Name: Jamie "James' Wolfe
Alias: Surge
Age: 18
Gender: Male
((Sexuality: Heterosexual))
Appearance: James is 6'1" and has brown hair and golden eyes as a side effect of his mutation. He has an athletic build, but isn't overly muscular in the slightest. James' ears are pierced and he has full sleeves of tattoos on both of his arms.

Powers: James' mutation allows him to manipulate kinetic energy which is the energy possessed by any moving object. James can use this ability to absorb any kinetic energy that comes into contact with him. He can use this energy to boost his speed, enhance his strength, etc. He can also charge objects with kinetic energy to attack. For example, he could take a baseball, and charge it with kinetic energy and throw it at high speeds because of the energy inside it. He can also use stored kinetic energy to enhance his physical blows by charging his body with kinetic energy. James' main weakness is energy attacks, as they hold no kinetic energy.
Bio: James' mutation surfaced on the day of his 16th birthday party. He was hosting a huge and wild party at his house because his parents were out on a business trip and had to miss his birthday. Everything started off okay, people were drinking, dancing, havin fun, and so on. James was busying himself with flirting with the new girl at school, when it happened. James was about to go in for a kiss when her eyes widened and she stepped back. James had given her a questioning look but she kept backing away from him. With her finger outstretched towards him, he slowly gained some attention. Finally he asked what the hell was wrong with them, then his best friend at the time handed him a mirror. The whole party went silent as James saw his eyes were now a glowing golden color.
Before James could do anything, everyone literally left. The words "freak" "mutant" and "weirdo" hung in the air.
James went to school wearing sunglasses the next day, but his mutation was already known throughout the school.
James was expelled from his high school the last month of his senior year. A few of the bullies had gotten together and decided they were fed up with having a mutant in their school. They jumped Jamie in the back of the school at the end of the day. James covered his head in desperation, but realized their blows did nothing to him. He also realized that he felt strong,
really strong. James only had to punch the three boys once, each punch sent the bullies skidding across the ground.
James was given two options in his court trial. Either he would go to jail, or to the Mutant College of Liberty and Equality. The judge was a mutant and had taken pity on James, knowing that the boy had not meant to send the boys to the hospital. James was lucky he was smart and met the academic requirements for the College, or off to prison he would have went.