Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcGamer


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Agreed. Im excited to interact with all of you. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

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Is it full?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Rare said
Is it full?

Balls. I hope not; I was itching for a little Lovecraftian-esque romp.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Is the role of the sheriff already taken by someone? (the description on the roster seemed a little vague to me...) If it's not, I would like to take that role =). As long as you guys are still open to applicants of course.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wayne


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I just had my 18th birthday today. What are you all up to?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcGamer


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Wayne said
I just had my 18th birthday today. What are you all up to?

Happy birthday! I'm playing Mass Effect. >.<
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jannah
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sorry I haven't finished my CS yet. I've been pretty busy most of the day, but if I get some time tomorrow after working on my essay I'll get to it. Keep in mind that the essay comes first though so there's no guarantee.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShuffleCat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm looking at bridesmaid dresses, while my boyfriend is mashing up a smoke alarm in the living room. I think he finally snapped.

Happy 18th! Not sure where you are but if you're a fellow aussie, enjoy your new drinking privilieges :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jannah
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ShuffleCat said
I'm looking at bridesmaid dresses, while my boyfriend is mashing up a smoke alarm in the living room. I think he finally snapped. Happy 18th! Not sure where you are but if you're a fellow aussie, enjoy your new drinking privilieges :P

Wayne's in Canada and where he is he's legal ;P.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShuffleCat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lucky boyo :P I don't drink much so it's wasted on me; if it's not super sweet or some kind of cider I won't enjoy it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcGamer


Member Offline since relaunch

ShuffleCat said
Lucky boyo :P I don't drink much so it's wasted on me; if it's not super sweet or some kind of cider I won't enjoy it.

hahaha, im the exact opposite. I have to drink hard wheatey beers or really well aged scotch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShuffleCat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I find the taste way too strong. Love cruisers though, wish we had some now. Hopefully we get pizza for dinner :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcGamer


Member Offline since relaunch

It's definitely an acquired taste. Pizza sounds soooo good. :( What's your favorite kind?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShuffleCat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm pretty boring, my favourite is Hawaiian with as much pineapple as possible :P Not sure now though, I hope we do get it. I can't be assed cooking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

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Happy Birthday Wayne!

Hey guys, I won't be able to get online for the next few days until about midnight my time. I'll be working on my CS during that time...as for accepting CS, Tori and I go over those together, and because of the TZ difference, welll...that's 3 am *her* time. So, what I'm saying is, it might be slower accepting CS until I can start getting online at my usual times.

To the new applicants, I regret to inform you that as of right now, all slots are closed. The Sheriff slot is a possible taken, it depends on if the person who was interested in the RP decides to rejoin the guild to play it or not. For now, presume she is but keep checking back here, that could change.

Speaking of, I'll go ahead and wait list (in order of request)--and MissCapnCrunch or myself will PM any wait-listers if someone drops or a slot opens up! We're hoping for this to be a long term RP, so we'll see what happens :)

Sorry for the delay in CS accepting for those of you that actually got them posted--but MissCapnCrunch and I worked on the RP together ever step of the way, and I want her to see the CS too before I just go accepting them. Thanks for your patience :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

ALRIGH! Got my first CS up for Elendria; will get the mayor's up tonight if I can finish it in the next half hour :)

Name: Elendria Michelle Price
Age: 27
Physical Description:
Role: Visitor in town
-Hard working
-loves nature and animals, cares for the environment
-Very determined; when she makes up her mind about something, she does it
-Very thorough, thinks things through

-Very low self esteem, hating herself
-isolates herself, won’t let people close
-Into some very dark occult stuff
-Something of a trouble-maker, known for getting into fights throughout her teen years
-Pessimistic in nature


Elendria grew up in the town of San Francisco--with her parents, Darren and Heather Price. She had a decent childhood with them, both of them truly loved Elendria. However, Elendria was a troubled girl; her teen years were fraught with trouble, she’d get into fights, fiddle with the occult in her later teen years, and had no friends at school. She quickly began slipping into depression, isolation, and her social life was virtually nonexistent. She began to develop a sense of self-loathing, as well as anger towards other people for not accepting her, and not wanting to even try to develop a friendship with her. The fact that she was so shut down and introverted was probably the primary reason for this, but she never really saw it that way.

Despite all this, she managed to do well in school, and at the insistence of her parents, she enrolled in College. Life in college was little different for her from life in school; she socialized with nobody, keeping to herself. Still, she did well there, dedicating herself to both occult practices and school. In fact, when she wasn’t doing homework she was reading various books on witchcraft, black magic, and other darker paranormal topics. The self despondence in her younger childhood and teen years grew to a deep seeded hatred of herself. Her looks (even though by most standards, she would be considered very pretty), her life, her parents, the people around her....all were targets of her anger, a byproduct of how much she dislikes herself. In College, at least, she had a few guys show interest in her, but by this point she was so shut down that there wasn't any turning back. She never payed these men any attention, even though more than one of the could probably have done much to improve her outlook on life.

Because she was such a loner, Elendria ended up getting into Photography--a job where she could work in relative isolation and not have to rely on a team. She wouldn’t have to interact with too many people, if she chose to photograph landscape and wildlife...and she was a great lover of the outdoors and nature. Loving nature more than people, a photographer was a good career choice for her--and despite her withdrawn nature, her parents were very proud of her when she graduated at the age of 22. With her Bachelor's degree, she worked freelance, selling her pictures to various postcard companies and newspapers.

She’s now 27 years old. Traveling is part of her job, and she tends to go off the beaten path, taking little dirt roads just to see where they lead and what photographic opportunities they may provide. This is how she discovered the little coastal town of Ashenport; at the start of the RP, Elendria will be headed for the nearest hotel.Despite 5 years passing from her graduation, she is still just as isolated and withdrawn as she was in childhood; she doesn’t ever let anyone too close. She is too fearful to let people get to know her, because they tend to dislike her anyway, at least in her mind.

Relationships: **No known relations, as she is a visitor to Ashenport**

Nightmare: Elendria’s Nightmare is a twisted, grisly sight. A large, rotting torso, topped with 3 heads. The first is of a man, eyes gouged out, tongue removes, lips split open and razor sharp teeth. The second head is that of a woman, forehead caved in, eyes wide, bloodshot, and bulging, lips pale and blue. The third head is that of a 16 year old child, face shrouded in shadow and features unable to be seen. The nightmare is tall, well over 6 feet, with two very muscular arms and carrying a giant oversized sword that it literally drags across the ground. it’s legs are very muscular as well, and the thing moves surprisingly fast when it wants to. It whispers one word to Elendria as it gazes upon her: “Worthless.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alright, thanks for the reply LoneSilverWolf =). Shame that it's full right now. No guarantees, but I'll try to check back sometime later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by General Scales
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General Scales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Finished up the CS. Be forewarned I'm hardly awake right now so it might be a bit out of touch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lilacs


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hello people~ Greeting, and all that. I'm rather bored, does anyone have an interesting anecdote they would like to share?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShuffleCat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I was called a "hellbound cunt muncher" by a missionary today. I'm not even dating a woman!
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