Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HazmatMedic


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All nations go here:

Nation Name:
Region/color on map:
Capital Population:
Other Major Settlements:
Population: (max 10,000,000)
Racial demographics:

Social dynamics: (What is respectable, how do people re-act to certain things, etc)
Calendar: (Any major celebrations or important dates?)

Type of Government:
Influence and relations: (Any alliances or military pacts?)
Important People:

Trading and tax:
Major industries:
Major Associations:

Military -
(Details of amounts and types of soldiers. Any war vessels, siege machines or other military constructs go here as well)

Notable places: (Optional)

Summary: (Optional)
History: (Optional)
Classification: (Animal? NPC? Or Sentient?)
Shared traits:
Natural abilities:

Relations with other races:
History: (Optional)
Religious beliefs:
Preferred occupations:
Famous people:
Temporary changes: (Anything gained by trade, hired Mercenries and the like)
Edit Log: Be sure to say what has been edited and what has been added/changed. It's not necessary to say something like "fixed spelling errors" or the like
Current Status: (Pending acceptance? Accepted? Peace? War? State of emergency?)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HazmatMedic


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Name: Elkheim


Region/color on map: Zarmid/ Khaki-brown on the western island

Capital: Arakion

Capital Population: 140,000

Other Major Settlements:
A small village to the northwest, this settlement not only supplies Elkheim with most of its much needed gemstone, it is also home to the Brotherhood Headquarters

In the east lies Drakar, a city renowned for its high Society presence, mainly due to it being the site of the Society Headquaters

Fort Greenhammer
The largest military fort in Elkheim. If this falls, the nation is doomed

Home of the Enclave, this city is one of alcohol and gambling. Despite the sinister atmosphere, Tapira continues to be a popular tourist destination.

Population: 3,500,000

Racial demographics: 70% Naida 20% Human 10% Other
Social dynamics: Almost everyone is considered an equal. Women and men are just as powerful and foreigners are treated with respect. Farmers and labourers are treated very well amongst their peers, but Society researchers and Brotherhood soldiers are given the ultimate respect

Fashion: Peasants wear sleeveless tunics and trousers, regardless of sex. They are typically made of cloth, but richer peasants can afford silk and linen. Summer dresses and skirts are becoming popular amonsgt young females.
The rich wear suprisingly similiar clothes, but these are usually amplified by furs, gems and linings. Travelling hoods are still popular amongst the rich.

Calendar: There are three important dates in the Elkheim calendar. The Sostice, or the longest day of the year, Equinox, the shortest day and Founders Day. All three are celebrated with feasting, dancing, music and wine. Typically, these are the days tourism peaks as well.

Art: There is a large musical culture in Elkheim, namely flutes and music boxes. The recent creation of a basic piano by the Society has astounded and amazed the public. Unfortunately, their creation is yet to be sold to other countries, but is enjoyed in taverns and inns around the nation. The Society announced they will try to improve the simple device (which so far only has the keys, so no fancy effects are possible) but this could take years, and this is a low-priority task.

Law: Other than the basic "theft and murder" laws, the law is quite laid back. Minor crimes like petty thefy usually result in taxes and compensation payments. Moderate crimes like assault, loansharking and larceny result in a stretch in the dungeons. Major crimes like murder and rape will result in the death penalty.

Education: Education is good, with 98% of the population being literate and understanding basic mathematics. However, most children learn from their parents about their trades, and usually follow in their footsteps
Type of Government: Benevolent Despotism

Influence and relations: Elkheim has requested to have an embassy in every major country.

Important People:
High Lord Andohar
Lady Faelen
Lord Tailin
Lady Pinkara
Paladin-General Karus
Brother-Captain Tarkin
Arch-Councilor Ferid Redissimos
"The Shadow"
Trading and tax: Elkheim trades heavily in culinary and gemstones. The food buisness is booming due to low prices and negligable tax rates, simply becase the country has such a huge excess. Gems are a little more valuable, but are still sold relatively cheaply and with low tax. Because of this, the country has never really been poor, and many peasants enjoy a comfortable standard of living.

Major industries: Sugar, wheat, salt, meat, wine, cider, forest fruits, apples, grapes, oak, willow, semi-precious gems (Amethyst, topaz, aquamarine etc)

Major Associations:
The Brotherhood - Anyone seeking adventure, kinship and fame should join the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood is a group of warriors dedicated to the continual defence of Elkheim. They regularly take jobs that are outside the Guards jurisdiction. They will always abide by the law, however.

The Paladin Order - A group of white knights dedicated to the elimination of evil practices (Cannabilism, gravedigging, necrophilia and the like). They are notoriously harsh on the "Reviled" and are merciless in their punishments. They are generally mistrusted, as there presence only ever seems to stir up criminal activity

The Society - A group of scholars dedicated to advancing all forms of peaceful science. They are widely respected and well-known, even outside of Elkheim.Their focuses are medicine, mechanics and physics.

The Enclave - A gathering of the more suspicious members of Elkheim. They consist of scholars of weapons and human anatomy, the thugs that guard them and their work and the mentally insane but highly dangerous "Damned", the results of eating a maddening Taint plant. They live far away from civilisation and are treated with even more fear and mistrust than the Paladins.

Currency: Elkheim Keter
Military - 30,000 Brotherhood Warriors: Light armour cuirass, pauldrons, gauntlets and boots. Variety of swords, hammers, axes, shield etc.
10,000 Brotherhood Archers: Just like Warriors, but they carry shortswords and crossbows rather than longswords and shields.

20,000 Paladin Knights - Heavy plate armours, full body. Tend to use warhammers and mauls.
5,000 Paladin Gunmen: These Paladins carry no melee weapons, but instead utilize single-shot arquebuses. Great killing and armour piercing powers make up for a painfully slow reload time

20,000 Enclave - Heavy full-body half-plate armours, red hoods and masks. Use claymores, zweihanders and bardische axes.
10,000 Enclave Damned: Demented, gibbering madmen, these ferocious creatures can barely be considered sentient. Lightning fast speed and sharp claws make up for their lack of armour and disorganised manner.

30,000 Royal Guards - half-plate hauberks and pauldrons, gauntlets, boots and helmets. Halberds as primary, shortswords and bucklers as secondaries. Reinforced cloth to guard weak spots
15,000 Royal Archers: Archers carry lighter armour than their melee counterparts, and only use shortswords and bows, but they are well trained and dangerously accurate
Landscape: Very grassy and foresty. Pleasant and warm. There are mountains in the north, but they are not very tall. Winter brings a powdery, dusty kind of snow, much unlike that of the more northern nations.

Wildlife: Mainly small, herbivorous animals like rabbits and beavers. Biggest animal is the red deer. Capybaras are a common sight

Notable places: The Red Valley - A beautiful and bewildering valley with naturally occuring red stones. The stones are no more valuable than a regular rock, but it gives the valley a unique and stunning look

History: Pending

Strengths: Calm and peaceful, high culinary exports to poorer nations, fairly rich, huge diversity amonsgt villages, happy civillian population, almost non-existant crime rate

Weaknesses: Low population, low production, no major cultural influences, somewhat divided population, few defendable spots, no natural defenses
Name: Naida

Classification: Sentient

Appearance: Similiar to humans, but with pale, almost white, skin, are a bit taller and a bit thinner.

Shared traits: Tend to be content, peaceful, intelligent

Natural abilities: Heatproof - Naida resist both the hot and cold better than humans

Lifespan: 90 years average

Relations with other races : Tend to get along well with Orcs and Elves

Lanuages : N/A

Religious beliefs : N/A

Preferred occupations: Chefs, farmers, labourers, scholars

Famous people: N/A

Strengths: Intelligent, fairly long-lived

Weaknesses: Low populations, rarely ambitious, do not like foreign territory
Temporary Changes: Continuous stream of Iron, Un-numbered Mercenaries, Exporting Grain
Edit Log: None
Current Status: Peacetime
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Innovative Engimas

Innovative Engimas

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Nation Name: Borvan Empire

Flag:Region/color on map: Grey/Black , Dragnvandal

Capital: Karvak

Capital Population: 65,000

Other Major Settlements:
Fort Titan: Bored into the feet of two mountains its guards the pass to Karvak using both mountain and men to defend. It is said to be near impregnable.

War Academy Occulus: It is were the hierarchy go to study war. Open to outsiders but it tuition is drastically overpriced.Cadalus: The town in which iron that is mined is procesed

Hokum: Trading Hub of the Borvan Empire

Population: 8,000,000

Racial demographics: 100% Human

Social dynamics: Borvans for the lack of any other word are racist,snobs and degrading people. Any other race would be turned away, even in business matters they prefer to get them in and out because of the disdain. Accident are prone to happen to the more mythical races of the realm. With several such incidents including a purging that lead to a nation wide man hunt on the Elven race. Human's they're are welcomed as long as they don't provoke matters of state. More of a military state its mandatory to serve in the Imperial army, a minimum of five years for each male, two for females. There is no clashing of the sexes in Borvan but it is a matter of who is better for the job. Man or woman it matters little as long as the job gets done. Matters of religion are trivial because there is no nation but if its interfered with the cogs of the empire. It is rumored that the Emperor and his family follow or lead a death cult, facts on this are unproven though.

Fashion: Fashion is much like it is anywhere else. Serfs and the peasantry tend to wear woolen clothes because of its colder climate. The hierarchy tend to wear thick felt or velvet clothing with insignia's indicating their rank and position in society.

Calendar: There is only one notable day of interest which is the Princes Peace. It was the last day of a civil war that three Borvan bastard princes fought each other for the throne. Coming to the last of a 3 year bloodshed which the country ran red, celebrating an end of a vicious bloodshed

Art: Architecture is it primary vice in art considering the more drab atmosphere. Marble and stonework designs adorn large cities, mostly as fortification but do offer appeal. Hunting if you consider it art is its primary source. A Borvan Bear or Stag hunt are highly sought since they're larger stronger animals that are trophies of magnificent size.

Law: The Law is carried out threw the state appoint Judicators and their own appointed Judicai. Law is very harsh with the eye for an eye motto, so theft and matters of law are taken care of swiftly. With little to no theft in its boundaries.

Education: Very basic unless the said person is of the elite, in which teachers are imported in for that very purpose. However though survival and warfare a rudimentary in all citizens with its state mandated military service.

Type of Government: Kelpocracy/Facisim

Influence and relations: To be announcedImportant
Emperor Varik Borvan VI
The Black Princes Fredrick and Carvat
Mariet Borvan (Emperor's Daughter(Marriageable))
Supreme General Darrin Hicroat
Supreme Judicator Viktor Hoat
House Lady Emrie Deevl (Cousin to Emperor)

Trading and tax: Import tax; Anything coming into the country automatically receive and foreign import tax such roads have garrisons to ensure that the tax is collected. Unless dire need is required. Taxes are general done as a community so as long as the specified amount of money is collected the state department is appeased. They welcome any trade but will often pay double for any imported sea trade and often have to import grains.

Major industries: The Borvan have large Iron and coal deposits which is its chief export. Which blacksmiths often pursue due to its increased durability and strength in arms. Export game meats in trade for mostly rye or barley.

Major Associations:
Black Iron Legion: The Emperor's private protection. These bodyguards are sworn for life but the families they come from are taken care of for life. The military training they receive is on par of what the Emperor himself would have. Men and Women that are more like the emperor willing to serve to what ever end.

ICSG: The Iron Coal and Steal Guild is the miners in which mine and produce the metal withe Borvan seal in preparation for export. A private Industry the keeps its leaders hidden to prevent the exploration or greed to reduce its high prices.

The Judicai Association: More of a secret police they take care of matters of state, often without the public knowing. Preventing panic and chaos. Though if a public inquiry is made it is a show of force and an example.

Currency: Borvan Styg

Military - The Borvan Military is made up basically by gender by the exception of the Black Iron Legion, in which more active roles in the military machine are comprised of men where lighter to less active roles pursed by women. There is always an exception the Claus though. Because of the training they receive it is a weapon to be feared. The active navy is almost non existent with the exception of a few ships to patrol in search of invasion fleets. In need for siege, imperial engineers supervise the construction of such needed war machines on the field.

Black Fist(Men): 200,000. Black armor and shields in tight formation with a lock hole where a six foot pike would good with a long sword sidearm.

Arrow Company(Women): 100,000 Armed with Yew recurve bows and two short swords if needed.
Outriders(Women):1,500 Skirmish and light Calvary for harassment, often uses a bow but does use a light pike as an optional sidearm.

Black Lances(Men): 5,000 Heavy Calvary armed with 10 foot lances, a shield and long sword.

Black Iron Legion(Mixed): 500 Armed to the teeth, these vicious men and women are like nothing seen on the battlefield. The Fleet Mixed: 35 ships with roughly 40 men or women assigned to them often the older soldiers on the verge or retiring.

Landscape: Very cloudy and rugged terrain and mountainous. Considering themselves a strong people because of their living conditions.

Wildlife: Due to the harsher climate most wildlife is bigger and stronger than most. The Borvan Bear is massive weigh up to and over 5,000lbs. One such of these creature is in the throne room where it almost exterminate ruler and heirs.

Notable places:



(Optional)Strengths: Strong Military presence, Large meat reserves, Large Iron and steel production

Weaknesses: Lacks enough land for crops, Severly lacks a naval presence

Name:Classification: (Animal? NPC? Or Sentient?)


Shared traits:

Natural abilities:


Relations with other races:

History: (Optional)


Religious beliefs:

Preferred occupations:

Famous people:


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Titanic


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nation Name: Mirandil Dynasty


Region/color on map: Mirandil-Light Blue islands southeast of Xai

Capital: Miranli (Orange Dot)

Capital Population: 687,000

Other Major Settlements:
West Dile-515,000

Population: 7,100,000

Racial demographics: 38% Human, 27% Elves, 21% Dwarves, and 14% others.
Social dynamics: Mirandil is a peaceful nation thats a mix of many races, cultures, and religions. While being a mix of many races, the nation is split into three regions by the geography and the major ethnic group of the region. Tourist and foreigners are welcomed by the majority of the population. Many religions have spread so much in the nation that there is no longer a major religion followed by the people. Many crimes such as racism, stealing for greed, and the burning of religious items are severely punished often with years of service or in extreme cases, execution.
The structure varies a bit for the three regions but they mainly follow a standard one.
Royalty-The Royal Family and anyone in close blood relation to royalty.
Lords/Government-Lords and their families, relatives are often specialists. It also includes council members (and their families) and government officials such as tax collectors.
Specialist/Soldiers-Higher up citizens that are often wealthier than an average citizens. They often have jobs such as blacksmiths, artist, business owners, etc. It also includes soldiers in the army.
Citizens-Average citizens that work basic jobs such as farmer, miner, lumberjack, merchants, etc

Fashion: Common clothing includes tunics, trousers, dresses(for women), skirts(“”), etc. Clothing from neighboring nations such as Gaia, Xai, and Baragh. The rich clothings are often made with furs, gems, and silk.

Calendar: Other than major holidays that are from other nations and are mainly only celebrated in certain regions there few major holidays.
Unification Day: Citizens ranging from farmer to king celebrate the day that the islands were united under one banner. (november 15th)
Nesian Liberation: The day to celebrate the end of the enslavement of the Nesian Islands by Gaia. (february 18th)

Art: Art is nearly everywhere, it comes from nations all over the world but mainly from surrounding nation. (Example: Architecture from Baragh.)

Law: Laws can be considered harsh compared to other nations. Laws relating to debt are settled with either payment, service for an agreed on amount of time, or bankruptcy. Racism often results in payment, service to the person insulted, and in extreme cases, a death penalty(something like massacre). Theft will result either payment and/or service and a certain amount of time in jail. Murder will result in death penalty as it is believed that the only reason for murder is racism and greed.

Education: Free education is provided to all children and all children are required to attend at least 8 years of school starting at age 6. Many specialist start their education at a younger age and go to school longer.
Type of Government: Oligarchy/Feudalism, Three kings each rule over one of the three main regions of the nation. Lesser lords serve the kings and each king has a council of five.

Influence and relations: (Any alliances or military pacts?)

Important People:

-Mirandian Royal Family-
King Mindan of Mirand XII
Queen Jerious
Prince Mindan of Mirand XIII
Princess Lillian of Karn
Prince Mindan of Mirand XIV
Princess Julian of Mirand

-Mirand Island Council-
Council Head Leban
Military Head Horad
Intelligence Head Lorean
Economy Head Crima
People’s representative Mateo

-Vajain Royal Family-
King Aiden of Vaja
Queen Sophia of East Vaja
Prince Declan of Vaja
Princess Aria of Coran
Prince Ian of Vaja

-Vajain Island Council-
Council Head Eli
Military Head Issac
Intelligence Head Kylie
Economy Head Grayson
People’s representative Liary

-Nesian Royal Family-
Queen Amanda of Nesian
King Hash of Celebon
Princess Caroline of Nesian
Prince Fredrickson of Nesian
Princess Myla of Nesian

-Nesian Islands Council-
Council Head Holdan
Military Head Domic
Intelligence Head Misreas
Economy Head Rea
People’s representative Carson
Trading and tax: Being an island nation, much trading is done between themselves as certain islands can’t produce a certain product. There is a small tax on trading between islands that generates a sizeable portion of the nation revenue. The Vasain Trading company is the major overseas trading company for the nation. The company works with the economy head of the Nesian council and Vaja Council often. It also owns a smaller trading company based on Vaja Island that focuses on national trading between the islands. Many of the Nesian Islands are mountainous and the towns of the island work together on mining and trading mined materials.
Mirand Island makes and sells much of its clothing products to trading companies. Income tax and tax on trading makes up a large portion of revenue.

Major industries: Fishing is the largest Industry in the nation but mining is largely popular in the Nesian Island Region and the making of clothing is also at large in the Vaja Island and Mirand Island Regions.

Major Associations:
Vasain Trading Company
Sumerian company(mercenary company)

Currency: Mirandil Dollar
Gold Mirandil Dollar
Silver Mirandil Dollar-1/10th of Gold Mirandil Dollar
Copper Mirandil Dollar-1/100th of Gold Mirandil Dollar
Military -
During peaceful times, an army of 55,000 soldiers out of the total population. During war times, the army is about doubled. The small army is often only on the largest islands. Smaller Islands have militias that protect them, but if an island militia causes trouble, soldiers are sent in. The army consist of 25,000 armed soldiers that are armed with swords and shields and wear armor such as chainmail. There are also 15,000 archers that armed with longbows and a shortsword. The last 15,000 consist of specialist that have gone through years of training. The Vaja Archers is a small group numbering 5,000 of elven archers armed with light armor and longbows that are said to be able to hit a target from 200 meters away. The Nesian Dwarves are a group of dwarves number 4,000, they are heavily armored and often armed with battle axes or hammers. The Mirandian Royal Guard is a group of knights that numbers 5,500 and consist mainly of humans but also has a small number of elves and dwarves. Some are mounted knights others are swordsmen but they mainly wear plated armor and carry longswords.
There is also a mercenary company based off an island in the Nesian Region that is often hired in times of need.
Mirandli prides itself on its navy, consisting of 30 carracks, 45 caravels, a large amount of frigates, and many other types of battleships. Many are armed with cannons but still rare. (I don’t know a lot of naval warfare and ships. :/
Landscape: The three regions of the nation were split due to geography. The Nesian Islands consist of mountainous islands, some surrounded by forest but many barren. Vaja Island, the largest island consist of many forest that stretch for east to west. Mirandli Island is hilly and filled with plains. It provides a large amount of grown food for the nation. Cities and towns in the Nesian Region almost seem like they are built into the stone, Vaja Island cities often are overrun by plant life, and Mirand Island cities lay by rivers and the surrounding area is often cleared if it isn’t already.

Wildlife: The seas are filled with sea life of all kinds from crabs, to whales. Nesian Islands are pretty void of life except for mountain goats and high flying birds. Mirand Island is mostly grassy plains so it holds certain animals such as rabbits and foxes. Vaja Island consist of lots of forest wildlife, bears, foxes, birds, rodents, etc.

Notable places: N/A
Summary: A non-racist, mixed cultured, trading nation full of humans, dwarves, and elves that consist of a lot of islands.

History: Short History Lesson. Mirand Island was a petty human kingdom. Nesian Islands were colonized by dwarves. Vaja Island was colonized with elves. They contacted each other and united into one nations.

Trading nation
Strong Navy
Three Royal Families
Small army
Divided land (sorta)
Imports certain food
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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Nation Name: al-Mamlaka al-Za'liyya al-Khaydahiyya (Za'lid Khaydahi Kingdom; Khaydah or the Za'lids for short)
Region/color on map: Zharka
Capital: Amrah
Capital Population: 200,000
Other Major Settlements: Qaiqat, Dira, Khudah, Sayunaa
Population: 1,000,000
Racial demographics: 76% ajar, 20% human, 4% other

Social dynamics: Khaydahi society is generally seen as very open to foreigners; most accept outsiders with open arms and hospitality provided they do not prove themselves undeserving of it. However, there is still a rather drastic difference between the rich and the poor and those of lower class are expected to show respect and politeness to their superiors. While most of the less fortunate Khaydahis tend to have lives that are at least tolerable, poverty is not nonexistent. Meanwhile the rich live extravagant and lavish lives of luxury. The society is also built upon slavery; slaves are, of course, considered property by Khaydahi law and how they are treated is dependent upon the disposition of who owns them and what they do for a living. A personal servant-slave may live a life better than a poor freeman, while those forced to do menial labour can be some of the worst off people in the entire nation. The state religion of Khaydah is Haloism, however it is nowhere near as pervasive in their culture as it is in Calxus. Due to the fact that they're located in the center of the continent and are a crossroads of sorts, there are people of all cultures and religions found within the cities. The Haloist nobility do not discriminate against those of other religions, and the populace as a whole is very tolerant.
Fashion: The basic Khaydahi dressis composed of loose robes and turbans, both usually light in colour. The poorest Khaydahis and slaves wear only that, while the outfits of the more well-to-do individuals such as nobles and merchants are more ornate, with elegant and beautifully made jewelry, belts, outerwear, etc. As a general rule the more ornate a Khaydahi's outfit the more important they are.
Calendar: The major holiday in Khaydah is the Thanking, celebrated similarly to how it is celebrated in Calxus though every year. The current Malik's birthday is also considered a holiday, and each of the cities have their own Day of Founding to celebrate the founding of each city.
Art: The most important form of Khaydahi 'art' is their architecture. The most important buildings in the cities are always massive, ornate, and stunningly beautiful. Domes, arches, and minarets are common features, and rarely will you find a room that is not painted or carved in some way. Other than that, the Khaydahi are also rather well known for their intricately detailed rugs, featuring numerous colours and geometric patterns.
Law: Each Wali chooses a Judge who rules on all cases that come to him. Most Khaydahi law is based upon tradition, which is written down with a copy kept within each city. However, the Wali or Malik can overrule any of these decisions, and the Judge for Amrah holds the title of High Judge, and is likewise able to overrule the rulings of any of the Judges. Though his decisions can still be overruled by the Malik.
Education: Education among the lower classes is almost non-existent, and it is explicitly forbidden among slaves. Meanwhile the children of wealthier families are almost all educated; taught by tutors hired by their families. Any sort of state-education is non-existent.

Type of Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Influence and relations: Khaydah prefers to keep positive relations with all nations around it, due to trade involving a large portion of their income.
Important People:
Sa'ah Mee'ah al-Maseebi, Malik al-Mamlaka al-Za'liyya al-Khaydahiyya;
Ahir al-Raydahi, Wali al-Walayah Qaiqat;
Gha'ah al-Habaii, Wali al-Walayah Dira;
Aaseem al-Ri, Wali al-Walayah Khudah;
Mahmee Ma'ma al-Sutafi, Wali al-Walayah Sayunaa

Trading and tax: There is a tax on any kind of goods traded within Khaydah, though they are not particularly heavy. Trade is an important part of Khaydahi commerce, and the cities are the regions hubs of trade. This is the result of most of the region being a barren and dry desert, with the Khaydahi cities being oases of activity and trade.
Major industries: The largest industry in Khaydah is the slave trade, with numerous people being bought and sold in markets. However, the market for exotic Khaydahi trinkets such as jewelry and rugs, as well as for salt, are also fairly large industries within the nation.
Major Associations: N/A
Currency: Khaydah currency comes in the form of metal coins with a square hole in the middle; most are made of metals like copper, tin, bronze, or iron. Though there are coins made of gold and silver, they are usually only used by the richer Khaydahis. In fact, a poorer Khaydahi can go his entire life never seeing a gold coin.

The Khaydahi consists of approximately 25,000 individuals, 5,000 warriors to each city. It is composed predominantly of slaves trained from a young age to fulfill the role of Khaydah's warriors and protectors. About 15,000 of these warriors are infantry; they wield both bows and blades with shields. Their swords are unique and distinctly Khaydahi, with a long, wavy blade; the shields are small and round, constructed of hardened leather. In terms of armour they do not wear much, lest they succumb to heatstroke in the hot Khaydahi climate; they can usually be seen wearing lamellar armour constructed of hardened leather. The other 10,000 warriors are cavalry mounted on camels, and wear similar armour to their infantry counterparts. However, their primary weapon is the javelin, which they sue for harassing volleys. They do not carry shields, and the only weapon they have besides their javelins is a short blade with a thick forward-curving blade.

Landscape: The Khaydahi environment is barren, hot, and inhospitable. Much of the landscape is nothing but bone-dry sand, though there are large expanses of rocky ground. Though they are just as dry as the sands. The only spots of life are oases frequented by desert nomads and the five Khaydahi cities. These cities are all built on rocky terrain, near to small mountain ranges. The cities utilize a complex series of wells and tunnels built and maintained by slaves to draw water up from the ground. This system allows the great cities to survive in the desert, and even allow the Khaydahi to practice agriculture though they still import and buy much food from other sources.
Wildlife: The wildlife of the desert is mostly found in the oases and cities, though that is not to say nothing lives in the drier parts of the region. In the wide, dry expanse most of what one will find are creatures like lizards, snakes, scorpions, spiders, and the like. The oases and cities are home to crocodiles, birds, certain species of foxes and antelope. Camels are also commonly seen, being the domesticated animal of choice for traveling.
Notable places: N/A

Summary: Five cities in the desert based around trading, a complex irrigation system, and slaves.
History: (Optional)
Strengths: Highly defensible, highly centralized, trading hub
Weaknesses: Low population, population concentrated in few areas, landlocked
Name: Ajar
Classification: Sentient
Appearance: Same basic shape as humans, though with several key differences. They are slightly taller; have dry and rough, leathery grey skin; have no lips and extended canine teeth; their nose are flat against their face, consisting of little more than slits; have sunken eyes and angular faces; their ears are long and pointed; they only have 4 fingers and toes on each hand/foot; and their finger and toenails are long and pointed like claws, though they're no harder than a human's fingernails. Due to their eyes, nose, and mouth some have described their faces as being similar to a skull.
Shared traits: N/A
Natural abilities: Ajar are very resilient to the desert, being more resistant to heat-related illnesses like heatstroke and requiring less water than a regular human. However, they are more quick to succumb to the cold than most others.

Lifespan: About that of a human
Relations with other races: N/A
Lanuages: Depends on where they live; usually Khaydahi
Religious beliefs: Varies
Preferred occupations: N/A
Famous people:
Strengths: Able to survive more readily in desert conditions
Weaknesses: Susceptible to the cold
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CorinTraven
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Nation Name: Anika


Region/color on map: Avelcas

Capital: Tisivilsk

Capital Population: 50,000

Other Major Settlements: N/A

Population: 2,000,000

Racial demographics: A vast majority of human, with very little acceptance shown toward the ‘lesser’ races. Both the men and the women a generally shorter, their tallest being barely over six feet, while it is not uncommon for most ladies, especially of high birth, to barely reach five feet. Blonde-haired, and Blued eyed, they’re near as pale as the snowy island they inhabit, and their queer accents when speaking common tongue mark them almost instantly to most as Aniche. ( As in, from ‘Anika’, as someone from Britain is British, someone from Anika, is Aniche)
Social dynamics: A tiered social gap separates every man from the man above him, beginning at the top with the monarchy, and at the bottom, the peasant and serf. Slavery is illegal, but still exists to some extent. Woman hold a far more liberal position in society, though are still beholden to men. A fierce sense of nationalism fires up most of the hearts of the people, all with very similar traits that mark them as Aniche, the daintiness, lack of variety as far as hair, skin, and eye color, and binding language.

Fashion: People dress warmly, in furs, and swathed in colorful robes. In the summertime, it’s not uncommon for woman to expose up to their knees, but in the winter, most cloth themselves to the chin, with cloaks and coats and gloves, all to protect themselves from the biting cold. Jewelry is a social norm of the nobility, woman drip with earrings and necklaces, while men decorate their weapons more so than their bodies.


Nachinat or Nachin: The beginning of the harvest.
Zhatva: The Reaping.
Sereboro Luna: The Silver moon, a few weeks near the end of winter when the moon seems closer, and shines brighter. It is seen as their only Goddesses rebirth, as she delivers them from the nine months of winter.

Art: Art consists mostly of music within Anika, string instruments being a sign of wealth, and most noble children can play at least one song well upon the pale-coloreds instruments.

Law: The Monarchy holds a tier system of officials to handle the law, called the Inquisition, at the pinnacle being the Czar himself, but only issues of extreme treachery are ever brought before him. The Inquisition is known to use obscure methods of torture, and their loyalty is only beholden to the crown. Still, they are known to be quite corrupt, taking bribes, and in the cities, much of the thuggery is taken up by the very institution put it place to protect the people from such. Minister Dimka Svetlana serves himself more so than the people, and packs the prisons tight with men, women, and children without so much as a trial.

Education: For each major city, there is a college, but only the wealthy and the high born are able to attend. With no formal education system, families rely on private tutors, and the poor go without education for the most part.
Type of Government: Monarchy

Influence and relations: Extraordinarily isolated, but not in a hostile fashion.

Important People:

The Imperial line of Motova:

Czar Alik, Twenty years of age.
Czarina Innya, Seventeen years of age.

Princess Nakitta, Sixteen years of age.
Prince Kirill, Eleven years of age
Prince Pyotr, Eleven years of age.
Princess Dima, Five years of age.


Lord Admiral Maxim Bure, Thirty-eight years of age.
Lord Marshal Daviski Kargin, Twenty-seven years of age.


The Minister of the Inquisition Dimka Svetlana, Forty-four years of age.
Trading and tax: As their reliance upon trade is high, they carry a rather lax tariff to attract other nations to trade with them, and taxes are collected from the different Lords of Anika twice a year, at the end of the harvest, and winter’s end.

Major industries: Mining, Fishing, Ship-Building, and Textiles. They are renowned for their ships, both fast, and maneuverable.

Major Associations: None, as of now.

Currency: They rely on a silver standard as there is little gold, but their mountains are filled with silver veins, as well as precious stones, much still left undiscovered and untouched.
Military -

Consisting of 10,000 men, and 300 women, acting nurses and other non-combative roles.

Wartime Navy:
- 7,000 men strong.
- 20 war ships (Carrack), each large enough to be manned by over a hundred men; ~2,200
- 48 large caravel, each crewed by forty men; ~2,120
- 100 small caravel, each crewed by twenty men; ~ 2,000
- About 700 men serve roles within the port cities, or upon obscure or insignificant model ships.

Peacetime Navy:

- 2,000 men strong.

Wartime Army:
- 3,000 men strong.
- 1,900 infantry.
- 600 archer.
- 400 cavalry.
- 100 cannoneer.

Peacetime Army:

- 2,000 men strong.

Noble Houses hold their own garrisons, and upon request, they will be called upon to join the Imperial Army and Fleet. This expands the nations total ranks to near 20,000.
Landscape: Rocky and bare on the coasts, it’s not until several miles away from the ever-surrounding sea do the forests begin to pull themselves out of ground. Most of the trees are tall, and white wooded, and through the long winters, they hold onto their crimson leaves. Two-thirds of the year, the island is blanketed in a layer of snow, but in the few briefs months of summer, tall, pale green grasses cover the grounds, and give the country and forests an enchanting air. Hundreds of icy-blue streams carve their way through the rough ground, running from the central mountains, and into the sea.

Wildlife: Not dissimilar to the wildlife of North-Eastern Europe. Faeries exist in their forests, fleshy creatures, with nothing particularly exciting about them besides their thin, wasp-like wings, and ability to learn the tongue of man. Despite that, they are still considered hive-minded beasts, and some are kept by the wealthy as pets.

Notable places: The Forest of Nyr. It’s fabled to be ‘magical’, and the birthplace of their Goddess. Every Sereboro Luna, countless men and woman venture into the forests, and up the mountain, Nyr, that overlooks the blood-red leaves. This is where many faeries live, though it is seen as a sacrilege to touch or harm the creatures throughout this time of the year, many are captured still, and sold on the public markets along with the mutts.
Summary: A Russian-Monarchy based country, sorta’! Their old Czar just died, and now they’ve a new one with new ambitions, but a weakened hold on the crown making him an appropriate target for attack from internal treachery, or war.

History: Anika, for the last hundred years, as remained at relative peace. Never in it’s history as Anika invaded another country, nor, has another country invaded it. However, at the assassination of Czar Nikoli VI, three generations of civil war broke out, noble houses fighting over his corpse like wolves, and in the end, the house Motova, lead by Harok I rose the victor. Since then, every Czar or Czarina prior has claimed that blood, though a few of the eldest noble houses still claim the throne to be rightfully there’s.

In the not so distant past, Anika and Kjalmar held a tight bond, both nations sharing similar vernacular and strong navies. From that, alliances grew, but with time faded, though compared to most nations, Anika holds a rather positive view of Khalmar, it's pirates rarely raiding the countries coasts.

However, the Monarchy is too strong to be toppled by such opposition, and when Czar Harok XII was taken by a sudden fever, his eldest son, Alik, ascended to the throne at a raw twenty years of age.

Now Alik leads, along with his pregnant wife Innya. Ambitious, he wishes to expand the narrow view his father held, and look out unto the world, and have the world look upon Anika, and marvel upon it. Those are his dreams, and he is willing to give close to anything to obtain them.

Strengths: They have an astonishingly powerful navy, given their island-status. The early development of caravel ships has put them in a lofty position as far as long-term travel goes, the reversal of the sails allowing them to continue even with the winds against them, and no longer need to use the man-power oars of the galley. This benefits their trade, as well as the overall wealth of the nation. There is a heightened sense of nationality due to their common language and religion unshared with any other part of the world. The same line of monarchy as reigned for over two hundred years, resilient against internal rebellion, and external strife.

Weaknesses: Anika’s current Czar is still young, inexperienced, and without heir. In desperate need of allies, the country is making an transition with this fiery-eyed leader to a more aggressive foreign policy. Their military is weak, and their population is far from supple enough to feed a large standing army. As well, the Lord Marshal and Lord Admiral do not get along well, but both of the men’s roles to Czar Alik allows for him to oversee their obvious shortcomings. The country relies almost entirely upon foreign trade for their agriculture, as much of their land is infertile, and their growing season too short to last through their winters. Veins of corruption run all throughout the nobility and Inquisition.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

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Nation Name: The Holy Stomian Empire


Region on map: Calxus

Capital: Stom

Capital Population: 440,000

Other Major Settlements: Port Gord, Fort Jalk, Rentan.

Population: 8,700,000

Racial demographics: 60% Human, 20% Elf, 5% Dwarf and 5% other.
Social dynamics: The Holy Empire is preached as a place of peace and forgiveness yet beneath the apparently perfect exterior lies a world of racism. Tourists and pilgrims are treated with great respect whilst they stay in the holy land. However in the cities all other religion is treated with contempt and violence. Families following different faiths are attacked and killed before their houses are burnt down. The government declares these ‘crimes’ yet do nothing to find those responsible. If you are to meet a man who follows Haloism and you too followed Haloism then there would be nothing but happiness and pleasure from that person however if you were to follow another faith you would most likely be dead before you had a chance to speak.

Fashion: Those men of the Empire dress in loose linen togas held with belts made of coloured rope, whilst women dress in slightly tighter linen dresses. The rich replace the linen with silks and the destitute replace linen with whatever rags they can find.

Calendar: The Empire celebrates three different holidays, each one week long. The first is the Summer Festivat, this occurs on the first day of summer and is to celebrate the warm glow sent by the one God and to thank him for the bountiful harvests. The second is the Winter Festivat, this occurs on the first day of winter and is to pray for the summer to return and for the ground to become fertile again. The final festival is the Thanking, this happens every 5 years on the longest day and involves a day of fasting and praying as thanks to God however the rest of the week is a huge celebration with wine and food flowing freely.

Art: The art of the Empire is renowned throughout the world. Huge marble statues and large oil paintings decorate the walls of the wealthy as well as the Grand Palace and churches all throughout the Empire. Sculptors and artists flock to the Empire to show off their religious masterpieces.

Law: The legal system of the Empire is run by the state. Three men, elected by the ten heads of the largest churches, every year hear every court case that comes too them and must unanimously decide whether the person is guilty or not. The strong arm of the law is the Stomian Inquisition who use torture and scare tactics to get the information that they need. However crimes against religious minorities rarely, if ever, make it to court. Public executions are common for heretics and the dungeons of the Palace are normally quite full.

Education: The education system is very basic. Tutors are paid for by the wealthier families and teach the children everything they are paid to teach. Whilst the poorer families go without education and simply sign up with firms they wish to work for and learn by doing. A majority of the poor simply do manual labour for a pittance a week.

Religion: The religion is what the whole nation is based off of. The head of state is the Emperor however he is only really a figurehead. The real power is the head of religion, the Doge. He runs the entire of the Haloism faith from the White Palace; it is the largest Haloist cathedral in the world. It has one huge marble and gold statue of the first and only Prophet, Hamud. There are then ten Marshals, they each run one of the ten churches that exist in Stom. The religion runs on the idea that one God controls everything and that through the first Prophet he was able to teach people his message. His message is that of love, compassion and forgiveness however the words can be interpreted in other ways however and this has lead to many violent sects to arise. His words are written in the Holy book, the Theman.
Type of Government: Theocracy

Influence and relations: The Empire will have good relations with any country that officially follows the Haloism as its national religion whilst those that don’t will be ‘deemed’ inferior. They will also always have a delegation present in the courts of countries that follow Haloism.

Important People:
Emperor Sad III
Doge Rudun
Marshal Hazaz
Marshal Killan
Marshal Hilad
Trading and tax: The Empire is a world of red tape and beurocracy for those who don’t believe however nations that welcome Haloism are always sped through. There is an Import tax, a Faith tax which goes on any product made from a country that doesn't follow Haloism. They are also happy to trade with any nation following Haloism however nations that don't normally find it harder to broker deals. The Empire exports marble and statues as well as metal products however they import a lot of crops and wood to help keep the nation running strong.

Major industries: Large sculpting community as well as a vast metalworking society. Furthermore the Empire has a large labour force arms building business. They lack in the agricultural sector though.

Major Associations:
The Sisterhood, women are treated very poorly in society and so this is a large party of women who campaign for equal rights using the words of God.
The Inquisition, the strong arm of the law who will use violence and fear to get answers, they also act as a police force and can be recognised by the steel masks they wear that have expressionless faces crafted on.
The Holy Order, a militia like group who commit lynchings and crimes in the name of good against heathens and non-believers.
The Purple Flag, an underground group who fight for equal religious representation within the Empire as Stom is the Holy city for more than one religion.

Currency: The Stomian Dol
Military -
Known as the Golden Order, the Stomian army is made up of 3 Sects. The first is the Sword, this is made up of roughly 140,000 men. Clad in Steel armour that is painted gold they are your basic army. This is Knights, Spearmen, Crossbowmen and some Engineers. All of these carry a sword with them, the spearmen carry a large shield and a spear, Knights lances and Shields and crossbowmen a small buckler and a crossbow. The second sect is the Sail, this is the navy of the Order and is made up of roughly 50 galleys each armed with 2 ballista, archers and marines. The final sect is the People, this is the home guard, they are more cheaply armed versions of the Sword however they do well in holding a location until the Golden Order is able to deal with a threat. To summarise.
70,000 Spearmen (Golden steel half-plate armour, long spear, long sword and large square shield)
50,000 Crossbowmen (Golden steel armour half-plate, crossbow with steel bolts, long sword and small buckler)
15,000 Engineers (Leather armour, steel hammer and equipment needed to build siege ware)
5,000 Knights (Golden steel armour half-pate, steel lance, long sword and medium kite shield)
50 Galleys (2 ballistas, 50 crossbowmen and 25 marines)
Roughly 5,000 per city (Leather armour, long spear, long sword and large square shield)
Roughly 1,000 per town
A hundred in large villages
Landscape: The land scape changes from vast metropolis of cities and towns to industrial hell holes filled with smoke. There is close to no nature in the land as it was all torn down for the advancement of the faith and it’s industry. There are occasional vast wheat plantations to try and feed more of the population than none.

Wildlife: Due to there being next to no nature there is next to no wildlife either.

Notable places:
The White Palace, the most holy site in the world and the birthplace of Haloism.
The Imperial Palace, the home of the Emperor and a damn impressive one at that.
The Golden Harbour, the largest port in the Empire, it houses the Sail and a majority of the Empires trade.
The Imperial Barracks,the home of the military leaders of the Empire, here they plan and draw up strategies before being on the field. Also the most elite soldiers live here.
Summary: WIP

History: WIP, do this with other people.

Strengths: Most of the population is fanatically loyal, they have a history of military power, they aren't racist against a particular race and they are masters in art, sculpture and metal work.

Weaknesses: The Empire is fairly new to the seas and are poor seamen, they grow very little of the food needed to feed their population and require very high imports of crops, they are incredibly racist against faiths other than Haloism and they are a very arrogant people. They also have a lot in the way of militant revolutionary groups present.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 19 days ago

WIP-pity, woopity; this WILL get done today!

Nation Name: Kingdom of Albescland
Coat of Arms:

Region/color on map: Noruf / Orange
Capital: Tulicia
Capital Population: Approx. 38,550
Other Major Settlements:
-Altdurf; Approx. 23,130
-Siletina; Approx. 15,420
-Vausili; Approx. 13,493
-Botsani; Approx. 11, 568
-65 towns, villages & smaller settlements distributed throughout the provinces

-The cities of Albescland generally have a much smaller ratio of inhabitants than other nations; this is largely evident in its capital's population size compared to similar-sized nations. However, these numbers do not account for military presences.-

Population: Approx. 6,600,000
Racial demographics: 94% Human, 4% Wood Elf, 2% Other

Summary: (Optional)
History: (Optional)
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Alfhedil What do you see Kaneda?

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I have a few things to add to it, but it's for the most part complete.

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Legion X51 Cap'n Fluff

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Decided to switch out on my nation. Ignore the Aethinians. Still a bit of a work in progress, but this is as much as I've done so far.

Kyngdome of Engelond/Koninkrijk van Ængeland - The Kingdom of Ængland

The Kingdom of Ængland




65% Human
15% Elven
10% Half-Elven
5% Dwarven
5% Other Races

Brief Overview:
Government type:
Despotic Bureaucratic Monarchy, with Absolute Cognatic Primogeniture succession laws.

Current Government:
Ruler - His Royal Highness King Richard IV de Normandie
Consort - Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth de Normandie
Groom of the Stool - Sir Richard Jaywick, Lord Jaywick of Harrowdale
Royal Chancellor - Sir Thomas Drysden, Lord Drysden of Wingate
Royal Marshal - Sir Edmund Lancaster, Lord Lancaster of Cheltenham
Chancellor of the Exchequer - Sir Caleb Kimberley, Lord Kimberley of Lansdowne
Master of His Majesty's Spies - Princess Marianne de Normandie
Primate of Ænglaland - Archbishop John Stratford, Archbishop of Redhill
Master of the Swans - Sir John Staines, Earl Staines of Brokeborough
Seneschal of the King's Court - Sir James Candler
Cupbearer to the Royal Family - Sir Henry of Stokeham

Important Members of the Nobility:
Duke Johannes van Musselberg, Duke of s'Hertogenbosch
Duke Andrew II Blunden, Duke of Gainsborough
Duke Claus III van IJssel, Duke of Althem
Duchess Sophie I Syndale, Duchess of Northwich
Duke John V de Vere, Duke of Tyneshire
Duke Edward III Broke (pronounced 'brook'), Duke of Lothian
Earl William III Marshal, Earl of Camberwick
Jonkheer Darius van Bort, Jonkheer of Wijthmen

Generals of the Realm:
General John French, Lord French of Wivenhoe
General Paul van Henk, Lord Henk of Gasselterboerveenschemond
General Henry Amersham, Lord Amersham of Kolberg
General Erich van Tappe, Jonkheer van Tappe of Kamperdam


The Infantry:
The infantry of the Kingdom of Ængland has always been the strongest of the land-based forces, yet the Navy forms a more crucial role in English military planning.

The backbone of the Kingdom's heavy infantry force are made up of halberdiers. Trained and equipped to fight with long halberds, these soldiers can fend off cavalry and crush many kinds of enemies depending on what part of the halberd they hit them with. Well trained, these companies specialise in assaults or the close defence of pike squares, and are adept both on the attack and the defence, able to storm fortresses or hold the line against whatever horrors they may face in defence of King and Country.
Alongside the halberdiers in the lines of infantry that form the bulk of the Kingdom's armies stand the feared 'fire-spitters', or 'hell-raisers', or whatever the foes of the English may face call them. They are the arquebusiers of Ænglaland, and they are armed with the latest and most up-to-date weapons of the age: the advanced arquebus. The noise, smoke and lethality of this weapon is a source of intense fear for any charging into the gunline, for they know that they will meet their end with a pull of the trigger.

A third, although antiquated, part of the Kingdom's foot armies is that of the 'old guard' - the longbowmen, heavy swordsmen and billmen, all of which have been thought to have been superseded by the New English Army.
In the English Army, longbowmen now sign a contract of indenture with a captain to become part of his retinue or company. The captain then 'hires' out their services to the king in theory, although in practice such men serve for as long as they can in the armed forces, paid for by the treasuries of the Kingdom. Such men are professionalised soldiers, and highly skilled archers. They are well armoured and equipped and confident in their own abilities.
The age of the sword in melee combat is coming to an end for the English Army. Whilst in days gone by, the armoured swordsmen of the Army reigned supreme over other infantry, the age of pike and shot has begun to bring this to an end. Nevertheless, for fighting against armies that cannot be stopped by halberd and shot alone, the English Army maintains a force of skilled swordsmen to this day, at considerable cost to the treasury.
The bill is a typically 'English' weapon. Billmen in days gone by performed the role of spearman and heavy infantry both. Now, however, the billman's days are numbered as a true fighting force. Nevertheless, some generals still swear by the billhook. Considered by those generals to be the pinnacle of English commoner infantry, the billman of today is still equally comfortable in both attack and defence. Wielding the billhook allows the billman to hack, stab and chop if needed and being encased in anything from half to three quarter plate armour means they can shrug off most blows.

The Artillery:
Supporting the foot troops are the cannons of the King's Artillery Regiments. Divided between three main types of artillery, the guns of Ængland are the most feared instrument of war .. Able to devastate ranks of closing infantry, send walls tumbling to the ground, or even hole ships at sea and secure the waves for His Majesty, the gunners of the Artillery Regiments are veterans of their art, trained and hardened in the fires of war. In addition, the crews of the artillery guns are equipped to a standard that is 'unbecoming of mere artillerymen' according to some old-fashioned generals. However, the 'mere artillerymen' in question have turned the tide of battles with their thundering salvoes, and brought fortresses crashing down.

The main cannon in the Artillery Regiments is the culverin. The Culverin is a fearsome piece of artillery, first used in the Battle of Trenthill during the Second Civil War. It utilises advanced metallurgy techniques, superior construction and better trained crews to outrange and nearly all preceding bombards. Able to fire solid or burning shots, the culverin is devastating against enemy walls and lethal against enemy soldiers. Many battles have been turned about by the decisive fire these monsters of artillery have provided.
The supporting cannons to the culverins are the sakers. Sakers are medium cannon, slightly smaller than a culverin, developed after the Second Civil War as a supporting gun, as it was found that culverins often fired too slowly. Saker shot is designed to bounce on the ground and plough straight into massed lines of infantry, throwing men's bodies left and right as if they were bloodied ragdolls. Saker fire is a withering hail of cannon fire that often forces the enemy to break and run, lest they be massacred by the English cannon. When sakers and culverins fire as one battery, even the largest castle wall will fall, and all but the most sturdy of infantry will dare to charge into the jaws of musket and cannon fire.
The third cannon type fielded by the English is the mortar. Resembling the iron bowl from which it gains its name, the mortar was created to lob shots over intervening walls. Useful in dealing with companies skulking behind walls for protection, or to whittle away besieging soldiers outside walls, the mortar's capabilities makes it an excellent siege weapon for both attacker and defender. Mortars on the open field are rare, as their trajectory is more suited for siege warfare, nevertheless the sight of iron shot landing amongst your comrades as you march forward is detrimental to an enemy's morale. After all, he might be next...

The Cavalry:
English cavalry has gone through several phases of existence. In the beginning, the English cavalryman was a noble, a knight who ruled over a fief of land granted to him by counts, barons and earls, who in turn were granted their lands by the Dukes and the King. The English knight was at the very heart of feudal Ængland, and as a result the knights were often only committed into battle at the last opportunity - the phrase 'Gone to the Knights' was a term used by the English to describe a battle that has gone to the very end - the battle has lasted so long that the knights have been committed into action to try and win the day for the King. The old English knight was encased in mail and fought with a lance and sword, charging into the enemy ranks like the sledgehammer force they were in the old days. However, with the march of time, the knight has had to change, mould and adapt to the passage of technology. Next came the half-plated knight, or the stereotypical 'feudal knight', who was armoured in partial plate armour, with a lance and longsword. However, even this proved ineffective with the march of time, for cavalry required even more fear factor, even more punch and more power. The result was the Winged Hussar regiments.

After the First Civil War, Hussars began to replace the knight as the main cavalry arm of the English Army. After the Second Civil War (some 40 years later), they adopted plate armour. Professional soldiers, equipped in plate armour, a steel helmet, a war lance and a sabre, these proud and headstrong cavalrymen's usual tactic is an immediate charge. Although their tactics are simple, they are devastatingly effective, and the Winged Hussars have turned the tide of many a battle the English have fought, for the just when the battle seems lost, the Hussars sweep into the fray, crashing headlong into their enemies, sending them fleeing the field, lest they be skewered on a lance, or cut down by their sabres.

The Royal Navy:
"The Royal Navy is our Wooden Wall. It is our first line of defence against those who would threaten our nation. It is our primary method of attack. Our Navy is the most feared fighting force on the seas, and we intend to keep it that way." - Admiral Duke Claus III van IJssel, Duke of Althem and Grand Admiral of the Royal Navy

The Royal Navy of Ængland is the most powerful of the arms of the military. Dozens of oak-framed ships, bristling with cannons, muskets and rifles. Each ship is designed to be a gun-armed fighting machine, with relatively few soldiers on-board in favour of gunners, sailors and armsmen. The gun-decks of the Royal Navy are a frightful place to be in the middle of combat, with cannons firing almost at all times, especially when both sides of the ship are in action.



Ashton Gate: Population 65,000 - Capital
Martlesham: Population 25,000
Gasselterboerveenschemond: Population 14,000



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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Nation Name: Malkor’Kurz
Flag: N/A
Region/color on map: Calxus
Capital: N/A
Capital Population: N/A
Other Major Settlements: N/A
Population: 150,000
Racial demographics: Del-korm (100%)
Social dynamics:
“Fenris? He isn’t a deity. He’s an icon—a symbol; a national hero or…whatever your soft people call very important not-so-soft people that do very impressive things. He looks like one of you actually, yet he doesn’t stand for your beliefs. He’s one with the Yeda Krills—the Great Clans—and is more del-korm than most del-korm. We don’t worship him; that’ll never happen. My people and Fenris? We’re just really close, and we help one another out from time to time. Worshipping gods is for people who don’t have a sense of independence. Worshipping gods is for people who are soft both in body and in mind.”
Rather than craft a god from alien happenings, the del-korm species alternatively chose to fashion a quasi-physical being from their own core beliefs. This metaphysical entity, in the del-korm language, was christened ‘Hel’Jen te Bor’Den—but he is also known as ‘Fenris the Star-King’.
To most, it may seem uncanny that the del-korm—with their anti-theocratic sentiments and fierce opposition to government—would ever brand a supposed ‘god’ with the title ‘king’. Even stranger still is that Hel’Jen is not portrayed as a member of the del-korm race, but rather is believed to be one of the race of Man, with fenrisian cave paintings, body tattoos and other representative imagery of their esteemed hero-god clearly identifying him as a larger-than-life human man of forty or so years. His visage gaunt, bearded and dark-skinned, Fenris’ comparatively lackluster attire consists of a grey-colored sleeveless duster, a simple tricorn hat, a pair of worn-out heavy leather boots, and a tattered undershirt tucked into a pair of travel-stained breeches.
Though he is divine in spirit and appearance, Hel’Jen is not looked upon as a god nor as a ruthless tyrant, but more of a long-time friend, an icon and a miraculously influential ally to the del-korm people—a Companion to all yet a servant to none; an unrepressed and non-oppressive cosmic force that stands for revolution, resistance, sovereignty, and war, with the unification between the del-korm species and Fenris often observed as being the oldest standing Companionship in existence. Hel’Jen is not honored through worship, but by simply exercising the Absolute Right—the True Mission of All—which is to seek out challenges wherever they may be, to conquer them—to learn from them—and to ultimately develop one’s self whilst living life free of constraint, regret or concern.
The actions of his longtime friends may be put to scrunity, but Hel’Jen, unlike most of his ilk, does not assicvely judge the decisions of his selected people, instead looking at them
According to stories past between individual del-korm krills,
Headhunting and the harvesting of Sk’li
Perhaps one of the more appalling activities condoned and practiced by the vast majority of del-korm is the primeval tradition of the Sk’li Tyr-Ren (or loosely translated as the ‘Harvesting of the Skull’), which is typically known to outlanders as ‘headhunting’.
In their culture, the skull—or Sk’li—is revered as a type of sacred ‘vessel’, ‘jar’ or ‘pot’ that houses the metaphysical essence—or soul— of a living organism, which manifests itself in the material universe as the creature’s mel’den-yel (‘soft and squish-squash thing’), which is the del-korm’s word for the brain. Souls are divided in two types, which are the souls classically ascribed to the ‘fighter’ and the souls attributed to the ‘meek’.
Meek souls—or souls belonging to Malkor’Kurz’s prey animals like mammoths, jackadens or winter deer—are locally known as ‘tel’gien’ (or the soft soul); the brains of such creatures are believed to be chiefly concerned with survival necessities that aren’t principally linked with acts of violent behavior. As such, these brains are habitually consumed so that the souls contained within them can augment a del-korm’s skill in fairly nonviolent activities like fishing, (peaceful) socialization with peers, building or child-rearing.
Fighter souls, or tel’drien (or the hard soul), belong to Malkor’Kurz’s predators or other living organisms that show talent in the art of war-making or hunting. Animals like the winter cat, the tusked sea lion, the northern leopard and even the indigenous del-korm are just some of the predatory fauna that tel’drien can come from. These skulls are especially prized aspiring collectors, as their numinous powers are believed to enhance the consumer’s hunting prowess, reflexes, sense of smell, situational awareness, and vision.
Consumption of the brain is thought to additionally bestow supernatural abilities upon the consumer, gifting them with drastically increased strength, speed, toughness, and endurance. All Sk’li, regardless of their mel’den-yel types, are generally stored within a del-korm’s personal hording space (which is normally a small burrow situated within a concealed position or desolate area within Malkor’Kurz).
The Sk’li of noteworthy opponents or particularly powerful enemies are worn as iconic neck ornaments or attached to sashes drawn across the chest; normally, this type of reverence is more ‘negative’ in function and an in representation, with these sk’li most often belonging to creatures that a del-korm may have a compelling hatred for.
Like a del-korm’s hair, the number of skulls an individual accumulates is a direct sign of his or her deadliness, cunningness or martial prowess. It should be assumed that extraordinarily large del-korm with flowing manes of darker shades, elaborate braids and a heavy stash of sk’li is an incredibly lethal individual with an equal amount of astuteness to match.
Skull thieving is one of the few offences in Malkor’Kurz that is punishable only by death, with sk’li stealers taking sever blows to their reputations in krills and yeda-krills. This reputation can be partially (if not entirely) regained by ending the life of the affronted party, though reactions to such disgraceful behavior varies between individual del-korm. As a general rule of thumb, stealing the skulls of a del-korm is a very rash idea that, like gambling, is prone to ending with a less-than-desirable outcome.
Festival of the Star-King
Every seven years, a carnival is held in Hel’Jen’s honor, with the gathering functioning as a means of strengthening the del-korm race’s internal bonds shared between individuals while also severely cutting down in internal strife. As customary, grudges and rivalries are buried; enemies become friends for the sake of merriment, food and drink, while Companionships are forged or re-forged. The copious amounts of psychoactives and

To physically communicate their perpetual love for liberty and the right to personal choice, all del-korm sport elaborate hairstyles woven from the thick manes that they finish developing upon reaching maturity, with the lengths and compositions of these hairstyles typically being elongated and broad. These manes, and thus a del-korm’s workable hair, never stop growing as he or she progresses through life, with long hair acting as a potent symbol of freedom, cunning and power in del-korm society, using their tribalistic hairstyles as literal public profiles and as appropriate foundation for the judging of an individual’s overall physical attractiveness, worthiness and personal merit. Each twist, knot, strand, tail, jewelry piece, or band represents an explicit word or phrase that, when joined by others, cooperatively specifies a significant tribute to a noteworthy exploit or—perhaps—a subtle sentence detailing one’s relationship status, family ties, acquaintances, likes, dislikes, allies, adversaries, ideological beliefs, and more.
Piercings, especially those installed in the ear, lip or papilla (teat) are adorned by most del-korm; these nose rings, gages, labrets and other external body modifications are typically made from bone, but some sufficiently powerful or lucky del-korm may find themselves in possession of piercings forged from Hel’Jen Iron.
The del-korm people are perhaps most legendary for their fierce disapproval of anything that is even vaguely connected to the notions of established law or an all-encompassing governmental body. To every del-korm in existence, trepidation—or fear—is a completely alien sensation that they, collectively, are biologically and psychologically incapable of successfully comprehending or effectively expressing.
Consequently, leaders of any type do not exist in Malkor’Kurz


Type of Government:
“Never saw the point in kings and lords. Even good ones—if such a thing exists—make my head hurt. Why would you let someone else dictate how you live out your life? The only person that should be the master of your fate is you and you alone. None of that ‘lord’ nonsense here; it’s not for del-korm. Outlanders are strange. Kings are stupid; rulers put into power by Outlander Sky-Kittens are stupid. ”
Because the del-korm species is one that holds a particularly powerful revulsion to the notion of government and established law, no formal leaders exist in their society. Some may consider this a mortal weakness for Fenris’ people, for a race that is divided and unguided is a race that requires little effort to overpower. In reality, this is wholly incorrect—at least in regards to the del-korm, whom harbor far more mental differences than similarities when they are compared to sentient species that have more human-like mental traits—chief of which is the del-korm’s total imperviousness to the deliberating effects brought on by the primordial emotion that is fear.
In eons past, several would-be conquerors journeyed
For a chieftain or ruler to take firm hold of his people, the population must be coaxed into dreading the consequences that are associated with disobedience. On some level, order is maintained through fear, which in turn promotes compliance to the laws outlined by the state.
By their very nature, the del-korm have remained firm in their decision that laws and regulations simply do not apply to them, with this ideology gaining profound intensity due to the del-korm’s unique mental traits and their zealot-like devotion to anarchistic rule.
Malkor’Kurz’s inhabitants group themselves into two distinct

Influence and relations: None.
Important People:

Trading and tax:
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Major Associations:
None. The concept of ‘buying’ something never really was thought of by the del-korm, whom usually prefer to make their own possessions, find them, steal them, or kill someone or something for them. If anything, the conception of coins being exchanged
Malkor’Kurz has neither a professional army nor a navy
Invaders are instead kept at bay by the presence
Notable places: (Optional)
Summary: (Optional)
History: (Optional)

Classification: (Animal? NPC? Or Sentient?)
Shared traits:
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Relations with other races:
History: (Optional)

Religious beliefs:
Preferred occupations:
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

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