Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

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Do note that the OOC is still very much so a work in progress. I'll keep updating it.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Enarr
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I am Nightrunner. And I approve of this message.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PinkFlower


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The whoe soulforging thing will make it hard to do a shaman.

They'll either need to be a wilderness child(gruul style.)

OR they'll need to be more selesnyaish.

Maybe she could be non wild based if she was simicish.

Sorry magic is the best reffrence i have for summoning stuff, and what kinds of things can be summoned.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Soulforging, is very much so magic. Except it's not fueled by mana.
For instance, a Shaman could use his or her spirit to 'sync' up to that of a natural spirit, an animal or a plant.

Like I said, I'm giving you very free reigns. Press the limits I write in the OP, and if I enjoy it and think it's a solid concept, I'll allow it.

Shoot for the stars, so to speak.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Original Post Edited.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShuffleCat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Looks great! Will start a character sheet soon.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marrow


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

very nice, be'll reading the whole intro post some other time but im certainly interested
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Iridious
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Iridious Holy Diver

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alright! Character is a-go!

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Javian Northstar II

Age: 21

Soulforging Specialty:
Javian is able to generate a force-field around himself, serving as a shield that protects him, or others from harm. The forcefield is said nigh-impenetrable. However, Javian cannot attack and keep the "bubble" up at the same time.

Javian's able to manipulate the ground below us, usually to errupt constructs of earth, such as make-shift walls or pillars. His mastery of geomancy is ironic, since his greatest skill is aerial fighting.

Javian posses basic regenerative abilities, as well as the ability to use his spirit to power his body increasing his physical prowess, as would all cadets and members of the Brigade. He's also able to use his spirit to propel himself high into the air, and come crashing down from these jumps with impressive power.

Martial Training:
Javian's received extensive martial training, even since he was a child. He's a skilled hand-to-hand combatant, a very skilled user of polearms and a natural born leader-figure.

Javian is a well versed blades man. Originally a spear man, he's picked up sword fighting over the years. He's skilled with most blades, ranging from rapiers to scimitars. His personal favorite is the kukri.

Strategic thinking:
Javian's a damn good tactician. He commands, and he conquers, taking his own and his team's abilities into account whenever he gets to planning. He thinks something through thoroughly before taking to action. Javian tries his hardest to keep his head cool, and his thinking objective when he's planning a tactic.

Javian's got the attitude of a knight. He shows authority and pondus to those around him, and it's shown in both his actions and words. He's a gentleman, and everyone knows it. Javian's able to calm down a situation before it gets worsened thanks to his charisma.

His spearblade is his most obvious weapon, meant to offer the reach of a spear, the power of an axe, and the edge of a sword. He carries his father's kukri with him on his hip. On his shoulder, there's his shoulderpad, used to belong to his father, it's made out of mostly bronze, allowing Javian to amplify his spirit through it.


Javian's father, Northstar Sr. Was a Dragon Slayer, pretty old, in his 60's when his son came into the world.. Sr. Was the only surviving member of the original Bronze Brigade, he had retired from the brigade a long time ago, but was still hailed as a honorary member of the brigade, and recognized as such by the people of Ashnator.

Javian was born with high-expectations, to become a great warrior like his father. Javian's mother, Bella, got very sick when Javian was very young, so he never got to know his mother. He lived in the shadow of his father his entire childhood, and his father echoed in his life. He enlisted into the Martial Academy at the age of 11, as would all who wanted to join the military. He showed great promise, not only as a warrior, but also as a leader.

Javian's father died when Javian was 16 years old, leaving the young boy, and people in the city, and in the brigade hurting. But Javian tried to move on with his life, inherenting his father's sword, and the piece of armor he had kept for over 50 years. Javian, was unlike his father, unable to manipulated wind, but instead able to manipulated the earth below him, allowing him to still perform powerful feats with his spear.

Javian had been a candidate for the Brigade for the last two years, but not seen to be emotionally ready, despite proving to be one of the most powerful young candidates the City Of Bronze have to offer. But this time, it will be his time to shine. Leaving his old position as one of the 12 Captains of the Militia for the brigade.


All characters do not have to have a military background to join the brigade. Javian's more of an exception than a rule.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zherdee


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Name: Maccio Rainhard
Age: 20
Soulforging Specialty:
Maccio is able to rapidly transport from place to place in very limited distance (around one meter), a thing that makes him, with his ability to enhance his agility, swiftness and acrobatic abilities in general to inhuman level, makes him a very mobile target.
Maccio is capable of creating limited illusions, like altering the look of cards or dices to play in his favor or making an illusion of fire for a distraction.
If there is anything like a professional rogue, Maccio would be one. Being a burglar, thief, gambler and juggler, he learned all tricks of the trade he needed to be successful in such shady professions. Be it lock picking, pick pocketing, stealth moving or art of cheating, he almost mastered them all. He is also more slippery then a flock of eels, being able to escape from almost every situation live can throw at him.
Apart from regular cadet stuff he received at start of his training, Maccio always carries a small leather pack with a few things left from his previous life. The burglar and lockpicking tools that were too expensive and useful to be left behind, a deck of cards and a pair of dices. He also carries a slim rapier, hidden in a cane like looking sheath, with a tip from bronze and a white tricorne hat.
Although most people would count Maccio as an orphan, he would never think about himself in that way. He was born in a local brothel to a whore (even if he is very, very unkind to anybody who uses the name in abusive way) and her client. As such, he never had problem with a lack of "parental" figures. Although being raised by a group of harlots, and some of their more kind clients, is not something most people would call the happiest childhood, Maccio considered himself lucky. The closest thing to a father Maccio ever had was mister Rainhard. He was one of the regular clients and he was particularly interested in Maccio´s well being. Despite the rumors, that he was a murderer and criminal of the worst sort, he had always been kind to a boy and even taught him every skill he would need to survive on streets, needless to say that Maccio was a natural talent. He even bought him an expensive hat, the kind of nobles used to wear, and a fine crafted rapier with a tip from a bronze!
But one day, his visits stopped. Maccio waited on him for a long time with mixed feelings. He felt scared, thinking Rainhard might have been hurt and in the same time he felt betrayed, thinking his patron might dumped him. A few days had passed until he found it was the later. Rainhard´s corpse was hanging in the middle of square. Poor bastard have been executed for almost endless list of crimes, ranging from a thievery to coldblooded murder.
It almost broke young Maccio. He became wild and reckless, trying to get some revenge on a system that had his mentor executed. Marccio was accepting jobs, that even his former teacher would forbid. Initially, he was successful. He was able to steal great riches from wealthy men and it had made him name on the street. He gained prestige and infamy and that is never a good thing in his profession.
The cage clapped sooner than Marccio could enjoy his fresh riches. He took a job that should be easy and because of a sheer arrogance and lack of a proper preparation, he ended up trapped with almost dozen of guards, surrounded with no way to escape. But it still didn´t stop him from trying. He took down almost a good half of them and badly scraped the others, a feat so impressive that in the end, he was given a choice. Either he will hang in the air next to his mentor or he will serve in army...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Let's get this show back on the road!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PinkFlower


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PinkFlower


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got skunked while jogging so may be a bit till charactr is up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

PinkFlower said
got skunked while jogging so may be a bit till charactr is up.

That is.... Well.. I'm gonna have to be honest.

That's amazing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PinkFlower


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Hillan said
That is.... Well.. I'm gonna have to be honest.That's amazing.

Amazingly stupid on my part?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Not even that.

Just straight up amazing.

Just imagine calling in to work and going "So.. Hey.. I can't come to work on time today.."


"I.. Uh... I got kinda skunked.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PinkFlower


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Well i don't have a job so that's good.

Also bro...... they wouldn't want you coming to work after being skunked. God stuff smells so fucking bad.

Also it gets kinda ironic when you realize I was running so I could get more attractive for a date tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

I mean.
If you started running now, you're kinda too late anyway. If you'd want to look more fit for a date, thing you should do is work-out just a little bit just before you go to the date, so your muscles are pumped. (Not enough to warm you up, though.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PinkFlower


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I've been trying to lose weight all wea... and females aernt supposed to have pumped muscles i think.

Less or more debatable in ma scenario.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

OOHHHHH. You're a girl. <.< I just assume everyone on the interwebs is a guy. Well then! Best of luck :P

Seriously, though. How common is getting skunked?
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