Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

(Yo Puro.)

The cell was filled with red fog...

Payne lied against the dirty stone wall, blank white eyes unfocused and simply staring into space. The dull orange prison jumpsuit he wore, now more of a burnt red, shifted slightly as the Super-Human stirred quietly, shifting his body to the side in a seemingly inconspicuous way. The cameras, however, couldn't pick up the slight smirk his now-hidden face sported, nor could it pick up the sound of flesh tearing. Payne stared down at his arm, mentally inspecting how his arm shifted from it's 'clothed' form, and into a gory mass of muscular black biomass, with gruesomely clawed hands and crimson-red spikes jutting out at random intervals. The bracelet pulsed once, but Payne ignored the slight pain as if it wasn't there. The transformation only lasted a second, as Payne silently shifted his form back into it's orange prison sleeve, just in time for him to pick up the sound of approaching footsteps.

'That's right...it's Sunday, isn't it?'

Payne smoothly stood up, his muscles tensing and cracking as he finally moved his legs the first time in 24 hours. His clothing, nothing more then shaped biomass, rippled slightly in roving black spikes before solidifying and becoming the realistic orange-jumpsuit from before. Luckily, the process was too fast for the cameras themselves to catch, as most transformations only took a second or two, at the most.

"Prisoner...you have been chosen for the Sunday Community Room, as we must abide by our law and allow people, even abominations like you, to have a full day of exercise." The guard growled out, as if reading from a script, as he walked towards the cell. Gray gasmask, MSP uniform armor, stun gun and pistol. Nothing serious. Payne was confident that he could take him out, but there were cameras. He wouldn't make it too far. MSP Reinforcement Officers would be on him like ants. He wouldn't risk it.

Silently walking forward, Payne allowed the guard to quietly lead him through a series of halls, passing by different prisoners and officers/guards before they finally made it to the large community room. It was really, really large, with a table filled with healthy food, an exercise area not too far away from that, a few port-a-potties, and a common area, with computers. He had never been there before, as he often exercised in his own cell, so all of this luxury surprised him. Why so much?

"We will be bringing the other prisoners soon. Do not try anything." The same guard growled, pushing Payne into the room - or at least attempting to. Payne went with the shrug, giving the guard an evil look that would most likely stay with him forever. Hearing the door shut behind him, Payne gave a glance up at the hidden camera, only one, before silently scanning the room. There was only one camera from what he could see, and he had excellent vision.

Walking further into the room, Payne sat down in a chair in the corner, and simply plotted. As he did so, a sliver of pulsing black biomass swiftly sludged from his neck, silently climbing from his neck and up the wall, before slithering right into the camera. The camera was silently disabled, and no one, except him, knew the difference.
MSP Officers went to every cell that was designated to have a day in the Community Room, to complete their job of escorting the super criminals. You may RP that oart out, or simply skip to them arriving to the community room.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

David woke with the same wish he had every morning for over a year now. He wished he could wake up with the same Nymphs floating over him as when he discovered his powers. But every morning he was let down. No faint purple lights or soft whale noises. Only a cold, grey cell and the orange suit he had to wear.

A guard approached his cell. "has it been a week already?" David thought out loud. The guard said his usual lines with the emphasis on 'monster'. David never thought of himself as a monster. He was human. He looked human. He couldn't be a monster. He didn't have a disformed body or anything traditional monsters would have. On the other hand. He wasn't a child anymore.

When he was escorted through the hallway but his mind was somewhere else. More and more David found himself in his own memories. He remembered the first time he saw the Nymphs. He remembered the first time he lifted a pen. He remembered showing his classmates what he could do. He thought of himself as naive now. He should have kept it secret. Never the less it happened and he was captured. Now, after a year being powerless he desired nothing more than to rip of the bracelet and use his powers once more. But that would mean his dead.

Eventually he reached the community room. He was seemingly second from entering. The other person was Payne. He liked him somehow, althrough he didn't really know him. He just liked everyone with a power. Slowly he walked up to the corner with the camera, not noticing that it was deactivated. "Hi." he said with a smile. "You must be Payne?" he said causious. Just to be sure. What if it wasn't Payne?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Payne looked up from where he was sitting, hunched over, and gave the boy, David, who came through the door a small smirk, revealing longer-than-average canines. He didn't know much of the boy. Actually, he didn't know anything about him. Just his name, because of the spying he could do by allowing a piece of biomass to slither through the vents and cracks. Utilizing this tactic, he probably could have broken out of the cell a long time ago, but he wouldn't have made it that far anyway.

"Yes, I am Payne. You're David." The man stated, more then asked. His voice was echo-ey and distorted, as if multiple people were all speaking at once. Demonic, if you gave it an actual name. "Don't worry...the camera is deactivated." Payne stood up straighter as he said so, absent-mindedly clenching his hands into wicked crimson blades, only for the bracelet to shift them back down. He did notice how much weaker it had gotten. Another fanged grin formed on his face.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

David's face was filled with both amazement and shock. Sometimes he thought he felt like he could do something again. Like lifting a grain or something down that way. Like his powers were returning. But mostly he just brushed it away, blaming hope. But Payne showed him that somehow it could be possible. He had noticed the crimson blades. But for a moment he could not speak. He didn't understand what he meant by 'the camera is deactivated'. How did he do it? But amazement wasn't the only reason he couldn't talk. He was a little bit intimidated by the demonic voice. A short shiver shot through his spine.

"Did...did you just-" He tried to finish his sentence but something stopped him. Amazement, the lack of courage, new hope maybe? He couldn't tell. He swallowed deeply and gathered his wits again. A silent as possible he whispered. "Did you just...use your...you know...powers?" he asked. But fear was clear in his voice.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Payne momentarily looked up at what seemed to be a gasp of shock, and his grin turned into it's usual calm smirk. He could understand why the younger male as surprised. He had guessed that every other superhuman had understood that the technology the bracelets were made of were relatively new, and that they were basically the first test subjects. It was sort of a longshot to understand, though, so he could see how others may not know. Turning his gaze back to the boy, just in time to here his question, Payne nodded, shifting the biomass from his hands and back into his over-all body, causing his orange-jumpsuit to momentarily shift into a mass of lethal tentacles and spikes before they solidified and became his regular prison outfit.

"Yes," he began, eyes glancing over to the solid steel door before he stared at David once more, "The bracelets...they are prototypes. Over time, it deteriorates, and allows a sliver of your power seep in." Payne leaned back in his seat, black veins tensing in his wrists as he used his superhuman strength to attempt to break the bracelet. After a second of it only budging and cracking slightly from the pure force, he sighed and mentally took control of the sliver of biomass that he had slithered into the camera. It would have to do until someone with hacking skills entered.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The boy looked like someone just gave him a car for his birthday. Hope filled his face. "So...you're saying we can use them again? Our powers? I mean, i've been feeling them. I think. I'm not sure. I barely used them. But why wait, that means we can try to escape? Why haven't you destroyed your bracelet yet? Do the MSP forces know?" A true torrent of questions came out of David. The boy was truely happy. He couldn't wait to use his powers. Maybe he would attempt to lift a chair when nobody was looking. Or maybe even the table!?

But a dark truth crawled inside his mind. This was a one-shot chance. They would be able to show that they could use their powers only once. If someone was foolish enough to make a show out of it, everyone's chances would be ruined. So if they had to show it, it would have to be to escape. That realisation pushed away all happy thoughts as his face grew grim. "If we want to escape, we have to do it soon, not?" he asked with a deep, grim voice.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Payne slowly scratched his cheek at the question shifting forward slightly when the boy finished. He couldn't talk much until the camera was safely muted and hacked, or at the very least muted. He wanted to use his powers as well. To glide, dash, run, fight, crush...it was all fun. He wanted the freedom of being released, wild and free, into Metropolis. He wanted to drop police officers from sky-scrapers, and tear into those annoying advertisement blimps. However...for now, freedom was the near future, not the current present.

"We will talk more when the others get here." Payne said, just in time. The small amount of biomass he had stored into the security camera flattened, and then disappeared with a red haze that drifted from the camera, which started to rotate and zoom in once activated once more. Payne gave the younger boy a small look, before slowly sitting back, resting his hand-cuffed hands behind his head.

"We just have to wait patiently." He whispered, quietly enough for the camera to not catch him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze 💎Golden Diamond💎

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Riley was shoved into the Sunday Community Room with unnecessary force by a rough guard who mumbled something about 'dangerous abominations'. As a result of reflex, Riley attempted to nullify the sound of his voice without realising he couldn't, before the door closed, he was so sure the guards voice was quieter than it should be, there was a slight pain in his arm where the bracer that kept his powers in check was. He ignored it and walked in.

There were two people sitting facing each other whispering to each other, they didn't seem to notice him as he sat down a few seats down from them. "So, is anyone else's bracers acting weird?" he mumbled to them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

David looked up at the cam. It started moving again, much to his dissapointment. The cam couldn't see them. But maybe it could hear them? If that was the case, he wouldn't talk about escaping anymore. But he had to communicate. There were several pieces of paper and pens on one of the desks in the room. Probably so you could just draw something. There were little childern here too. David quickly grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and returned to Payne. He started writing on it.

If we ever want to escape, we need more than our powers. We need a plan. A map so we know where we are going and other stuff.

He showed the quickly scribled text to Payne. He wasn't planning on sitting idly by while he could be plotting everyone's escape. He would need a map. Probably also a keycard or something to open certain doors. Maybe weapons althrough their powers might be enough to defend themselves. Further they had to be able to break everyone out. If only a few could escape the other would be punished for it. Or maybe he could escape with a few and return later to break them all free? The thought that he might need to kill someone dawned at him for a moment but he pushed it away. He wouldn't think of yet.

Frightened by the sudden other voice he janked the paper away and quickly made a stupid attempt of hiding it behind his back. Luckily it was another guy in orange. But he didn't answer yet. Payne knew the most of these bracelets. He would be able to give a better answer.

((Sorry larfreeze, didn't see your post there. I edited mine.))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alex sat on his bed within his cell. A strange feeling had been surging through his body all week. It was a feeling he hadn't felt in a long time. His body crackled with energy, he could feel his arm although it wasn't there. He had expected this day to come, he knew a few of the others had seen it coming too. He knew for almost certain Payne had been cooking something up, he just hoped it wasn't too insane that it got them trapped with even more security. When he had first arrived at this hellhole he at least got a cell on the upper floors. But with the vast quantity that had actually arrived at the prison he had to be moved underground to accommodate the facilities and guards quarters that had to be built.

Soon enough, a guard had arrived at his cell. The guard simply rattled the bars using his blackjack. A specialized guard had to be assigned to Alex, one that wouldn't abuse or plot with him. A neutral force if you will. The guard was ex-military who had returned home early after getting his leg blown off by a roadside bomb. He had bonded with Alex over the year that he had known him. He always remembered his mission to not actually get too friendly to the point of siding with him in an escape plan, but still became good friends with him.

Alex rose from his bed and exited his cell as the guard slid open the door. He followed the guard to the regular area he went to on Sundays. As they walked through the hallway Alex knew something was different. He focused on the guards pistol in its holster. He felt the bracer on his arm tighten and squeeze as he watched the small, metallic gun lift slowly into the air. They soon arrived at the communal pen, Alex let the gun drop and continued to his usual position.

He moved across the room towards the bookcase. He searched the bookcase for a small while before continuing to slide out a book that took his fancy with his singular arm. He moved to a table and sat down before opening and beginning to read 'As I lay Dying' by William Faulkner. Reading was rather hard with one arm, but he preferred the solidarity to actually communicating with people. He saw the others were plotting and whispering about something.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

If we ever want to escape, we need more than our powers. We need a plan. A map so we know where we are going and other stuff.

The note was briefly displayed in scribbled penmanship, but it was good enough for Payne to read quickly enough. A map...and a plan? The plans he had came up with was mediocre at best, seeing as not everyone was as decent with stealth. Another plan was for him to consume a guard, take on their appearance, and escort everyone out, but that would be way too inconspicuous. He would need more brains to help spitball a plan around, even if it was via paper, but a map...a map he could do.

Payne crossed his legs, leaning back in the cold metal chair and stapling his fingers together. In the shadows of the corner, only his lower face was visible. He spoke quickly and quietly, restricting the biomass in his throat so that his three-dimensional voice was nothing more than a shushed whisper. The audio detection in the camera, he had learned from mentally being inside of it, focused on you once your voice reached a certain octave of volume, so therefore he made it so that his voice stayed just below that specified octave, to keep himself from being heard by the people watching the cameras.

It was at that moment that another boy, this one African American in descent, and wearing the usual orange jumpsuit. David was frightened, and hid the paper behind his back in an incredibly noticeable way, but Payne ignored it in favor of leaning forward again and raising his hand to his mouth, as if he was about to cough. Hopefully the camera didn't pick up the new boy's question.

"A map...I can do. But a plan? We should figure that out after I create the map. My plans are...usually very violent and could fail if one person messes up." Payne said, his voice forced to be extra raspy due to the biomass constricting his vocal chords. He glanced over at Riley and gave him a barely-noticeable nod. Alex, the one-armed war veteran entered shortly after, and Payne gave him a glance before turning back to Riley and David.

"Do not display your powers. Act as inconspicuous as possible. We need this camera muted."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze 💎Golden Diamond💎

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Muted?" Riley murmered. "Normally I would do that...If I didn't have these constructive braclets." These guys were trying to escape, he wanted in, he missed running across rooftops, stealing items for dangerous people, it was exciting, it made him feel alive.

Moving a tad closer, Riley lowered his voice to an even quieter murmur. "I...can attempt it." he offered, giving the camera a tentative glance. It was worth a shot. Just...focus his will in front of the camera so sound won't reach it and alert the guards. Simple in theory.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Cyrus awoke to stomach pains, the worst feeling a young adult like himself could feel in the morning. He was sprawled out of the cold metal floor of his cell, shackles weighing him down to the floor. The first thing Green was concerned about was food, he need food. Even though his powers were nulled, his metabolism was not impacted, much to his dismay. Cyrus dragged his tall and wiry frame into a slumped, standing position, and plodded towards his cell door, where his breakfast lay in wait. Imagine a staving obese man finding a fallen cheeseburger of the ground. Multiply this image by five and then one might understand what Cyrus looked like as he ravaged his food. After his stomach was thoroughly filled, he stood back onto his feet and stretched. His muscles bulged slightly, and his bracelet sent him a little shock. Green looked down at his wrist and frowned, why had it done that?

A guard warily walked up to the door of Cyrus' cell, he was known to be very violent towards the guards. Green scowled at the MSP as the man opened his cell door. "S-sunday Communit-y Ro-om," the poor bastard stuttered. Cyrus just smirked and walked past him, not bothering to look back. The young adult was sick of being in this prison, sick of being hungry and he was also sick of the stupid jumpsuit. Cyrus was so tall, his orange jumpsuit was two sizes to small, and clung to him tight enough to make him look muscular, which he was not. Green shuffled along, heavy metal shackles clanking around, they were alway super careful with him.

The guard opened the SCR and shoved Cyrus in and quickly closed the door. "You're kindness is astonishing," Green spat sarcastically as he regained his balance. He looked around the room and raised an eyebrow, He was about to speak when his eyes found the camera in the corner of the room. To his surprise, the men in the room were already plotting to escape. "Do you guys have an actually plan? Or are you just spitting nonsense to boost your hope that we'll make it out this hell-hole?" Cyrus muttered these words just loud enough for them to hear, and the camera not to. He sat down into a vacant chair and rested his chin onto his fist. He grabbed a power bar from a pocket in his jumpsuit. He had connects with a few of the guards who were willing to give him food in turn for certain favors he could arrange outside of the prison. Of course his connections were limited, he really only had one guy who could get people inside the prison certain...things. Cyrus finished off his food, muscles once again, bulging, this time it was a bit more noticeable.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Quickly people started to see them plotting their escape. If they saw them, the guards would notice it soon too. Still not trusting the camera David grabbed his pen and paper and started to write.If you could handle that map, it would be a major jump forward.

He then quickly showed it to Payne. After that he started writing something else. You can hack, right? If so, we won't be needing a keycard for the doors. He showed this to Riley. After that he wrote something else on the paper. My suggestion of a plan. Next sunday we bring everything we can. Food, maybe a small weapon, something you could hide. A map. Keycards. Everything you all could get your hands on. Riley hacks that cam and then the door so we can leave as silent as possible. After that we try to be as stealthy as possible. However i suggest we first pay a visit at the research floor. I'm sure there are some pretty intresting files down there. After that we go to the upper floor and break out from there. The details will form once we get the map. What do you all think? After that he showed the paper to everyone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Big Sister AM

Big Sister AM

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lucas, or Sissy as he preferred to be called, sat with his legs curled underneath him on his bed. His hands were positioned as if he was holding a guitar, even though there was nothing there. His eyes were shut in a way that, to the cameras, appeared peaceful. Actually, he was clenching them shut. His head... it felt like it was going to explode. He was sweating like he had just run a marathon in a million degrees and he could swear that he was breathing embers. He was certain that he was heating his little room up quite a lot, but he knew not what to do. He wanted so bad to tell one of the MSP enforcers, those dudes with the masks that came around once in a while, about his powers slowly returning. What if they did return to their full extend? Last time, he had burnt down his home.

He released a shuttering, shallow breath. He was sure that they could see the embers in his breath if he heaved a sigh. If he did tell one of the masked dudes about his powers, what about the other people? There were others in confinement as well and not all of them were as pleased to be there as he was. Many would want their powers back. What if he ruined that, by telling?

He wiped his brow with his sleeve in a calm, casual way.

Jesus Christ on toast, he was so hot. He wanted to think about something else, but he was afraid of letting himself go and just enjoying the music of his mind. The dancing flames would come back and if he felt this bad already, the flames would be far from small by now.

Just as he thought that maybe a nap would be good, he heard footsteps outside of his door. Dear God, no, not today. If they were to take him out of his cell and into contact with other people... he dared not think of what might happen.

Sure enough, the door opened and one of the masked men gave a little speech of how he was chosen to go excersise. Well, whoop-dee-doo. He had been there twice before. He had eaten some shit, played some solitaire, talked to some dudes and went back to his cell. It was not all that exciting.

“I'm not feeling so well, can't I just go next week?” was his meek reply. He did not move to get up, but he knew the masked man had nothing against moving him against his will.

The masked man seemed to think it over for a moment, or perhaps he was just shocked that he would even bother to ask, because the answer was a curt and firm, “No.”

He was brought down the hallways and he thanked every deity possible for the armor-like suits that the MSPE wore. Had it not been for the layers, the guard would have certainly felt the heat that was emitting from the young redhead.
He was pushed inside and the door was shut behind him.

He was not the first one in the common room, he was somewhat pleased and somewhat worried to know. He just hoped, and without really taking notice of it, prayed that they would not get near him and notice his, well, rather immense fever.

Instead of going to where most of the others seemed to be talking amonst each other, he went to the corner furthest way from them. He was dripping sweat, he was sure of it. He grabbed a guitar, sat down in the corner, no chair or pillow, just plain on the floor, leaned against the wall, placed the guitar in his lap and started playing. Soft, relaxing notes spawned from the intruments and he found himself feeling a little bit better, even if it was only his nerves. He hummed along; a few mumbled words of text squeezed in between the joyful sound of relaxation.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Do you guys have an actually plan? Or are you just spitting nonsense to boost your hope that we'll make it out this hell-hole?" The being of biomass snorted silently. This man was going to be obnoxious, he could already tell. However, he wasn't a people's person, so he would let Riley or David deal with the freakish man.

Payne's blank eyes narrowed carefully once he saw another prisoner, and hopefully the last, enter, seemingly sweating like a cow in heat. The male went straight for a corner before sitting down, grabbing a nearby guitar, and strumming a few notes. The prisoner shrugged, turning his eyes back to the two he was currently talking to. Riley, David, and himself, Payne. Would it only take them three to escape?

He broke out of his internal monologue once he saw David scribbling, yet again, on a piece of paper, considering he didn't have the means to constrict his vocal cords, like Payne himself, or mute himself to the point where only a certain few could hear you. Once the boy was finished writing, he showed the paper to such an angle where the camera wouldn't possible be able to decipher the text.

'If you could handle that map, it would be a major jump forward.' The words were relatively neat, and Payne deciphered them with only a split-second glance. A map would be super easy to create. He would just need a minute of silence, a piece of construction paper, and a box of colored pen. Hell, he could even do it inside of this room, considering his shadowy spot in the corner was hidden away from the camera.

"Easy enough." His distorted voice came out in a quip, right before the boy began scribbling yet again. He showed it to Riley, before writing once again and finally showing it to both of them. It was a rough plan, thought of in a moment's notice, and incredibly risky - but...it might could work if they played their cards right. Stealth was something he was good at, especially with his powers...

"Next Sunday, hm? ...I can create the map in a tad. Just give me a minute." As he said this, Payne's hands, interlocked, slowly changed into a mass of wriggling crimson rats, with spiky black and crimson biomass as fur. The rats were too small to be noticed by anyone not near him. They fell to the ground, before seemingly growing extremely small wings and flying onto the wall, seeping into cracks, vents, AC units, and more. Within seconds, Payne had a series of pencils and paper on the table in front of him, turned away from the camera.

His hand pulsed with crimson and black biomass as it moved at a blurred pace, creating an intricate and extremely detailed map of the prison, his eyes glazed over as if he was looking through the POV of a thousand rodents.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Legion020


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

David was more than delighted to see the strange rats walking away, assuming they would somehow start mapping the whole place. He was even more Riley could hack the camera. That would give them an edge. However, he was less happy about the annoying man entering the group, eating the snackbar. "The plan is being made." David said with confidence. He never really had much of that normally. But he wouldn't let some guy drop the moral now it was so high. He then realised that the camera probably had a mic. He really hoped that what he said was silent enough or that the guards wouldn't care.

He paused for a second. If he was caught, a guard would probably have stormed the room a second after he spoke the words. So he continued, whispering: "Here's my plan. There are five of us, including Mr. Loner over there." he nodded at Sissy. "That's small enough to get out of here fast. First of all, what are all your powers? Some, like yours Riley, could come in handy to hack a camera or a door. Payne, we could use you for practically anything I think. Mine is telekenisis. Or at least that is what i think it is. But what's your power?" he asked Cyrus. "And does someone know what his power is?" he motioned to Sissy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze 💎Golden Diamond💎

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Actually my powers aren't hacking, that's just stuff I picked up along the way. My actual powers involve sound, you know? Nullifying it, transforming it into solid objects, I can even use it to enhance my punches. Ooh!" Riley said suddenly remembering something. "This one time, I punched this dude in his stomach and he collapsed and he started-" he stopped awkwardly realising he probably sounded like an idiot.

David carried on mentioning that Payne's power could be used for almost anything and that his own was some form of telekinesis, Riley assumed Payne was the Rat maker's name. David asked what the muscled guy who was bringing everyone down's power was and then pointed to the guy playing guitar and asked the same question. Riley had no idea who they were, he'd never even seen them before.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Cyrus analyzed what was happening in the room, and in the process stopped walking. There was a man in the corner, who had just released some kind of organisms onto the floor. There were two other men, and another in the darkness. Green's proficient eyesight was able to see that the man was sweating, how odd. David spoke up, "the plan is being made," he claimed. Cyrus moved closer now, and noticed that Payne was drawing a map. Green was sure that the things that had dropped off of Payne was part of his mapping skills. David spoke once again, "Here's my plan. There are five of us, including Mr. Loner over there." he nodded at Sissy. "That's small enough to get out of here fast. First of all, what are all your powers? Some, like yours Riley, could come in handy to hack a camera or a door. Payne, we could use you for practically anything I think. Mine is telekenisis. Or at least that is what i think it is. But what's your power?" he asked Cyrus. "And does someone know what his power is?" he motioned to Sissy. Cyrus nodded, listening to David's idea. When he asked Cyrus what he could do he replied, "it's complicated. My body can absorb a special kind of energy from food. I can use it to make myself inhumanly strong, fast, get what I'm saying? I can also use this energy and expel it with explosive force." When David asked about Sissy Cyrus grinned, "seeing as our bracelets are not working, and it's only 70 degrees on here but that dude is sweating like it's 100, I'm guessing his ability has something to do with heat, but I could be wrong." Cyrus pulled out a couple pieces of candy from his pocket and popped them in his mouth. Sugar really got him going, he grinned, feeling power course through his veins. He hadn't felt that feeling in a long time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CraftWork


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Well you know, I'm sure that if we talked this through, we could really just clear all this under the rug right?" A ever bright and cheery smile adorned Matthew's face as he talked to the guard who was had a firm grasp on Matthew's arm as he led him through the halls. "I mean, I haven't even been in here that long, and there's no real re-"

"Shut up." The guard growled out, "You've been chosen for the Sunday Community Room, so just shut up and let me bring you there."

"Aright! Alright!" Matthew said, as he tilted his head backwards to look up towards the guard. "I just thought that ma-"

"No. No more talking" The guard clamped down on Matthew's arm harder. "Here. Just get in there and bug them, if I'm lucky, you'll piss them off enough for one of them to use their freak powers to kill you." The guard shoved Matthew forward and into the common room.

"Well, that wasn't very nice at all!" Matthew grumbled, "If I still had my bat, I could teach you a lesson..." A pout on his face, he shook his head and a a bright smile soon reappeared. "Oh well! Time to make new friends!"

Matthew looked up to get a full look at where he had just stumbled in. There were several people in the room, one was drawing what looked to be a very pretty picture, another seemed to be playing a kind of wonderful music piece, and the others were talking about... something? Oooh, and there was someone reading the back. It was clear to Matthew that he should play it calm, and make a nice subtle and causal entrance. Doing so would no doubt win him points with the reader and the musician, and allow him to easily enter the conversation that was occurring in front of him.

"HI THERE!" Matthew shouted as he fully leaped into the centre of the room, "MY NAME IS MATTHEW! HOW ARE YOU?"
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