Hello any and all who read this I am Rumiko Goddess of Chaos an Benevolent Dictator.
While the powers that be try futilely to restore my former Empire to it's glory I thought I'd have a little fun or what passes for fun in confusion.
"I know, I know get to the point already"
This is an Idea I've toyed with for a bit and decided to give a try. As there is no subscription button 1x1 PMs seems an easy way of keeping track of posts by the players (ie. You an Me)
Open to male or female characters
Your character should be collage aged and a bit of an outcast because it'll make this run a bit easier. (No cool Outcasts please)
Our story begins with your character somehow being chosen to attend on a scholarship a prestigious collage he or she applied for because your parents or guidance councilor urged you to give a try
Your scholarship pays for books and on campus housing but not food or other necessities.
It is while walking the streets looking for a job that you notice a shiny something amid a collection of debris near a gutter drain. Curiosity getting the better you reach in an pull out a beautiful ring that is made of three dragons trying to eat what looks like a huge ruby as they twist their bodies around one another. One dragon is made of gold an though the other two appear to be silver they don't quite look as if they could be the same metal (1silver/1platinum)
Maybe the ring is your style maybe it isn't but it looks like it would fit your finger so you try it on out of curiosity then can't get the dam thing to come off.
[B][I] "Well now that was a wonderful Bath." Says a sliver haired nude girl stretching there at the street side.
She turns to look at you an notices the ring on your finger
"Darling!" She squeals as she launches herself at you an catches you in a steel like embrace.
"Eek!, Perverts, Somebody call the police" you hear people exclaim