Taiji Karmakin
Bloodstorm Wyrm
23 - Male - He/Him - "Bloodstorm" Wyrm - Heterosexual
"All things happen for my benefit, even fate seeks my attention."
Taiji Karmakin
Half-Human, Half-Elf
Taiji is a Arcane Trickster and the Twice Destined. He learned fire magic and greater fire resistance from an ancient scroll called the Demonic Urn and eventually advanced it into Glass Magic. Due to his current endeavors he has a battlemage's skillset along with an affinity for close-quarters-combat.
The Karmakin has always been an ephemeral presence in the world. A clan of humans emphatically existing on the fringes of society. A mythical figure persisted among them called the Twice Destined. Taiji embodies both of these parallels. At a height of about five-ten, Taiji tends to blend in with most crowds just as well as he might in thickets on a hunt. Despite this innate muteness to his presence there's an unwavering confidence in both his stature and gait. A demand of caution that belies his perceived meekness.
His blackest ambitions are hidden in his eyes. Its there, under those orbs of ink, that his bloodlust radiates from. His fae-like appearance, though mighty in its veil simply pales against it. Angular features give way to the strength of human balance. His expressions tend to be lighthearted, jovial on occasions but they're never without fire; without dark passion. Surely the curtain of black hair framing his face, tied for combat readiness, helps shroud his truth; presenting to most a delicate if not lithe impression once uncovered.
A warrior of concealing black garbs and light-silver armor; most could assume some mixture of mage and knight. However not many know what to expect from the foot-long vajra intrinsically tied to his waist; though it dangles slightly at thigh-level his fated gift impresses worthlessness. Golden with whirly bulbs framing its ends and etched by rings of loss importance, it appears worn by what appears to be grit and time. There are openings at each end of this fated gift.
His blackest ambitions are hidden in his eyes. Its there, under those orbs of ink, that his bloodlust radiates from. His fae-like appearance, though mighty in its veil simply pales against it. Angular features give way to the strength of human balance. His expressions tend to be lighthearted, jovial on occasions but they're never without fire; without dark passion. Surely the curtain of black hair framing his face, tied for combat readiness, helps shroud his truth; presenting to most a delicate if not lithe impression once uncovered.
A warrior of concealing black garbs and light-silver armor; most could assume some mixture of mage and knight. However not many know what to expect from the foot-long vajra intrinsically tied to his waist; though it dangles slightly at thigh-level his fated gift impresses worthlessness. Golden with whirly bulbs framing its ends and etched by rings of loss importance, it appears worn by what appears to be grit and time. There are openings at each end of this fated gift.
Drama persisted around Taiji since the moment of his conception. Throughout his childhood he was treated with indifference; for his very existence went against the isolationist ideals of the Karmakin. A halfling born to their very own black-sheep. While most had done away with the old fables; Taiji's father: Wuji had obsessed with the Twice Destined. So much so that he enraptured both Taiji and himself in those obscure studies. By the age of nine, Taiji had begun to suspect that something was intrinsically faulted within himself. There was an indifference to all life around him and a pulling to the stone shrine tucked away in the Bamboo Forest that kept the Karamakin hidden.
Throughout his adolescence, Taiji managed to make himself invaluable to the Karmakin by joining their warrior ranks. They specialized in fierce techniques that conceptionally made them more-lilke beasts than human, Taiji himself had quickly established himself as the strongest of their ilk. By his seventeenth summer; he had earned the rank of "Wyrm" amongst his clan (A quicksilver creature somewhere between man and God). Many pondered where his power originated; if it was a result of his "muddied" blood or his father's strange studies. It was neither. The Demonic Urn scroll had cursed and provided him with a dual-edged gift. The shroud of a persona, lessons meant to invoke a powerful presence to those around him and an unusual fire magic. He studied it with his father's guidance for three of the six summers since heeding the scroll's call. Towards the fourth summer Taiji had found himself standing over the desiccated corpse of his father. It was then that the Dark Whispers had slid between his own thoughts. They spoke of a undertaking to place the world on its heels.
Fairly liked and admired in his early adulthood, Taiji had, at the behest of the Dark Whispers left his suffocating existence in search for the Empire of Man. Before he could reach his destination however the Dark Whispers had taken on a triad of feminine echoes. It drowned out the growling and with those echoing voices came the shadowy forms of three croons. One covered his ears, ceasing the dark whispers, another firmly touched the base of his neck, and the last spoke to the place where his heart beat. A convincing conversation occurred without words, one that both loosened the scroll's hold on him and gave meaning to the "Twice Destined". At that moment, his Blackest Ambition was realized as well; the Dark Whispers had ceased but his initial destiny had finally be revealed.
Throughout his adolescence, Taiji managed to make himself invaluable to the Karmakin by joining their warrior ranks. They specialized in fierce techniques that conceptionally made them more-lilke beasts than human, Taiji himself had quickly established himself as the strongest of their ilk. By his seventeenth summer; he had earned the rank of "Wyrm" amongst his clan (A quicksilver creature somewhere between man and God). Many pondered where his power originated; if it was a result of his "muddied" blood or his father's strange studies. It was neither. The Demonic Urn scroll had cursed and provided him with a dual-edged gift. The shroud of a persona, lessons meant to invoke a powerful presence to those around him and an unusual fire magic. He studied it with his father's guidance for three of the six summers since heeding the scroll's call. Towards the fourth summer Taiji had found himself standing over the desiccated corpse of his father. It was then that the Dark Whispers had slid between his own thoughts. They spoke of a undertaking to place the world on its heels.
Fairly liked and admired in his early adulthood, Taiji had, at the behest of the Dark Whispers left his suffocating existence in search for the Empire of Man. Before he could reach his destination however the Dark Whispers had taken on a triad of feminine echoes. It drowned out the growling and with those echoing voices came the shadowy forms of three croons. One covered his ears, ceasing the dark whispers, another firmly touched the base of his neck, and the last spoke to the place where his heart beat. A convincing conversation occurred without words, one that both loosened the scroll's hold on him and gave meaning to the "Twice Destined". At that moment, his Blackest Ambition was realized as well; the Dark Whispers had ceased but his initial destiny had finally be revealed.
Before the Fate's intervention, Taiji believed he had no fears, but ever since a gnawing has persisted beneath his surface. While maintaining the persona of the Demonic Urn has become second nature, there's an unsettling terror that he scarcely exists. His likes, dislikes, motivations, and end goals are not his own. Though rare, when confronting this exceptional idea, a severe panic occurs.
Inherently, with a genuine lack of understanding, Taiji fears several common things as well. He now believes these to be the fears of the Demonic Urn persona. There is a fear of certain malevolent tones played in certain orders; an annoyance he believed at first, followed by the desire to destroy its source. The name "Malakith" creates urgency and sends his heart racing, similarly split-second visions flash before his eyes. Honest feelings of affection or the stirring of bonding tends to breaks him out into sweats as well.
Despite those oddities; he's found the most annoying to be his fear of sealing talismans and trident-shaped ruins.
Inherently, with a genuine lack of understanding, Taiji fears several common things as well. He now believes these to be the fears of the Demonic Urn persona. There is a fear of certain malevolent tones played in certain orders; an annoyance he believed at first, followed by the desire to destroy its source. The name "Malakith" creates urgency and sends his heart racing, similarly split-second visions flash before his eyes. Honest feelings of affection or the stirring of bonding tends to breaks him out into sweats as well.
Despite those oddities; he's found the most annoying to be his fear of sealing talismans and trident-shaped ruins.
Taiji's goals have always been tied to some malevolence towards the world. An ancient desire to see it shaken up. The Dark Whispers urged him to create a ripple that which no being could escape by dismantling the Empire of Man, yet with his Fate once again set on a path; he finds the urge to destroy the Maestro a secondary quest. Therein lies his Blackest Ambition, for if any one being or group could halt his first goal; it would be the Fated Five.
Taiji is a vessel for secrets. Unsure but almost certain that he did; his father's death belongs to him. The secret of the Demonic Urn Scroll; its formidable magic, its ambitions, and his motivations for fame and strength rests with it alone. That and his lack of a proper identity, for behind the Demonic Urn Scroll's persona is a blank slate. But among these, the most most recent and closely guarded secret he has is his realization that the Fated Five must be disposed of.
Taiji's biggest flaw is his goal-oriented thinking. He is always pondering the best way to achieve his Blackest Ambition. There are moments of critical hesitation that have threatened not himself but those around him. People have died from his reluctance to act haphazardly, vice-versa he has the tendency to see everything as a set of tools. As of the Fate's intervention with the Dark Whispers, there's been a greater disconnection between the Demonic Urn scroll's goals and his own. In regards to combat, wet environments without his Fated Gift are unfavorable.
An unnaturally observant mind, gifted from the Demonic Urn scroll, Taiji is something of a tactician. Unlike most, he rarely rushes headlong into battle; taking the time to observe the conflict to come up with a personal plan and overall strategy. As mentioned above a presence shrouds Taiji, something of a great beast perhaps more-then, it at times peers from behind his black orbs. It inspires terror and projects the blackest malice when provoked. Along with his variable magic; Taiji is a force on the field of battle and in regards to being useful is a deadly tool in the belt of the Fates.
As wielder of the Demonic Urn scroll, Taiji has acquired complex fire spells and a greater resistance to temperatures in general. Along with this comes a plethora of ingrained personality traits and compound tendencies that's created a fierce and powerful warrior.
Fire's Edge - Simply put; through the manipulation of inserted heat within sand particles, glass is created to act in tandem with Taiji's will. Its true strength comes from the finesse in which the magic is employed. Slivers of translucent shards, both big and small, nebulous and singular, are concocted to slash, block, crush, and amplify respectively. In tandem with his fire spells; it has the potential to become quite versatile.
Arcadia and Gaia is the weapon gifted to Taiji by the Fates. A golden foot-long vajra intrinsically tied to his waist with whirly bulbs framing the small openings on its ends, each side is etched by runes of loss importance. It appears worn by what appears to be grit and time.
Arcadia and Gaia bestows two main abilities along with protection from The Maestro's music. The first power is called Gaia. In order to activate it; Taiji must turn Arcadia and Gaia sideways with a clear resolve to destroy in his mind. Once activated the DUM! of a deep gong resonates throughout the area. Afterwards a torrent of sand pours from each end of the vajra to be used as he wills.
Arcadia demands a resolve based on self-sacrifice to be used. This power strips Taiji of his original powers to imbue him with a superior physicality and greater resistance to most magic. For thirty-three seconds he is granted divine properties in terms of his physical feats. To activate he must turn Acadia and Gaia vertical. Once activated a beautiful set of keys ripples above before fading out into a high-pitch bell. After usage, Arcadia take seven days before being used again.
Arcadia demands a resolve based on self-sacrifice to be used. This power strips Taiji of his original powers to imbue him with a superior physicality and greater resistance to most magic. For thirty-three seconds he is granted divine properties in terms of his physical feats. To activate he must turn Acadia and Gaia vertical. Once activated a beautiful set of keys ripples above before fading out into a high-pitch bell. After usage, Arcadia take seven days before being used again.