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Port Algec
HLLV Space-> Debris Field


Nathanial could only chuckle as he heard sky scream over the radio while he dethatched from the HLLV with some grace, when he detached he used too much thrust in the maneuvering verniers and nearly bashed his suit into the HLLV, looking around he was lucky he didn't hit anything other then his pride.

"Woah, sorry guys" he corrected himself and got his machine in proper orientation for him "Alright looking good so far. Teras, this is Lion I'm gonna scout ahead and make sure no Canners are in the area. Don't worry I wont go too far ahead from the pack like Skye, will radio back if I see anything before you guys catch up to me, Lion out." he finished as he started making his was through the debris field avoiding any of the denser packs of debris.


Simulator Room-> Hanger
Sirius Free, Ayame Izumi,Hanson Seuclid

Ayame waited for her chance to join the fray, once she found it the system froze on her,

"What? Gah! Well so much for an easy day today" the loud noise of the alarms went off right in her ears. She quickly deactivate her pod and popped it open, watching the people around her scramble she waited till it was less hectic for her to move to the locker room. Once she arrive, she quickly slipped into her pilot suit, a modified Earth federation pilot suit that had on the side of its helmet "Side 3", once she was in her suit she removed her earing and places on on the top of her locked before she put her helmet on.

She rushed over to the hanger were her machine was held, "I'm heading on the next group make it quick boy and girls!" she yelled to the mechanics that was getting her machine armed while she started her machines start up process. The extra arms each had had a shields equipped and the main armaments equipped with a beam spray gun and a Twin Beam Rifle, she also got a beam saber as a melee option. Once she was up for the catapult she joined a group heading towards the carrier Petersburg letting the other pilots in befor she herself entered the carrier.

Port Algec
Launch Tower>Into space


When the elevator reached the top Nathan went straight for his machine, the GINN HMT was high maintenance because of the machine's thruster system. When he got to his Suit he double checked with the prep crew that his machine was ready to go and had a fresh battery installed. Once that was done he entered his machine right after someone checked his pilot suit to run his own final checks as the GINN was loaded into the shuttle waiting for the launch.

The wait was unbearable for the Carius, he never liked these rocket launches, he was told how so many things could go wrong and gave him a anxiety of these rockets, but he was willing to deal with these terrifying things. He allowed the speech to sooth himself as he took deep breathes and not thinking about a possible fiery death as his rocket launched upward into the heaven and then space. The shaking he received while going up was worse then waiting,

"Gahod damnit, hurry it up you damn rocket!" Nathan was happy he wasn't transmitting as he was squirming and maybe crying, not an elite pilot of the empire's best and brightest. Once things calmed down he got himself composed,

"Roger that, standing by for detach" Nathan responded to Tyr as he readied himself to start piloting.


Simulator Hanger
Sirius Free, Ayame Izumi

Ayame looked at the settings in front of her, she was expecting maybe a duel but this worked for her as well "Looks good to me, Zakus and GMs are a nice" she said as she pressed accept letting the simulation start up in her simulator.

Once it loaded she started by checking her machines status, energy green, ammo full, sensors online, she set thrusters to maximum as to get a head start on the AI, her main plan was to find a good vantage point within the debris field so she can find and eliminate the enemy MS. She looked around and found a fairly intact old warship and could serve as such.

"Found an old warship nearby, looking like a good vantage point for us, I'll hold back for a moment and see if I can spot any enemies from here." her machine was built for medium to short range but she wanted to at least locate the enemy from afar before going in for the kill and would let Sirius go in first, she would back him up when gets into contact with the enemy. But for now she was scanning the debris field looking for the enemy.


Simulator Hanger
Sirius Free, Ayame Izumi

When Sirius arrived Ayame was sulking, she had taken longer then usual for her to finish the simulation. A recreation of a battle long past where she had to enter a large space station and destroy it while fighting through multiple waves of enemies. It has been modified from the base events that it barely represents what battle it was simulating. But it woke her up, after that run she was more alert with Adrenaline was coarsening through her, she was hoping this would keep her going for the rest of the day.

Ayame chuckled when he spoke, he still thought that she was some ace, she was good but not the level of any advanced or veteran pilot like Hanson,
"You'll be fine, I may have been a pilot for for years, but I'm no ace. If what your saying is true then I should be worried about getting my ass kicked, but I'm down none the less" Ayame said as she stretched her arms, "And as challenger you get to choose first."

Port Algec
Briefing>Launch Tower


NAthan had focused on the information given to him by Tyr, so far moral seemed low and the information Tyr gave wasn't helping. Those false flag operations the Gol would pull were effective against most Imperial units, for him he figured any machine in his path of destruction was not an ally... which had caused issues a few times accidently slicing off a limb of an actual ally, not his greatest moment.

While he did Agree with Skye about an assault against them, Tyr's rebuttal was better. If what Teras said was true then best to stay together so they were better situated to help cover each other which is what the planned deployment seemed to be. He mainly paid attention to the briefing of his sector of the operation, the ship he was assigned to look at just from first glance seemed promising for salvage, but other then that he would need a better look, but he figured the salvage crew would know more then him.

Once he left he made his way to the locker room as he changed into his red ZAFT pilot suit, one of the few things he's had for the longest time other then his personal short-sword and have seen it as a security blanket while in his suit, he couldn't see himself not wearing this while piloting. One thing he felt like doing later down the line if he survived this operation get his machine a new paint job, maybe a bright red or a rich red, but red none the less.

Once he left the building he loaded up onto a truck that would take him to his rocket where his GINN was being loaded into the rocket. He waited for the rest of crew and the other pilots to load up before the elevator went up to rocket, he noticed one of the Pilots with Teras was joining him, Troll was his code name? He heard Teras call him Troglodyte, which he guessed was a nickname she gave him. He is a veteran of space so best listen to his advice. Then there was Roose he meet back in the cafeteria, older then him and an Armen who were great fighters so he hoped he was a good pilot.


Tessa Stride,Sirius Free, Ayame Izumi

Ayame took lead as they left the Cafeteria, enjoying the fact that Sirius is such pure soul, if only he knew how poor she was in simulator combat against advanced people like him. Getting out of the Way for Sirius to speak with the scientist she has seen once or twice she let him do all the talking. The relationship these two seemed to be close and seemed to be a friend and mentor of his, which was great for Sirius as he seemed like he can make friends easily. What she wasn't expecting was Tessa eyeing her up like she was judging her before complementing her on her looks which she took with a smile, not something she heard every day and maybe was vain of her but she enjoyed it.

As she listened to there conversation she heard Tessa tease Sirius about a date,

'Date? Hah, what is this high school? Even if that's something the military allows, I'm too busy with my Machine, working on helping the colony survive.... and being A.I. Wait she's messing with me.'

"I'll meet you at the Simulators, it will allow me to warm up. Also, love your friend, got a good sense of humor" she said as she grabbed one of the handlebars taking her to her destination.

Once she arrived at the simulators she went to the first open one and loaded up a scenario and chose her mobile suit before launching the program.


Sirius Free, Ayame Izumi

Ayame thought about his offer, and figured that a good training session in the simulators wouldn't be too bad, might get her to wake up, or she might crash and fall, metaphorically of course.

"Yeah you can stay. Also I'm down for some some training, You keep talking about how great you are so how can I not see for myself?" she was curious about this young mans abilities, he was boasting about breaking records which she thought was a riot of laughter as those that set those records were veterans of there timeframe and she didn't think this kid had broken any of them. She on the other hand was no good fighter but she can hold her own, but if this kid was as good as he says he is then she might have a rough fight on her hand, if not then maybe her win loss ratio might be less depressing.

Finishing up her food she grabbed her own plate to take to disposal chute for her dish to be cleaned. "Ready whenever you are Sirius" she was heading out of the Cafeteria towards the simulators, she hid another yawn while in the hallway, she hoped that this tiredness didn't get the better of her today.


Hanson Seuclid, Sirius Free, Ayame Izumi

Ayame let out a laugh with a added scoff "Whatever, See you around Seuclid" she yelled on his way out of the Cafeteria. Once he left she let out a sigh as she went back to eating her breakfast, "Damn, that was some rough info he just dropped onto us. But that wasn't a bad conversation, and I'm surprised Hanson was so civil and insightful... He has a bit of a rep here as a Brute, as he explained."

Now she wasn't gonna stick up for the man but she isn't going to take any rumors seriously, well any of the current ones. But she isn't afraid to interact with him in the future, maybe help with him in the field?'Nah, he is a grown man... And he seems to work best alone. But enough thinking about the man, how am I gonna survive the next twelve hours?' she thought to her self as she finished up her breakfast. She would hope today is quiet and head to bed early to catch up on her rest. But if the Earthlings decide to come up today she will figure out how she can handle combat half awake as she let out a long yawn.


Hanson Seuclid, Sirius Free, Ayame Izumi

Ayame was silent, the amount of knowledge about this man that was dropped onto her was overwhelming to say the least. Her Parents never talked about their pasts often, and when they did it was never about happy times. Conflict, conflict of deferent ideologies, how people were being treated, how to be governed. She heard of the One Year from her Parents and how bloody it was, half of the human population was lost in that war. Then the Grypps Conflict where the Titians the Earth Federation's attack dogs decided to commit untold atrocities to keep the colonies in line. What they were she never found out, her mother never liked to talk about her time in the AEUG.

What Ayame found Ironic was that they were acting like they were Earth Federation, some of what Hanson said she heard from her mother, how they were treated like second class citizens, barbarians, uncultured and now we are doing the same this time to the Earthlings. The irony was not lost on her, or she thinks she sees the irony.

'Here we are keeping the Earthlings locked up on Terra Firma while we are acting like Earth is some old dwelling that has an infestation and we are deciding how to exterminate said infestation before remodeling it to our liking'

She was lost in thought when she heard Sirius's Reply, the kid did have a funny way of talking. He wasn't appalled in the mans actions, he was interested and in awe like a child learning something cool. For her hearing this man had a hand in the current conflict, she hated him... or she wanted to as she knows full well he was only following orders. The colonies decided that the Earthlings were not worth contacting and opening a dialogue to form some kind of relationship with Earth. But that wasn't her problem, she didn't decide that course of action. No, she was a simple cog in the machine with her own dreams and asperations, one she found a nice middle ground where her dreams never interfered with her work, well mostly anyways.

Contemplating the new info she let out a long yawn, her night catching up top her now, "Sorry, had a long night last night... You've also gave me a lot of info the digest, and while Sirius seemed to process that all very quickly I might need a moment to let it all sink in." She honestly could think about this stuff for hours and not have it be properly digested, best to let it simmer in the back of mind then let this be on the forefront.
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