Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Right, wouldn't be nearly as fun that way
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

Member Seen 11 mos ago

I'm done, I think

Name: Jean-Baptiste Bertrand

Gender: Male

Age: 34

Appearance: A gaunt, pale-skinned, clean shaven man with cold blue eyes and blonde hair cropped short in a military manner. Can always be seen dressed in plain green fatigues, brown boots and a green beret, all of them lacking any kind of insignia, thinking the getup gives him a more authoritative, military air. Usually wears shades to hide the perpetual dark circles around his eyes, which are also sometimes bloodshot or have clearly dilated pupils.

Minor History: Jean-Baptiste Bertrand has lived a life of violence, a regular bar brawler and occasional back-alley shanker prior to enlisting in some military or other before the conflict with the aliens began. Insubordinate and cowardly, he only survived the extermination of his squad by commandeering an armored vehicle and escaping the field of battle. Though he would've been court-martialed for desertion, a combination of the chaos raised by the war with the invaders and a few key people mysteriously dissapearing ensured that the matter felt through the cracks and eventually dissapeared. Taking his "experience in battling the alien menace" and blowing it out of proportion, he parlayed himself into a series of mercenary gigs before landing a job as an End Armor test pilot with the Creed Corporation, where his natural disposition towards violence and a certain level of being pandered to because of his "background" ensured he attained something of a status as a skilled pilot.

Personality: Bertrand is not a likeable man. Arrogant, lazy and self-centered, he understands that violence is the one thing he excels at and oversells his (admittedly respectable) skills in combat to try and further his own greed and ambitions of living large. He is also paranoid and, should one prod for a while longer, at least somewhat approaching psychopathy, though he takes good care to try and hide these traits with an exterior of some intelligence and cunning. While not squeamish, as again battle is the only way he has of feeding his ego, Bertrand is at heart something of a coward who dislikes finding himself in the heat of battle, especially when the odds aren't stacked in his favor.

Skills: Though his skills are not as sharp as they could be, Jean-Baptiste remains a dangerous brawler and an adept marksman and gunner.

Name: Orlando Furioso

Energy Gun: Orlando's left arm, from the elbow down, can transform into a high intensity laser cannon; essentially a scaled up, high power laser cutter which acts like an energy replacement for standard repeating weapons. The weapon projects a continuous, high output energy beam which is able to "cut" through high density materials by cleanly burning through them, the closer to the emitter the stronger the beam. Though it could theoretically fire a beam that's invisible to the naked eye it fires a very visible red laser because Jean-Baptiste enjoys the display.

Another Gun: Rather than carry around a melee weapon; the Orlando Furioso mounts a plasmacaster, a type of weapon which fires incandescent bolts of plasma suspended within a magnetic field, hidden within its right forearm. Orlando's plasmacaster fires bolts which detonate on impact, sacrificing piercing capability for area of effect damage and knockback and making it so that the weapon is best used in mid to long range combat. The bolts can also be prematurely detonated if hit with Furioso's laser cannon.

Specialty: Highly armored weapons platform, built to withstand massive amounts of damage and dish it right back in an accurate, effective manner.

Mech Ability: A high yield back mounted railgun, almost as long as the Orlando is tall, usually stored folded in the back and deployed over the right shoulder for use. A truly devastating weapon capable of piercing through any defense it's been tested against, it uses electromagnetism to fire solid rounds of high density metal at spectacular speeds, high enough to eliminate the need for an explosive charge as the impact has an equal or greater effect as an explosive-filled shell of greater mass. This means that ammunition for the railgun is safer, smaller, lighter and less expensive than traditional projectiles. The railgun is not without its drawbacks, however, chief amongst them being the tremendous level of recoil when firing: only a heavyweight, especially designed unit such as the Furioso can even think about firing it, and then it can only safely do so by holding it with both hands after dropping to a crouch, anchoring to the unit to the ground and engaging special shock dampeners. The weapon also builds up a tremendous amount of heat, requiring a 4 post cooldown period before a new shot can be fired.

Drawbacks/Weakness: The Orlando Furioso suffers from poor speed and maneuverability and lacks any kind of melee weapon, which makes it unsuitable for close range confrontations or engagements that require speed and precision.

Appearance: A top of the line test machine built to suit Bertrand's demands in both form and function, it is a large, heavily armored unit with a smooth, rounded frame rather than a more typical blocky, boxy design, its weapons integrated and hidden within the body (railgun notwithstanding) to further its clean aesthetic. The unit is colored in faded silver with aquamarine power lines and sensors.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 1 day ago

Cool job Zero! Accepted, and man will Bertrand be a problematic guy for Creed? Who knows, nor does it matter because it is accepted. Well done Zero.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Woah, I did not expect to get an extra two pages overnight. Epic!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Titan
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Titan A Wickedly Greedy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name:Katrina Gilvin
Gender: Female
Age: 24

Minor History: Katrina was raised by two soldiers who taught her how to fire a gun and protect herself. They taught her with a customized fn P90 (Basic model look ) it had an hybrid scope for short and long range shooting. It had a nuzzle brake for better bullet penetration, and was crafted to have a secret compartment her parents used to keep a family photo.
When she was 10 she was abducted by a man who tried to force himself on her, but she managed to get his knife when he wasn't looking and stab the man in the heart. Ever sense that day she has hardened and distanced herself from society to protect herself. When she was 15 her parents went missing from unknown circumstances, and were pronounced dead. So she inherited the sub-machine gun that she used to learn to shoot with. That is why she keeps it with her at all times, and likes to open the compartment and look at the old photo within. She hasn’t fired the gun ever sense she had gotten it because she doesn’t want to scratch the gun at all. She can also be seen regularly cleaning it, because it is the last thing she has of her parents and wants to keep it in perfect shape. When she was given a chance to fight the Alien Invasion she jumped on it. Because she had hoped and still hopes that she might find her parents one day among the alien race as prisoners.

Personality: Katrina is cold and calculating, and is non sociable. If she talks it is mainly to accept a mission or to rip someone's head off. She will use her gun as a threat even though she will actually never use it unless its an emergency.

Skills: Katrina is great with a firearm mainly sub-machine guns, and pistols. She can hit her target pretty good but that doesn't mean she is a perfect shot.

Name: Daisy (Innocent name for a mechanical mech of war X3)
Energy Gun: Daisy wields a mech form of sub-machine gun that is modeled after Katrina's gun, and a laser targeting system. The bullets are armor piercing rounds which is standard equipment.
Energy Blade: The energy blade is like a dagger made for quick self defense than anything. Though to get the blade she needs to let go of her gun with one arm.
Specialtie(s): Adaptable Firearm

Mech Ability: Three special types of ammo Explosive (they cause explosions on impact but nothing to big) rounds, Cryo (freezes the area of impact) rounds, and Corrosive (decays the impact area a bit) rounds; but they are only for a clip each.
Drawbacks/Weakness: She has to manually change the ammo between types which takes a minute, and drawing the dagger is a very slow process in itself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 1 day ago

accepted so I'll work on the IC tomorrow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Name: Saren
Gender: Male
Age: 24

Minor History: Before the invasion Saren traveled the world with his parents since he was four. His parents helped people all over that needed it, and also studied the different cultures. Saren’s passion lied in the different traditional fighting styles of the people they visited. How they all seemed to almost flow together, but were also so different. When the aliens came Saren was also awestruck by them as well, but that was short lived. As it turned to a rage as they used their might to kill thousands of innocents. Along with his own parents, who had been one of the foolish few that attempted to communicate with the invaders. Only to turn into a red smear as the aliens crushed them to death. He used the knowledge he’d gathered from the people around the world, honing his body to be their tool of revenge. He was approached by the military, and asked to join project Robotika by Creed himself. Seeing no reason not to say yes, he accepted with a grin.

Personality: Saren is a serious guy, and prefers to be left alone most of the time. Though he does care about his allies wishing to protect them. Though their is a cynical side to him that loves to see his enemies suffering.

Skills: combat specialist

Name: Thanatos
Energy Gun: Wrist pistol
Energy Blade: energy Sword
Specialtie(s): Close to mid range attacker

Mech Ability: Thanatos drives the sword through the opponent sapping the energy from the mech funneling it into the sword. Which takes three posts time to do, after the sword is fully charged. It is then discharged into a beam of energy that cleaves through an enemy.

Drawbacks/Weakness: Thanatos can be held off by a long ranged attacker. The sword is completely depleted of energy after the beam, and Thanatos must rely on his wrist pistol to fight back for three posts before the sword is operational again.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Cool mech!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 1 day ago

Thanks ^_^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by emperorbob


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Bob "Big Bob" Haymer
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Hair is orange. Grey eyes hidden behind cheap sunglasses. Carries a tiny spider bot of his own creation on his shoulder to help him analyze data. Always in shorts. Physically large, 200cm.

Minor History: Beginning life in a state of poverty, Bob was one of the few men on the planet who actively *welcomed* the war as a means to advance both himself and his species. A bit of a genius, albeit a mad one, he used these skills to lie, cheat, and steal for the sake of money and glory. A savage hunger deep inside his soul compelled him to never be happy in life, to always reach higher and become richer .Starting small by selling poor survivors supplies at inflated prices, he worked his way up by jumping from battlefield to battlefield. No target was too poor to fleece, no family hungry enough to temper his greed. Not long after meeting and befriending Jean-Baptiste Bertrand, Bob learned of a far more lucrative trade: giant robots. Using his natural tenacity, genius, and overall ability to thrive in any situation Bob became a pilot at the Creed Corporation corporation with the single goal of stealing their tech and using it to become filthy rich. Besides, he could always destroy a little extra to ensure some quick profit...

Personality: An entrepreneur at his core,Bob is the perfect picture of your average goofball and can be a bit of a ditz. Friendly, somewhat dim, and a little cowardly he treats all pilots as a group of friends and is willing to listen to their problems and feelings. This, however, is a grand and near flawless act on his part...as only Jean-Baptiste Bertrand truly understands the real Bob.
A schemer and money grubber, Bob is loyal to money first and his planet second. His largest worry in this war is that there would be nothing left to purchase in the off chance that the aliens win. While capable of brilliant tactics and rapid data analysis, Bob is a sociopath and will rarely help others unless it profits him in some way. "Respects" qualities such as greed, pride, and hatred as those are the easiest to manipulate and market. The levels of protection on Creed mechs anger him to no end, as he is currently unable to crack their secrets.
Skills: Probably the highest raw intelligence among the group, Bob is a master of mental manipulation and adapts to any situation quickly.

Name: The Moral judgment
Scoop Claws(one on each arm)
Rather than having a melee weapon, the robots arms are refitted in the image of construction equipment. Giant and durable, they are used to crush and tear the enemy to total pieces with no mercy and to inflict as much pain as possible. They are incredibly sturdy and can take high levels of punishment.
Barrier System
Unique to the Moral judgment, the unit can project barriers over its body for increased defensive and offensive purposes. The most popular use is to protect joints in the scoop claws or to project a barrier around them and the body to crush enemies like a trash compactor, but it is also able to function as a barrier based on Bob's calculations and needs.
Specialty: Dominance against multiple enemies at once in close quarters combat, able to fight large groups and support retreating squad mates. Can take large amounts of damage and fight larger enemies 1 v 1 as needed.
Mech Ability: A high output thruster much more powerful than most of its peers allows the unit to fly at amazing speeds in a *single* direction. By projecting the barrier around the mech it becomes a giant wrecking ball of death and destruction. Used mostly to take out large groups of enemies, or a really large one, the unit itself is unable to move or attack when on its set course. Something of a last resort, due to Bob's motion sickness, its not uncommon for the mech to overshoot its target and take a fair amount of time to return to combat. The only way to change direction once boosted is via assistance from The Orlando Furioso, who is able to "pinball" the mech using the shock waves from its plasmacaster.
Drawbacks/Weakness: Moral Justice has little to no ranged options other than its mega boost and when not using it is the slowest of all mechs. Speedy hit and run tactics and accidentally launching itself out of the fray are all weaknesses. While able to defend against snipers, has little countermeasure against them. Causes a lot of damage to its surroundings.
Appearance: An ugly, rather squad brutish machine that towers over other mechs. Parts are mostly orange, black, and yellow befitting its construction motif, but the unit gains a pinkish glow when using its barriers. Very bulky, its design sense is very poor and it is obviously made from older parts. Has a very menacing grin on its "face."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 1 day ago

accepted, and sorry about the mix up in my head.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by emperorbob


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Great, good that we came to an understanding.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 1 day ago

I should no longer be allowed to talk >.<
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Umber


Member Offline since relaunch

Room for one more? ^_^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 1 day ago

yeah sure make your character sheet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by IVIasterJay


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sorry, but I'm going to have to opt out of this RP on account of a few dead RPs suddenly coming back to life. I am glad it happened now rather than after I got into the IC though.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Owlriel
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Owlriel Meh

Member Seen 1 day ago

Awwww but now who will creed kick in the head? TT^TT
But, yeah okay sorry to see you go. Though I perfectly understand.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

I'm so ssorry, I have super busy and I will try to get a post up soon
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