the ogre. The ogre moves over to the side in a quick step, but Kholodny smiles, as his movement carries him on in his loop, he tugs hard on the chain, causing the harpoon to sail past the ogre and continue on in a circular motion, wrapping around the beast. "Oh yeah, now you're done." Kholodny breaks the chain on his arms, leaving the ogre bound, but not for long. Being wrapped up by Khold's harpoons is a death sentence, plain and simple. As soon as the chains make contact with the beast's skin, it begins freezing at an incredible speed. Like a wave of death, it spreads over the beast. The ice covers the beast head to toe in ice in less than five seconds, barely enough time for it to realize that the ice burns and start screaming. The ice goes over its head, freezing the last yell the monster would try and let out.

"Well, that was surprisingly pathetic." Kholodny remarks. He walks up to the beast and straight up slugs it, shattering it to the last molecule. "And that's that I guess." He grins, and then wrinkles his nose. "What the hell is that smell?"

He turns to his right to see thick billowing black flames. "Oh are you fucking serious? Who set the world on fire!?" This is fantastic. Well, let's head off to see whats going on-

*CrrrrRRRACKA BOOM* A few miles away from Kholodny, massive space ships appear out of what appears to be some sort of dimensional void. "Oh you're kidding me! I do NOT have the desire to put up with this right now." Kholodny sighs and looks around himself. "Okay, fire or space armada? Fire or space armada? Possibly some kind of fire spider devil spawn, or an army from space. God these choices suck. Ummmm." He shivers and zips up the jacket all the way to his chin. "I guess space army? I dont really want to deal with a fire spider so..." He grimaces and begins walking ever so slowly over in the direction they came from, making sure to stay behind everything he can, as to not be seen.

He thinks about it for a second. "Wait thats dumb! I don't want to deal with them either!" He immediately turns around and begins moving the other way. Fuck dealing with space soldiers.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Fury looked irritated with Khazna, though that was fairly standard for the Fireen. He had been handed some standard combat apparel somewhat similar to modern day soldiers. It left him far less protected then his Antireen mail, but that was out of action while the specialists worked it over.

“I’ll find it; I want to get this done.” He replied shortly, walking past the man and purposely showing off his power by stepping through an air-lock designed for ships and gesturing to the engineer to open up. He looked back for a second, just as he was thrown into the void of space.

Already feeling the drag of gravity pulling him, the Fireen surrounded himself in an energy shield and drove downwards, cutting through the atmosphere with no particular issue as he entered the petrified world of the Webs. It was certainly far less hospitable and far more alien than the Alternate Earth he had until recently been inhabiting, but the warrior wasn’t one to care much for aesthetics anyway.

He sped through the darkened sky with apparent ease, his highly sensitive energy sensing abilities leading him ever forward like a scent to a blood hound. Soon however, there was a subtle shifting, as if proximity had given him a greater understanding of the energy signature he was closing in on. He recognised it.


Fury saw red, or in his case blue, and burst forward at an extraordinary speed. He barely had time to register that he was in fact charging down a short man, but rather launched a powerful explosive crescent of energy directly towards him and then slammed down into the ground, landing at a run and preparing to close the gap and kill who he thought was his worst enemy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

On some backwoods planet Kanitah was on vacation, wrestling with creatures that are somewhere between the Rancor and a Wildebeest. What? He's an old war hero with superpowers, what do you expect him to do? Not sit around and age, that's for sure. Anyway, after spending this vacation on some planet he flagged down a ship and said to them: "Hey, drop me off at any planet nearby." A week or so later he arrived at the nearest planet. Well, that turned out to be the Daemon Web. It was the nearest habitable planet and Kanitah's escort was quick to drop him off there. The Pundambayan was suspect that his escort ship had been a drug smuggler's ship. Not that he would mind, drugs are less and more legal on different planets, so stopping him would likely have put him in the wrong. Now, once the ship got to Daemon Web and dropped off the overmasculine humanoid, three things were immediately evident.

To his north a few miles there was a massive ship, no normal ship, that was an Angar Ryllan ship. That didn't actually mean anything to him until his escort informed him of what the Angar Ryllans have been doing. Kanitah's face turned to a frown when he saw the ship, damn shame, this planet was about to be invaded by powerful beings.

To the southwest of the Angar Ryllans site and to Kanitah's immediate west, there was a huge collumn of smoke rising into the sky. About a quarter mile away from him. It was a thick billowing grey smoke, because the smoke that comes off of spider webs is a pale grey. Divining that information would seem well out of character, but when he looked all around the landscape there were spider webs. Assuming that spider webs would still be in the distance isn't too much of a jump in logic.

To his immediate south he spotted a thin man, rather girlish in appearance, wearing very heavy clothing and having a standoff with a gigantic fuckall beastie. Eugh. Kanitah was going to have none of that, that big bug looked like it was gonna leave slime all over his fists if he punched it. Anyway, it looked like that fight wasn't gonna last long. Skinny guy's got some cold powers and is circling around. Oh, yep, there he goes. That spider thing is dead a dirt.

Standing there in somewhat of a crossroads he had three choices of what to do. The first option was the hero's path, to follow his gut and head towards the Angar Ryllan's location. Before landing he had made sure to memorize where their ship was, just in case he decided that he was going to be wreckless and head off after them. Kanitah's second choice was to head towards the flames and see if anyone was hurt, probably save a few damsels in distress. The last option was to run over to the cold guy and see if he'd be any help with stopping the Angar Ryllans. Because at this point he's already decided to go with option number one.

Grizzled lips parting for just one moment he muttered the deep and sanctified word passed down through generations of the Ayna family. "Darligrov." The auburn waves washed across his body, wrapping around every striking zone they can. With the wave of energy coursing through his body he felt so alive, as youthful as he had when he had first cast the word upon himself all those years ago. The rings popped into position around him and shimmered their dim light on his body. "It's so good to have these on again." Taking a little bit more time to prepare himself he did a few natural stretches to loosen himself up, nobody wants to cramp up. In these stretches his back popped and he let out a very loud groan. A little bit of pain and a little bit of relief. "Oh man, I am out of shape."

Within a few minutes he was prepared, hopping around a few inches off the ground. "Three." He lowered himself to the ground. "Two." Kanitah's muscles tightened, ready to push off at any moment. "One." With blinding speed he burst off from his standing position, the webs practically exploding underneath his feet. The extra rings under his feet boosted his speed well into the hundreds of miles per hour. The rings boosting his already incredible speed to remarkable levels. It took him less than a minute to reach Kholodny, and by the time he got there, the big spider was dealt with. With one quick slide he slowed down and stopped to say. "Hi."

That would be the case, but the second Kanitah got there, he was met with the sight of Fury approaching quickly. Followed by an incredibly potent blast of energy."Watch out!" He screamed the order at Kholodny, commanding him to get the hell out of the way before he gets hurt.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Khazna only shrugged as Fury quickly took off. With a sigh he boarded one of the Drop ships. The two OS2K “Hopper” Drop ships soared through the cold air several hundred feet off the ground a few moments later, dark sky above the Daemon webs slowly brightening with the rising dawn. The ships were slower than Fury of course, which were left following a blazing but fading azure line in the Fireen's wake. When they reached a mile out from where Kholodny and now Fury were, Khazna quickly ordered for the ships to set down on a large towering spire of stone just wide enough at the top to allow one ship to land drop their living cargo and for the next to taxi in theirs.

The Cardinals drop ship touched down first, hovering a few feet off the spires top. There was no telling how much weight it could hold after all. Jumping down they landed and quickly took up defensive positions. Large spiders had already scurried away from the whining scream of the ships engines. Once the four squads had lined up, orders where given, with one of the drop ships reaming to provide air to ground support.

"Alright boys, let's go see what our good friend Sunshine has managed to sniff up, eh?"

Khazna had wisely opted to walk the remaining 200 yards simply to avoid losing any assets in the crossfire. After all he did not know if it was a dreamer they were dealing with here. He was assured Fury could handle him for a while in any case. He probably preferred it that way if anything. He left a squad on the high ground as he lead the rest of the 18 soldiers down a massive spider thread. One easily 20 feet wide in diameter and obscenely long; thankfully it was not adhesive. Once they reached the bottom of the web bridge to the top of another stone spire, this one 36 feet high he ordered his men to hold their position as he observed the scene unfolding before him.

Verifying the target was essential before he went charging into unknown danger. Sheltered behind a few rocks that almost acted kind of like a parapet or battlement that ringed around the west end of the spire. This gave him and his men prefect coverage of the area bellow while maintaining the element of surprise. The Drop ship had circled around to the east in a search pattern, which also served as an early warning of sorts should their activity gain the attention of any hostile beings of the daemon webs. Of which there was an uncomfortable many.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheBiddz


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Watch out!"

Well that was all Kholodny needed to hear. His feet fall out from under him, but he's already moving before he hits the ground. With a sheen of ice under his hands and legs, Stribog creates a gust of wind to his scion the FUCK out of the way. Kholodny doesn't know what the hell is going on, but if someone yells watch out, he ain't gonna question it one way or another. The gust pushes him a good 20 feet away before another sheet of ice forms and pushes him off the ground, back onto his feet. He looks over at the direction he just came from to see an energy blast hurtling at the position he was just in, a couple of seconds from impact, a man crash landing onto the ground, glaring at him with what is CLEAR murderous intent in his eyes, and an elderly looking man, presumably the one who just told him to get out of the way.

"Okay so I moved! Thanks old man!" Kholodny is freaking out just a little bit at the current situation. "Okay you and I are friends. He's the bad guy. We're going with that for right now. And I um. I'm actually going to get out of here. If you want to take care of him, I'd appreciate it. My name's Khold! Spelled with a KH!" Kholodny turns back and makes a plan to break for it. Does he feel bad about leaving some random guy to fight some dude with energy powers? Not at all. Did you see the kind of speed the other guy put out? That dude was HAULIN ass. Khold feels like he could take that flying guy better than he can, at least.

So, he turns back around, kicks on the ice powers, and begins skating away. He'd check out the spaceships, but he's pretty sure that to get to them, he'd have to go around the energy dude. And hmmmm, he's really not super keen on doing something like that. So, as it is, he's skates up the hill behind them (Fury, Kanitah, and himself) before he does feel a bit bad. He grimaces and stops. "Uuuuugh. I guess I should at least watch so if he needs help I can try and do SOMETHING. Stribog, watch my back." Aye, comrade. I always am. "Thanks buddy." Kholodny Zima stops at the top of the hill and turns back around, watching in case something goes wrong.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Fury’s breakneck run petered out at the same depressed rate as his towering anger. His foe had skidded neatly away from his energy blast, which carved a deep groove in the earth where he had been standing before dissipating. However, now that he had fled it became apparent to the Fireen warrior that Skallagrim was in fact not present, only some duo of randoms, one of which had obviously recently entered the Nexus Of Worlds.

He finally brought himself to a stop maybe twenty feet ahead of the older man, his chest heaving more from the effort of calming down than any real exertion. For the first time, he could see the world around him. Webs, everywhere, though they were of no concern to a being as physically powerful as himself. The real problem was the lack of life, the petrified stone beneath his feet provided no sustenance to the hungry being inside his very soul. It would be almost more effort than it was worth to remain here for any lengthy period of time.

That was not even to mention the fact that his entrance was likely to attract some ire from the individuals in front of him. A cursory examination actually revealed a surprising amount of energy in their insignificant forms, which would have been a cause for worry had Fury not decided long ago he was unstoppable. He stood there and rotated both shoulders, the army apparel covering his six foot three inch frame rubbing uncomfortably against his wounded right shoulder, though it had for practical purposes retained all its usefulness.

“I see now you’re not who I thought you were.” He said finally, after a relatively uncomfortable silence. His voice was surprisingly normal in essence for a man, though with a strange Slavic tilt to it, however beneath the voice was an echoing quality, that suggested more to the man then met the eye, provided the blue lines of energy etching across his face had not already revealed that much.

“I suggest you let it go.” He finished, looking straight at Kholodny and ignoring Kanitah entirely. Though it was perfectly possible that he was too busy running for his pathetic life to even listen, and was more than glad to accept his proposal by default.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Fortunately this skinny man was fast enough to survive the surprise attack, not only that, but he was already fleeing. Bidding a hasty introduction as he shot off into the distance. The veteran heaved a sigh of relief as he didn't witness the death of an innocent man before his eyes. Kanitah was not sure he could have taken that. Now, his attention turned to Fury speaking to himself it seemed. Khold was too far away for him to hear so Fury was just standing there, speaking to the air. Then the words passed his lips that sealed Kanitah's decision.

"I suggest you let it go."

Was what followed the assault, this man was some kind of crazy if he thought that Kanitah was just going to let him get away with what he nearly did to Khold. Such cruelty behind those words as Khold fled the scene. Tension seized the air between them for a moment as Kanitah stood there, observing him for a moment. Literally sparking with energy, Fury's body was some kind of conduit for energy. News like this did not bode well for Kanitah. While he was gifted with Darligrov, he had no idea what kind of power Fury had. With a flick of his wrist he was able to project a wide beam of energy that likely would have cleaved Khold in half. Projectile energy and a passive leaking of energy? This man made Kanitah uneasy.

But fuck that, he's Kanitah. The Hero of Pundambaya.

"As a man who fights for the Justice of those who cannot, I will not simply allow this to pass. Your crimes include assailing a man with his back turned, and attempted murder. Where I come from, these are crimes punishable with extreme severity and bias." Clearing his mind of all inhibitions and hesitation he stared down Fury."My name is Kanitah Noraha Ayna. I would appreciate you telling me the name of the man who I shall be beating to a pulp today." The metal backpack that clung to his body with a few secure straps felt awful close right about now, as though it beckoned him. This idea was shaken out of his head immediately, the engine was only in case of foes who he knew he could never defeat without it.

There was a feeling in the air, the residual chill in the air left behind after Khold had fallen to the ground and left behind a haunting quiet. It was a wild and untameable something, something that you only feel just before standing on a battlefield with a foe that you're uncertain you can defeat. And though Kanitah's nerves were steeled, he felt this air in his very bones, it was irresistible. And somewhat. . .Addictive.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

“Fuck you old man.” Fury snorted, turning his back on the elderly combatant who threatened to beat him into a bloody pulp. He would have to do a lot better than that to get Fury to fight him, when he had absolutely no reason to what-so-ever. Fury began to stride away, using his advanced abilities to find out if Khazna was anywhere nearby so he could tell him they had come all this way for practically nothing.

His eyes were drawn to a small quantity of residual energy hiding in the rocky outcropping some distance away. The Fireen was enough of a soldier to know what Khazna was likely doing, surveying the situation from the high ground, so he began to move through webbing towards him. He considered jumping into the air again, but flying was energy consuming and he had perfectly good legs, so he contented himself with walking over to Khazna.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by bushidoxisamu2

bushidoxisamu2 Underdog Shido

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

He looked to the skies above to see several smaller ships and one large one which only to assume ws the papa bear of them. He had a gut feeling something was going to go down for a fleet to come to a somewhat of a dead planet. The bellowing smoke soon got thicker as the fire spreads out from other webs that connects to each other.

He wonders what he shall do, but it was a short thiught since he has been stuck for some time crossing universal planes. He couldnt control where he landed it just "it" shot him down to this crazy world. His body soon look like bats that acted like puzzle pieces, soon after to scatter and go into one bat formation that look like they were woken up from their slumber in their cave. That bats would then fly out to the general direction to where the drop ships have landed and unloading their package. Only to get a birds eye view of soilders postioned at high grounds. Maybe an ambush or a search party? What ever they were, he was going to cause chaos till he can get some big attention, maybe even finding a way to get back to where he belongs.

The bats then swarm the air to ground support ship as they start to reform alex on top of it. Crossing his arms till he was fully complete as he would look at their soilders keeping their ground that had coverage for one end of the large stone spire. He booms out so that all soilders could hear his voice as he says out for all to hear. "You guys look bored just standing there....how anout we have some real fun?" He said as he cracked a smirked looking at them while eight shadow like appendages come out of hin back and swaying around behind him, ready to put up a fight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Fury had told him to fuck off. Alright, there would be no introductions. Kanitah nodded and reached into his pocket, pulling out two cords from them. Each cord was tipped with a small black bud. The old veteran slid these buds into his ears and pressed his pocket a bit, pressing a button on a small black box held within. They began to rumble with the sound of the deepest and heaviest bass imagineable. "See, usually I follow up introductions with this. But since you don't have the common courtesy of introductions, then I suppose I'll get right to it then."

Rings of energy shimmering around his body, Kanitah tensed up and exploded into a mad sprint. Webs exploded around his feet as he ran, quickly closing the gap between him and Fury. The fireen's decidedly slow walk was about to be a bad decision. Just before the gap closed, the pundambayan raised his hand and leapt towards Fury. With his back turned to Kanitah this was going right for the back of his big blue head.

With every single ounce of momentum and force behind this punch he was going to leave a mark on Fury, and teach him the meaning of respect. This was a pretty straight forward punch, the kind that you see in MMA. Kanitah's arm rocketed forwards at Fury, aiming directly at the back of his head with a sharp aerial haymaker. If that didn't get the message across that Kanitah wasn't the kind to turn your back to, then nothing will.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Never underestimate me

The older combatant was about to learn what the true purpose of Fury’s ‘slow’ walk really was, bait. Coupled with those energy sensing abilities, Fury had the upper hand this time.

With extensive training in a form of martial-arts that could only be considered hybrid, but essentially resembled a nasty mix of Judo, kick-boxing and Tae kwon do for brutal efficiency, the Fireen was oddly prepared to be struck at from behind. In the act of stepping forward on his left foot, he raised up onto his toes and raised his right-leg behind him, viciously bending at the knee and launching it backward past the flying fist, incidentally directly at his opponent’s own incoming face. Due to his leg having significantly longer reach than the fist thrown, it was unlikely the attack would ever have time to reach him, depending on if his foe was strong enough to maintain his blow after the unexpected kick to the face.

To keep him destabilised, Fury also followed up with a spinning kick that brought him to face his opponent, by jumping back down onto his dominant right and swinging his left towards the lower torso, there was no conceivable way in his mind for his opponent to remain pressuring him until he was settled into a better fighting stance, fists in guard and right leg back. Fury was relying somewhat on him no longer being airborne after the back-kick stopped dead his momentum (because one had to remember, Fury was more than strong enough to hold back the older gentlemen’s relatively insignificant weight.) However, ultimately it was just a move to put him into a favourable position, and he wasn’t too bothered if the second kick landed or not.

“You should have let it go.” He spat, his eyes burning with the fire of war.
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